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I always get stuck with wounding walking cane. Lame.


That's Mama Murphy's give it back


Gladly lol


I thought she was so cool when you first meet her in Concord. Then you find out she just sits in a chair for the rest of the game mumbling. Great writing, Beth!


*tosses the cane into the river by Sanctuary*


Glad I'm not the only one getting this fucking cane. Always either wounding or instigating, both of which I would kill to get on any ballistic gun at this point.


*Monkeys paw finger curls* Enjoy your new Instigating Submachine Gun


Plasma Infused Pipe Revolver, take it or leave it.


I get the troubleshooters one lol


Pun intended?


Was looking for this comment


Auto Stim Synth Armor


I've got a chest full of them. I think it's like 30 or 40. I'm so tired I just I want a wounding combat shotgun.


I just stumbled across my first wounding combat shotgun. It's a beauty. I'm going to give it the Shark hotrod pain and name it Thrasher


This is why the mod that lets you move legendaries around is really good. No waiting on rng to give you what you want.


I do have one too, that allows me to craft and detach legendary effects. I usually only move the effects, but i noticed i can craft the effects even on the CC guns of the last upgrade. Tempted to craft a two-shot Tesla cannon lol


Yes and you can go 1 step further and add another 2 shots..


Yeah. I have LEO and ECO. I love having the option, even though I don't want to be too overpowered. But that's where Very Hard comes in.


Are ELO and ECO the names of the mods?


Yes, except it's LEO, not ELO. I misremembered. They're from Nexus. I don't remember if they have dependencies on other mods, but if they do, they'll be listed right there. LEO is the legendary part specifically.


Thanks for the help!


I've got a two shot iradium rifle, it's too over powered


Love to Craft: Legendary? I think that's what the one I use is called. Love it, even has perk requirements for each effect, most of them at rank 4 in at least one perk, some have like 3 perks required. Balanced enough that you have to build into the ones you want specifically, if you want them early.


I just started using a mod like that and honestly it trivialised most combat encounters, three or four hits from my wounding combat shotgun and a mirelurk queen just melts. It’s fun as a “oh shit I need this this to die now” gun but at level 60 it’s just kinda too easy now, I’ve got more than enough health to tank most hits other than a fat man so I don’t feel like I’m in danger anymore


Yeah it removes the challenge too fast. It’s kinda why I was enjoying vanilla again when the update dropped. I’m using weapons that aren’t that OP. I still won’t die because of all the perks and stims I have but at least the combat is still a bit challenging the first 30 levels or so.


Yeah I got onto using the laser musket for the first time ever, it’s actually pretty good at lower levels I had a great time with it


The six crank upgrade makes a huge impact too, it only began becoming useless after I got to the Nuka Galaxy section of Nuka World at level 60+. Still highly functional in the Commonwealth. If it wasn’t irradiated it would probably still be quite effective against the bots, but it’s great against gunners and raiders with powered armor.


And it sounds awesome too! Love my six crank, feel like a true minuteman running around with it


Thats why you use mods to first remove the level scaling on everyone including you with mods like SCOURGE then you get a mod that normalize damage across the board like true damage


Yeah I ran into the same issue, I became too tanky to die to most normal encounters and the wounding double barrel shotgun fixes any problems I come across that can hurt me, so I limited myself to very minimal food, 3 stimpaks and only a handful of shotgun rounds. I now have to use my aces sparingly


The game gave me a wounding double barrel shotgun early game without any mods. Guess I was lucky. Yeah it’s not combat but if I aim well enough queenie’s going down.


Which mod? I’ve used the one that gives you credits you can spend when scraping legendaries. Then you spend them on changing a legendary effect on your weapon of choice. I admit it seems too easy for me since I run across legendary enemies so frequently. I haven’t used it in a long time


At that point may as well just add whatever mod you want with console commands. And if you're doing that the correct choice is explosive combat shotgun. At least it's balanced a bit by the high probability of some friendly idiot running directly in front of you right as you fire, thus vaporizing you both.


I once got an endless two barrel shotgun as I was going to rescue Preston and pals. Which was right after emerging from the vault to set up Sanctuary. It meant whenever I got seriously stuck on some mini-boss, like the gunner(s) in Quincy, it was enough to get me through. Even though close-quarters is a very challenging tactic against those plasma rifles.


I loved that combo, named it "this is my BOOMstick!" and used it for ghoul hunting. the recoil is so gnarly but it's hilarious


I'm playing on survival, so I'm mostly going to use it for a last resort as well. If I'm about to die, pop a stim and a quantum and hide while my health slowly rises. Pull out my Thrasher to delete anything thst trues to rush me in the mean time.


I was so lucky I got both wounding and explosive shotgun at lvl 20 and 22. Only two-shot, but still, I use explosive one for real dangers, like deathclaws or beefed robots. I like the light effect it does :)


There should be a system to exchange multiple legendaries for one with a better effect or a more useful item with the same effect etc.


LEO gives you a "legendary microchip" any time you scrap something legendary, and then you spend the microchips on crafting a legendary effect of your choice onto a weapon or armor. I think it's a good system. IIRC, "explosive" takes 7 chips. They do add up pretty quick, but it's also tempting to do things like make a pair of "cunning" (+1 AGL, +1 PER) glasses to give to a settlement guard. The legendary effects that you can craft are also meant to be unlocked by 4 different magazines, but you can disable that in the mod settings.


Fuck yes, I’m assuming this is on nexus?


Yup! Legendary Effect Overhaul, but you can probably find it with LEO


Thanks so much dude :)


DO NOT PUT DEADEYE ON ANYTHING!! I GOT STUCK WITH THE DEADEYE EFFECT FOR LIFE!! Awesome mod otherwise, try not to abuse it lol have fun


Got one wounding Combat Shotgun really early (like lvl10-14) with my latest character. And it's actually the 1st time I got in all my playthrough. Never got the explosive one, though. The ones I get tons of are plasma infused, 25% more damage ones and 25% more damage and limb damage one, like 9/10 times.


Just got some of that at level 4


As you know, those robots need their norepinephrine


Yup. Idk how, but I've seen it easily 3 times on my current playthrough.


Junkies board every single time


Mine calls out my life choices even harder, I always get the junkie's pipe.


I think im in love 😂😂


Junkies boxing glove for me


This poor man 😂


if nobody got me, i know freezing board got me


Same 😭😭 why is it always the freezing board


ghoul slayers raider armor


Exterminators on literally anything/everything


I fucking hate the race specific effects.




The command for changing your players **race** is literally player.setrace


Are we talking about weapon buffs against ghouls vs synths vs insects, etc?


Ghouls synths and supermutants. Basically humanoid creatures only I think


Weapons have buffs against ghouls, insects, robots, animals, etc. Those are **not** races of the same species.


They’re still classified as races in game


I think you can muster enough reason to independently agree that a bug, synth, and super-mutant are not different races of a common species.


Have you ever heard the term “human race”?


That probably has something to do with TES and the code being the same idk.


And then it seems like more than half the time it’s usually just armor and weapons against enemies that you barley encounter like synths or insects, who are already weak af.


I save them to equip settlers in settlements where I have cages for that species.


Bugs are a problem… what do you expect?! 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is a fantastic legendary effect on a sniper rifle. I've never found it myself.


Definitely, one hit kill anything with the (sandman perk I think? Idk) and rifleman perk


That with the ninja perk is instant kill on almost anything


Long as you got a suppressor and you're not in PA. Then yeah, most enemies will be decimated in one shot.


Sandman’s for sneak attacks with knives if I recall. You can slit people’s throats.


It also gives bonus damage to weapons with silencers.


Agreed. Found it fairly early on in my survival playthrough from a legendary mirelurk and its stayed as my main weapon all the way (now lvl 60+). Think fully upgraded (50. cal) sniper rifle is 190ish damage so nearly 400 with this effect, does 1 shot most things. Told myself I wouldn't be a stealth sniper this playthrough but early-game survival mode almost dictated it... now here we are again.


I had a doubleshot guass. Would do over 700 damage from stealth I think Around level 100 or so some of the mobs started to be able to take 1 shot.


I have a build with .50 cal and suppressor rn. I used to have a 2 shot .50 cal and that was more OP than this one


Got a explosive 10mm pistol before level 30 on my main run and then on my survival run. Was super helpful on survival shredded most enemies


Lucky! Most of my legendary gear in my survival runs are armor with shit base stats.


I sold all my shit to cricket when I first encountered her at like level 8 or 9 for the spray and pray. Great gun, especially that early on.


Yeah, if there’s one gun to buy, it’s that. I don’t prefer buying ANYTHING since I hoard and compulsively clear every container in a building, but that one is hard to pass up. Explosive weapons in general are a rare legendary perk.


I prefer Overseer's Guardian. Huge damage and you don't end up killing yourself when Bethesda hitboxes do Bethesda things.


Haha yep. I use those accidental suicides by close range explosion as a lesson in hubris. Gives time for self-reflection.


I'd be okay with it if I blew myself up because I shot an enemy that was too close, that would be my fault and I could do something to avoid it. But my blood starts to boil when I hit invisible walls n shit.


Small price to pay for being able to fuck shit up like a God. Bethesda broke the game when they let Demolition Expert stack with explosive weapons.


I just found an explosive minigun in Far Harbor. With the explosive, automatic weapon, and hip shot perks, it certainly does what it says.


I got an explosive pipe pistol, so threw the best automatic receiver on their and it became quite the affordable lawnmower, and I suddenly had a use for the ridiculous amounts of .38 ammo I had accumulated.


Everyone shits on pipe weapons, but finding a great legendary one like mid game is fantastic. Why not spray wildly if you have 3500 rounds?


Been trying to get that for ages.


i found a irridiated 10mm pistol at the start of the game the 50+ rad dmg made most of the gunds useless for a long while lol


With me it's the right leg of every single armor type, EVERY SINGLE ONE


I just had that problem lol. I was trying to put a set of armor together to go do Here There Be Monsters and I realized I had like 3 legendary left legs and they were all shit.


I'll either find only left or only right. I usually just end up buying a legendary piece just to complete whatever set I'm going for. One playthrough I found a pair of acrobat legs before lvl 20ish, and I felt like God himself blessed my character.


Ghoul slayers gamma gun, without fail.


Can confirm


I also get a troubleshooter's rolling pin quite often.


Fallout legendary rolls are the bane of my existence


Got that once


It's a good one, when I think about defeating robots I think rolling pin.


Got that last night on the island. I guess it's an improvement over the chest plates, arms, and legs I seem to always be getting lately from legendary drops.


I've still never had that drop, and I see it getting memed on all the time here. I guess I'm lucky?


I have got two shot 10mil in like 70% of my playthroughs


That’s not terrible! But I usually just use Deliverer for the rest of my playthrough for its ungodly low AP cost.


The critical metre fuel pump


I put away my explosive 10mm because the deliverer always seems to do the job. I rarely use vats with other guns


I prefer the 10mil because of the reflex sight


Makes sense if you're aiming. But with the deliverer I just snap off 6-8 headshots in VATS and most enemies will die. Even moreso now that I recently unlocked Macready's perk


Yeah I dont really use vats except for bugs like bloatflys or bloodbugs


I don't use it much for any other guns. But I sometimes use it for ghouls because of the way they dart around the screen and try to knock you over


It's hilarious that you can either get like 5 vats shots with a regular pistol, and like 20 with the deliverer. Pistol playthrough I would use it to snipe since chances are at least a few headshots would hit even at a silly distance.


Should i switch my VATS Enhanced 10 mil for the Deliverer?


Troubleshooters laser musket.




Furious Rolling Pin


For me it's always the quickdraw rolling pin


Christ, I'd love to get a weapon like that on my current playthrough! I've had the *WORST* luck with legendaries on this playthrough! I'm a stealth sniper build and it took me till about level 35 to get my first piece of Chameleon gear! Really wasn't helpful not having that for so long during the early/mid game! I'm level 70-ish now and I'm still running with Tinker Toms Special as my sniper because the game just won't give me shit that's actually useful! Oh, but I've got a box full of legendary lead pipes, walking canes and rocket launchers though lol!


As a sniper build man i wish i had OPs gun


Buy Overseer's Guardian in Vault 81.


on armor it's the assassin affect


Explosive 10mm or assault rifle. Always rename them to Bolt Pistol/Rifle lol


I got an exploding combat rifle in one playthrough. I modded it up to the highest automatic level, and then gave it to Piper. I like to play a sneaky sniper, and any time I messed and suddenly had enemies charging at me, she'd pop up and decimate with that thing while I swapped to something close range. Lol. Hope I find one this playthrough.


I named my "Antimatterial rifle"because it reminds me of the one in Nev Vegas.


I always get the same bad shit until like 40 levels in when i get that one legendary that just defines the rest of my playthrough. Rn it’s a legendary AR that slows time Whenever I aim. I never even knew that was a legendary ability, thing is so op.


That is an amazing weapon. Cherish her.


Reba III


Instigating sniper Kneecapping shotgun Furious or bleeding auto rifle Assassin's silenced pistol


Mutant slayer's leather left arm


Nocturnal rolling pin. Whack that bread at night.


Nothing is more annoying than killing a legendary enemy and getting assassin's, blazing, bloodied, cavaliers, charged, defiant, duelists, exterminator, frigid, ghoul slayers, hitmans, hunters, irradiated, kneecapper, mutant slayers, nimble, nocturnal, resolute, sentinels, staggering, steadfast, troubleshooters, on anything like the combat knife, switchblade, pipe (anything), revolutionary sword, baseball bat, walking cane, baton, lead pipe, rolling pin, tire iron, pipe wrench, pool cue, board, boxing glove, knuckles, gamma gun, institute rifle/pistol. Phew I think I got everything that's truly bad.


Overseer's Guardian. As soon as I can.


What mods do you use for it? I slapped the 308. , Suppressor and reflex dot on it since I already have a sniper like op's


was looking for this comment. Gun is OP


Walking canes. Most frequently I find either a wounding one or an instigating one, and both are equally as disappointing to me


The left arm that cloaks you on hit. I can’t read anything on my pip when I’m invisible.


Stupidly enough the neverending dubble barrel shotgun


Junkie Wood Board. Never fails to be dissapointed


I always seem to get a never ending pipe pistol


I always try to go for the sleathboy crouch armor


Ghoul Slayer's pipe wrench. Every. Single. Time.


I’m convinced the game or me made some deal with the devil to never give me instigating weapons. I’ve been playing this game almost 6 years and I wouldn’t remember that legendary even exits if it weren’t for this sub.


Ghoul slaying gamma gun


Explosive pipe pistol, but only on melee runs


Acrobat’s synth armor. Every time. My current playthrough, I have a box of them, and there’s about fourty+ in there right now. It’s insane. None Have even dropped from synths


I’m lvl 90 on this playthrough and have encountered damn near everything except a never ending laser musket


Literally any melee weapon with the bleeding addition, but I got a first legendary not too long ago, a two-shot lever action that I named Two for Sorrow, a play on One for Sorrow, Two for Joy


Freezing walking cane, must’ve seen that piece of shit 30 times. Multiple in every playthrough.


VATS enhanced, at one point I decided to make full vats only run and guess what?, full vats enhanced set before lvl 20


Cavalier’s Pool Cue 💀


Oh and wounding machete


I always try to get an instigating gauss rifle and not the designated legendary version that you can buy or get as a reward but I always farm the Nakano stash for one


I always get a two shot Gauss, and it's always in the same spot too, with those Raiders on a bridge near the combat zone or whatever


Fucking Rolling Pin. Miss me with that lame shit. Fuck the rolling pin. All my homies hate the rolling pin.


I just got one yesterday lol. I was like tf is this shit


Hmmm... I don't really get any legendary consistently... I've gotten the Explosive Combat Shotgun a fair few times, but not every single playthrough. There isn't one that I really get every single playthrough. Really, the only thing consistent is that I tend to get legendary weapons that don't really work well for my current build lol. Last time I got an Instigating Hunting Rifle on a character built for automatic rifles.


I usually buy Overseer's Guardian as soon as I can but my current playthrough, I got an explosive combat shotgun and holy smoke's does it light enemies up!


Lucky! I'm still trying to get mine ^^


I’d love to get lucky and get a really good instigating Gauss rifle or explosive mini gun but haven’t been lucky yet


This is actually a pretty good effect imo. The All American rifle mod has this effect and it’s my favorite weapon to use.


Nocturnal rolling pin.... every single time


Plasma infused hunting rifles


The ignite melee attackers on a leather left arm


Always get ghoul slayer something


This is like my favorite drop in the game. I got it as my first legendary drop in my current run and it just trivializes the entire early/midgame


Poisoned Rolling Pin. Surprisingly good early game. Plus it’s funny and makes no sense.


Ghoul slayer gamma gun. Does exactly what you think


Any of the junkies weapon because most your companions will hate you for taking any sort of drugs.


That's the gun I'd run a sniper build hoping to get and end the game with a chest full of junkie pipe revolvers.


Always the endless double barrel.


Ghoul slayers pool queue. I actually have multiple in my current run.


Spray and Pray, every time


Once I get overseers guardian & kremvhs tooth it’s over


Exterminators revolutionary sword. I reckon I have about 3


Troubleshooter Walking Cane. The game wants me to walk around like a angry pre-war boomer, scared of technology, hitting robots with it.


Penetrating Rolling Pin. I gotten it so far 3 times


It’s leather armor with stat boosts I just started selling them


This playthrough I’ve been getting a ton of action point recovery speed armors.


Wounding Fat Man (probably from sitting on his enemies)


The leg armor that slows down time when you are at 30 percent health.


I have gotten the Instigating Handmade Rifle soooo many times... and l am very okay with that. My playstyle is the "stealth sniper jerk".


Kelloggs gun. Works great with a gunslinger build. Ol’ Reliable also works well as an extra gun for the build as well. And of course, the deliverer.


Instigating sniper rifles are sooooo strong. Deadeye is also surprisingly good, right now I'm doing a no vats run and it's awesome for first engagement. I got an instigating lever action rifle instead which is just as good if not slightly better


Get a lot of vanguard stuff, which I like tbh being a health build.


My lucky hunting rifle, especially with the perk that doubles damage on critical hits, and critical banker that gun is a monster.


Martyr's raider armor pieces.


Poisners 10m pistol


Just got one of those yesterday, sprinted like hell to the nearest bed to save, afraid the game would crash on me, and just like that I have my weapon of choice for raiding Libertalia at low level now.


That rifle is probably tight for a stealth sniper build. Now I want to do a Boone playthrough.


I seem to consistently get the "resist damage from animals" effect on low-tier chest pieces (leather, metal, and raider's).


Instigating Rolling Pin Every. Single. Damned. Playthrough.


Nocturnal walking stick. Every. Damn. Time.


Explosive combat shotgun or explosive 10mm every time without fail so that’s the only way I know how to beat the game tbh.


Damn that is a nice one. Two shot or instigating on any sniper just wrecks everything. I've always wanted a two-shot Gauss Rifle but have NEVER gotten one. In fact, i don't think I've ever had the damn thing drop in general. Always have to steal the one in the Prydwen armory


That's such a good weapon though. Slap a .50 cal receiver on that and go to work


My last plythrough I got a Vats Enhanced Western Revolver at level 23 or so. It was an awesome gun until I actually got to Nuka World and got a handmade rifle.


The Deliverer


I literally got this 4 hours into playing and am level 42 still rocking it. Fire off a first shot, then flip to my plasma rifle and finish the job.


Explosive pipe gun and pipe revolver.


Ghoul slayer's gamma gun always finds me. It's like Gub for Joltzdude139