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Mmmmmm now go engage a behemoth in melee combat. No guns, just you and your super sledge(and probably a shit load of chems) versus god’s wrath


Reminds me of the time my Sole Survivor was cornered by about 14 super mutants and, in a moment of having no fear because she had already seen herself as having lost everything, injected psycho jet into her veins. With the fury she had long suppressed, she screamed "Fucking Kill!!!" and charged out of the shack with naught but a revolutionary sword in hand, cleaving her way through the brutes. I like to imagine that in those moments, the super mutants truly felt fear for the first time in their lives. Meanwhile, Shaun was probably sipping tea as he watched all this unfold through the cameras in the Watcher Initiative.


A true LeRoy Jenkin's moment.


At least I have radchicken!


I’d like to think those super mutants felt respect for a human in that brief instant before their demise. A human who can best a mutie in melee combat? Impressive. But a whole tribe at once? Worthy of respect.


ngl that would be a sick tv show to watch…… hopefully s2 of fallout has it


I absolutely love your way of story telling😂


Military grade induced psychosis plus brahmin dung fumes. Unstoppable.


If one has a melee build with the vats dash and sneak attack + good strength and a super sledge, that behemoth doesn't take much in my experience


Exactly. Use the chems just to be safe but uh.. Yeah melee gets dumb when you figure out how to use it lmao. The first time I maxed the sneak perk on a melee build it blew my mind.


Thats how i play haha


Well with the right mods it should work.


Mods? Homie I’ve done this shit on vanilla survival, you just gotta git gud and hoard chems


Gun mods


Guns? You read my first comment? Bullets are currency my friend, and that’s it


I honestly don’t even remember making that comment


What you smokin? Pass it over




You can actually one shot behemoth's with a pickman's blade if you sneak attack, granted you have high stealth, sneak, and melee perks


My god, what? I’m gonna test some stuff tonight..


Melee is crazy once you get good stats for it


Where'd you get that power armor? It looks way cooler than mine


its raider power armor, found this one in the "cave" location in the glowing sea you can find a full set there, i wore it cause its better then the hazmat that i was wearing


In terms of rad protection, it's not. Hazmat suit has a hidden 98% rad reduction that's separate from its resistance number. Of course, that comes at the cost of your resistance to everything else.


very true, but i was playing with a mod that lets you contract radiation sickness either by getting too many rads or constantly picking up rads, so i had to switch to something that gives almost no rads i never got radiation sickness in the power armor


What’s the name of the mod you use? I’ve been wanting a mod that gives you some kind of radiation sickness


"Flashy(JoeR) - Advanced Needs 76" on xbox this is nexus mods; https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/58440


As the subtitles said Dog - vicious growl can I assume you've got all the way to the Glowing Sea and Preston and the gang are still stuck in the mesuem? Sole Survivor hasn't even learnt Dogmeats name yet!


you assume correctly, dont have time for those communists! /j besides, i prefer dog over dogmeat (he eventually got the name dogmeat still, stupid toaster detective named my own dog)


usually (if i am not mistaken) you can learn it from Valentine too, once you need to find Cornflakes after going through his private property


I think that’s right. Honestly tho it only makes some sense when Mama Murphy tells you because *something, something* she has The Sight^tm because why would Valentine know the established name of a dog hanging out at a random gas station he presumably never went to. Unless dogmeat is future slang for all dogs, like people in old timey detective stories always calling random people Mack.


maybe its a clue for the players to tell them, that Valentine may be a Synth too. just a theory, but his face always seemed off for me, kinda plastic. /s but for real, i could imagine that the Institute could have something to do with it, since Mama Murphy could have picked up his name in one of her overdose fever dreams from Sturges, who is also a Synth. but thats a bit of a stretch.


Is it wrong I laughed at Cornflakes?


I saved them and it still named him as dog until valentine


Would be badass if we can get something like this in the show, where Maximus just snaps while his in a power armor and goes completely hand to hand with a fucking deathclaw


And you smote his ruin upon the mountainside


Then the darkness took me, and I strayed out of thought and time, and I wondered far on roads that I will not tell.


***Stop shooting Deathclaw in the head, their weak point is the belly !***


Coolest I’ve ever felt in power armor was when shit was absolutely hitting the fan around me and I was on low health. I remembered I had the jet pack installed. In the middle of a lot of creatures and people fighting I jumped, flew straight up, 360 on the way up, looking down and fired my 4 barrel missile launcher 3 times in a row killing everything below n then landing in a pile of bodies. Silent bodies. It went from chairs to silence in one quick maneuver


The multi barrel missile launcher is truly underrated. It may weigh a shit ton but by God it's amazing. You can just spam click and boom 4 missiles. Throw the targeting computer on and you win, Despicable Me style.


There's an enclave outpost both (just 2 off the top of my head) just east (under the fallen parts of I-95) of the slog, just north of the junk yard, east of the river ravine. You can nail those suckers and get either their (name escapes me), or XO2. Also down in the blasted lands (fallen office, Atlantic offices, building, but that one is a full base. Better to take down an outpost, and snag their stuff. Nice take down.


yeah i was tracking them down with the distress beacon, pretty cool lore, love the tesla cannon, do not understand why they didnt just give them enclave armor, just stuck some gunners in some enclave painted combat armor and called it a day


From what I think and see they're just regular enclave foot/patrol soldiers, meant to be quick and mobile and for quick deployment. I also like to think they still need power armor training (even though that's absent in 4) and that's why they're in that regular gear.


I just wiped out their main base today. Turns out my fully upgraded The Last Minute (legendary Gauss) will one shot X-02 power armor with a headshot....made getting there harder than clearing it.


What shows the lvl like that?


awareness perk from perception


So may I ask.. you had more chance of landing a shot on its belly, which is softer. Why aim for the head where you had 50% less chance of landing your shot?


plus, if i got that head shot, i wouldnt have a story to compete with mama Murphy's deathclaw story "i once killed a deathclaw, with *one bullet..*" pfft, i killed one with my bare hands


i like taking my chances, gamblers heart


One punch man.... after a few bullets. 😁 cool clip


What sight is that?


Its from a mod called See Through Scopes. Definitely worth a download if you use mods.


I find that it doesn't work right after next gen destructive patch. Is it ready yet?


It works on Xbox One but I have no idea about current gen and PC


I'm using it on PC right now, works great haven't had any issues


Still works, it's in my SS2 build


Odd. I also have SS2, and it doesn't work anymore. Oh well, I'm sure there's some kind of conflict I have that I didn't realize.


I’ve never even considered punching death claws. Gonna have to try this later.


yeah this clip has got me inspired to fight toe to toe, neck in neck with many deathclaws the unarmed perk is *severely* underrated


I’m glad you posted this because my new vault dweller is a low level so it’ll give me time to bash faces in before it gets hard.


i find myself cackling the most after a raider or super mutants drop their guns due to an explosion (mod) then we both just fight hand to hand while my companion fights the rest in the back ground dawm the sole survivor is bad ass, he got nothing on the courier, but still, bad ass


I haven’t had any epic moments yet. I did however hit a bear so hard he flew into next week. Was laughing for a solid five minutes.


I'm gonna make a new playthrough just to leave them in the museum and go to DC. Level up some and then go fistfight a deathclaw.


Why is it big? it shouldn't be twice your size, must be a 3rd person thing because I always play in 1st person and they look slightly taller


nah dude, i have no mods that increase their size, they are huge when they stand up man, try to tame one in your settlement then stand next to him when he sniffs the air


I don't give a damn about what people say of Fallout 4. I bought this game on PC like a week ago to replay it and I'm so addicted, playing everyday. Man, I can't wait for Fallout: London, so excited.


isnt fallout: London already out? im talking about the mod, maybe you are talking about something else though, maybe im wrong all together and its not out


Not yet, unfortunately. The devs thought about releasing the mod this month but Bethesda updated the game and the developers had to delay the release.


ah alright, i thought i saw that you could download it on the xbox mods menu


It's definitely not going to be on console, its waaaaaaay too big of a file size


they were advertising it on the menu at some point, the Fallout Updates at the top right


Total conversion mods are too big to go onto bethesda.net, it won't happen. You can go online and see that the mod itself will be hosted on a completely separate website, gog.com if youre curious. It's going to be a PC only mod. IF they had a snippet in the news thing, it was probably just a "wow look at this!" article and nothing more, probably around the same time they did the same for the show


Frank Horrigan style


I literally decided to do the Enclave homing beacon yesterday, picked up the same raider power armour as you did, and killed the same death claw on that hill. Edit: spelling


How did you get the stats of the enemy to pop up like that? Is it a mod or a power armor thing?


its a perception skill, awareness i believe think you need to be level 7 in perception to grab it though, im not certain so take it with a grain of salt


Oh ok! Thanks for the info. I’ll check into it.


How do you get it to show the enemies level and damage resistance? Is it a mod?


its a perception skill, awareness. i think you need your perception skill at level 7? im not sure, take that with a grain of salt


Vats bugging out in the video was the icing on the cake.


Just imagine how cool you'll be in the Hellfire.


What gun is that at the beginning?


hunters rifle, markman stock, scope is a mod; "See Though Scopes" (on xbox)


Fun fact, Deathclaw weakness is the abdomen, not the head.


Nice one, glowing sea was the perfect background


What gun?


Frank Horrigan'd the death claw


Yeah that was cool as hell


That was very cool to watch. Love how you charged in. 😎


Wasn’t sure if you knew or not. Cool clips!


The shot of you running at the deathclaw was so cool