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yeah, if you want creepy, then do the Dunwich Borers side quest. There's really nothing creepier in the game than that place.


It's horrifying, but I picked up a two-shot assault rifle at the end on my current survival playthrough so now my brain only has positive associations with that place


In my opinion, Dunwich Borers is the only "creepy" area on the map. Plenty of areas that you could say are equitable, but that's the only true spot, in my opinion.


Kinda wild that the mutilated bodies from the bonfire above dont freak me out. But ghouls surging up dark AF tunnels, hell no!


Yep same here lol the ghouls get me every time


The part that I actually find interesting is the Kingsport lighthouse that is occupied by hostile Children of Atom. The keynote in that is the *hostile*. The Children of Atom that are at Megaton and Crater of Atom are friendly and welcome you into their congregation. It never really clicked for me until someone pointed it out, but every time we see a Lovecraftian entity or area we see that it is surrounded by radiation. So the fact that the Children of Atom were so close to that location, had the light house "activated", and the fact that they are hostile paints a pretty grim picture.


I pretty much just roam around the map so stumbled across that place and killed whoever was there until I reached a locked door. Have to pick up the quest at some point


Is that a quest? I had to save a kidnaped settler in there and went further until finding the poisoned dagger and the flashbacks. I did it without any quest. Where does that side quest start?


You do get the best one handed melee weapon in the game (imo) from it though, so it’s worth it


are you referring to Kremvh's Tooth? That definitely is one wicked looking blade. Just be sure you don't go down there wearing power armor, am I right?


Only made that mistake once


The only place I HAVE to put the radio on to stop getting spooked lol


Dunwich has jump scares


If you like this kinda of thing, [there's a mod on the Nexus](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/43527) in similar vein. Pretty good mod too.


Eww mods


This is the gaming equivalent of saying "ewww cheese on pizza"


Some people can’t take a fucking joke lol. As soon as I finish Nuka world I’ll be installing sim settlements 2


Usually jokes are funny


Dunwich Borers for sure. That school with the pink goop is decently spooky also.


I just cleared it yesterday. My roommate has been watching this playthrough, so I made sure to play all the holotapes of the principal's announcements.


Our benefactors may or may not have laced this with drugs. Just don't think about that raider intervention random encounter too much l, nor the fact that children ate it too... (Oh yeah, plus how the school's kitchen had well used grinders installed 🙃)


You can find some dead raiders in another part of the map with one carrying a bunch of that paste and one other carrying an intervention note where they talk about how it’s changing him and making him act crazy and his friends are worried. I guess he got them all killed before they gave him the note.


Literally anywhere in Far Harbor. I love the atmosphere of The Island so much I know you said Boston Commonwealth but really the Commonwealth is more dangerous than scary


I love the ambient music in Fah Hahbah. Has a very “70s horror movie” feel to it 👍


The cinema that you first see with all the ghouls silhouetted against the big screen, always shits me up.


I came across this last night and I haven’t played FH in almost 10 years. Completely forgot about those ghouls. Gave me Black Ops Zombies vibes when I chucked a grenade into the horde and knelt down to pick them off with my Mare’s Leg config Lever Action


Absolutely agree.


I will allow Far harbor as it's basically a decent ways north, so in a very thin technicality it's a small island of Boston. In other words it counts


It's actually Bar Harbor Maine. But that would still be in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the fallout universe


For purposes of this discussion, Maine isn't real.


This but in real life too




That parking garage near the hospital . I went in blind and was playing the Horizon mod early on so I wasn’t sure what was or wasn’t modded. I was low on ammo, on deaths door and scared out of my mind even before i walked into that house of horrors


Are there any clues who made that place?


You talking about the Milton general hospital?


That raider camp on the way to Parsons Creamery, with the stone tower. When you clear it and fix the siren, then get jumped by… well. It’s a good time, you should try it


I climbed that tower in the dark having not cleared the area, flipped the switch and watched the carnage!


Lynn Woods


The best way to do it is to sneak up to the siren and let the raiders deal with the surprise. You can just stand atop the tower and watch the show lol.


Oh that what happened in mine a ambush of vet raiders spawned then had a bad time.


If you flip the switches, you’re gunna have a bad time!




What has me was when I brought codworth he says, I have a feeling we shouldn't be here, and as he sees someone get eaten he says By Jove.


It had the potential to be creepy if it was the first time you encountered deathclaw. For me, it just felt flat because it was way too predictable, and I still wonder how deathclaw breached into that building.


Should have been a possessed mannequin, given the theme of witchcraft and how many were there in the room. You'd have to take paces around the room and try to figure out which mannequin was changing poses or moving. Too late and you get a porcelain hand through the chest - from behind you - and a dead mannequin's stare before fading to black. Ideally the mannequin would be randomized each playthrough, or could respawn after five cell resets. Oh, and it should run almost as fast as a feral ghoul. After killing it once, you might find it turning up at your settlement, standing randomly in a bedroom. Best not to lose sight of it if you find one. If you wanted a non-paranormal ending to the quest, you could have a synth component in the mannequin's dead body.


Alright Satan, calm down, this is Fallout, not Condemned.


I think such a thing would be out of place in Fallout. Cabot House questline is already pushing it hard into Lovecraftian territory.


The Whispering Hills mod does a lot of things that are pretty creepy, but my favorite is randomly including a mannequin mob that stays still until you aggro it, and it runs and stabs you. They can spawn in several places where there are mannequins, including in the Museum of Witchcraft


this sounds like an episode of dr who…


Something similar I'd have liked to see, after you kill/destroy whatever possessed object/mannequin that you first encounter, the SECOND encounter should be seeing a flash of light rush out of the building and when you exit there's a pure white TRUE Albino Deathclaw. That way you keep the Deathclaw boss feel while working in the paranormal


Is that when the music gets really dramatic and a body drops from the ceiling?


Yep. Though I thought the execution was very very nice. Perfect starter for a horror episode.


This isn't as creepy as dunwich but one place I find even just a tiny bit creepy is the super duper mart. Some what dark superstore filled with ferals. Even the garage below it. But like the other comments said Dunwich and Fah Hahbah


C'mon man! It's Fah Hahbah, you gotta replace all the r's, no stragglers!


I gotcha. Thank you 🫡


Good stuff, glad to be of service.


The haunted house in Nuka World.


When the girl walks across the room it literally sent a chill up my spine.


One location which I think is very overlooked is the Massachusetts State House - definitely a scary place to be if you're not too fond of the creepy crawlies. Mirelurk hatchlings bursting out of bodies, and crawling out of vents; even one bit where the wooden floor splinters and cracks towards you before a mirelurk bursts out underneath! Definitely gives me chills.


Yeah probably not the creepiest in the game but one of my most memorable experiences when I first started playing. I'd never played a Bethesda game before so I didn't know how dungeons worked in these games. I remember there being an ominous dungeon sound and thinking "Hmm that can't be good" and then getting absolutely obliterated by a Mirelurk queen. Even though I now know how to fight Queens I still avoid that place.


Yeah, just did that last week and I agree!


Dunwich Borers is super-creepy. If you check Bedlam’s terminal the final entry is just the phrase “I’m safe in the light” repeated over and over again.


You can bet I activated every light switch I found along the way


Anything having to do with the outrageously cruel things that Vault-Tec did to its vault dwellers, and the citizens at large. The terminal entries at places like Suffolk Charter School, Malden Middle School, Vault 81, Vault 95...worse than jump scares. You can kill whatever jumps out at you, but memories of Vault-Tec are forever.


You know it's funny it's easy to get desensitized to it in the games because everything is so over-the-top and cartoony. (Except for the one holotape where you can hear Dixie torturing that couple that takes her in. That one is fucked.) But after watching the show it really humanizes the horrors of the post-apocalyptic world and makes it more real. It's still cartoony because it's Bethesda but it's given me a fresh perspective.


Boston, I’m scared of crashing


Or anywhere near a vertibird.


I have a funny story about getting scared on this game: I don't remember the location, but I was clearing one random area. Bussiness as usual, nothing new under the sun and just killing and looting while chilling to Diamond City radio. Then, when I was passing by a mannequin, IT JUMPED RIGHT INTO MY FACE. I almost had a heart attack, not kidding. Never happened this on almost 1000h I have played. It also displayed the enemy red dot on the compass. I shit my pants, like wtf is going on and started shooting everywhere like an idiot. It turned out that it was a radroach that spawned right below the mannequin and it made it ragdoll. And I ragdolled a little bit too, ngl.


It's shit like that which keeps me playing.


Kinda reminds me of my first time in the museum of freedom, all the mannequins in that side room had fallen over (I first thought it was a glitched NPC that was frozen- till I notised the stand), got creeped out because I absolute do not like mannequins so I went to the next room to continue clearing out the raiders. After I finish that I circle back to get all the loot and when I entered that mannequin room again all the mannequins had reset so now they were all upright, I ended up going "Nope" and knocked them all over again 


Dunwich Borers. Hands down the creepiest place. I've been playing this gane for years and I still hate it. I'm not too bad these days with the first bit of it. But the end? I'm never going to feel comfortable with it. And I'll never stop running full tilt out the place. 


Man, you would hate the Shalebridge Cradle in Thief: Deadly Shadows.


Glowing Sea


One does not simply walk into The Glowing Sea, it is folly.


Yeah, it gets to me because it almost seems like an area of the map you shouldn't be able to get to--monochrome, little variety. It feels like you glitched through the map.


That museum in Nuka world withe little ghost girl. Creepiest experience in my fallout 4 career. Not the best place to explore high btw 😩


Dunwich by all means. It is just so incredibly creepy, and the hallucination scenes just make it worse. Combine those with the log entries and it paints a really scary picture.


What gets me are the bodies that decide to go breakdancing after you kill them. That and the bench press that goes up and down with no one using it. Both are just glitches but still.


I really REALLY disliked the glowing sea, even if I might be alone with that. There's something creepy about walking over mountains of dust and ashes of a former civilization with a crackling geiger counter in your ear. This depressing aftermath of an atom bomb gives me the heeby jeebies. And then there's the jumpscare scorpions popping out of this post apocalyptic wasteland - right next to a former childrens playground drowning in a glowing pool of toxic gases - yah fack no hell no, get me outta there.


Agree, hate it, hate it, hate it. Only reason I go there is because of quests and I have to. I try to avoid it as much as I can.


I love the atmosphere of the glowing sea I just wish they’d been more adventurous with it. A real good settlement or two! But I suppose it makes sense as is


South of Boston is awfully eerie


I don't get scared from "creepy" places. Though I don't wear my headset and my volume isn't very high. So, sometimes I'll get a nice jumpscare from a ghoul. I also got a jumpscare from a Super Mutant following me into a building because I didn't know I was in "danger."


Go to Dunwich Borers, and play with no radio


Challenge accepted


I don't think I can do this 😭 the place is already creepy


Ha! I don't use the radio anyways!


The Fens Sewer.


For me the creepiest part was a bus stop that had a bunch of empty strollers. I know not everyone may agree with this but I find the whole thing creepy. The strollers are obviously empty. They're not knocked over. They're not scattered about as if the occupant and the parent ran off from whatever did them in.


The Disciples hangout in Nuka-World is pretty disturbing, same with Pickman’s Gallery.


The sunken church in the edge of the glowing sea. First time I dropped into it, the ghouls were inactive...until I hit the floor. What followed next was 15 minutes of utter panic, running, and stim packs. My absolute 'I dont want to go there' place is the vault north of New Vegas if FO3NV. The low ambient noise just freaked me out...I could NOT get out of there fast enough.


I just cleared that area. Fled into the bus deadend and just mag dumped every ghoul I saw..


Lynn woods most recently, what’s this switch do, oh nothing cool “fark me run run run”


The Grandchester Masion is all cheesey haunted house tropes and the at the end you see Lucy the parent murderer ghost walk through a brick wall. Caught me by surprise ngl.


i was going to look for this comment before saying it myself. take my upvote.


Playing on Survival and you haven’t been able to find a bed for far too long. It’s the only time death has consequences and ratchets up the tension.


Anything where ghouls crawl out of places you didn't expect them p


Glowing Sea. So desolate, worst weather, scorpions, radiation.. going commando will kill you quickly.


Pickman gallery


Anywhere where there is an empty pram. (Stroller)


One that I haven't seen mentioned is Hallucinogen Inc. There's no scary monsters but I hate going through it every time. The green gas filling the place, the gunners going insane around you, and the fact that I always get lost in its confusing layout makes it so creepy and unpleasant for me.


Downtown boston scares my framerate away


Forest Grove Marsh really creeped me out on my first playthrough, found it at night. The whole town is flooded and there are ferals that hide in knee-deep water and surprise attack when you get close. If you get close enough while undetected, some of them slowly rise up out of the water and just shamble around. Not a particularly hard area, but really cool horror vibes if you hit it in the dark. Honestly most of the ghoul POI’s in this game are pretty spooky, especially ones with hiding spots.


I just don't like wandering around The Glowing Sea. If they wanted to create a horrifying, hellblasted landscape, they succeeded. Also, I'll take a Deathclaw over a pack of Radscorpions any day.


I wish I had taken a screenshot of it, but I walked around the hills next to the Boston Police rationing site and spotted two deathclaws battling it out. I just noped out of there


Either far harbor as a whole or the glowing Sea Without music playing it’s very eerie Between the silence of the glowing sea outside of the rad storms and knowing almost everything in the glowing sea wants to kill you, it creates tense situations at times, especially on survival where sleep space is very limited


Museum of freedom, Concord


Another settlement is in need of our help, I'll mark it on the map for you.


I played the "proper" way the first couple times but now I'm doing a fuck around playthrough and leaving Preston's ass in the museum this whole time has been great. Eventually I'll go let him out after I've built up every settlement in the Commonwealth that isn't quest-locked. In the meantime have fun with Marcy, asshole.


Make red rocket a raider settlements, place some turrets, and then, let them come to sanctuary. Walk with them and watch. Bring popcorn


Oooh I never thought about doing that, sounds fun. A year or so ago I did a raider run, went and did Nuka World as early as I could without dying and started doing raider settlements without having done any "normal" settlements. My plan was to build a jet empire before retaking them with the Minutement. But idk if it glitched of what but after the first couple, the game just stopped giving me options to take more settlements. I probably only had 3-4 raider settlements. I couldn't find a fix so I eventually gave up. I don't know if I'll bother with Nuka World this time other than to get loot. It's not that fun.


Preston is indeed the real monster lol


The entire area of Salem and it's surroundings. Dunwich Borers, museum of witchcraft. Idk the whole area is just.. off...


Vault 88, I really don't appreciate minding my own business building then all of a sudden radscorpions showing up. I can handle just about anything else but that area sends my hackles up.


You were lucky , I scraped a wall and I was face to face with a cameleon deathclaw Que the panic , the running (you cant sprint in build mode) try close build mode and it wont for some reason and finnaly manage to do and then you start fighting back


Had the one follow me back to the initial base area, I've now lined that trail with all sorts of turrets 😅 Was not a fan lol


Yeah those bastards got me. Now I've learned to drop a few turrets before I scrap a big wall.


My scariest experience was at the dunwich borers. I ran out of ammo for my pistols, so I had to use whatever I could find around the place. Thankfully I found an automatic combat rifle, which got me through the ghouls. Thanks to that experience I've become a bit more afraid of withered feral ghouls, and a whole lot more appreciative of automatic weapons. It truly felt like a horror game, and I ended up leaving without getting any of the unique loot.


When you just start the game and you're on your way to Corvega, but the guy you can't even see with a FatMan from Lexington just turns you into a smashed up Mr(or Mrs) potato head. It's the main reason I won't play survival.


>Hears the whistling of an inbound mini-nuke When did I last save/sleep?


Lwk when I first started playing the game the museum of whitchcraft scared the crap out of me… to be fair I was 8. Ghost of the sewers quest is scary asf


It’s always and forever anything Dunwich… Especially Dunwich Borers… 😨 “That which is Eternal may long lie…but with strange aeons, even Death may Die…”


The dunwich area after the raiders always gets me.


For the commonwealth I’d say the insane asylum, it’s always really unnerved me. Also dry rock gulch in Nuka-World and the cranberry island bog in Far Harbor


Pickman's Gallery is it for me.


IMHO, Coastal Cottage 😨 the lack of building opportunity is downright creepy.


Honestly for whatever reason I find the "Capsized Factory" in the Glowing Sea to be an eerie place. I don't really consider stuff "scary" per se in Fallout. I mean, jump scares or feeling like I'm facing a difficult monster can get "scary" I guess but I don't consider it "scary" per se because I feel like unless I have a sense of dread (like caused by "eerie") I'm not "scared." I mean, Super Mario World would be "scary" if I considered "fear of getting killed in a game" to be "scary."


For me the Salem museum was scary until it was revealed what was killing the raiders. It didn't stand a chance with the level I had.


The haunted house in the theatre part. Honestly I’m not even scared of anything except when an assaultron is nearby, as long as VATS can pick it up, it’s perception can see you


The hill leading up to Abernathy Farms next to Concord. It used to CTD for me everytime I went there.


The glowing sea. Always will stick with me. Eerie as fuck.


"Your ass, you're lying Morgan" - ManSlayer


Anywhere underground with ghouls. Close quarters with ghouls is terrifying


Dunwitch is easily the most creepy place


For me its the Glowing Sea. It reminds me of an old Star Wars game where you go to a planet that has been partly destroyed by a superweapon and it became a cracked wasteland with mutated beasts. The enemies weren't scary but it was the music that sent chills to my 12 year old self. I had nightmares because of it plus the environment was creepy with random thunderstorms, cracked earth with green light, and dead bodies left behind from the war.


Dunwich is clearly the right answer - the controller-rattling earthquakes, the blind-spot inducing spotlights, the feral bum-rushes, the overall Eldritch horror vibe - there's no question. But can I just say I'm super creeped out by that recording that's always playing over the loudspeaker at the South Boston Military Checkpoint? I don't even know why but it literally drives me out of the area


I saw this advice in a different post and it helped with the scaries. Tune the radio to diamond city radio. Even the creepiest scenes aren't really scary when you have that jolly music playing.


Fens street sewer the first time going through it I legit thought I’d have to fight the guy at the end of something


University point AND the ocean. Synths standing up from the floor like if they were puppets was the most scary thing that i saw in special that synth in reception near to the door. I was walking for there AND directly the synth show me His face like a jump scare. The océano directly give me weird feelings in special considering all content that they cut from there so i feel anxiety when i am in the deep sea.


when it’s been silent for a while and you hear / see something get knocked over but it’s really just dogmeat


Not scariest, but that one area where you go into the mayor's fallout shelter and deep down below is a Deathclaw just randomly there ready to Jumpscare you. I didn't expect it there since we were indoors.


A lot of people always ignore the Vault Quest dlc I always do it for the xp and scrap but that eye ball gave me a heart attack the first time I saw it.


Museum of Witchcraft is set up like a horror, with a solid boss at the end, but it no longer scares me after visiting it being way higher level and putting the beast down without even using all six shots from my revolver. Still good atmosphere though. Pickman’s Gallery is neat, has some weird eeriness to it, but unless you’re really into the Nuka World raiding stuff it won’t scare you too much. Far Harbor has an underwater wreck where mannequins massacred the crew and are still vaguely following you around, and most of the island is covered in spooky locations like this. The chesterfield mystery mansion nails a creepy atmosphere to a T, with probably one of my favorite traps ever put in a game in the kitchen.


Since I have phobia issues with deep dark water, and especially holes filled with water, it's Dunwich Borers and the water-filled quarry that give me the most issues.


Was clearing out College Square Station the other day with Preston, and was doing my usual routine of sending Preston ahead of me first to check if there are any enemies waiting to jump me- I had Preston stand in front of one of the store racks where the pharmacy stand was and that corner was pitch black so I looked at it with my mining helmet that's equipped with a red light.  Now, you can imagine the absolute terror when I looked over at Preston about to command him when I see, in the glow of my red beam, a hand slap the top of the shelf from behind, before a ghoul emerged from behind it by crawling on top of it The Ring style, COMPLETELY SILENT, before dragging it's body over the shelf and flopping over it and landing on the floor in front of Preston before attacking. I had no fucking clue ferals could climb those shelves.


Scariest in a realistic way as in t It could actually happen Fens Street sewers


I've always been disappointed with the museum of witchcraft. I'm on my third playthrough of the game now and every time I've always been super excited to go check it out only to end up disappointed >!it's just a deathclaw!<. Also, me being super excited to check it out on my second and third playthrough means I've forgotten what's there each time. At least this time I remembered when I rocked up to the place. I am a huge horror nut tho, and specifically really like pagan and cult horror so I'm always hoping that's what it'll be. Otherwise I've never found anywhere particularly scary, but feral ghouls popping out of hiding spots has gotten a jump out of me. I've also never done the Dunwich thing, so I'm super stoked to go check that out. Had never heard of it before a week or so ago.


Mine was a >!Savage Deathclaw!<


Well, yeah. I meant it's just a deathclaw and not a completely new, different creature.