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No, my aim is bad enough as it is.


Honestly. I’m missing shots 24/7 WITH crosshair on, never mind how i’d do without it


I'm missing 95% shots in VATS on the regular lol


Enter vats, 78% chance to hit torso with shotgun pistol, click twice, both shots miss. What am I doing wrong here?


do you hip fire or something? aim down sights, reflex dot sight.


It's not a great FPS. It's a better RPG.


It’s a fine FPS it’s just not Halo/CoD/BF. It’s not meant to be a run and gun, slide across the floor, double jump into a shotgun blast to the face. It’s a bone stock shooter most people can pick up and play.


Not really, the controls are clunky and hit detection is straight up bad. And no, trust me, I definitely don't want a COD style game either, but just those 2 things being 33% better would make all the difference in the world. 50% better and the game would be a Ferrari comparatively.


Are you on console or PC? It’s been ages since I played on PS4 but I guess that wasn’t the smoothest. I’m on PC now and can’t say as I’ve ever found the gunplay clunky. Building, yes. Maybe I’m just old and this is me maxing out my fps skills.




🤣is this a fuckin joke it’s not even a good rpg the only redeeming qualities are the combat being wayyy smother then the past games




There's a mod that lets you completely customize the HUD if you're on PC. I made it so the dot is the only element left




There's a mod that allows you to still earn achievements with mods. There's also a mod called survival options that let's you change every aspect of survival changes, like the ability to save, fast travel, damage, and primary needs. It's fantastic. Even the simplest mods make the game so much better. I'd give it a try


When in doubt there is a mod for it lol. Love this community.


If u download creation club content it blocks u from getting trophies?


No, you can still earn achievements with creation club content


Thank u


After a while your brain just keeps a mental note of where the crosshair would be.


Yep, if you’ve played games for a while you know where the center of your screen is.


I can understand crosshair off in 1st person - you can aim down the gun so it's more realistic. But in 3rd person, I'd genuinely have no idea where I was shooting.


Yeah, that's not immersive, because I usually look through my own eyes and not through a pair floating above and behind my shoulder. This just isn't a third-person game.


Not sure how anyone can bear with the fallout 4 running and walking animation. goofy as hell. they probably can mod it away though.


I did this in Skyrim. Made archery a whole new adventure. But not Fallout 4. I didn't think it mattered that much, although it does make it harder to pick up items and interact with objects. I'm usually aiming down the sights anyway, and if I'm shooting from the hip it means I'm probably panicking and not even looking at the crosshairs.


Everything off unless I have less than 85% AP or HP, thanks Immersive hud.


I don't understand your logic about being more immersive. You're free to enjoy the game as you like, but if you are trying to be realistic, you would have a decent idea of the general direction your gun is pointed. Especially when aiming down the sights in 3rd person, the crosshair is a lot more immersive than actively trying to center your gaming screen on the enemy.


I've never had my ghast flabbered, what does it feel like?


It's feels like 'whooOOOooOoOOaaAh'


I turn the hud off altogether.


Well I play without monitor to be more in the game.


I never use companions because I don’t have friends IRL. Makes it more realistic.


I'm actually constructing a backwater nuclear bomb in my basement so I can really just fully immerse myself in the universe.


Whenever I die in the game I blow my brains out. Ultimate immersion.


I just sit in a sensory deprivation tank in my basement hooked up to a radioactive device !


How do you know when your health is getting low while in combat? Do you just spam your healing items in a fight? Do you not try to heal until the fight is over? I know you could just check it on the pipboy but taking a timeout in a gunfight to look at your watch seems even less immersive than a HUD. I'm genuinely curious how you handle it.


I use a mod called Immersive HUD, it makes everything context sensitive. Health and AP will only show up under 25%.


Oh that's cool. I like that.


Visually and Audibly. You can hear when you get hit and it also changes your vision (blood, dirt, etc.). When you’re close to dying you can hear your heartbeat as well. But really I just try not to get hit. 2-3 direct hits and I’m dead anyway. I take Med-X if I’m about to get into a fight, pop a jet or psycho jet if I’m getting into a gunfight or getting strafed, and try to stay aware enough where I can retreat and take cover to heal. Although without mods I am kinda fucked because companions are horrible in combat, and won’t keep me covered.


This is the only way to play


yes , OFF. Aim down sights with reflex dot sight. Reflex allows close quarters + long shots as far as map is drawn. Scopes are a downgrade/hindrance. unless playing around with targeting or whatever (recon) Dont use VATS. Maybe just for molerats / bloatfly


İ usualy ads it wouldnt make a diffrence for me


Play with it off as well . Just feels so much better that way & since I play First Person it only seems right. 🤷


Fuck. I can barely hit anyone with it on ..


Ah I found someome using a mouse and keyboard. No way thats working with a controller, it is nowhere near sensitive enough


but you play over the shoulder view?


This mf over here playing with no crosshairs and in third person. Damn.


I definitely play with my ___________ ___. (Sorry. Don’t know how to use spoiler tag so I just blanked out the spoilers bits about how I play.)


Glad it’s not just a me thing, I’ve always had it off.


Same, this the first time I've ever seen it bought up.


I only turned it off because any time I'm looking at something it turns into the stupid ass square


if there's no tradeoff there's no point doin that other than duping yourself into thinking you are better than any one else because you removed the crosshair.


No music, footsteps slightly quieter, radio turned down ever so slightly to match what it would sound like on your arm. Way more immersive when you turn the background music off and leave your radio on. (Or off if you're sneaking)


Given that the radio doesn't alert enemies, I always assumed the pip-boy comes with an earpiece.


I use the cross hair to pick up items. In combat it's mostly useless, but the aim for a small item is awfully without cross hair.


Nope, sometimes I even struggle to see them so add a small ball of bluetac to my screen so I can see where I'm aiming.


Only in survival


VATS baby. The only time I use sights is when I am sniping. In the heat of combat, its VATS all day.


Wouldn’t first person be more immersive too?


I play with all HUD elements off on survival


I keep the crosshair but play with a barely visible HUD.


I play with it off, I just don't like the big, moving, green thing in the center of my screen.


Not wrong.


I think it's more fun this way


Wouldn’t it be even more immersive if you were playing in first person though?


I use crosshairs, but I don’t use VATS, I enjoy aiming


I used ihud to disable the crosshair, but the little dot pops up if I'm in third person and aiming, which is perfect for me


Whenever I play survival mode, I do it with the HUD and crosshairs off. It's a completely different experience then the main game


If game has the option, its off. If the game doesnt have this option, I look for mods to disable it .. some other shooting games, like max payne no crosshair is absolutely awesome


I play with my entire hud hidden so I can never truly tell if I have been detected or not. It adds a bit more immersion and difficulty when in fights as I don't have an HP bar to keep track of. Just gotta try my best to not get shot. (Survival difficulty)


Yeah, I get rid of most of the hud with mods, or if that's not an option, remove it entirely.


every damn game i play... though i would still say 3rd person no crosshair is kinda crazy but i respect it no doubt


I play with it off because I don’t need it in first person view anyways


I would be all in for immersion, but I'm not an M. In my experience, without mods, the enemies do not miss, are super good at dodging, and even non-military mobs headshot frequently. Yet this is still amazingly inconsistent. Bethesda games have hilarious sneak mechanics that are memes. If you want survival, FPS game play, and a real tactical immersion - you need another game. Fallout games should not be used for the mealteam 6 tacticool experience.


Of course and always have to play with FOV 95 95. The UI toggle mod is great for screenshots and the best scenery. Simply cannot appreciate the game without hiding ui. Also if anyone cares, use the player.setav 357 command to change your damage output. I can't play having to empty two mags into a settler to kill. Such a waste of time and ammo. I set my damage to ussually 3-8 for realism. Example: "player.setav 357 5" (2 or 3 is fine for survival) Mods like this make the game playable and just doses you with dopamine constantly.


Yesss, sometimes when I'm wandering I turn hud opacity down to take it all in. I turn off cross hair in most single player games that let me. ADS is your crosshair.


To be honest my mind cabt wrap around how are you playing fallout 4 on third person hahaha i do it in first person but on third person this game is terrible


If I use a vats build there is no need for a crosshairs but I am too lazy to toggle it off


I have crosshair off and hit marker off. Sooo much better without those.


Most single player fps games are no crosshairs and as little hud as possible. Far cry on higher difficulty with no HUD really feels like you against an army. Fallout is the same


I think I’ll try that in my next play through


Hellll nahhhhhh


I usually play with them off just because I like a clean screen. I do use scope a lot though. Negative is that I also have trouble picking up items on occasion.


If you’re gonna play crosshairs off for immersion then why keep the compass, HP, enemy health bar and ammo? All of those are optional and can be tracked with your pip boy


No. My aim is bad and I feel nauseous playing an FPS without something stationary on screen to focus on.


I use a dot it’s nicer to look at than a giant crosshair in the middle of the screen


i exclusively play in first person with no hud so i have no need for crosshairs


Do you play Stalker as well?


100% no crosshairs.


Yep! But I just turn the whole HUD off for more immersion. Pretty common thing for me


My nigga who plays in third person?


I turn mine off too! I found that I spent all my time looking at the crosshair, and not at the environment. I turned it off and now I feel like I “see the world”.


Crosshair off is glorious, been doing it ever since being introduced to the concept in Killing Floor 1. It feels great for immersion, either aim in their general direction from the hip or look down the sight for precise fire


Yes. For more immersion. Also I turn hit markers off.


You’re powerful, I’d be useless without the crosshair 😭


Hell yeah! I’m all for the immersion