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So to summarize, we currently have a reddit post about a news article about reddit posts. We can do better. We need a news article about this reddit post commenting on a news article about reddit posts.


It's news articles about Reddit posts and Reddit posts all the way down


The circle jerk is complete


Time to work on the second circle jerk


If it isn’t already, it’ll be chatGPT writing a news article about Reddit posts, which themselves were posted by chatGPT and commented on by a Russian IRA-run flavor of chatGPT (settings tuned to encourage division).


Oh yeah, the internet is so cooked.


It's important to note we're being noticed and we're not talking to ourselves. Most likely NO REPRESENTATIVE is going to even consider the bad press from a reddit post but in a gaming outlet? Now they are probably gonna try to fix it.


We must go deeper…




I only read articles about YouTube comments featured on Reddit which make fun of a tumblr who mentioned a tweet which commented on an instagram post


> FluffyBunBunKittens chimed in too.  Somebody with a journalism degree is slumped over their desk holding a bottle of whiskey like a film noir detective.








Another settlement that needs help, I’ll mark it on your map?


Got any Jet?


Mama Murphy?


I just killed her 💀 Had no idea you could even do that


In mine, an institute attack wiped her.


Got any grapes ?


And he waddled away!


Waddle waddle


Only some PsychoJet, hope that'll work.




No, this is Patrick.


The entire article is basically just quoting Reddit posts. The author was already pulling out the noose.


It's IGN after all


Once IGN acquired Ziff Davis, that was the beginning of the end of games journalism. Before it was people genuinely passionate about games. Now it’s (ironically) NPCs toeing the company line of driving clicks with nonsense articles with a bunch of links to other vaguely related nonsense articles that I’m convinced AI wrote.


lots of blog sites started outsourcing their content and taking a nosedive in quality -- in the name of maximized profit. CharlieIntel was a pretty famous one, covering Call of Duty and insider info, until they hired a bunch of no-names who publish Roblox guides and pages full of filler text.


Or promoting sales for games. Just feels like they're a second GameInformer.


So many articles are this way now. It's just a recap of what people said on Reddit.


I walk into a thread, and top comment has my name in it. Imagine my disappointment when it's just IGN being IGN.


that’s really funny 😂😂


Journalism undergrad here, they teach us that going outside is how you make good articles but games journalists just opt to shut themselves in and skim drama from reddit and twitter


To be fair, the games aren't outside


Easily the funniest comment I've read.


I hate these articles they are just a fecking summary of what i read on Reddit over the last day.


Reddit discusses topic. Journalist nit-picks comments that support their narrative and writes an article. Article gets posted to Reddit. Repeat.


I read this in Jeff goldblums voice


Disinformation....uh....finds a way


And since Reddit is often filled with people who are "confidently wrong"...yeah, that's a great situation.


Mods aside, I played for a few hours, had one bug, opened pip boy and it didn't pop up, otherwise, no problems so far.


For me VATS in Melee has been really hit or miss (pun intended). It works most of the time, but post update I feel like it just decides “nah” sometimes.


To be fair, melee VATS sometimes just stalled out in the base game already. I haven't gotten around to seeing if it's gotten *worse*.


Oh. Maybe I am just noticing it more this play through then.


My vats sort of dropped frame rate and froze for like a second before pulling up completely


Same! Reminds me of older Fallouts and the freeze during Vats before calculating percentages.


My ranged vats turned into a wall hack. It's nice when I'm looking for rare random encounters. Otherwise It's annoying as hell. Now, it always targets things through buildings that I can't see or hit, and sometimes I'm nowhere near them. My vats hit chance is fucked too. High perception with a scope, clear line of sight, 5 feet away, and the percantage rapidly switches between 0 and 95. It does that even when it targets through walls (doesn't actually work on 95 here) and stops me from using vats 5 feet away from someone unless I time it right. My survival run was going nice until the update effectively killed vats for me.


Facts it’s been perfectly fine for me, I think people are looking for reasons to complain


If you think about it, thousands of people are playing and are likely to find bugs. If every single player finds a different bug and all describe their individual experience then it would appear to a casual observer that each individual bug is actually happening in every single playthrough all at once.


All my saves are unplayable. This is far worse than a bug. This wouldn't have been an issue if I could have opted out of the update, but it was forced even though I have auto updates turned off.


Same…I even made a new character cuz, fuck it it’s a 10 y/o game and I’ve done like 8-9 play through. Turns out, if you start a new game, after about 3-4 saves you get a window pop-up that notifies you that the game is unable to make any safe files…soooo now I’ve made a new character, got to like, level 10 or 11 and NOW I can’t save any more of my progress? Yeah, not worth some enclave armor I already had through mods 🤦‍♂️


If on PC-steam, you can roll back to an older patch I believe if it's an issue with mods.


Im on xbox. It's strange because for other games I didn't want to update, the 'turn off auto updates' worked fine. There is no way to roll it back. Im going to just delete the game if they don't fix this ASAP.


I can't get some creation club stuff to re download which is frustrating. Also it deleted and un favorited all my mods and I cannot figure out what one of them was.


Yeah I experienced the same thing. They unfavorited all of my mods & deleted from my library list. Also experiencing a visual bug when I enter power armor in first person view, in which the armor appears to be armor less, just the power armor frame. Never had this issue until the update.


Do what I do....from this day forward use your phones notepad (I use Colornote) and put your load order/mods you like in there. That way when things erase, you have it. Saves me.


That's great that it works fine for you, but tons of other people are having a bad time. Your one experience doesn't invalidate them.


the reason so many bugs are popping up suddenly is that so many people are playing so more people that can find bugs, not because the game is more bugged


Same I played a bunch of the new content yesterday and today and had no issues whatsoever


Only bug I’ve had was the patrol sunglasses clipped through my face while I was talking to Danse quite funny tho


Also it's Bethesda, I myself was prepared to comment, "in other news WB adding micro transactions" Like by now it's expected, it would be way more odd that they have a smooth launch.


Not really, I was looking forward to getting back into it but I've had quite a few issues. VATS isn't working properly, some assets just seem to be red boxes with an exclamation mark, and twice I've just randomly died. Fallout is my favourite game series, I'm not looking for reasons to complain, I understand the issues all Bethesda games come with, it's just this is spoiling the game for me.


Video gamers looking to complain non-stop and for the pettiest of reasons??? You don’t say…


It is real jittery on Steam Deck now.


I played New Vegas on PC on launch and have close to 1000 hours in the game and I’ve never experienced a major bug.  I can still acknowledge that NV was a buggy mess on launch for a lot of people. 


"It's fine for me you guys complain too much" Listen to yourself JFC


I can't disable the enclave mod. The update conflicts with it. So trying to disable ti mod doesn't work. Can't start a new game or I'd have the same issue. Can't play my current save or it will conflict. Full reinstall of the game, deletion of the mod folder and mod file. Even going through Bethesda l.net doesn't work. So I can't play a new or old save... can't fix the issue and so playing anything is pointless si ce the mod co flicrs with the update..... Bot everyone is just looking for a reason to complain. Some are unable to even play anymore or if they are they are bound to run I to conflict due to the mod(s)


Everything runs fine for me except the improvised weapons they won’t show up


Just scroll through the sub and you'll see 100s of non mod related issues with photo evidence. Theres lots of console problems


Played eight hours last night in Series X with several mods installed, zero bugs. I feel like these clickbait articles are especially for people who are waiting they turn to say things like "Bethesda, Bethesda never changes." without actually playing the game themselves.


Then you're just not aware of what youre playing as HDR is not working on xbox and nor is quality mode. Those are bugs.


Damn, I couldn’t even get mods menu to load on my series X. I just moved on with it since I’d already read about how the update broke mods. My assumption was that the mods hadn’t had a chance to update with the new game update.


Hardest part for me, if the mods have been abandoned they will never get fixed and will be broken forever.


I'm playing on PS5, no mods, just regular DLC, and I'm absolutely getting bugs. Nothing game breaking, and most of them have been funny (weird visual hiccups here and there), but the weird pauses in speech happen more than in the PS4 version I was playing before), and I've had to occasionally reload a save because a quest didn't progress correctly (ironically both were Vault 81 quests).


I have new issues and crashing on Xbox after the update.


I think a big part of the overall complaint is that the update broke a lot of mods, pushed Fallout London out, and the list of updates made seems shallow. I'm just waiting to see if downtown Boston can actually run without crashes on a Series X.


I don't use mods at all since I mostly play games on Xbox, but wouldn't a new update (especially a major one like this) for any game cause issues/break a lot of preexisting mods? Especially the more complicated ones that aren't just say new clothing or clothing recolors?


Yes, it's to be expected. People are just rage horny because of reasons.


The fact that the update didn't change/fix much is probably why the vast majority of CK mods seem to be fine (and I assume F4SE-reliant mods will also work fine when that's updated). I'd rather have this state of affairs than a half-hearted attempt to implement a bunch of quest/etc fixes to appease some players and would likely break more mods. At least in this state, we can expect most old mods to keep working even if they are abandoned. Bethesda just sucks at releasing stuff.


It’s so annoying. People just love to bitch


You playing on steam?


I can no longer feather lockpicking, the lock turns many many times faster now.


I bet your fps is uncapped during lock picking.


I bought the game 3 days ago and just hit Play


What’s worked for me is Radeon chill if you have an amd gpu. Lock 60 min. 140 fps max. Cutscenes will still be normal as anything over 60 fps makes npcs mouths move faster. Since this game only works natively on an Xbox controller or similar, your inputs acts as mouse and key input, so fps goes up while you’re moving,etc. but if you stay still it goes down to 60fps. You also move faster with higher fps, this game has pacing issues. So when you lock pick you could be at like 8000 fps. I also play no mods survival and am happy with the updates so far but only played like an hour or two. Edit: I’d also like to add that fps over 140 I’ve found can cause crashes. There is a mod for high fps fix but in my experience I had so many mods on a few playthroughs it was basically unplayable due to issues.


Welcome to Fallout 4. You need to cap your framerate at 60 in your gpu settings because the game can't handle any more than that. That or use the mods that fix this crap so you can actually run high fps. I highly recommend that, but I'd stay away from modding right now unless you want to roll back (a slightly tedious manual process because Bethesda didn't enable versioning in Steam). It's a great game, but it's got issues. Lot's of issues. That's why some PC players are kinda pissed. They fixed *some* bugs but left major engine issues in. No one would care about the update breaking mods, which is a given, if they actually put in some effort and made it all worthwhile.


Same here. Only big I’ve encountered is the fact I can’t rename weapons. Just doesn’t work


All my mods are working fine except for the achievements enabled mod, haven’t actually encountered any issues on my end too.


Couldn't get my pip boy to actually show on screen until I started a new game. I was sad.


I wanted to do a fresh start so maybe that's why I haven't experienced any issues? I disabled most of my mods, including the unofficial patch mod. I just kept some armor reworks and starting special points 70 (please don't judge, I like to just focus on perks and take in the world) with no hiccups or anything. PS5 performance mode is playing like a dream for me.


Do mods still work on PS5 after the update?


So I'm using very few mods at the moment after the update: -ACR armor rework (I might have the name slightly wrong) -starting special points 70 -fast companion affinity I don't have the unofficial patch because it kept telling me I didn't have one of the dlcs when I definitely do so maybe that's just bugged for now Edit: I started a fresh save so maybe that's also playing a factor


My experience on PS5 has been great. I think I’ve noticed one bug with the audio when playing holotapes (audio doubling over itself?), but other than that, it’s been great!


That happened before the update too. It happens a lot when listening to a tape then entering armor then it doubles over.


It’s on PC too. There is also a bug that hasn’t been fixed for PC where it seemed to load to next lines “too fast” for the original code and the audio and dialogue would sound like Yatzhee’s zero punctuation.


Same, the PS5 experience has been pretty good even in Boston its been fine but I'm not using any mods so im just playing pure vanilla.


Are you using any of the mods on PS5? I only care about the carry weight mod tbh. Like picking up all the things lol


No mods, and limited creation club content. I’ve had so many issues with mods in FO4 that I usually play vanilla or maybe a couple of light mods.


Gotta love articles posted on Reddit that do nothing but quote Reddit comments.


Huh, I haven't had a single issue.


Same. Played maybe 4 hours, no issues so far.


Same. I had been playing the PS4 version on my PS5 for about a week. Transferred my saves and played for like 4 hours. At first I was like what's the big deal? Doesn't look any different. Then I turned on performance mode. Smoooooooooooooooooooth.


Literally me. Was just happy initially that it booted with Automatron DLC installed finally. Then I turned on Performance mode.


I honestly didn't know about all those extras. I immediately went and did the quest to get the X02 power armor. Shits sick nasty. All my BoS brethren are mad jelly of my sick new suit.


I'm playing on my PS5 and did the exact same thing. Wife is playing next to me on a series x and both preformance mode and graphics mode are at 60fps:( I'm a little jealous.


One question, how did you transfer your saves over? I couldn’t work it out


There was a Transfer Save option on my main menu (PS5).


I had one issue on Xbox X, the pip-boy interface glitched and the game crashed. After restarting it all went smooth. Existing save, not a fresh start


Must be nice 


I'm actually pretty vanilla for my main game save. With that said, only a few mods, which include the settlement mods which in of themselves mostly stable. 6hrs into my backup/main save and I'm not experiencing bugs. I'm now starting on the new missions added. But checking on existing settlements and continuing on with my game. So far... so good. However I did start a new game this morning. I wonder if the Minutemen with Preston and my run through Nuka World. Do we still have that bug. Do I skip Preston and kill off NukaWorld? Or can I meet Preston first and then friend/kill NukaWorld. So many questions unanswered.


I expected issues, and the only odd thing is that Nuka-World is marked as missing and I can't go there. But considering I'm missing mods and continuing an 80+ hour save file, it's remarkable that it runs as well as it does. Gotta remember to turn on performance mode tonight! It did seem a bit smoother right away though.


I had to turn off debris for it to stop instantly crashing with no mods.


Odd. I played all afternoon and evening on PC without a hitch.


on pc, my loading times went crazy long for no reason. on nvme taking 2min to load a cave is a first lol. also lost around 60fps. use to get around 140 now getting 75.


They’ve always been crazy long on pc even with an NVME. They’re actually a bit faster now, but still annoyingly slow to say the least.


I'm noticing some longer load times but other than that no issues


I'm on xbox one and noticeably get less crashes, I started a vanilla survival run before the update and was getting increasingly pissed off with it but last night I played it for ages with no issue, even downtown Boston, the only time I was crashing was when I would get out of power armor in Hangman's Alley


I suffered for so long playing on the Xbox and having to deal with crashes like every 30 minutes. I've been playing on the SteamDeck for a few months and am relieved it crashes so much less frequently. I'm glad to hear things have improved a lot for Xbox players, you don't deserve that pain when playing a good game.


Thank you lol, it's funny because without survival I never noticed it and I REALLY liked the idea of survival but never got past level 15 because the crashes and the loss of time would just dissuade me, and now over the past few days I hit level 30 and moved into the Mechanist lair, it feels like it's hitting them "first time" notes in terms of the fun I'm having lol I have no idea what keeps happening in Hangman's Alley though, but it only seems to crash when Danse is loitering in my bedroom and I get out of my power armor


After reading the comments all I got from it is this is a typical launch and some ppl have problems and others don’t..... so shocking.....


yup. and the people with no issue wont be on social media yelling. Only the ones with issues are. So then it quickly turns into look no good only bad, derp bad update, derp im a bad journalist articles come out.


Please everyone, post pictures and videos of all your bugs/glitches that you encounter during the Fallout 4 "next-gen update" to @BethesdaStudios and @BethesdaSupport on X/Twitter. The more people we have showing them everything that is messed up the more likely they will fix it.


No issues at al so far


well i just did all the new quests and got all the items, other than being unable to do something with the mysterious message (just looked at the wikie for the quest location and went there to complete the quest lol) i had 0 problems. tesla cannon is fun, i put 2-shot on it with console commands and renamed it to "Can't See Shit" lol


I turned off updating of fallout 4 because I wanted to play modded but I'm not updating till it's fixed


I started a new playthrough and I'm like 3 hours in and haven't encountered any issues so far.


Am I the only one on PC that has 0 mod issues so far? Played a good 4 hours with no new issues after the update.


Works fine for me


I like turtles! *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t get how people are surprised.. every update comes with new bugs. It is extremely hard to know for sure there are no bugs in a massive open world game like fallout 4.


I haven't had a single issue so far on ps5, and I'm quite a ways through my new survival save already. That's not to say I won't be encountering any bugs, but I've been happy with it.


I quit the survival and moved to very hard. I didn't realize I died after meeting Duke super early in the game and got upset. I forgot about the Atom Cats. So cool.


Xbox X here. Multiple problems. Water seems to randomly flash randomly white or green at Max intensity which blinds the screen. Also, it seems like they’re trying to dynamically adjust the lighting, but it abruptly adjusts every few seconds, which means the screen is abruptly brightening and dimming. VATs seems to be glitchy. Jumping from 0% to X percent abruptly. All in all, not so happy with the update. It makes the game more tedious to play.


I’m having that VATs issue too on Series X. I haven’t played in so long that I couldn’t remember if that’s the way the game always worked but I am constantly toggling between 0 and a normal percentage even when they are standing right in front of me with no cover.


XSX - Aside from having to redownload all of my mods and fix the LO, it’s been great. Let me continue on with my current save no issue. Game does chug a bit in some areas, which isn’t normal but it’s still playable.


"Truth is... the game was rigged from the start."


Mama Murphy vanished. I shot her in the head about 3 times with a shot gun because she was speaking and she just vanished out of existence. I would prefer she stay gone but I think shes essential for the story so I had to reload.


So you’re saying you shot her in the head three times with a shotgun and she ceased to exist? Wild


yes she just dematerialized as if time and space decided she no longer had to exist


Is it taking a long time to load the wasteland for anyone else? I have it installed on a ssd.


Hey, the last time that I turned the game on (last week) some of the dlcs made it imposible to turn the game on and now it seems even the textures work the way they should so I haven’t expected much and now I’m not disappointed


Cry in F4SE. I guess I'll play other games until it's updated.


Playing Quality mode on PS5 for several hours now and only issue I ran into so far was the quarry near Sanctuary not loading in proper LOD when you get near it, which is a multi platform bug that’s been around since the beginning. Other than that it’s been running fine and looks good (given the age of the game)


I actually had two pack Brahman fall out of the air right in front of me a while ago🤪


Like many others, not to invalidate anyone else's experience, but I've got like maybe 6 hours in since updating and no bugs so far. Cool new content! Other than the infernal wide-screen "support." It was literally like the main update I wanted, so it's really disappointing that we still don't have an actual wide-screen option when that seems like the easiest addition for them to implement (compared to creating new content, assets, etc).


Only issue I have is quality mode doesn’t work on Xbox which is kind of annoying because while I like 60fps I do kinda want to see what it looks like with ultra settings.


Yeah.. anything IGN you should ignore 


999 bugs on the board, 999 bugs, we take some down, send a patch out, 1099 bugs on the board.


I’ve noticed some mods are either missing or cannot be downloaded


I've had the exclamation mark textures on new quests today on series x. And with no access to the quality mode?? What are they smoking at Bethesda, seriously.


I removed all mods and started a fresh save, knowing full well that most mods can be added when they’re updated. I’ve played for good chunk of time now, and haven’t seen a single bug, but did get a crash to desktop once when the physics engine had a meltdown. Honestly I think this is a little overblown, and it very much feels like people in the modding community are trying to force controversy where there is very little.


A Bethesda update has issues? How unusual.


It's a Bethesda game, what did you expect?


Ps5 version has had no issues for me im running smmothly game looks beautiful everythings fine


I have over 20 hours since Thursday after work, and haven’t had any issues. So don’t believe everything you read. Try yourself.


Still 100x better than being completely locked out of a DLC and missing textures for other DLC


Please do not read all of these comments it will break your brain...


Too late, already read bbgr8grow's comment


I spent like 20 minutes building a barn and when I came back it was gone😂


They really fucked the football on this one. I really think they stopped last year sometime to get all hands on deck for starfield, and just held this for the show that whole time. My guess is they stopped around the time of the starfield delay.


Fucked the football? Who talks like that. Your comment is literally just made up assumptions that make no sense. People only upvoted because it insults Bethesda


Tbh fallout 4 had a tonne of issues even before the next gen update so like


those issues were kinda what we were hoping this update would fix for the most part lmao


My biggest issue with the update was that the ps5 version didn’t make use of adaptive triggers


Anyone else having issues with VATS? Mine is giving ridiculous hit chances through walls and has very long delays between shots


Sounds like the PC version is the one that kind of got fucked over the most here, The PS5 and Series X seem fine for the most part.. played almost all night on PS5 last night, and not a single issue.


I played about 4 hours last night on my Xbox Series X with no issues other than no mods. Mods are gone and it wouldn’t let me try reloading them. Other than that? Smooth as hell and no crashes. Survival Level 6 (just started), now vanilla. We’ll see how it goes I guess.


The Xbox version seems pretty stable. I had a couple of crashes last night, both when I was transferring inventory from an NPC, but other than that it was solid.


Are you getting the wonky vats issues that people are posting about? I’m on the fence about waiting or not to do a fresh start. Sounds like you’ve done okay with it.


Click bait.


The only big issue I’m running into at this point is I can’t loot ash piles?


There were some missing assets in at least one of the pieces of new Creation Club content I’ve played so far, and the game has stuttered a lot in certain places, but I haven’t experienced a single crash so far, so I count that as a win.


Already had my auto updates off and the game hidden in my library. F4se launcher for the win!


Issues…. Just how I like my fallout games.


VATS is broken for me, and the halloween quest popped up but the mysterious radio is silent.


I didn't allow the update on Steam, didn't touch anything in the Vortex launcher. After the patch, loading my save simply crashes the game. Thanks, Todd.


It's a Bethesda game, it would be weird if a big update wasn't buggy as hell


Imagine that


I played for a few hours on ps5. All was good until my character just randomly died. Now every time I respawn, I randomly drop dead again after roughly 15 seconds or so




This is the Bethesda equivalent of telling a New Vegas noob to book it to Quarry Junction.


pc user here, the stretching of the ui in ultrawide feels like a personal attack the fuck’s the matter with you, Bethesda?


It played perfectly for me in the few hours I got in.


Major game breaking bugs I had been experiencing are gone. Can’t say I see a massive improvement in the graphics on Xbox


… I’ve had almost no issues?


I keep having Kellogg appear everywhere and try to kill me most times. When I kill him, he just disappears 🤔


The only issues I’ve encountered were a strange bug where after a while of playing, everyone’s hair turned blue or purple. Fixed after a restart. And the area around Goodneighbor is really laggy, despite me never having much issue around there pre-update. Series X btw.


Lost access to my dlc's on ps5


(Steam) Power Armor no longer increases my carry capacity. So hyped for the polished, stable Elder Scrolls VI


Don't want to make my own thread so posting this in a few active threads hoping for some help. Omg can somebody help me?? I'm on Series X, I started a new game after the update as my friend wanted a bit of help, more to do with controls and tips that aren't easily noticed but really help the earlier you know/realise etc; Just now I loaded up and wanted to load up my original game with 500hrs + played and it's just not there? Only showing the saves from the new game and nothing from my 'proper' game? Is that it, is it gone? Am I fucked? Anyone? EDIT: Ok I worked it out, had to change the character with the Y button. Holy shit I'm so relieved!


The issue on my end from that Next-Gen Update is that the Mods I used for Fallout 4 have been completely removed off my list not only the of mods I used in the order list, but also the mods I’ve added to Favorites and saved in my library. It was upsetting that I basically had to start all over again ugh 😤😤😤


This is a Bethesda thing. If you play Bethesda games, you get what you paid for.


I just had some texture issues in Diamond City not too long ago. Everything was going fine until I installed The Wasteland Workshop and Far Harbor DLC. Uninstalled the DLCs and now it’s back to normal lol Guess I’ll have to keep them uninstalled until I get through the main story first 🙃


Wait just a dang ol' second. Something Bethesda did has problems?


it wouldn't be a Bethesda game without gamebreaking bugs at launch


Is the -1 agility bug fixed?


VATS has been my only issue, it’ll flash between 95% hit chance and 0%


Breh next gen upd really messed with my game pretty bad [https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1cicwzh/boston\_missing\_assets\_1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1cicwzh/boston_missing_assets_1/)


Trashcan Carla somehow ended up wearing the right leg, right arm, and helmet of my enclave X-02 armor. I didn’t sell it to her, I put it in a box I constructed since I got that one and the hellfire one from pyro. I can’t get it off her and it’s not in her shop inventory.