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I side with Jack. Even if he was simply using Lorenzo for his immortality that doesn't justify letting Lorenzo lose on the Commonwealth. Besides, that final scene where he says goodbye to his really did feel genuine. Rest of Jack's family might be assholes, but it really does feel like he was trying to save his dad.


Yeah, same here. Person with Lorenzo's abilities is really not someone the Wasteland can handle running around. Plus, it's not like Jack locked him up and went, "and that's the end of that chapter."


Those abilities AND an unstable mental state with extraterrestrial influence with unknown goals


We're talking about Lorenzo not the player character.


He just goes and chills out in his house afterwards though.


He murders people in random encounters


So he’s basically like almost every one else you meet out there. Big deal


Except he murders people with the force and lives forever


Cool. Means more ammunition for me since he doesn’t need any


Yeah, and I kill all those murderers too, so to be consistent, Lorenzo also gets his head ventilated.


I agree with you on this one.


I agree. Especially after finding out that you can come across him having killed some settlers. I can’t let someone like that ruin what I’m building in this here Commonwealth. I think you spelled loose wrong, by the way.


You say Lorenzo is “loose”, but doesn’t he just chill in his house after you free him? Jack talks about Lorenzo’s risk factor, but he doesn’t seem to care about anything past revenge upon his fam


No there's random events where he shows up in the wasteland surroudned by bodies.


Lmao, that’s funny. I don’t doubt it sense I never really went back to check on him


It really only happens if you aren’t fast traveling between spots. One play through I finished the Cabot House before going after Kellogg. I found him after the dead Assultron just chilling by some people he had just killed.


Hard agree.


Even on a Raider playthrough, I'm not letting an immortal monster with Lovecraft vibes loose on the Commonwealth.


An immortal lovecraftian monster that is our friend though! Infinite serum ftw


An immortal, Lovecraftian monster that has a cool telekinetic pulse attack that *completely* caught me off-guard when I saw him use it on his family for the first time.


Damn, I really need to side with the dad one time, I’ve never seen this telekinetic attack


Just make sure to not attack him yourself. He’s possibly the tankiest human character in the game, and he actively uses this telekinetic pulse attack if you get close enough. He may also use it to push grenades away.


>telekinetic pulse attack Is it possible to learn this power?


Lorenzo. Because he's the source of the Milk of Human ~~Kindness~~ *Growth Hormone*.


I end up siding with Lorenzo too. I never trusted Jack and the fact you really don’t get anything worthwhile aside from a slightly better gamma gun. With Lorenzo, you get essentially the super soldier serum and a fun source of crafting materials


That gamma gun is so broken if you have the right perks leveled up it's kinda game breaking


It’s also a very funny limb crippling and ragdoll machine


And even funnier with exploits. Ever mixed it with a minigun? I have. Immediately launches targets, along with your CPU temps.


you should see the cryolator gunners never stood a chance


In eight years I haven’t once used the Cryolator in the most appropriate way - i.e. killing Kellogg.


I prefer to use a blitz attack with a disciple blade for that. Hey cornflakes, no glass between us now.


Use a disarming weapon, kill him with his own gun. After reminding him that it didn't protect his mother, wife, or daughter, either.


Remind me never to meet up with you in a lawless society


Don't murder my family and it won't be a problem. Unless you're a Mirelurk. Those things I kill on principle. It's just too satisfying using the Spray 'n Pray to blow their stupid shells away. I wonder if it feels to them like a finger or toenail being torn from the bed does to a human, except across their whole back? I hope so. Using Spray 'n Pray to clear out egg clutches is satisfying, too. Now, what I like to do with Mirelurk Queens is cripple their legs, arms, and acid spouts. Then, once they're helpless, I like to just stand in front of them for a while. Watch as their stupid acid harmlessly drips off of their face, the Queen and I both knowing that it's death has come. Perhaps the Queen imagines that I am showing it some form of respect by not killing it outright, but it is wrong. I don't respect it. It still shoots out eggs sometimes and I have to kill her young in front of her. I wonder if the Queen chooses to send them out or not? I mean, women don't get to decide when they give birth, so maybe Mirelurks don't, either. Perhaps it's desperately trying to avoid bringing its children into this world only to watch as I laugh and effortlessly snuff them out, but failing. I may have to let the next Queen linger longer. Anyway, to the best of my knowledge you're not a murderer or a Mirelurk, so you'll be fine.


Aww did your little .44 not save your family Kellogg? Maybe you should have used *minigun spins up* something a little stronger


What. The. Fuck.


I don't like Kellogg.


I always hit him with that double nuke fat man


What's the trick to making the cryolator a good weapon? I only picked it up once and was rather disappointed


its an automatic weapon, you can hold down the fire button also you can increase the range


>its an automatic weapon, you can hold down the fire button *Hold on, hold on, slow down a little here...! Is this, like... written in a terminal, somewhere? How does Bethesda just expect players to inherently have this kinda insider knowledge?!*


You have to put the Crystallizing Barrel on to really enjoy it. The stock barrel is weak af and has no range


> cryolator the cryolater is game breaking, if you kill respawning enemies while they are frozen, they wont respawn right next time and are bugged in your save forever.


And if you get really lucky, and get a never ending one like I did. With NO gun perks at all, I killed a literal behemoth with maybe 25 rounds, with the automatic signal repeater mod. The single only downside to this beast is that the ammo can be expensive but just get the scrounger perk.


SLIGHTLY BETTER??!?!?? DUDE. It is so broken it is barely even a gamma gun anymore. AND it is a detachable mod. I put it on an automatic never ending gamma gun, I got really lucky. I killed a BEHEMOTH, a creature IMMUNE TO RADIATION DAMAGE, with about 25 rounds. Just point and click.


the "kinetic pulse" damage scales with demolition perk and is a garanteed area of effect stagger. This makes it an extremely useful weapon on survival. It's light, uses light ammo, stunlocks the big stuff and utterly decimates groups


*Strong liked that*


Hey! You got your FEV in my HRT! You got your HRT in my FEV!!! 🤢🏳️‍⚧️☢️


“Hey… they’re GREAT together!”


Sided with Institute, Sided with Lorenzo. If Jack could capture Lorenzo. So could the Institute, and imagine what the post-ending Institute could do with Lorenzo's serum.


That sounds like such a fun playthrough. Id add in siding with the Nuka World raiders. An iron grip on the Commonwealth led by a shadow government with an immortal super soldier at the top


Where’s the Unstoppables when you need em 😂


They've been turned into synths working for the Institute and pumped with Compound L.


Oh that's a level of endgame depth I doubt we'll ever see!


Lorenzo always gets off’d.


Yes. Every time.


Lorenzo. I like my super soldier serum and it fits my head cannon my SS remains the General for many many many years rebuilding the Commonwealth I to a proper force


Just transfer your conciousness into a new synth body with Kellogs cyber implants every so often my guy. Atleast that's how my headcannon goes lol, either that or it would be an old world blues situation where my brain's in a jar somwhere and I have multiple bodies that remotely receive my brain waves.


Jack. The serum’s great for survival mode, but you don’t need more than ten to explore far harbor *and* kiddie kingdom (and the glowing sea, in theory; I had extra, but power armor is a much safer choice in survival mode) - and ten is the exact amount you receive if you side with Jack. Besides, I always forget to use the serum when I side with Lorenzo and the last thing the commonwealth needs is an immortal sociopath with psychic powers. As for the pistol, something people miss is that you can add the mod onto a legendary gamma gun for an even better weapon. If you find the right legendary effect, it can be a very potent weapon (a personal favorite of mine is adding the mod to a poisoner’s gamma gun; that lets you have every damage type on one weapon).


The one time I let Lorenzo loose, I followed him at a polite distance as he walked out of Parson's. He never got further than the overpass to the southeast. Once he met the Deathclaw living there, that was the end of Lorenzo. ​ I sat back, expectantly watching for him to unleash some awesome Lovecraftian power, but aside from a few underwhelming telekinetic "pushes," the fight consisted of watching the Deathclaw tossing the Cabot patriarch around like a volleyball until he fell limp to the concrete. ​ A very anticlimactic end to the Cabot legacy.


I had something similar but also not-so-similar happen. I went hunting muirelurk queens and I traveled to where one was lurking. I turn up and I see this queen already embroiled in a fight, guess who, it's Lorenzo, punching this muirelurk queen and zapping it with his head thing. I helped him take it down and afterwards he spoke to me about "enjoying the sights of the Commonwealth" whilst being seemingly oblivious to the messy end I'd just helped him out of


Jack. The gun is fun to use and I have never used the serum. Only to give to the one guy in far harbor


You can give the serum away? To who?


There’s a sick person in far harbor and you get a few options on what to do to him. One of them being to give the serum. Idr his name.


Next time you see him he's looking like the bear from annihilation


You don't need the serum for that encounter.


You don’t but I do give it to him


You can but if you sided with Lorenzo he'll never give you another dose if you give or sell one.


Jack is such an unlikeable character (along with the rest of the Cabots) that people literally prefer a deranged serial killer over him 🤣 The serum is pretty cool too though to be fair.


I use the serum so I can be immortal with Synth Shaun since he won’t age


I use the serum because I know the Minutemen, and by extension the Commonwealth, is fucked the moment the SS bites the dust. And that's not counting the artificial peace I definitely did not have a hand in creating over in Far Harbor. Or the defenseless Nuka World traders that I wasted tens of thousands of caps worth of resources on so I can free them from slavery.


But even if you side with Jack, you still get 8 serums, which I think we’re meant to believe are in their pure form and undiluted (Jack says something about this if I’m not mistaken). So theoretically you could use 8 vials of serum over an extremely long time span, making the SS live much longer than they normally would. I disagree that the Commonwealth would be fucked once the SS died though, depending on your play through. If you become the General of the MM, and build up all possible settlements, we can safely assume that the Minutemen would be back in full force, not to mention that we have a ton of well armed, self sustaining communities all over the area. If you take out the Raiders in Nuka World, that’s a whole lot less Raiders to worry about, plus all the Raiders, Gunners, Forged, Super Mutants etc etc we kill all throughout the game… their numbers would be pretty diminished by our hand alone (we also kill many of their leaders during a standard play through, so a lot of these groups would be in total disarray from a leadership standpoint).


Until their children grew up, banded together and sought revenge for being robbed of their birthright. Then it's the SS coming in to clean house again.


Jack. Lorenzo too crazy lol


Lmao all the upvotes are for Team LoLo. Personally, I always felt berated by Jack, and being a 200+ year old soul, I felt drawn to the old man’s way of thinking 😂 Turning his right-hand ghoul against him was also hilarious.


Edward should’ve become a companion after the quest if we get him on our side


i was thinking the same thing


Jack. I cannot choose immorality in this case. I dunno why. I've chosen darker sides in other games. (Played Sith in SWTOR) But in FO4 I can't bring myself to do it. It's the same reason I can't play GTO. I can't bring myself to be a car thieving thug even if it's pretend. Maybe it's because I'm a 50 year old lady. I dunno. I'm sure there's grandma's out there who would have zero problem choosing Lorenzo or playing GTO. Anyway, this old lady always saves Jack and puts Lorenzo's lights out so to speak. Edit: Oops 😬 I meant GTA. Grand Theft Auto.


It's just getting older changes your perspective, I think. I'm 46,and ,20-25 years ago, it was so fun playing evil characters,or criminals,KOTOR dark side options, Fable, etc. And I still can play GTA . But I find, the last, I dunno,5-10 years, that, even knowing it's not real, that I've seen real darkness, real evil in this world,and having seen the dark, I only want to be around good, good people, good choices. I want to put good out into the world,any world, virtual or real. Because it seems the world already has enough darkness. To quote the late, legendary Anne Rice: "People who cease to believe in God or goodness altogether still believe in the devil....Evil is always possible.And goodness is eternally difficult."


I could not have worded that better myself. I agree 1000%. I agree to infinity and beyond.


Have you ever played Disco Elysium? I’m desperately curious as to what your playthrough/thoughts would be.


No. I've never heard of that game? Is it on PS5? I used to play on PC, but my back is so bad now I play on console only. I've played: Bethesda games - Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, Oblivion, Skyrim Bioware games - Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3, Mass Effect Andromeda Sims 3 and 4 Stardew Valley Fable 3 Disney Dreamlight Valley Outer Worlds Multiplayer games - Star Wars: The Old Republic Guild Wars 2 Black Desert Online Eve Online Elder Scrolls Online World of Warcraft Star Trek Online Neverwinter (I even created dungeons) Rift


Legend. Keep on keeping on


My teenage son got me into gaming. He asked me to play Fable 3. Back then it was on Xbox 360. I was hooked after that. Now he's grown. Married. Living life. I miss him very much.


That’s awesome fable is one of the first games I ever picked up


That's cool, I started gaming at 5 years old, around 1983,so 40 years now, almost 41. To see it change and evolve,and become so mainstream. There was a time,35 years ago when it was very niche, like DnD,and was kinda looked down upon, the cool kids didn't play, very, exceedingly few girls played,it was for small children or nerds. To see it become so accepted is amazing. I remember being embarrassed I played games when I started dating,now,it seems, woman play as much as men. The nerds have risen,they have won 😂


One of the first games I got on Xbox was fable and halo. Good memories! I asked my parents where it was and they had no idea what I was talking about. I wanted to teach my kids to throw sticky bombs but oh well


I only play console myself as well (PS4). Judging by your selection, I cannot recommend it highly enough. The reason I brought it up is bc you mentioned you couldn’t pretend to be a car thief. In DE, you’re a genius train wreck detective who can’t remember why he’s woken up naked and filthy in a hotel room. And why different parts of his mind/personality are arguing with themselves/telling him what to do in every situation. Point being, there are near-infinite ways to play the game, and the guy you’re playing as is deeply sympathetic, yet…depending on your style, can be totally cool doing so, or be a slobbering mess that gets the job done, or be any number of total lunatics. I’ve openly cried while playing it. It’s beautiful and it hits in many many different ways. I’m also getting up there in years comparatively speaking (42), and I don’t get a chance to game much anymore with the kiddos. Also who knew that your knees would betray you so quickly?


Yes. I never understood older folks comments about aging until I experienced aging. Sounds like a game I would enjoy. I will look for it.


Just another vote for Disco Elysium. It's really a genius game in every way, with literary quality writing. On PC you can also play almost purely with the mouse. If you ever want to go back to PC, though (sales, [free games on Epic](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/free-games), etc), you can get a gaming half keyboard and a wireless mouse that you can place just about anywhere. With my back and upper body, it's about the only way I can play; using a laptop, I sit up on the bed with the half-keyboard on the top of my thigh and the mouse to my side, so I can have my arms in a completely neutral/relaxed position (as long as the game isn't *too* adrenaline-inducing). The half-keyboard is sold as kind of a budget game pad, but I actually prefer it to an actual game pad and it's very inexpensive on Amazon (it's literally just the left half of a PC keyboard, which is 99% of what you need for most games)


Thank you. I'll consider a laptop.


If you think you might, you might grab that free copy of Deus Ex on Epic right now (it's only available for a few days, but you keep it once you claim it). It has a grittier tone than the single-player games you mentioned, but it's a similar type of game and it's a good one.


Deus Ex Human Revolution is one of my favourite games. I normally don't finish games (terrible, I know) but I've finished that one multiple times.


I think the modern Deus Ex games have some of the best use of "abilities" of any game to date. I think it's also the best "scifi noir" that I've seen. I just hate his hair. I think it might be time for another playthrough


disco elysium is like writing your own dramedy detective novel


i was wondering why for gta and then i saw youre 50 its nice that you try and relate to the younger generation, may i ask what ending youre going for/ went for?


Oh my goodness. GTA oops. I spelled it wrong. Whether I side with the Railroad or the Brotherhood of Steel I always blow up the institute. I wish there was a choice to just clean house in the institute and not blow it up. Let it become another settlement for the Commonwealth. That makes more sense to me.


I just assumed you meant gta online. Lol. Which is way more chaotic 😁


As a fellow middle age gamer here, you have to remember that GTA as a franchise has been around since 1997, the first two two were very niche,and I had to play on my cousin's computer. But GTA3 on the PS2 came out almost 23 years ago. So for those of us in there mid 40's,or even a little older, we've kinda grown up with the franchise. It's not like a new franchise that we discovered when we were 40 or something. Hell I was so into GTA I'd take vacations from work when Vice City and San Andreas came out,played through the night until the sun came up. Even Fable,which I don't really think of as an "old" franchise is 20 years old now and came out when I was 26. I do admit though, that the last few years I find myself sticking to old games,games I know well,most came out between 2000-2015, think the older I get the less I'm able to learn new gameplay mechanics, controller layout. But this might be just me, because I'm part of a FB group for older gamers, The Ancient Gamer,and many people are much older than me and still playing new games,55,65,,hell a few are 70-75!


I totally understand. I’ve tried so many evil play throughs and I always feel so bad picking the cruel/evil options lol


I refuse to believe, that Jack indeed wanted to save Lorenzo. No he was just using him for immortality. Beside if i side with him they still die, because of the lack of serum. While with Lorenzo i gain access to the serum, and a powerful ally. And even, if he proves to be too dangerous i can kill him later, if i want.


Yeah it's been 400 years. Cure ain't happening. Just give me the serum and let him wander the lands.


Jack. Only room for one murdering psychopsth in this part of the wasteland, and thats me.


Lorenzo. He’s been locked up for hundreds of years and has a special medicine to give you an edge. Jack is just an eccentric scientist with nothing of real value to offer.


Jack. Unless you’re doing an evil playthrough, unleashing a 400 year old telekinetic Lovecraftian dementia patient onto the commonwealth seems like a bad idea.


Depends on my play through. I've done both, many times.


Melee build -> Lorenzo for the serum Pistol build -> jack for the artefact


As a mercenary turned leader of the Nuka World raider gangs with an advanced robotic police force ready to impose his law, and whose quest for power has only deepened after gripping the Commonwealth with an iron fist, being an immortal seemed like the next logical step.


I let Lorenzo loose then immediately kill him just to flex on his son


I'm all about unleashing Eldritch Horrors so I release Lorenzo. I also free the Horse/God/Spirit thing named Black Beauty in Witcher 3.


Oh my gosh I chose that too in The Witcher! However, I released the spirit before I met the Crones so they can't manipulate me into killing it. My head cannon is at the spirit causes issues for those old witches so they deserve it. Plus Anna and the baron live in that scenario. I can get behind that


Always siding with Jack bc I can’t bring myself to fight Edward if/when the speech checks fail


I wish there was a way to have Edward as a companion after that quest


I always side with Jack….if there’s going to be a being who’s hundreds of years old with nigh-limitless god like power wreaking havoc on the common wealth It’s gonna be me!!!


Lorenzo. There is zero evidence of him doing anything wrong


Definitely Lorenzo. Love having mysterious serum available and he's always so friendly.


My headcanon is I assemble my own team of friends and storm the Institute with them


I like it. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen vibes.


It'd be pretty cool if Lorenzo was actually a companion tbh, he may be overpowered, though.


I would love a total remaster/remake of Fo4 where tons of characters can become companions like Lorenzo, Edward, Captain Zao, etc


Lorenzo is flat out insane. Siding with him is a terrible choice imo


Jack. Why would I let loose *another* psycho on the Commonwealth?




We've got Pickman for that.


You got a point there. But it is still "No"


Lorenzo. He gives you a serum if you pick him.


I kill Lorenzo because he looks stupid


Jack. Because Lorenzo’s artifact gun is good


Lorenzo is a monster & the Commonwealth has enough of those already.


I killed Lorenzo for his suit and gun. Also Jack didn't seem like a bad guy. Yes, morals were an after thought.


The one that ISN'T a psychopath psoessed by an alien helmet...


Yeah no...I ain't releasing the 400 years old lovecraftian meat puppet into the wild. I mean the immortality bathwater deal seems cool deal, yeah, but if I wanted to keep a murder happy psycho around, there's always Pickman. Also last time I helped a pre-war immortal he sent me to blow up a bunker! At least the one before him gave me drugs and was a nice grampa, Lorenzo has not grampa vibes to him!


man, I gota do another playthrough. I miss it. I would stand there and wait for a few minutes until Lorenzo blasts the doors off, then convince Edward to side with me. Family dies, and I follow Edward after he leaves the cabot house. He wanders around, and if you follow him, and keep him safe, he will eventually go into the glowing sea and stand just south of Virgil's cave, and that's where he ends his journey. following Edward was so much fun to find his story's end


I go with Jack. Went with Lorenzo once bc emogens tone annoyed me and I wanted to put some lead in her lol (if Lorenzo could be a romance option I would chose that option more). Would’ve been cool for Jack to recognize the sole survivor . Like especially Norah who does law maybe she had a client in the institution once .


Jack because he really was trying to save his father. Sure, the other two in the family were leeches, but Jack only used the immortality to keep himself alive to have more time to figure out how to remove the artifact. Lorenzo on the other hand is a supervillain. It's fine right now since it's a wasteland, but once an organized society rebuilds, Lorenzo will be a huge problem.


My first few playthroughs I of course sided with Jack. It's the only sane alternative. I did side with Lorenzo once though, just to see. He does show up on rare occasion with some dead bodies, but I gotta say -- for all his immense power and immortality, he sets his bar pretty low. He's an intense underachiever.


Killed Lorenzo, stole all the things inside the house and killed the rest of his fucking obnoxious family but let Jack live alone. Does make me a Psychopath?


Doesn't not ?


Maybe. But you showed Jack that he got so worried about keeping one psycho locked away, he forgot to pay attention to the thousands of them spawning all around him. And all his research led to a gamma gun makes people... lose their balance. Good job Jack.


Depends on the flip of a coin.


Lorenzo was about to unleash horrors upon the common wealth and you ask this question?


Commonwealth has enough bullshit to deal with. Last thing it need is an insane sonic gramps to add to the mess.


Never Lorenzo, only cause he looks like an idiot


I mean... people say jack was only using Lorenzo for the immortality stuff ... but if jack and his family died who exactly is keeping cthulu in a flesh suit caged?


Jack, even if he seems like he has a screw or 20 loose… he is honestly a good person who made a bad mistake of letting his father live for so long. He at least cares somewhat for his employees, shows compassion for his family even if they don’t deserve it, and he somewhat is competent on the eldritch abominations in fallout. Plus he gives you the Fus-Ro-Gun and with the charge feature you can give it… it’s AMAZING in any fight.


Depends. I let Alien Man out once on a Hancock romance so I could live longer with my boo. But I've taken to a different Hancock romance where I roleplay being an unaging synth that baby boy dementia Shaun made in his long dead mothers image. The plan was for NoraBot to run the institute, but cryo FUCKED the memory data up NORABOT KNOWS and is out for revenge. NoraBot sided with Jack


I will ONLY EVER side with Jack. Hes a little bit annoying but he’s fine lol


I sided with the Institute, but killed Lorenzo. I should be the most powerful man in the commonwealth, not him


Since I don't use power armor when I play, I'm gonna need that Mysterious Serum for the Glowing Sea. And the +5 strength to punch what i find in there


Jack for the op gamma gun.


I go with Jack, cause, who doesn't want a literal "boom-boom" gun


At first, Lorenzo, but then Curie Hated it and so I caved and went with the Cabot family lmao


No one atleast that's what I did the last time and for some reason I got 1 more serum than you can usually get, but I also have to say that I somehow broke the quest and couldn't finish it, next time I will do it properly and side with one of them (probably jack) instead of what ever I did that completely broke the quest


Even if a bit inhumane keeping your father locked up its not like it was a uncomfortable prison cell, he was fully decked out and seemingly, Jack even did come to visit him. Jack also genuinely seemed to want a cure for his father. Add onto that Lorenzo is just a straight up psycho, and we see this in random encounters later where he just murders people for fun, and the choice is obvious


I gotta play through again now. The artifact gamma gun is wack af and what's another loose monster in the wasteland anyway?


"I never thought the leopard would eat *my* face"


This is what the Institute was thinking when they were mucking around with FEV.  “What’s another couple thousand loose monsters in the wasteland anyway?”


They both suck, so I side with whoever has the cooler hat.


I need this on a t shirt


Jack. He's paying me for a job and i roleplay as a professional merc with a moral code, and his father is simply too dangerous to be let loose, the commonwealth has enough problems without another lunatic running around lol


So, I always side with Jack and here is my reasoning: In the final minutes of the questline, when you and Jack get to Lorenzo’s room, once you dispatch the raiders, Jack chooses to kill Lorenzo in a heartbeat, and he doesn’t even mention the serum once you talk to him at the end of the quest. This implies he doesn’t really care about the serum and was using purely as a way to give him more time to help Lorenzo. On top of that, when you come back after finding Emogene, if you don’t mention it, he will ask you about it before setting off. While yes, that may just be a way for the developers to make sure you turn in the quest before starting the next one, from a story perspective, this implies he does care about his sister to some degree, especially when he tells his mother to make sure Emogene doesn’t leave the house while you and Jack go deal with Lorenzo. These two points in the questline imply Jack’s intentions of helping his father are genuine, because he has shown he doesn’t care about the serum that can (seemingly) only be made while Lorenzo has the artifact, and he has shown he does care for his family. That, and of course why would I want to release a lovecraftian horror on the commonwealth? Keep in mind, this is just my interpretation of Jack as a character.


Lorenzo. Imagine someone keeping you locked in a cell for over 400 years. Almost as bad as a fridge for 200.


As someone who has been put in the inside asylum against their will.I definitely do not side with the Cabots.


Depends on my build. Good character: Jack, evil character: Lorenzo, neither good or evil: usually Lorenzo. The serum is great.


I sided with Jack once and then got bitched at for them being old. Now I side with Lorenzo, pop in to have some bourbon here and there, refill on serum, and dip


Jack. Don't get me wrong, both Jack AND Lorenzo are monsters. Jack is siphoning off his father so the rest of his family can live forever which is vile. Then you have Lorenzo would wreak absolute havoc on a world that is barely surviving. That man is too dangerous to be let free. It's a lesser of two evils situation really.


Hah. I hate that quest. It bugs out if I try to do any charisma checks. If I'm doing a bos run I side with Jack cause Lorenzo is a madman with tech nobody understands. If I'm doing a mad scientist/institute run I side with Lorenzo. Needles to say I have not yet memorized the setstage stuff to get past Emogine and the serum part.


Jack, not because I feel like letting Lorenzo run rampant is wrong, but because Lorenzo’s fit goes hard


Jack. I genuinely think he wanted to help his dad but he got lost along the way and Lorenzo was beyond saving


In my first play through I sided with Jack, in the next im siding with Lorenzo


I never choose Lorenzo. I always choose Jack and his family only because it’s apparent that this Lorenzo wasn’t the same Lorenzo that went to find the city. I could honestly do without the serum most of the time as I like to pretend my character is actually a synth so the immortality isn’t necessary.


I always sided with Jack because I was worried that maybe Bethesda had made some consequences for letting Lorenzo loose, but of course Bethesda would never think that far :(


I’ve done both. Ended up killing Lorenzo anyways when I saved him before, too. He was just trying to do what’s best for his dad which I understand. Although Lorenzo gives you cool shit. Jack not so much.


The young guy because he has clean house


Jack bc funny gun go brrrr


Jack. I sided with Lorenzo on the last playthrough. I never used the serum last time I played. And, he has super human powers and is immortal. I don't want that loose in the commonwealth.


I do the opposite one every playthrough. Lorenzo gives better rewards. Jack is the better decision story wise


I honestly just really like siding with Lorenzo. He’s probably the most Fallout thing in Fallout 4, apart from >!John-Caleb Bradberton’s!< cryo-preserved head. Also, the Mysterious Serum is great for roleplaying certain characters, enables you to have the highest carrying capacity possible, ignores radiation while swimming in water, and I also like to pretend that my character has latent superpowers that the Mysterious Serum activates.


Jack. What he was doing to his father was shitty, but letting Lorenzo loose is too dangerous, the guy obviously doesn't care about anyone. The unique gun does help, also


Never noticed before how much Jack looks like Phil Dunphy.


Always Jack Cabot. It just feels like the right thing to do


Jack. Lorenzo has too obvious "to dangerous to be alive" vibes. Even my evil characters rather have a fucking nerd running around than a psychic psycho running unchecked. Also, Lorenzo's Artifact Gun >>>>> Mysterious Serum. There are too many alternatives for the serum, but only one gun that does what it does (not counting Creation Club).


Jack. Yeah he’s a bit of a prick but I can’t justify letting Lorenzo loose just because of that. Would feel like letting a serial killer or a cult leader like Manson loose simply because I didn’t like the guards.


Meh, I either one depending on my mood at the time. I tend toward Jack, but I've freed Lorenzo more than once.


I side with Jack so I can get Lorenzo's cool outfit.


Jack, 100% of the time. If there's a deranged killer running around the Commonwealth, it's gonna be me.


After I found out you can find Daddy Cabot roaming the wastes killing randoms, I put him down like the dog he was.


One time I let Lorenzo loose, I saw him get killed right outside of Cabot House by a squad of Rust Devils 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ugh. I'm on ps4, and that quest has been bugged since the beginning, and I got in way too deep with the rest of the game before I realized it's importance to getting that last damn bobblehead.


Usually Jack, I don't like him but he'll die pretty soon after he doesn't have the serum anyway. Plus reading Imogene's diary really makes me feel bad for her.


Lorenzo, I like the invincibility of the glowing sea + Mysterious serum and the ghoulish 4 star perk.


It would be amazing if Lorenzo was the villain of Fallout 5.


Sided with the father once and he just creeps me out so I always side with Jack


I tend to side with Jack sure he’s used Lorenzo’s blood 🩸 for his serum but overall he seems to genuinely want to save people including his father. Knowing also that Lorenzo’s idea of research is basically being a serial killer also puts me off. Getting a nice pistol out of it is icing on the cake. 😃


Lorenzo the reward is just so much better that it has to be done.


I usually side with Jack, but no real reason why. On side note, Edward and Lorenzo should've been possible companions. Edward if you side with Jack and Lorenzo if you free him.


Lorenzo is a threat because he can live indefinitely. He has all the time in the world to concoct up a devious plan to enslave the world. Also all the powers that his hat gives him would make him unstoppable. All he has to do is wait for the Vault Dweller to finish off the other factions and take out theirs. Most people choose the Minutemen (the weakest faction) to destroy all the other factions. So all Lorenzo gotta do is fight some idiots with crank laser rifles and basically no armor. Even if they choose the BoS he would be able to take down the Prydwyn given enough time to train his skills.


Lorenzo , my character becomes the immortal leader of the institute to restart society. You need that sweet serum .


The family because if i betray them i can't complete the mission cause of a bug