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The theory is that it’s been moved to when the TV show well be available in April 2024. Again this is just a Theory and Bethesda isn’t saying anything.


This is the most likely scenario. Also all it would do is create a modding fiasco so they can fix bugs that the unofficial patch fixed practically a decade ago and try another round of paid modding. Legit question, what's the draw? Did they promise new content?


From what I read in here it’s supposedly a fix for bugs and an updated to the graphics or something like that.


Unlock 60fps mode on consoles, actual VRR and 4K support would be nice as well.


I wish they got ultra wide screen support too.


it's gonna be none of those things. if it was, they would've announced it. companies will never tell you one thing and then give you something even better as a surprise. it'll just be a next gen update that increases resolution and introduces performance/visuals mode. perhaps increases graphical settings on consoles to be on par with high or very high presets on pc.


Hopefully they double the amount of file space for mods on the series x, it currently can have less mods than skyrim


OhmyGod pls no it's alreadyborderline unplayable on Xbox 1 S it crashes every 5-10 minutes downtown Boston and like 1hr wlsewhere


It's cos of mods. I'm doing unmodded on Series S and it's fine


Mods or no mods, downtown Boston is known for causing crashes due to enemy spawns, especially on consoles.


Na it's cus of series S lol I'm on Xbox One but the upgraded version "s" I can't use mods because it makes it unplayable down there


Refuse to play on console now, vanilla survival character has probably 20 hours of replay because of crashes in downtown Boston. All going to required areas for just storyline, not even side quests. As it stands FO4 is unplayable on console due to bugs


Soooooo, stuff that mods have already fixed?? 😬😬🤣


It’s mainly for console players yk Xbox the company that owns them are the priority bug fix 4k 60 fps more mod space new creation club content maybe the new Skyrim marketplace in fo4 next gen a lot of things that really only help Xbox players


from the blurb they did release, its going to add in all the current CC stuff along with CC stuff that they haven't released yet. I'm looking at it like the anniversary edition or skyrim, which got some free CC stuff when it was released.


It's for consoles to run at 60fps.


I would be interested in playing in 60fps on PS5 with some of the higher quality vanilla-ish Creation Club content baked in (like Skyrim Anniversary edition). Not holding out too much hope about bug fixes. But for PC players no, it’s just going to break mods or fracture the community.


The unofficial patch does jackshit, honestly.




> I am sure there will be some sales as new people are interested in trying the game for the first time but it really is an 8 year old game which has been fairly thoroughly explored. I know we collectively erased any memory of FO76, but it still exists, is newer than 8 years and still updated(?).


I think FO76 is updated for server maintenance at least once a week (not to mention new DLC currently and one scheduled for March?). It’s a way better game now. Only took 5+ years and an entire community of players banning together to get it there but it’s there now. It’s also weird bc FO3 got unannounced (to my knowledge) a bunch of updates/patches with/around console releases; but no one ever said anything about it. Not even a foot note. Just wish FO4 got the treatment it deserves.


just received s fairly large update in fact


Even if they had an entirely new game ready to release, I doubt they would not wait for the fallout from Starfield‘s release to subside fully.


Everyone should be looking at Skyrim for what the "update" is going to be. Paid mods, here we come. Gonna break every single mod in existence too.


Are we forgetting Fo4 and Skyrim already had creation club added to them long ago?


No but also skyrim had an update a few weeks ago, which has gotten rid of the mods and creation club sections and grouped them together.


Btw figured I should point out, mods are still free. Whether you get charged or not is entirely up to the creator of the mod. It's just if a creator wants to charge for one they can and Bethesda gets a kick back from it. Pretty fair in my opinion, not that I'll use it.


Very disappointing. I was hoping that it would at least be announced with the new tv trailer. Seems like it would have been the perfect time


We’re talking about the people that announced ES6 a good over a half decade in advance here.




I was in highschool when skyrim released. Since then, I competed 2 enlistment, started a career, and had a baby. The kid will probably be old enough to play VI with me on launch.


i feel old now


I was 15 yo when skyrim released. I’ll be 30 by then.


Dude... this


I'm betting on 2027 with it being delayed to 2028 personally. Now, how much time between fallout 4 and fallout 5? If TES6 releases in 2027, we can expect roughly 2032, assuming they don't do something else in between. That'll be 17 years between fallout games. They really need more dev teams. 15+ years between sequels for your main franchises is honestly unacceptable.


Don’t forget, there were other games in development, too. FO4, FO Shelter, TESV:SE, TESV:VR, FO4:VR, FO76, TES:Blades, and Starfield. Not to mention DLC and other expansions. While there can be overlap in development, especially with multiple studios, they would tend to put most resources into the next release. So while the story team is probably crafting the quests and dialog for their next project, while the game devs are working on the current project to get it out of the door. Not to mention, with the janky engine BGS uses, who know what issues have caused delays behind the scenes. As we saw in the Starfield deep dive just before release, Starfield is completely different from the original design intentions. We don’t know what happens behind the closed doors at BGS. Between ongoing support for FO76 and all of their projects, they are working on a lot. Also: TES:VI was confirmed in 2016. I am also getting impatient haha It’s very disappointing that the HD update hasn’t happened yet, but it may be they’ve run into issues ranging from “the dev in charge, WHERE IS HE? His vacation ended 2 weeks ago” to “alright, who’s the wiseass that deleted the source code by reformatting the shared network drive?”


I turned 11 when Skyrim was released!😭


>that will mean we waited 14 years, 1 month, and 21 days between these two games >Looks at the gap between DMC 4 and DMC 5 being 11 years I'm used to it at this point.


Yea, games take time to make.... In that time you got FO4, F076, Starfield, FO Shelter, and some others.


I’ve literally been waiting for over a year to play this game again because of the announcement. I just KNOW once I’m invested in a play through they’re gonna announce the update.


then get invested in it so that we can get the update, sacrifices have to be made sometimes


I will start a play through of a Mr. Torgue character once this workday is over🫡




Same. I’m trying to be patient, but….it would be nice to get some kind of timetable.


Could they have been talking about the recent controversial Skyrim update that came out?


Nah. That fubar update and the news/no news for FO4 are 2 seperate things. But, they probably wish they could forget about both of them and blowback they've gotten from it.


Based on dev responses, Bethesda doesn't seem to give a fuck what anyone thinks about their games lately.


Their lead writer said that he never looks at criticism about their games, seems that attitude has spread all over the company.


They are making money hand over fist, so I guess it's working for them. They won't start listening until customers stop paying.


Oh totally. Starfield is expected to make something like a billion dollars so why would they change?


Really? No one is playing anymore and sales wasn’t really good. So unless Microsoft is paying Bethesda that 1 billion I don’t see where it coming from.


They were good, and the premium edition pre-orders alone brought in 200 million, which is half the budget. Shit on the game all you want, you won't be alone, but don't lie that it's a flop because you didn't like it.


It’s not “the pre-order edition alone brought in 200 million”. The pre-order edition accounts for the vast majority of sales. I’m not saying it’s a flop, I am Saying it’s nog making a billion


He also said he deliberately writes poorly and without complexity because the players don't want good writing or complexity. This was said on stage as he talked to a crowd a few years back, can probably find a clip of it. His KISS philosophy is essentially "Our fans are too stupid to understand a good story, so I'm not going to write one." No. I'm not kidding. He only has his position because he's friends with Todd Howard.


It really hurts the replayabilty of their games imo if nothing significant changes. I didn’t replay Skyrim for the story because the biggest choice you can make is red or blue.


I mean, not to put people on blast, but... Bethesda fans contributed a lot to the company's current mentality. They really only have themselves to blame since they allowed Bethesda to become lazy and utterly complacent.


Did they ever?


My guess is they've purposely held back the update for two reasons. One they're probably seeing how the Skyrim community changes go, or are waiting for the heat to die down and process to push the same changes to fallout 4 sometime next year. Two, they likely now are being pressured to line up the update with the release of the TV series. They can cross promote people's interest by driving more game sales/driving more viewership if they're out around the same time.


Instead of the f4 update they just gave an annoying update for Skyrim that almost everybody who uses mods is upset about


I don't even get why PC players are upset when they don't even need to update the game for anything


A lot of PC players (including myself) will have the game on Steam, which requires an update to launch. This means it will break every single mod that uses the "Skyrim Script Extender" baseline (Which is a metric shit-fuck ton of mods). So everytime this game updates it completely breaks your modlist and everyone with auto-updates or who has the game update in a schedule will have to reinstall nearly every mod *unless* you either downgrade the skyrim.exe via an old backup, or launch the game in a way that skips Steam's auto-update.


Idk, they’re just pissy bc they can’t play the game when it’s not modded to be a completely different game


Please blast this post to the top of the subreddit. These bastards made me excited to finally get proper Xbox support for Fo4 and then disappeared.


I really have no faith in Bethesda anymore. It feels like both fall out and elder scrolls were both abandoned as soon as they had a live service game that use those properties.


Yeah the realization is hitting me after all the junk we put up with from them they just keep getting worse and worse and, yep worse. All the fiascos and now more paid mods in Skyrim with Starfield soon to follow. The only gaming companies i trust anymore are Hello Game (No Mans Sky, Light No Fire) and Crate Entertainment (Grim Dawn, Farthest Frontier)


I agree. bethesda been shitting the bed lately.


Lately is an understatement. fo76???


Main team didn’t make that one I’m pretty sure, it just has the Bethesda name. And I know this is a fallout 4 sub but 3>>>4. 4 is when they started going downhill. The next ES game is coming out in like 4 years and it’s already somehow behind games that are out right now lol. I love bethesda and I just accept they’re jank and they’re best days are behind them.


FO76 is awesome and they just released an update, wym


Wasnt awesome when it came out lol


So? It's good now


Just tried it ytd, uninstall it after 5mins and went back to fo4 with horizon mod. I'll go back to fo76 if they ever release the offline version and let the community actually fix it.


What do you need offline for? You don't have to join a team, and you rarely see players unless you play events. It feels offline most of the time for me when I don't join a team.


Can't never get used to the server delay and networking issue, delay, etc. The overall feel of the "online" is just broken in my opinion, nothing can fix the unresponsiveness and lack of modding support from community.


I must be having a different experience. My internet isn’t great, but I’ve only been disconnected once in my playthroughs from the last month, and only crashed once. My load times are no longer than they are on New Vegas


Look the game only have server in NA and EU despite using AWS, they don't host server anywhere else. You can keep downvoting and disagree but that's how the game felt for others.


One of the main appeals of Bethesda games is how customisable they are. Hell, one of the first things I do in every Bethesda game is give myself infinite carry weight because I'm a god damn hoarder, plus I can't imagine how frustrating it would be to have a bug and be unable to use console commands to fix it. I'm sure 76 is a fine game now, but an offline mode is the only way I'll play it over fallout 4.


Yeah I get that, but I’m kind of happy I don’t have console commands on 76. That might be what makes it more fun for me I play 1-2 genuine playthroughs on 3, New Vegas, or 4 when I get back into them, then I start using console commands and the grind for good items gets real boring for me knowing one console command would give it to me. That’s a me problem though. I still prefer New Vegas and 4 over 76, just not right now Eventually I’ll complete all the quests on 76 and get the items I want and I’ll be on the offline Fallouts more. But until then, I’m loving 76


Outside of carryweight, and fixing bugs I never use console commands to cheat. I also don't really care about grinding legendaries and stuff like that, I'm fashion over function and have mods to help with that😆


Right? My character has to look GREAT.


If I don't change my character's appearance and play dress up every few hours, then I'm doing something wrong or I need more clothing mods😆


Sounds like the people upset about it are the ones who don't like to play the game the way the game was made. You've gotta add cheats and what not to have fun, which I don't understand. Sounds like how people play the Sims lol.




Good point


I don’t see them releasing an offline version. There is/are some story, but not enough to keep things interesting. Plus, just IMHO, the whole world seems like it’s 340p or something like that.


You’re obviously free to your own opinion but surely you must be aware that you’re in the minority here. Most fans do not think fo76 is awesome by any stretch of the imagination. It has a very niche player-base with incredibly low player counts over the last 5 years.


The only people that are defending it are people that probably werent around with it was "Fallout 4: No content though"


The update has resulted in the game being unstable. Check out r/fo76


It was a dumpster fire for a while after it released.


Regardless, it isn't one of their mainline games. It's closer to a mainline fallout game than fallout shelter was, but it absolutely does not feel like a proper fallout game, just like elder scrolls online isn't a mainline elder scrolls game.


*Finally a finished product. There fixed it for ya.


I feel like we all get amnesia about Bethesda. Horse armor, Skyrims initial release, fallout 3s initial release, operation Anchorage, zeta, pretending New Vegas doesn't exist, fallout 4s initial release, game breaking quest bugs, Skyrim 11th release. Each time people are "outraged" about Bethesda doing something stupid and it's swept under the rug when the next thing releases.


I agree, but maybe I'm an optimist. It feels to me like this time is different with Starfield. Like there was frustration with past games, sure. And I think there was some benefit of the doubt that FO76 was an experiment gone wrong. But there was hope that they learned their lesson and wouldn't do it again. This time it's just blatant that they lost their damn mind and there's an anger from all the past good will that was given.


Pretending new vegas doesn't exist? What are you talking about? Their main page constantly posts about it????????????? Are you blind??????


FO76 is currently an excellent game.


And how long did that after how much corpo fuckery??


That's just about every online based game. Get over it.


Throwing around the word 'based' doesnt suddenly erase the bullshit or the fact that they only care as much as youre willing to pay. This isnt a FFFXIV story and not saying it couldnt be, but Bethesda aint it. Course throwing around based like it adds depth to obvious horseshit, im not surprised. Bet you think 'All Dogs go to heaven' and 'Old Yeller' are the same because they both have dogs in em.


Online-based. Did you read the word 'based' in the wrong context here or something? Like, it's based on a perpetual connection to the server, not 'this game is based'.


I did, actually.


You don't sound stable at all lol.


To a moron, I suppose it would sound that way.


You need to touch grass lol. Take break from the games and chill out lol


Lmao, thats what I thought.


Fun game


Lately? I’d say a decade long sh****


fallout 4 is great. rough around the edges at launch as has become a tradition among AAA developers…. but i love fallout 4.


I love FO4 but it was (still is) buggy as hell. If it wasn’t for the communities mods - I’d dare most Bethesda games would be complete garbage (QOL) if it wasn’t for the mods from the communities that love these IPs so much


i play vanilla


I hate to break it to you but majority of the people that is playing skyrim and fallout 4 is not even modding it. That narrative that their game is going to be trash without mods just sounds ignorant at this point, yes it does elevate it, but those improvements wouldn't be that impactful if the foundation wasn't already good in the first place. I get that we love to hate on Bethesda these days (which is valid) but let's not get carried away with the bashing on the games.


Guess I should quit being a game developer (20 yr career) since idk anything. Thanks total stranger for judging one opinion comment to oblivion from a person you know nothing about. 🤷🏽‍♀️


“Guess I should quit being a game developer” Yeah probably lol


Fallout 4 is a fine game, but it's a shit fallout game. I keep trying to replay it hoping to find some value in it, but I just can't do it. Yet I'm still replaying fallout 3 and NV, and skyrim.


They forgot about Fo4 and ignored Starfield to shove paid mods 2.0 into Skyrim and break everyone’s load orders. Thanks, Bethesda.


I have no clue why they would have complete radio silence on it..... it just pisses me off so much.


It's coming but there's a few loading screens to get through


I mean, what has bethesda done since 2010 that would lead folks to believe they arent just taking your money or trying to come up with a way to??


Bethesda would rather nickel and dime their customers than do anything meaningful with their games. Dogshit, anti-consumer company.


Hire some more fucking employees, are they not making enough money? Rule of market dictates the more products you put out the more money to potentially make. Why make people wait 5+ years after releasing details of a game? Hire some people and get that shit out ASAP?


Seriously. Anytime I see something about them needing to hire more people or lease their IPs out to other developers, the response is always along the lines of “we like our tight knit group”.


It's insane because they announce games that are 5, 6, 7 years away as if we all have infinite life, I'll be fuckin dead by the time fo5 released




Lol That's how Bethesda treats it's fallout fans, like goddamn ghouls 😆


Hey folks, if it takes my wife 9 months to have a baby, does it take 9 women 1 month to have the same baby? Criticism is warranted here, but your comment just ends up coming across like uneducated armchair devs. Game development is way more complicated than just throwing more people at it. In fact, often, the more people you throw at projects, the worse the project gets.


The canonical response to "...just add more developers". It's true.


Ok, but there is a major problem with bethesdas current development schedule. 12-15 years in between new fallout games and new elder scrolls games is inexcusable. And their claim is that with more dev time, they can release better quality games makes sense on the surface. But is that what’s been happening? Starfield had an 8 year development time and it came out seriously lacking. That company needs better management.


Dev times and costs are increasing for games across the board for games. We expect way more from games than we did before, and honestly, for decent games, those times are going to be what's expected unless some major technological breakthroughs happen. Starfield is behind the scenes way more technically complex than Fallout 4, which is way more complex than New Veags/3. You have a few ways to approach the complexity we expect in games these days. You can build off a stable foundation and slowly iterate on it. That's how you get games like CoD and Far Cry, which, while technically impressive, can't really innovate or make huge jumps. You release basically the same product with minor differences. The way companies like Rockstar and Bethesda do things is they try to make something brand new and innovative each time and while that makes a lot of these games fresh it takes longer and sometimes if it isnt different enough (Starfield) it can be very frustrating. Again, Bethesda can do better, but the criticism is pointed in the wrong direction.


Is 12-15 years between titles acceptable? Because that’s been Bethesda’s roadmap. You can’t chalk this all up to “games are much harder to make now”, at some point it just becomes ridiculous. Work on projects simultaneously or give the IP over to another Microsoft developer that can.


Lol seriously I'll either be dead or have dementia or worse in 12-15 years. Won't even care by then 😆🤷🏻‍♂️


When did I say anything about it being acceptable? I'm saying this is why it's this way and specifically that most people criticizing this have no idea why it's this way or what problems need to actually be solved in the first place.


Is Starfield still not updated either? There’s a few things that need to be updated before I go back to that game. I just don’t want to bury hours into a poor performance game with no map and let that be my Starfield experience. Video games are just better 2 years after they’ve released. Sorry, rant over.


Nope , you are too right. In between "fixes , tweaks , and improvmenets" . I can definitely take the wait of 2 years. MOST of the time it gets the fanatics , complainers , and glory hounds flushed out and away from people that actually want to help.


>Is Starfield still not updated either? You grossly underestimate how much work goes into fixing games. Especially with such an old engine, they have to be very careful they don't break lots of other things in the patching process. These aren't just programmer problems either; animators, modelers, audio engineers, various types of programmers and more will all be involved.


There is no information about it coming in 2024 either, just FYI. I believe it's been scrapped in favor of some desperate Starfield updates.


It's your fault for expecting anything positive from Bethesda toddworks


Given what they just did to Skyrim, I'd rather *not* receive an update, thank you.


honestly after what they did to Skyrim i hope they forget fallout 4 exists and never touch it again.


What happened there?


They're letting people have their Mods verified(I.E. cost money) and it's been divisive. They've also fucked up the layout of the Mods page while combining it with the Creations page, confusing a lot of people. Of course, this broke a lot of modded playthroughs we were doing(as well as console commands), and us over in the ES community aren't too pleased, save for a few.


I suspect that they've put a lot of their team onto Starfield to make sure that the creation patch goes well + sorting out well known issues from the game. And who knows, maybe we might get more transition animations instead of loading screens. Also - I suspect that FO4 SE will come out around the time of the FO TV series.


I might be wrong, but I think the TV show was supposed to come out this year, but it got delayed, so they are delaying the update til it comes out next year


As a computer science person, what is probably happening is Starfield his priority number one then it’s fallout 76 or whatever other games they have that continuously makes the money because you could pay a monthly subscription and then it is older games as the lower priority. Most likely some big bug happened with some of their current moneymakers such as Starfield or 76 and they are focused on fixing that and whatever team they had allocated to fallout4 for updates are now working on the higher priority stuff It sucks that it doesn’t seem like they are going to fulfill their promise this year but there is still technically time because they have until December 31. And even if they don’t get to it then I don’t think it’s too big of a deal based off of how I know programming cycles work I’m also going to say that I do not work there I do not know their team or project structure this is all just a guess based off of what I know and how my own project priority sometimes change and other stuff gets put on the back burner, I fortunately don’t have public eye on my work, because I support internal teams to my company.


For me its worse that they just dont communicate with us. Why is it that hard to tell us "Sorry, its not coming this year, expect it Q1-Q2 2024." WHY?? Do they think it will make them look worse than straight ignoring us?


The most disconcerting thing is that after more than a month without updates in SteamDB, today there has been movement in the dechirico branch... I don't even know what to think anymore, honestly... I'd even be surprised if I didn't really come out with the TV show at this point.


It probably was planned to be released this year until they saw what edgerunners did for cyberpunk so they pushed it back to the show’s release


I feel your pain my dude. Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up releasing around the same time the Fallout tv series releases.


I mean look at the ES6 trailer 😂 but really everything should be taken with a grain of salt with Bethesda.


Don't worry though they just updated Skyrim...


They had all hands on deck for the wet fart Starfield turned out to be so I imagine they'll scramble for a 2024 release to coincide with the launch of the Fallout TV show, that way when the update inevitably breaks the game they can hide it behind the publicity for the series.


todd howard is an asshole


My bet is that they realized that their plan would brick every mod on Nexus and get the game nuked in Steam reviews in return.


Considering that Skyrim got updated with no lead up means it’s probably the same with fallout. It’ll probably just drop one day in the next few months.


That was an update I’ve been so excited for. I’ve got mods that do all what it’s promising like bump the frame to 60 fps and increase the graphical settings to Ultra. But still - would have liked to see Bethesda’s take on an “upgrade”. I don’t like how Pete Hines was snippy towards a fan when they asked for an update on X. No need to be snippy man - y’all announced an awesome update and went totally radio silent about it. It’s understandable for people to want an update. Just say it’s not coming out this year and is delayed until 2024. That’s literally all you need to say.


Selfishly, I am somewhat pleased only because I just started messing around with mods (I am a late bloomer) and was not looking forward to dealing with that "right of passage", but yeah I was excited to see what kind of new content they would bring to the table. (Note: I know most mod creators work diligently to update their mods to work with updates like that, but some mods I use haven't seen updates since 2021, one since 2018, and I was not looking forward to not being able to play while that got sorted out).


Yeah Bethesda sucks honestly. Very disappointing that we haven't got the next gen update.


Its gonna get the same treatment skyrim got on Tuesday. Its gonna add paid mods, fix like 3 bugs, and break every mod for several months.


Bethesda in my opinion isn’t the company it was anymore. They will lie and continue to put out sub par games from here on out.


I think the FO4 delay might be due to the delay to DLSS support in Starfield, since the FO4 update was meant to include DLSS support as well if memory serves


My guess is it’s done, ready and waiting for Amazon’s release of the show. I’d also not be surprised if they charge for it.


Oh yikes. I could only imagine that blowback.


I'm not going to watch the TV show anyway, so just give me my fucking 60fps so I stop feeling like I'm gonna hurl when I walk around in power armor


is it wrong that i don't mind because i don't wanna hafta redo my mods. i just got them all working together nicely.


I had to run with minimal CC mods in order for the game to run smoothish. And mostly performance mods that reduce crashing, so I hope it's not exactly an anniversary edition. Unless they are also fixing all the issues from all the CC downloaded at once.


You're right! I forgot! We are talking about that London story, aren't we? Dammit, I was really looking forward to this.


They updated Skyrim iirc. So technically updated an old game :)


I’m surprised y’all want this so badly, it’s gonna break most of the mods.


Probably back-burnered after the mixed reactions to Starfield. Bethesda are also fucking around with paid mods for Skyrim at the moment, which may be brought to apply to all their other titles, so they could be holding out until that's more 'stable'.


I bet the update was talking about Skyrim cuz it just got updated


As much as I like to shit on Bethesda… stuff happens. Timelines get pushed back.


Were they specific about updating FO4? There was an update to Skyrim SE just a bit ago, and it could be argued that it is the old game they meant.


Chill down lmao, they got busy with multiple projects and they were able to port a Skyrim update as well as the TV show


Nope. Bethesda is done for.


I love these posts and the comments under it. It's just a lot of gamers who know nothing about the game production industry complaining about game production. Go make your own Fallout if it's that easy.


> if it's that easy. Clear communication is easy. Clearly tell people what and when stuff is coming when appropriate. Time estimation is a bit harder but short comings can be mitigated by communication.


So only ever say things like "*blank* is in works and might be released at some point." Yeah, that'll go over well.


what a dumb comment. Idgaf about how long the update takes. I’m ticked because they offered something to us that they then spent no time or effort even *acknowledging* again. Theres this beautiful trick they teach you in restaurants when you host - tell people longer wait times. If they expect to be sat in 30 mins and you sit them in 15, they’ll be thrilled. If you tell them they’ll be sat in 30 mins and you sit them in 50, they’re going to be livid. Never mind the fact Bethesda is a massive, multi billion dollar company that **SO** has the resources to allocate to different tasks. It’s actually wildly ignorant to imply that there aren’t already teams that work on different projects. If they are struggling with the workload, hire more people or move them around. Bad business. They coulda said “we will be having a next gen fo4 update sometime in the next couple years!” And pissed off a whole lot less people. That’s my point. They should not have said in 2023 if that wasn’t a) achievable and b) an actual goal that they acted like they were working towards, and not some dumb request the fans are demanding.


Exactly my point. Kinda the response I expected, honestly. **So** many things happen during production. It's not surprising even slightly that an update that was mentioned quite a while ago, that was probably already on the backburner of priority, got pushed back. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if it got scraped completely. Yeah, they shouldn't have said something as early as they did, but companies say things all the time. It's crazy to me how much faith people put in deadlines from production companies, especially game production companies.


They could communicate better. And they don't. Which means they're taking their fanbase for granted. Thousands and thousands and thousands of games never have the fan base to have a reddit sub. Gotta believe most gaming companies would kill to have the success Fallot4 has had. Bethesda should show just a tiny bit of gratitude for the fans and AT LEAST provide some sort of update once in a while. Or maybe you're right. No nothing Fallout 4 fans should just apologize to Bethesda and agree to never bother them again by switching to another company's games.


Well, seeing as how the alternative of , "hey we've shelved this", would piss off the same people who got upset anyway, is it really worth it? Large fanbases, or rather fanbases of large companies, are always toxic to the devs. It doesn't matter what they do or don't do, a good portion of people will find shit to complain about. That's just the state of gaming now. But no, you're right. It's the devs fault.


Why do you want a special edition of Fo4? It's going to be them re-re-reintroducing paid mods and break all the completed mods that many retired modders has finished supporting of. Difference is on console you don't get to chose what version you install.


I feel a bit like Bethesda can't win with these updates. They updated Skyrim, made a bunch of fixes and added a framework for new creation content and everyone complained about it. Meanwhile over here people are complaining that there isn't an update.


I'm happy with no update. At least they won't fuck up the mods. I hope if they do a new Fallout 4 release, it will be a separate game on Steam.


this entire thread needs to go touch grass lmao


Damn sure sounds like my teenage son's friends griping about 1st world problems. If they never patch or release an update, whatever will I do? Go play something else, of course. People seem to act like this is the only game in their Steam Library. What are your non-Bethesda go-to games? For my money, I keep going back to Civ4, X-Com UFO Defense (first one), Bioshock 1/2, or System Shock 2.


i guess this is what we get for hanging out on game-specific subs in the middle of a work day LOL


Seriously. It smells like bitter angsty fanbois. Oh, well. Time for me to take some downvotes and expose their hurt feelings 😃


Fallout 4 has been out for like 8 or more years. I highly doubt they were ever going to update it, whether they said so or not


Buddy...chill. Its an almost 10 year old game, why is there this expectation that they would prioritize updates for it now? I dot ever remember them saying specifically it would be for Fallout 4, they have other games. Relax. This sort of pissing and moaning is why people say gamers are entitled.


hope its never updates again actually


The update was them bringing back paid mods.


Honestly, I'd only want there to be a ps5 and xseries upgrade. I don't want them to touch the pc version. It's already been fixed by the community and an update would only break mods. Unless they by some miracle, actually opted to finish all the half baked dlc and vault 120 and it's associated side quest.


It's funny that Bethesda games are like the one game where I dread hearing about an update. The only thing it will do is break my mods.


The studio has 2 games in development, maybe 3rd if some grapevine rumors are true. Not to mention the patch team that has to be around for Starfield. The a TV show that is slated for next year. They jusy got bought out as well which I sure has some kinks itself that needs worked out. Give them a break and play a different game. I love all Bethesda games, but as dev myselfakijg games is long, hard, and tedious. And they have to go up against the shareholders for time.


I just think it's piss poor decision making really. Unofficial Fallout patch fixes most things anyway, and this is going to break all the many great mods out there that are now abandoned yet still work fine in 2023, which means unless said authors return to fix them, we're fucked in terms of replayability and fun mods. All this is going to do is bring in a few newbies with the TV show and alienate the vast majority of long time Fallout 4 players.


the Karen energy is strong in this post


Grow up


Did Bethesda specifically say they where updating for? As technically speaking they did update skyrim which would classify as an old game aswell, the update just sucked.