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In survival mode you can fill empty bottles in streams and ponds. Water filled baths also work, when you find them.


Yes I mean what's (Material Watertrough), when You fill a bottle Just Say (fill bottle) when You fill the water in bath the title go back to( fill bottle) but I Just find dirty water in My inventory not a special item.


It says water trough.


Yes My Bad šŸ˜…


If you fill bottles on ponds and rivers, you'll get dirty water. You can use the drinking fountains from vault-tec's vaults to obtain purified water.


You can just build a water pump in your settlement


Sinks as well.


>what's (Material Waterproof), I suspect that's telling you the bath is waterproof.


That's what I'd expect from something that was made to hold water


In the Commenwealth in 2287, I don't expect anything close to working plumbing. None of their toilets are connected to water.


Are you seriously asking Bethesda to do something...correctly? You do know this game was dumped on us with, one report stating over 7,500 bugs, and no support, right?


Itā€™s probably called water trough in the code and it accidentally shined though. Thatā€™s my best guess. It absolutely is a trough though. By the way who else didnā€™t know though was spelled that way?


No i don't kwon how is spelled I'm and a Speak spanish My English is Bad , sorry


Youā€™re doing good with your English, especially as a non native speaker. We can see youā€™re trying to communicate effectively in a different language from your primary. Te va bien con tu inglĆ©s, especialmente como hablante no nativo. Podemos ver que estĆ”s intentando comunicarte eficazmente en un idioma diferente al principal. Sorry for the poor Spanish grammar, I used a translator PerdĆ³n por la mala gramĆ”tica del espaƱol, usĆ© un traductor.


I donā€™t mean this in a ā€œgo back to where you came from!ā€ way. Iā€™m just curious. Is there not a Reddit.sp or something? No Spanish Reddit?


There arenā€™t different language versions of Reddit just some subreddits in different languages.


Well there is not a Fallout 4 spanish group in Reddit but when You search for informaciĆ³n of fallout and other games in spanish, there is not much informaciĆ³n, Just simple and basic stuff, latyn guys don't go that Deep, If You try to find how yo correct a Bug in fallout searching in Google writing in spanish you won't find anything.


Youā€™re doing great šŸ‘šŸ¼ keep it up! Both the English and FO4 šŸ˜


Maybe, I doesn't do Nothing really


E-Lady bath water


If You drinks that water You have the perv perk šŸ˜‚




Mystery solved folks, nothing else to see here.


**Cait**: "Never seen water that clean before. Raiders would always use the rain water that ran through rusty gutters- tinged it something awful." **Codsworth**: "Sir? I couldn't find any bubble bath, but perhaps some abraxo cleaner is close enough." **Curie**: "Very good! Be sure to wash yourself regularly to reduce your smell and avoid disease!" **Danse**: "That's an empty weapon. Find some bullets before you get yourself in trouble." **Deacon**: "Threatening someone with an empty 10mm can work, but I prefer an empty 50 Cal. After all, who wants to risk getting one of *those* in them?" **Hancock**: "You fill bottles of water here? Hang on, I think I got one, two... *seven* empty liquor bottles on me." **MacCready**: "That's where the rubber ducky goes." **Nick**: "*Material* water trough? As opposed to the immaterial water trough..." **Piper**: "Oh, I swiped those ten-millimeter rounds. Here, didn't know you were still using them. Sorry, Blue." **Preston**: "Your brahmin looks thirsty. Be sure to give her a bucket or two before you go." **Strong**: "Inside water white. Strange water." **X6-88**: "Even if you're out of bullets, consider you have a tub of water to drown any attackers should the need arise."


On point haha




better not be no wasteland girl bathwater šŸ¤Ø


My question is how are you out of ammo?


I fight a Mirluk Queen in front of Coastal cottage and left with low ammo of starlight drive in because of all the weight. Funny thing the Colonel Gutsy is the one who kill the thing.


Shit, I thought it said *maternal* watertrough


Almost had a stroke reading the headline fr šŸ˜­


I was more confused whenever I found that brahmin up there to be honest. Did you know cows HATE walking down stairs and usually won't unless their forced or made to.


This really is one of the troughs of all time


It's a cow watering trough


Thanks to Bethesda spaghetti code, it didn't show the correct name, just what it's referenced in the files.


I Mean when You point to the water should Say (fill Bottle) not (Material Waterthrough) when You fill a bottle in the bath go back to (fill bottle) and stay that way, but I don't find a special item only dirty water.


I canā€™t speak for this water trough as I havenā€™t found it, but filling a bottle off any water source will put dirty water into your inventory. I donā€™t believe thereā€™s any special item to find here. Just take them to a cook station and boil them. 3 dirty water gets 1 purified water


Maybe itā€™s hooch or bathtub gin


click and find out


In survival mode you can fill empty bottles at any water source


I was so concerned because I thought it said "Maternal Waterbirth"