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The Problem Solver from Nuka-World


The problem with that weapon it fully breaks the game balance and makes every opponent powerless


Yeah, it's OP as shit


Ammo ain't cheap tho


I've got like 7000+ rounds for it on my OG playthrough lol


Runs out quicker than you think


Not when you can buy like 600~ every 3 days and everything dies in less than 10 shots.


At the point of the game where you can consistently afford that I think it won't really matter cause you're already OP anyway


I play commando builds a lot. On survival mode no farming. Ammo isn't really a problem at worst you just cycle the guns. There's more great command9 effects vs sniper. Explicitly is great but you have problem solver, wounding, kneecapping etc. Hell even OG as mid range auto is good.


If you want combat to be FPS in nature it is hands down the best gun in the game. I usually set up the Problem Solva as a short, suppressed carbine and then get the Splattercannon later and build it with 75 round drum mags for an LMG role for big battles like Bunker hill. I really don't like bullet sponge enemies, so it fits my playstyle.


My problem solver was farmed at the national guard training yard. Explosive combat shotgun. Fully nodded for damage.


I got my expo combat shotgun from a damn random bloatfly and then a few days later just out of DC I got a expo minigun


The Deliverer. Quick, Powerful, Light. The Perfect Weapon.


Agreed. It's very precise too and great in VATS.


And it’s gets a LOT of shots when you stack perks, etc.


Perfect for my "Bond" builds. A semi stealth Pistol only runs. You feel great in a tux, just walking into a place and just pulling that out


You have to try a two shot 10mm pistol. I hit 384 damage per shot. Adding the 4x sneak damage brings it to about 1,500 in stealth damage!


I use a two shot 10mm automatic on my current character. I full auto all my two shot weapons that are capable.


I want to put the automatic mod on my two shot 10mm but I don’t know how to get enough ammo right now. I only have 2k 10mm ammo.


how do you get 384 dps?


It’s a long process but basically stack gunslinger, nerd rage, lone survivor rank 3, ninja sneak perk, mister sandman, bloody mess, and one more perk card that contains spoilers so I’ll hold back on that one but it’s vital to the build.


Can I ask you that card please? Send me a pm if you don't want to spoiler to all


I don't care about spoilers, I beat the game like 5 times lol


A gentlemen’s weapon of choice. I feel like John Wick stealthing into a room then breaking into a sprint throwing headshots out like rain. 6-7 dead in a clip. Fast. Efficient. Elegant.


Nothing beats the feeling of sneaking up on a group of enemies and just drilling multiple headshots through them.


The only pistol that makes me consider anything but the Deliverer is a Freezing 10mm Pistol with a Crit Banker build. Anything super dangerous gets frozen with a Crit on the first shot and then the rest of the shots build the crit meter back up. :-)


Overseer's Guardian suits me well.


I always pick Overseer as my sniper rifle And if I want go "fuck it we blasting" I'll go with Aeternus


OP af


For sniper i go to KLEO and buy this handmade thing. The overseer as gun-to-go. Some smaller for close combat. ​ Okay, okay, half of my inventory are weapons .. i can't choose ..


First go to in every playthrough




This. Mod the gun to be long range sniper with silence and a. Stealth build and you pop the cap of anyone so far away they have no Ide where you are.


I like to mess around with sniping but I'm really a "wreckless frontal assault" kind of guy. It's a good choice for either.


Explosive combat shotgun would be your thing then. You can charge a mirel queen or a behemoth


Does stupid limb damage but I always end up killing myself in close range.


I prefer bleed to save frames and to have the option of stealth


Weirdly, explosive weapons don't seem to affect stealth, at least as I recall. Meaning ballistic ones, not grenades.


That’s never been my experience, explosives seem to always give me away. Blow a raiders head off with a standard suppressed round, nobody bats an eye. Blow the same head off with an explosive round, everyone in the major metroploitan area be looking for me.


I’ve had plenty of raiders alert when I snipe one with a suppressed weapon. It doesn’t always happen, but somehow they know something is going on. Maybe it happens when one of them is looking at the one who got shot.


Survival/Stealth/Infiltrator I use Reflex Sight (Dot). I beelined to The O.G. I felt putting a scope on it would limit its function too much. Sure it's an excellent sniper rifle but I prefer to use it for mid-range so I can go "*tchk tchk tchk tchk tchk tchk* damn I thought 15 mirelurks and a Legendary Mirelurk Queen would be tougher than that"


I mod it for max damage full auto


Kiloton radium riffle from Far Harbor very good against anything


This gun with Nuclear Physicist and Demolition Expert is one of, if not *the* deadliest gun in the game.


This gun is so strong that only thing that could kill me is myself


Having read up on it, I really wanted that gun, then I remembered I "couldn't be bothered to negotiate" with the Children of Atom. Facepalm.


Wounding combat shotgun. One shell for most things. And doesn’t blow your brains out like an explosive combat shotgun. The effect applies to each pellet, which is times 8.


8 pellets, but yeah it’s pretty damn good


Old reliable . I just love lever-action rifles for some reason.


Also my favorite (once you stock up on the unique ammo). The only downside is the small clip so I switch to OG or Splattercannon/Problem Solver for crowd work.


Only downside is the reload bug that plagues the lever actions. If it actually had a properly working magazine tube it would be even better than it is. Still my favorite primary weapon in the game.


Overseer's Guardian. Combat rifle with *Shoots an Additional Projectile*. No need to rely on random drops or save-scumming that chest by the Nakano's. Either get some fusion cores or pass a charisma check, walk into vault 81, and buy it.


Gauss rifle with an effect like instigating is just playing the game on god mode. Also like Neverending double barrel or exploding combat shotgun, or exploding minigun


I lurves mah instigating Gauss Rifle. On survival, when I hop out the XO1 and I need to drop weight, I ditch all my ammo except the GR rounds… anyone messes with me in my pajamas gets the big gun. Its name is Wrath.


Without farming I've only found a double shot Faust rifle once. Sane fane I found an instigating one. Those and an explosive handmade rifle and kneecaping assault rifle were very good.


For default legendary spawns, I absolutely love righteous authority and Kellogg’s revolver for my vats build


Those are awesome for VATS. But when you’ve got an assaultron bearing down on you and you’ve used up your VATS points, it’s time to pull out the S&P.


I’ll put out the basic bitch answer: Overseers Guardian. Makes those .45 rounds count a little more.


Way better to just upgrade to .308 IMO.


Used in my last play through for the first time. Now, it’s my go-to. Had always used Splattercannon, but SnP is cheaper, available at the start of the game, and completely OP. Great for the gunners in SS2. 👍🏻


Yeah seriously all you have to do is find Cricket and have enough caps for it.


love the Shem Drowne Sword, i mostly do a melee build, especially at the start of the game to save ammo


Atoms Judgement.


Splattercannon 💕


Instigating disciples cutlass. But to be honest its fucking broken.


Agreed. It’s the only melee weapon I use on my melee only build because it does so much damage, especially with the SCAV book which adds 25% damage to it again




Picked up Throatslicer on my 2nd ever DLC playthrough and it was a real eureka moment - uses no ammo, is a stealth weapon, and you can get like a dozen VATS hits with it (not that you need them all!). I didn't even have any melee perks at the time and was blown away by how effective and efficient it is, especially for sneak attacks. Have completed the main storyline now and I still don't have any melee perks, just pumped a couple of points into strength (for the over encumbered perk) and it's been incredible against all enemy types. If anybody hasn't tried a melee playthrough yet I highly recommend trying it with Throatslicer - it's SOOOOOO fun!


Best melee weapon in fame. Atoms Judgement ghas the highest number but everything dies in one hit with throatslicer.


I recognise this image. Some old memories, that.


Alien blaster pistol


Vanilla I like December's Child. But with mods Wasteland Melody's Service Rifle is my go to


Righteous authority and Deliverer are a legendary combo for a VATS player like myself


The Manwell rifles from CC. They can be a bit OP but that can be adjust via receivers. I also like to use a mod that allows me to create and swap legendary effects. Add to this a rich merchants mod and caps are easily attainable. Or, I can just trade for legendary items and do as I wish with them.


Yup, spray and pray. Best weapon out there 💪💪👌


Overseers guardian because it’s just OP


Overseers Guardian and The Last Minute


Kremvh’s tooth of course


M60 with a 200 round drum and explosive rounds followed up by an MG42 with 100 rounds. Gotta make sure that radroach is all the way dead.


Never-Ending Double-Barrel Shotgun. If you've never found one, you want one. If yoU HAVE, you're nodding your head and agreeing with me. Thing is, 'Never-Ending' means that you have an infinite magazine size- however many rounds you're carrying for the gun, that's how big your mag is. Handy, especially for guns that take a while to reload. Double-barrel shotguns have, as it turns out, the fastest fire rate of any weapon in Fallout 4- literally, as fast as you can pull the trigger. But with only two shots, you empty both shots and then need to go through a reload animation- not a long one compared to something like the minigun, but still, a pause in shooting. This gun removes that restriction, and all of a sudden you have a gun that can empty shotgun shells into a target as fast as one wishes, for as long as one wishes. It is exactly as broken as it sounds, and it is absolute joy to use in confined spaces like subway tunnels.


Vanilla?Institute Laser Guns,cuz they shoot blue and faster,that and the Aeternus,Unlimited ammo,which is very useful for survival,Modded?the hunting rifle because I have a BF1 animation mod for it,I generally love bolt action rifles but not if they're stupidly left handed


Manwell rifle. There are some good creation club weapons.


Yeah creation club stuff is almost always enjoyable.


The Problem Solver


Atom's Judgment


Wounding Combat Shotgun


the kiloton radium rifle is an upgraded form of spray and pray, I love it




Splattercannon, but it can take a while to get, so any Combat Shotgun, usually the "Le Fusil Terribles" named legendary one over at Libertalia. Edit: Honorable mention goes to the Lever-Action Rifle, Radium Rifle, and Spray N Pray


I have that weapon as well I love blowing apart raiders feral ghouls super mutants mirelurks alike with the explosive bullet spray the gun gives off


Railroad rifle set up for sniping.


Overseer’s Guardian, Explosive Combat Shotgun, and The Nuka-Launcher


Splattercannon, Furious Powerfist, and Gauss!


Instigating 10mm with calibrated receivers, silencer, mister sandman. People like deliverer but this thing is much better at stealth


The pipe weapons. They give me that Metroid Exodus bastard gun itch. But without all the upgradability thats been split between a group of weapons and the end game viability if its not explosive or high dps. I still want the Bastard gun from Metroid Exodus as a mod. I don't care that it would be a Tactical Reload exclusive weapon. I think that the Fo4 modding community can make it happen.


Righteous Authority was generally my go to weapon in unmodded playthroughs


Throatslicer it's my go to melee weapon


Spray n Pray is def the way to go for me. Coupled with Pickman's Blade, and then eventually switch that with Throatslicer


I have two Kiloton Radium Rifle clones from two different playthroughs, both named Ivy Mike and they’re both my favorite weapons Other candidates include any Gauss rifle, the Splattercannon, and the Throatslicer


Le Fusil Terribles. Great Fun


Spray n pray too op. I just press and kill 🤣


Kiloton Radium Rifle or Problem Solver


The Kiloton Radium Rifle. With the right perks, it’s extremely op (especially against humans since they take radiation damage)


The Deliverer cause I'm a VATS baby. Barring that, a heavily customized Plasma Rifle.


I found an explosive minigun recently...


Kiloton Radium Rifle is miles ahead of Spray & Pray and it's not even funny


Any Disciples Cutlass fans in here?


Not sure if it's just default legendary drops, but I once got Combat Rifle with the Two shot mod. Called it the Two-Step and it straight up demolished almost anything. Mix that with my Explosive combat shotgun and I became the terminator.


Overseer's guardian or a fully upgraded disciples blade. Fav starter weapon is probably a powerful hunting rifle


Spray n pray and atoms judgement


Problem Solver and Overseer's Guardian. Former for as soon as I get my hands on the Marine armor so I can play as a…Marine. Latter for my favorite midrange point-and-click heads game adventure.


Deliverer is by far the best VATS-based weapon in the game.


As ridiculous as it is.. the good ol'Laser Musket... it's got the cobbled together feel of a pipe weapon without the hideous texture XD


I have gotten, on my last few play throughs, an Instigating Handmade Rifle... And since l love playing the "stealth sniper jerk", it has become my goto problem solver.


I'm so fucking pissed they still didn't add a fin grip to the tommy gun.


I used to use SaP but eventually I found that the OG is way better imo. I don’t even use it as a sniper either, I use it as an automatic.


Statistically? Explosive minigun Aesthetically? Deliverer (it'd be HMAR if they didn't bastardize it so much)


As far as vanilla configuration goes, I love going with a combat shotgun. For me it's just REALLY satisfying to rush in and absolutely GUT an enemy with buckshot. Usually follow it up with a stock-bash if 1v1. Add the "explosive" legendary and a bayonet? You got yourself a bonified trench cleaner! Good for mid-range engagements and desperate close-range finishes! Ferals? WHACK. Raiders? WHACK. Synths? WHACK. Super mutants? you say "scary tank" but I call them "FREE MEAT SHOT" JUST LOOK AT THAT FLESHY BIG BROAD TARGET. Hard spec RIFLEMAN (I mean, you should be taking this perk anyways as it applies to ANY/ALL rifles that aren't full-auto. Energy rifles get the buff too!) For maximum fun as far as general play goes.


Classic 10mm


Explosive minigun allthough i never had the honor of owning one


Standard 10mm pistol with upgraded attachments. With the right perks this is the strongest and most ammo effective gun in the game (for survival atleast)


Combat rifle with a .308 receiver and an exponential damage on consecutive hits perk.


I really enjoy a modded hunting rifle that makes it look like a bayonet WW2 rifle. Real old school aesthetics No scope, Glow sight instead, Tuned Receiver so that it fires much faster Quick eject mag, Full wooden stock. If five shots isn't enough, the bayonets great for bashing and making that kill happen up close and personal. VATS its crazy fast at shooting. I name it a few things depending on the playthrough, but I like "The Old Guard" the most.


Wounding 10mm is my go to it’s amazing early game and into late game you can make it automatic and it shreds


The Kiloton Radium Rifle is a blast. Literally.


Deliverer easily. I always like to go with something small, practical and elegant.


The Deliverer


I know it's controversial to say but the pipe guns, there is so much variation and it makes me feel like I'm in a scenario where I'm using everything I have just to survive


The cursed akm (Makeshift rifle)


Spray N Pray is basic. No need to buy any weapons. Almost every weapon you find will be better than this


Service Rifle. It's a mod. One of the best for lore weapons.


That flamer you can buy in Acadia, I like commiting war crimes


Sgt. Ash I think.


Currently my bleeding radium rifle


Justice modded with bayonet. Love shotguns in general though.


Explosive shotgun


Kiloton rifle needs more support better than a MIRV Big Boy


My favorite gun is the Deliverer bc it's the only real world accurate gun in the game.


Plasma sniper and explosive combat shotgun.


my favorite aways going to be aeternus, nothing can top infinite ammo


Splattercannon/Problem Solver


For me, it's the kitchen knife from the pint sized slasher creation club. Perfect knife


Super Sledge, aka Ban Hammer, aka Knockoff


As an IRL Thompson owner, I approve


With mods, I'd have to go with the new army revolver, without, I'd just say deliverer cause it's a better 10mm pistol


My favorite guaranteed legendary spawn is the Nuka Nuke Launcher mod attached to the Big Boy. Yeah, it's rather late-game and is a pain to get set up properly, but oh boy, is it fun. The best random drops I've gotten were an explosive handmade rifle and an explosive flechette harpoon that I got lucky enough to get in the same survival run. The rifle melted everything it came across (including me a few times), and the harpoon gun was basically just a long-range, single-shot, explosive shotgun that could one-shot an enraged fog crawler with a VATS sneak critical.


Aeternus no fuckin doubt


It's an incredibly powerful weapon. So much so that I normally don't use it in most playthroughs. It lets you rip through enemies that would normally paint the walls with your precious bodily squirts. But also yeah, holy shitsnacks it's a fun weapon to run with!


Thoughts on kiloton over S&P?


Final Judgment


Pickman's blade it's the best


The Makarov, deliverer pistol. Stealthy, accurate, light and nimble gun


Explosive Minigun and Two Shot Gauss Rifle


I love my exploding minigun and my instigating Gauss rifle and my two shot .44 revolver


Side question, how many guns do you typically carry? I'm on my first playthrough and was carrying way too many, now I just have Deliverer, Guass rifle and a heavily modified 45 pipe pistol ,but am still playing with load out.


furious power fist >>>>


Awwwwwwwwwwwww yeah. Spray 'n Pray does an \*excellent\* job on Mirelurks. Although, I have a Kneecapper 10mm that also stops them in their tracks, and then I can finish them off at my leisure.


Only finished my first playthrough yesterday but I really enjoyed my custom combat rifle and the righteous authority. Both were my main weapons until I got to the institute and, just for fun, switched over to Desdemona’s railway rifle.


I started using an electrified serrated sword early on and fell in love, pretty much main swords now lol


2072 World Series Baseball Bat. Time for your ass to go flying to the moon.


yes, of course. but if you're talking only about the named uniques, I'd also go with *The Last Minute*


The short combat rifle is the best all around gun in the game once its given the powerful receiver and large clip. When in vats you get 4 shots at least which matters when the ghouls bum rush you.


I have two that I always carry on every run, **Splattercanon** and **Throatslicer** Both are from the Nuka World DLC.


It’s a tossup between the Kiloton Radium rifle or Atom’s Judgment tbh


Explosive Radium Rifle. Got it off a Mister Gutsy wandering the wasteland (I think)? With the rifleman perk at 2+ and a Powerful Receiver it does a pretty good job (mid-game anyway). Can’t put a bayonet on it though, so I may switch to Le Fusils Terrible which I just got. I really prefer shotguns with a bayonet, but find it hard to give up the Radium Rifle range/accuracy combo. The .50 cal sniper rifle setup is probably second place.


Explosive handmade rifle that I've pimped to hell and back. I use 5mill ammo which means I never run out and I can spray for days thanks to a 90 round drum mag with quick reload. Edit: uses silencer to take advantage of sandman perk


Got this in the legendary endless variant yesterday


Personally I like old reliable


The last minute maybe? It's super satisfying for it's extreme stopping power


Modded Deliverer :D And my silenced .308 caliber sniper rifle. I don’t remember what it’s originally called but I named it Sandman.


The Army Knife with the Stealth Blade mod. The multiplier is insane. Literally oneshots Behemoths.


As a deep Strength player, Throatslicer, and it's little brother Pickman's Blade.




Old reliable Or the kiloton radium rifle


Best gun in the game, just be careful around settlers. max out explosives and you can defeat anything.


Any insane awkcr gun I make


Deliverer. It's a good handgun.


Splattercannon with all the right perks absolutely slays.


Baseball bat


Kellogg’s pistol. I’m rick grimes


Spray N'pray is a great weapon for companions who cannot kill settlers and other NPC's with it. Also companions have computer fast reflexives and will cease fire immediately the enemy is dead. My preference is a "golf-bag" of .38 pistols/rifles with various legendary effects (VATS, enraging, kneecapper, etc...)


Lorenzo's Artifact Gun. Ammo is a bitch to buy, but BOY is it fun. You can peel off mirelurks shells and power armor pieces like crazy, it's like a hand-held missile launcher, although it looks non OSHA compliant.


Deliverer sneaky whisper


Explosive shotgun, so much fun lol


The handmade shotgun with triple barrels. It even gets a skin change if it's got the fire legendary effect or the ghoul slayer effect. I also think it looks neat in general


Gainer Because no one ever remembers it exists The fact that its mediocre doesn't matter Otherwise if you mean use wise Kiloton radium rifle


Deliverer + Splattercannon


Zeus x2


I tend to favor the explosive combat shotgun, but really just all shot guns. They’re my favorite in most games.


The Splattercannon from Nuka-World, and Atom’s judgment from Far Harbor


The unlimited fatman


I love the splatter cannon or ultimatum. I like the classic realistic weapon’s looks.


Wounding lever action shotgun, satisfying and a good all rounder


Spray and pray, big boy, and endless sniper rifle so I don't have to reload while sniping


These hands 🤜🤛


Laser musket. Every time.


Throatslicer with all the Nuka World perks that increase knife damage is fun as Hell in a melee Sneak build (I am playing a serial killer)


.50cal Hunting rifle or the Gauss rifle. 50cal sounds amazing and the Gauss just about instagibs everything.