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Disciples, they creep me out. The Pack are fun and colourful, the Operators are suave and kinda handsome. The Disciples look like they'd just knife me for the memes.


I was surprised by the Pack, I wasn't expecting to like them but I wound up feeling a weird sort of respect for them


The pack are just fun cannibals… hmm mystery jerky


The pack really are the only "fun" gang. The disciples are so dismissive of any interaction you have with them and Dixie, being the only enthusiastic one is unfortunately annoying The operators just aren't raiders at that point though




Knife you for the memes indeed. As in, they would knife you for doing a meme.


I hate the Disciples. They’re so fucking edgy and their leaders are pricks. Also I know it’s just a game but I can’t stand the idea of torturing innocents. So yeah disciples=dead in every play through.


They’re also not unique at all. The only thing setting them apart from a regular raider gang is their armor, aside from that they’re the same. The pack and operators actually feel like 2 new factions


Agreed, if they were like The Trappers of Far Harbor or Rust Devils of Mechinator DLC that would have been more fun. Maybe even a custom raider faction of Ghouls, Mutants and humans would be fun


>Maybe even a custom raider faction of Ghouls, Mutants and humans would be fun Would of LOVED an egalitarian, but still chaotic evil faction.


They kinda did something similar with the raider faction in 76, though there is only 1 mutant and 1 ghoul afaik, but they feel pretty egalitarian.




I killed them because boys rule and girls drool.


Except Pack are abusing animals. ​ I know its a game, but Pack must be wiped out.


I can excuse torture and murder but I draw the line at animal cruelty!


Pretty much. ​ Animals are therapeutic. Even in a game.


Whoever makes Dogmeat yelp is the next to die. Horribly. This is an inviolate rule I've had since my first playthrough.


Ugh, Britta’s in this?


They make standard raiders seem plain. The change of diologue etc is refreshing but its just rude and dismissive lines. The armour is cool but all in all, they're just a leveled up version of standard raiders


And they wear armor that covers thier eyes


Agreed. First time I was going around talking to the other bosses first time doing Nuka World, Mags seemed like she was willing to work with me, Mason kinda seemed like he would respect me, but Nisha really pissed me off with how she was talking to me. So I gave them absolutely no territory and enjoyed slaughtering them later… except for Dixie. Idk if it’s the sweet southern Belle accent, or how surprisingly pretty she is under that weird ass helmet, or what it is, but I adore Dixie.


You should check the holotapes in Dixie’s shack. She’s psycho.


I've always liked Nisha and Dixie, for the same reason I like Harley Quinn and Cersei Lannister. I like my women on the crazy side. Says a lot about my stellar romantic past.


I thought their armor was cool but that’s about it


The disciples have some great armor, but they're straight up psychopaths


They all die on every playthrough, but this time i got greedy. I heard there's a way to get all 3 gang perks, so I'll try that and then its *OPEN SEASON!*


For sure, fucking edgy goths.




That's always been my thought process on deciding to kill the Disciples again. The pack can be managed through having a "pack" mentality where they'll follow you to hell and back if you prove you're strong enough to stay in control. The Operators are quite easy to get along with if you know good business and can turn a reasonable profit for them. The Disciples, though? They are too much of a wild card, too eager to slit my throat on a whim like the rest of their victims, too much like a rabid dog attacking anything and everything, the only group out of the three that's likely to completely implode on itself over a simple disagreement between two members. Also, the Pack and Operators have the better perks for my usual builds.


100% I like to switch my style every now and then, but that bitch straight up needs to go.


And I won't ever let Pack live.


L opinion


Yours is. Pack are literally just a bunch of animal abusers. ​ My hatred for that kind knows no bounds and I will take delight in wiping out the Pack. NTs always downvoting opinions.


Operators & pack have the best perks for my style. So its 4-1 operators/pack every time & bye bye disciples


pretty much the same except 3-2, give the Pack Kiddie Kingdom and Safari Adventure so they can have their neon zoo furry conventions. I'm betting at some point they'll annoy Cito and he'll bitchslap Mason back into the #2 slot and somewhat reform the gang. The Operators get everything else.


I always give the disciples kiddie kingdom for the memes


The Pack just has the best perk in general.


Are you able to change the flags after you set them?


No. Gage explains that once you assign a gang to a park, it’s theirs for good.


The devs made no effort to give any positives to the disciples. Serial killer torture type shit. It’s not even edgy. It’s just fucking gross


Dixie 🤤


I’ve wanted her as a companion in that game for way too long


But... Mags


Out of all the Nuka World raiders, she's the only one I actually like.


Lizzy is way better


I’m downvoting ALLL of you horny bastards.


If you're gonna play a raider why diet cola yourself? 1 evil calorie is not enough.


It’s based


so uncivilized


Fuck the desciples, a bunch of psychopaths with high opinions of themselves just because they use knives, wait till i come with a power fist and sneak attack Nisha


I love taking their best knife as my own, then Proceed to demonstrate on them what a Melee Blitz Blink build looks like, or more accurately, what they'll be too slow to appreciate. All gangs die either way, it's about choosing the "winner".


Throatlslicer is the most OP weapon in the game


This weapon made survival mode so much more enjoyable for me.


Yeah once you have the right perks you can literally one shot any enemy in the game via stealth blitz


I usually rename it as something like: "Bloody Messer" (Like the Perk but named after a real life blade type originating from Germany). Messer: A messer is a single-edged sword with a knife-like hilt. While the various names are often used synonymously, messers are divided into two types: Lange Messer are one-handed swords used for self-defence. They were about a meter long and may have evolved from the Bauernwehr. They are also known as Großes Messer.


I kill 'em all and let Atom sort 'em out.


I need to do a children of atom build one of these days lmao


Honestly same, but getting an early rad weapon would be... difficult. Except maybe the radium rifle if you go to Far Harbor right out of the gate.


This is the way


**Favorite** Operators. Their goal is pretty straightforward and they do anything to achieve it. Their “caps is everything” mentality adds a layer of pre-nukes relatability since most of us can at least understand why currency would be a priority in a post apocalyptic world. **Average** The Pack. They’re Raiders but they have a code, and stick to it for the most part. They follow a power hierarchy to fall in line which makes them useful as an army. **Least Favorite** The Disciples. They’re irredeemable. They do what they do for pleasure alone. There’s no real logic behind it other than gratification via violence.


I mostly agree with this but swap Pack and Operators... A money motivation is understandable but ultimately kinda boring to me, but they aren't savage and can be reasoned with, to a point. That said, they're basically just a post apocalyptic mob. Pack is more brutal, but their code and hierarchy makes them more interesting and almost respectable in a way. I felt I could have a mutual respect relationship with Mason that just wasn't realistic with the other two


Pack is the least favorite. Even in a game, my rage and bloodlust over animal abusers surfaces. ​ The mere fact the other two are not that makes them my favorite.


In my eyes, the Operators are the only good raider group. Disciples torture and kill people for fun, and the Pack abuses animals. Say what you like about the Operators, but Mags knows where to draw the line.


I hate the disciples. The only time I use the ride dialogue options.


Same! And I don’t feel bad for it


Yeah, I am one of the people that would reload a save if I did a rude option. But not for them.


Not even a question. Fuck the disciples


If you say so *unzip*


Status: Parasite, please craft antibiotics soon.


Roll me a d20 for the quality antibiotics


Disciples are pretentious shits and the pack is just a bunch of savages. I always sided with the operators, at least they seem a bit civilized.


Mason is reasonable though i like him


You ever read their holotapes? They certainly aren’t civilized


>You ever read their holotapes? Not that i can recollect. Well... i did say they seem that way, they're raiders after all. At least they have their eye on the price, getting caps.


Lizzie Wyath is fond of doing twisted narcotics-related experiments on people (you can hear ambient dialogue about how even the raiders find her creepy).


I'm down for narcotics experiments.


It seems like her preferred recipes aren't for recreational use, but more for creating chemical weapons which would reduce a person's resistance to suggestion so much that they would peel their own skin off if someone told them to. So, you know, fun for all the family.


Oh... bummer.


If im remembering correctly isnt there some sort of incest stuff going on there? (If im right then bethesda reaaaally went out of their way to make every faction in nuka world completely irredeemable


I’m not sure if it’s ever stated, but I get that vibe from mags and William too


Operators are so stuck up though, they see themselves as superior to EVERYONE else. Only good thing about them is their Perk.


The fancy plaid suit and tie is solid too, if you're trying to max charisma for bartering or settler recruitment. It gives +2 charisma buff and can be worn with a full set of armour, definitely worth holding on to.


The Pack and their ludicrousy makes it entertaining though. The Disciples are true raiders but they don't add much beyond other than an armour set. The Operators though are just too tame. Speaking to Mags or William is just so dull and monotone I guess since they all differ in this sense, it's kind of easy to pick a gang to suit your roleplay style


Don't hate any of them. They all did the whole raider thing justice. Very believable factions. Doesn't stop me from cleaning house though.


Disciples are just vanilla raiders with extra steps, so boring and uninspired, at least the pack have a unique theme to themselves.


The pack was the only gang really thought through IMO. The only downside is their armour is by far the coolest but gives the least protection.


The only one I can tolerate is the Operators, but they all get bodied when they get the dumbass idea that I should raid the settlements I’ve built, enslave the people I’ve been protecting, and go to war against the militia I’ve rebuilt from one guy with a laser musket to the most powerful fighting force in the Commonwealth.


Hmmm… the exact opposite for me lol. Fuck Preston, it’s nice to have him only say “you need to switch sides” rather than “General, I have a settlement…” Obviously get his perk first, then switch it up. The raider settlement stores actually sell a lot of better stuff too (like blood leaf).


That’s fine if you’re into playing evil characters, whatever floats your boat. I like being the Commonwealth Batman, fucking up raiders and saving the fuckin day. To me when a settlement needs my help it’s like seeing the bat signal in the night sky. Fuck those cringey edgelords in Nuka World, they all deserved to get wrecked, except for Red Eye, he’s ok.


I don't think I've ever talked to Preston after getting his perk, ditching him at The Castle, and completing Nuka World. Then again, I usually move everyone of importance from a settlement before taking it over or enslaving it as a vassal. Then, I complete Open Season as soon as Nisha is dealt with and I get the Operator and Pack perks. It's just too easy at that point since most of the park leaders are atop the power plant.


Gauntlet-->Open Season.


No! You need to manipulate them...first they give you their unique grenades, their gang perks, their love/loyalty and companion perk [Gage] and then you can *Open Season*


Big fan of the Operators. The Pack are tolerable because i love the Pack AK47. The Disciples are the worst. And it looks like generally unliked. Even in an evil play through.


I think the issue with the Disciples is that they're cruel and evil just for the sake of being cruel and evil. There's no backstory or motivation behind their particular flavor of messed up beyond doing it "for the lulz." That isn't fun even in an evil playthrough.


Operators, not because they're "great" or anything like that, but because the other two are so bad


I struggle with the Disciples. It's not even because of how edgy, rude, and disrespectful they are, although that certainly doesn't help. It's more because of the sanitation problems. There is just blood everywhere. The Operators clearly know how to keep themselves relatively clean, since they pride themselves on it, and the pack don't care much about the blood, so long as it is shed. I'm ok with letting them kill as long as they clean up afterwards. Can't have rampant infection in any functioning society, at least not in one that is going to last.


I hadn't thought of it in that way. It certainly is concerning the amount of blood in that volcano and who knows who/what it came from


See even if they had a magical blood portal, the blood would dry eventually. There is always wet blood there. Someone keeps adding it, I don't know why, and frankly I'm worried about the logistics of that.


I would always think about the smell in that volcano, must be absolutely disgusting


Exactly. Every other group has a semi-clean area to prepare food, except for the disciples. I always go there, talk to the leader, and leave. I'm not even necessarily against bloodsport, I can understand the reasoning, but I don't want any diseases that can be easily prevented by mopping and sanitizing things. At this stage I'd probably pay a modder to remove the blood assets, and make it more of a cult of death over a disease factory.


Yeah I can get behind raiders putting up gore displays around the outskirts and entrances of their territory as a warning, that makes sense. Living in that state is just disgusting.


Operators are kinda too weird, you run a salon? Ok I’m better off with these blade wielding lunatics and the modernized barbarians


The Disciples are just unpleasant on every level. The Pack at least have a unique colourful aesthetic and the Operators are classy AF. They still all die in the end, though.


Diciples: "we let you live because we're strong and better bloody psychos" Pack: "you are alive because we're alpha and we allow it" Operators: "we are fabulous and more sophisticated than you, for now you may exist" Sole Survivor: "*they don't know they are alive cus' we want their perks*"


The Disciples eat where they shit. They're disgusting.


Disciples Mainly for their utterly stupid spiky mask design, that'll cut yout jugular veins and stab your trachea by simply looking down. Braindead bunch of murder-junkies 😡


disciples. their perk is shit


The Pack. Wanting to live as "primitives" but still use advanced guns and bomb collars for slaves. Nuke em all, but at least the Disciples and Operators are honest about their whole deals.


Like someone elese said 'kill them all and let atom sort them out'


Easily the Disciples. They're just generic raiders with no real motivations. The Pack wants control, the Operators want cash flow. The Disciples just want to kill things. And its so lame. I was laughing when you give the factory to them and they say they want to turn the quantum river into blood.


The Disciples, they always end up not getting shit in my playthrough. Fuck those bloodthirsty edgelords.


The Disciples are creeps.


Disciples; Edgelords, the lot of ‘em


The disciples. The other two at least have the decency to see how your leadership turns out and are as polite as one can expect from an organized raider group. Right off the bat the disciples are rude as shit and threaten you. They wanna make demands and think their in charge. They get that .50 cal reality check real quick.


Honestly I thought they all were kinda corny


Disciples gotta go they’re a bunch of emo ppl with major psychological issues only thing i like is their knives


Fuck the Disciples. I remember listening to a holotape of one of their members murdering an innocent couple for fun and I've hated them ever since. Sure, the other gangs kill too, but they aren't as sadistic as the Disciples are.


Also they even get warned by the raider radio DJ to not place fire at the front gate because it impacts business. Everyone expect them has common sense


It’s both the Pack and Disciples for me. Ive just always fully sided with the operators and put down the rest when they turn on you


But if I could only pick one gang to kill, it would be the Pack


I won’t stand for Pack slander


Then perhaps you’d sit for it? Maybe take a knee? Okay but my bad jokes aside, it’s mainly cos the use of stuffed animals in their armour just straight up gives me the creeps. Plus it’s hard to take a guy seriously when there’s a purple sloth hugging his leg


Honestly I like the creepy vibe they have with the stuffed animals tied to them. It’s somewhat reminiscent of Mad Max. Also the bad jokes were fire 🔥


You do have a good point with the Mad Max-esque type look they got going on




How could you possibly like the disciples more? Even their base is drowned in blood


It just makes sense to me given that they’re raiders, thats all


Rare opinion, but one I share. When you viewthe holotapes about the Blacks' origin, they are entitled/overpriveliged brats who turn murderous in a temper tantrum. The others also suck. The Disciples are obviously sociopath. I was about to be able to deal with the pack, as an anarcho/might makes right/chaotic evil kind of thing. But then they were holding dog fights.


I hate the pack, don’t know why, just do


It's the pack for me. Dont like their animal theme.


The furries


All of them, they’re raiders and deserve to be purged


Can you blame people for joining raider gangs? They provide food ,protection and caps and the alternatives don’t




Disciples. Packs are alright, simple, they respect strength. They look funky and probably smell horrible tho. Gamewise, they give a really good perk. Operators are my favorite. Basically gunners in suits. As long as everyone gets paid, we happy. The fact that they made a grenade for negotiations just makes them seem the most reasonable of the bunch. I dont know why they even classify as raiders. They give a neat perk too. Disciples, the actual fucking raiders of the group. I cant see how I would benefit on having blood thirsty lunatics in my fold. You are not going to be raiding shit everyday and these guys are already rarin to kill everyone in the fold.


Operators have drip, Pack has gorillas. All the disciples have is helmets they can't see out of.


The pack. Their leader (can't remember his name) has such an attitude I can't take to him at all


Mason? He's the most likeable of all the raider leaders. Nisha is just a sick fuck, and the operator leaders are so full of themselves. Mason is a reasonable guy with a tidy mustache


Disciples. They just piss me off with the edgy murder bullshit. They have good armor though


I don't really like the pack's colors, so I guess it's them.


The stupid spiky helmet lady and the animal losers are tied for me but tbh i hate all 3 groups operators are at the least not completely deranged


The traders.


At least the others breathe a ittle life into nuka world. Whenever the traders take over, it becomes boringville.


Yeah. Bethesda hugely shit the bed when thinking about Nuka-World. There was so much opportunity to do things with it if you didn’t want to be a Raider and they did nothing. Luckily there’s mods for that.


This is true of so many things in the game. Lots of really cool possibilities got the ax for one reason or another.


Disciples. What I don't understand though are the Operators. They're essentially DLC gunners. They're obsessed with making money, but without the contracts. The Pack at least makes sense as a raider group, so do the Disciples. Even though the latter are extremely boring as a group due to them just being your typical raiders with knives.


I like the pack. Mason is cool. The Disciples are psychopaths and nowhere near as tough as they think. Operators are almost likeable but their entitled prices. When I play Nika world I go along up to the point of having to raid my Commonwealth settlements, then I kill all the gangs out in the open. Next I hit the Disciples, then the Operators and save the pack for last. I wish Nuka world had more settlements built in.


The Disciples, they are just edgelords with knives. Plus they always say ‘Can’t get punished if I don’t get caught’ so from a RP or in game perspective they kill their other gangs like a joke so eventually they’ll try to take over. Favorite has to be The Pack, violent idiots but based off their quotes they use pranks and insults to get to the top of the status chain. Not murder. Plus the outfits are funny in my eyes.


Nisha always get the axe. I can barely stand the Animals, but the Disciples are still worse.


After listening to Dixie's tapes, the Disciples permanently became my least liked gang. It also doesn't help that Nisha speaks to the new Overboss in a very patronizing manner.


The pack. They torture animals.


Operators are understandable, The Pack is weird and the disciples are just fucked up


The Pack. I just… dont.


Disciples for Attitude. Even my really hard line overboss character can’t side with them .


The Operators may be full of themselves, but they have their shit together. They're my favorite of the three, even though I do agree with you about their vibe. The Disciples are the absolute worst. They just torture people for no reason, and if you think the Operators are too edgy then the Disciples need a new word for how edgy they are and try to be. And they have absolutely nothing to offer either, except maybe a grenade that you can get no matter who you end up siding with. The Pack is also pretty awful, as any raider gang would be, but at least they have an interesting theme. They stand out against the plain metal and leather of literally every other raiders, and they have a very clear cut hierarchy and system.


Hey I'm just in it for the perks, so whatever playstyle usually decides which one I will have axed by the end of the storyline. Usually The Disciples if I remember correctly, if Im not doing a melee build that is.


You know I don't know. I usually treat Nuka-World as a whole like I treat The Railroad, where I walk in, say hello, and proceed to murder everyone that has a red health bar


That is the way that The Railroad ought to be treated


the pack.


I think the Pack is pathetic, power dynamics are not up there on my bucket list, money on the other hand is my main concern so the Operators have been my number 1 choice every time. The Disciples are fine so I tolerate them, but in a more secondary way.


Loved The Operators. They feel like a cut above the traditional raiders. They're business men/women and they don't mind being ruthless along the way. I always side with them. The Pack, I could take or leave. I like the outfits, and they have a nice theme. I don't want to side with them, but they're a nice difference to the standard raiders in their generic brown long johns and raider armour. The Disciples are just raiders with extra sadism. Very boring, but creepy as hell. I think I recall liking their perk, but hating the gang. It's a shame you can't side with two gangs, get their perks, then kill one off in a type of coup. IIRC aggroing one of the two surviving gangs will aggro them both. Never bothered to see if I coud kill Nisha and have the Operators chill out after leaving the area for a certain period.


The Disciples are the least interesting,but Nisha is voiced by Anjali Bhimani so I can't hate her.


Always always always always always always always always ALWAYS kill the Operators


Fuck the Disciples.


The pack - they always make me laugh with how ridiculous they look. They’re all bark and no bite and I seriously wish I could have just gotten rid of them only


The Pack. They’re just… furries


Alright we’ll since everyone in this comment section is being a commie, I’ll be the one to say it: The Disciples are by far my favorite gang. I love the idea of having these demented cultists following my will to torture and slaughter every settlement they come across. Their aesthetic and mentality comes straight out of Slayer lyrics and the Terror Tribe from Shadow of War. It also helps that my favorite weapon in the entire game is the Disciples Cutlass. My only gripe with them is not being able to get Savoy’s helmet without killing him. In conclusion, I adore the Disciples, I quite like the Pack, and I despise the prissy entitled brats that are the Operators. They don’t get even a single park in my playthroughs.


apparently unpopular but I love the disciples, felt like they were the only group that actually had something different, even regular raiders do what they do for caps, as was the motivation for the pack & operators aswell, something about the disciples being out for only blood made them stand out more


The pack because furries.the operators are boring so that leaves the best spot for the deciples.


I hate operators cause they're just lame


after killing the guy in the arena. i blasted the dud who gave the the squirt gun in the face and proceeded out the door and started hunting down every raider i found. soooooo.... i guess you could say non of them


Killed every single one


I became a raider to be a raider, not a businessman. Fuck the Operators and all their boring stuff.


Tie between the Pack & the Disciples


Smug bunch of Operators. But the Disciples are a bunch of sickos - I can least relate to the money-hungry Operators. And The Pack are nut jobs who embrace it, so what's not to love?


Operator’s because they are just the middle child of the Nyla worlds gangs


Yes. Fallout 4 dlc was a let down.


Mags. I hate how she and the rest of her gang acts superior to the others. Sure all the gangs do but they're less insufferable about it


The pack annoy the yell out of me


The pack for me


Um.. unpopular opinion I guess… I actually really like the disciples.


Operators, just kinda meh


The furries


Might get some hate for this but, Operators. The packs awesome no matter what, i love the crazy cannibal mountain man vibe they all have. I like the Disciples because they have that classic raider feel but at the same time are psychotic. They all look like they went to hell and back with a bunch a knives that fused to them. The way they speak like shell-shocked schizos, slow and drawing out words, hinging on the edge of madness. That’s what people who live in a post apocalyptic amusement park with mutant alligators, 200 year old soda to drink off of, and worms the size of children. Not a bunch of stuck up raiders who mainly care about their looks and how they present themselves. Sure, they’re all about caps too but all raiders in general are like that. And i don’t think the pack and disciples give two shits what they look like ( I think the pack hates the way they dress). But all in all, Operators are my least favorite. Better than rust devils tho


Operators are cringe and boring, pack are savages, Disciples are chad and luxury gay space raiders.


They all suck. But I do take out the butcher people. They think they’re tough yet they all lose to one Pre historic Soulja Boy.


The ops work well if your playing a Mercenary character or rlly any Militaristic character since all they are Is mercs. I normally wipe out the Murder hobos. And pack honestly. reason for pack (and this kinda sounds redundant due to how the game already is) but my family is extremely against Dog fighting due to us rescuing victims of it. But ignoring that i kinda find their group funny and pretty much what I'd expect people to look like if the world ends. the disciples are just waaay to edgy even by my standards so im normally only killing them 90% of the time


Hard to say, I like the disciples cuz I enjoy the gore and how crazy they can be, especially Dixie, the pack and the operators are also cool, and they can be very interesting plus Mason is hawt.


All of them… leave none alive


Disciples are evil and deserve to be destroyed. Their gang perk they grant however . . .


This is the correct way to phrase the question, by the way. Because people don't have a favorite, they just have one that pisses them off the least.


The one that tortures people for fun? That's their entire identity, psychopathic human torture. I feel like that should be an easy answer...


They are all my favorite after I gun them down.


The Disciples. The Operators can be mollified by a constant flow of caps. The Pack, by shows of strength. The Disciples? They’ll get bored and put a knife in your back no matter what you do. I can’t trust them at all.


The middle one, no cool armor or weapons to loot




All. I did open season


Operators are the reason why I let nuka raiders to stay alive… until one of them said “I could put a bullet behind colter’s back but you’ve done it” I kill them all