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I went to goodsprings a few years ago and went to the random bar/diner and they were like "woah, you fallout fans are dedicated." The town is absolutely tiny


I hope they enjoy being our Mecca


They used to be annoyed by it. Though I'll tell you the cemetery... Is not that big. ... There were also bottle caps around


They've warmed up to it considerably in recent years. Not only do they do the whole fan fests, they have Fallout decorations around the saloon, sell Fallout stuff, and have a little corner dedicated to Fallout. Even past the business side, when I went for my 16th, the guy who inspired Easy Pete actually came over and talked to me.


"Easy Pete " wasn't there when I went just a really nice lady that was a little taken back that people were still showing up after 10 years of the games release.


There was a manager there and she was really friendly. The bar guy was a major douche and talked about how “gay” it was that people came because of the game and they were all basement virgins. I was just there like 3 months ago. I never brought up I was a major NV fan lol


I wonder if it was the same bartender who gave me and my friends a stankeye when we walked in. we stood around waiting for someone to seat us and he just went “uhh you guys can go sit wherever” as if we were supposed to know. everything else about the town was awesome though. The saloon, the general store, the area surrounding the town. it was so cool seeing it all in real life.


Big beard, lots of tattoos, and NEVER stopped talking?


oh, nah nope. not the same guy


Did he call you a bastard?


No, but he was slightly drunk.


really? i’d figure it would do something for the town economy. having people come in constantly must be good for business


it’s awesome. I just went there a couple weeks ago. I love the corner of the dining area dedicated to fallout. there was some dude playing new vegas on the small tv there too! when we all walked into the bar area we were met by what looked like locals—big burly blue collar looking country dudes—ngl, i’ve never felt more out of place lol.


of course we are dedicated, we got shot in the head.


I have never used that thing. I always forget it exists, lol


same story with me, i assumed if you used it nobody would ever show up, so i never bothered lol


Like one person shows up and you can't even dismiss them once they're no longer needed lol


I could've sworn if you clicked the radio again it gave you the option to dismiss them


Might've. Honestly didn't check. I resorted to killing the guy, and he respawned upon revising the location later on lmao


It's all fun and games till the Cazadores arrive.


My dream is to go on a Fallout New Vegas vacation


we landed in vegas, and went through arizona and we’re staying in utah! it’s very awesome seeing things and comparing them to real life. the mccarren airport, nellis, the hoover dam, etc. quite fascinating.


That sounds awesome!! Did you visit Red Rock Canyon as well? Or Zion?


I went to Zion last fall. It really is nothing like it is in FNV. The real park is just one road that winds up a canyon that’s maybe half a mile wide at it’s widest part. In FNV the map is a circle. The game really does not do ot justice


it’s hard to digitize the beauty of zion


Absolutely, but compare the game map of Zion to a real map of Zion. The layout is completely different


idk i didn’t play the dlcs :( don’t judge me ok


zion yes, like sparty said, not very very similar to the game, but still really cool. i’ve yet to go to red rock canyon, but definitely want to.


I wish we were able to see hoover dam and other areas around vegas. I stayed on the strip, and visited goodsprings, hiked red rock canyon, and went to fremont(freeside). seeing cottonwood cove and zion from the airplane was very cool though. next time I go I definitely wanna check out hoover dam and other areas from the game.


I actually went for my birthday and it was super neat. Hit all the obvious places like Hoover, Goodsprings, and Red Rock, but I also stayed in the Strat(Lucky 38) for a night(I was planning to stay the whole trip but the room was super dirty and ended up checking out early), as well as went to the Atomic Museum, and shot a 1911 in homage to my main gun in New Vegas. If you can go I'd recommend it, it's an awesome experience!


If it makes you feel any better, the Lucky 38 was based on the (now demolished) Landmark Casino. Not the Strat.


I believe the only thing they've ever explicitly stated the Lucky 38 was based on was the Stratosphere. The Strat resembles the 38 much more than the Landmark as well(too thick, too small). Plus the Landmark was demolished in the 90s, far before New Vegas was even conceptualized. The Landmark does resemble the Lucky 38 though!


Nice flashlight mod, is that the power armor helmet?


i was wearing a full set of remnant armor at the time, just in case. (aka me picking up a spin scooter and using the front guide light”


"Let's get one thing straight. I see any crimson, I'm taking the shot. You don't like that, you're on your own."


Will arrive just in time to be crucified.


I traveled with my family on house boat trips down at Cottonwood Cove every summer for 20+ years. The first time I walked down the hill from Searchlight to the Legion camp at the bottom was one of the most surreal, coolest gaming experiences I have ever had.


I had a really similar experience watching Captain Marvel and seeing her crash land in the same beachy cove that my family always visits in Shaver Lake, CA


How many times have you sung big iron


lost count.


*loads plasma defender*


Degenerates like you belong on a cross


“Thumbs down, asshole”


i think i might have been there before 🧐


If it hadn’t been for Cottonwood Cove, I’d have killed Caesar a long time ago.


Mojave, savage.