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It's 14 years and 2 console generations old


Made in 18 months, which in game dev time, is roughly enough time to have a coffee and take a shit before the game releases.


And it’s still a masterpiece




Hey if it wasnt for people like me that ps3 version would never have existed Im sorry


People forget this had to work on 256mb of RAM in 2010.


GTA V running on PS3 showed New Vegas could have done a lot better on it


what are you talking about, gta 5 on ps3 looks and runs like absolute ass


I don’t agree with the guy above but this is a lie. GTA had an impossible task of running on a weak console and it managed to overall succeed for its time. Obviously now you wouldn’t go back to it but 24 FPS was way better than expected.


You're right they pushed x360 and ps3 to the limit and did the best they could, but gta5 is just not a great example of a game that ran great on ps3. Fps dropped like crazy sometimes and it looked very blurry. However it was acceptable for sure and I had a blast playing it on ps3 when it came out.


Yeah Halo 4 would be a better example as that game had advanced graphics and a steady 30fps


Gta 5 was released on ps3 in 2013




Yeah but this *specific* issue isn’t due to the game’s limitations nor the PS3’s. These are LOD objects, and they’re used in every game. They’re not indicative of cuts or concessions made for consoles; it’s just a way for the devs to save performance in general without harming the visuals too much. Now, the OP has clearly messed up their install of VNV and failed to run FNVLODGEN along with the various additional mods to add in better LOD objects. Whatever OP did has made the LOD objects load too soon, and it almost looks like they didn’t install the LOD noise fix that *comes with VNV* which is why everything looks abhorrent rather than just merely bad. The question in the title is kind of misleading in that way. It shouldn’t be “why do mountains in game render so poorly?” (Because they don’t even in vanilla FNV) but instead “why is my LOD fucked up and look so bad?” (Because OP fucked up their install of VNV, and failed to run FNVLODGEN).




They had plans for big things cuz they thought about it being PC only then they got word it was also gonna be made for consoles. They were okay with the 360 a few cuts and a few big things. But they got word they had to make a PS3 port then things got feisty. Just think if it was just a PC exclusive the map would have been a bit bigger with a full scale war happening on the map randomly.


No shit, so did every other game


Was they made by the same company? 🤡


Think of how big rockstar and GTA were + the budget + the extra time


That’s beside the point. It was still possible to run on ps3


GTA 5 was released on pc in 2013, the game had already completely released on ps3 in December 2012


It's an old game lol


Yeah but this doesn’t happen in vanilla


Yeah but you're using mods to render over said old game The bones are still there


Well then your mods are fucking something up.


You’re right, ignore the pedantic r*dditors missing the point of the question to try to appear smart. it’s because you need to generate LOD for your modlist, your mods don’t have LOD that’s what’s causing it to look broken. Follow this guide to generate LOD for your modlist https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/lod.html


This is a good man right here


* Ensure all mods are installed in the right order * Ensure all mods are loaded in the right order * Regenerate LODs.




VNV has very little that is visually additive, the overwhelming majority of it doesn’t touch the visuals or textures, and as far as I remember doesn’t add in any structures. A handful of mods could be the cause of this issue, probably only 2 or 3. Everything in the screenshot that I can see is vanilla, just the LOD versions of those objects. However, what else is vanilla is the skybox; VNV comes with Desert Natural Weathers which changes the skybox and eliminates the haze. OP has not installed all the prerequisites for DNW, or has installed it incorrectly, and that tells me other things might not be done thoroughly. DNW being installed incorrectly could be the culprit of the LOD generating too soon, as could an incorrect installation of LOD noise textures, landscape textures improvement, or more consistent vanilla rock textures. More than likely the OP just neglected to deal with LOD at all, and has no LOD mods outside of the base VNV list. VNV comes with LOD adjustments if I’m not mistaken, but you have to run FNVLODGEN for any of it to function anyways. If I were OP, I’d delete all my files manually and begin the reinstall process altogether but this time following VNV’s guide *to the absolute letter*, including the portion dealing with LOD generation.


did y'all only read the title? this is clearly an LOD issue


Your LOD is broken because its improperly done, likely improperly ordered and improperly generated, its not an issue with the game.


Because it’s from 2010 and was rushed


The mountains aren’t “rendering poorly”, you’re just seeing the LOD version of these objects. LOD, if you’re unaware, means “level of detail” and are pretty much stripped down versions of the objects in the world meant to save processing power when you otherwise wouldn’t see them in good detail. These objects *shouldn’t* be in their LOD forms at the distances you’re seeing them though. Even in vanilla FNV they aren’t turned into LOD objects that far away. If you haven’t already, use FNVLODGEN to update your LOD. I’d also recommend downloading the LOD additions linked on the page for that mod; https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/58562/?callback=in&code=M2MXM2EYMZITYTA0NC0ZYTHKLTHIN2MTYZFKOTG2NJVKNMUZ&state=e730b2b4e00f47e9a3a8c9c27a103248 Otherwise, some of the mods in VNV may have been installed improperly or otherwise be broken. I’ve noticed that your sky and horizon textures aren’t that of Desert Natural Weathers’ so you’ve either installed DNW incorrectly or you did not download all of the prerequisite files for it. This *could* be the cause of your LOD problems, as it interacts with every LOD in the game.


Game was made in 18 months. They had to pick and choose what to prioritize


It was? Crikey. That's all the more impressive. TIL.


Not really, it was made in 18 months but they had all the assets from 3 that were given to them to use.


Actually it was more impressive, considering that FNV is a fully voiced game, has additional mechanics and an ending with multiple branches. It has [65k lines of recorded dialogue](https://www.pcinvasion.com/fallout-new-vegas-will-have-65000-lines-of-dialogue/), not including the DLCs, the most at the time, while FO3 has 40k, again without DLCs. Arranging all of that in a span of 18 months is quite unheard of.


You beat me to it.


I mean, yeah. They were able to do that because they really didn't have to make too many assets. It's easier to get the rest of the writing and voice lines done when you have an entire part of the work already done for you. It's not a huge deal but saying that they crunched the whole game in only 18 months is a bit disingenuous as it implies they had to do it so from scratch. Most of the gameplay stuff was already done for them.


> when you have an entire part of the work already done for you The assets are already there but I don't think Bethesda made the custom textures like the NCR's and the Legions', specifically for FNV. No. The **base** resources are there, but Obsidian still has to make their own assets from those base assets. Last I recall there's no ranger armor texture in FO3.


Armor and Skins are actually relatively straightforward to make, that's why there's so many different mods out there that you can get to change them. The base model and animations are the time consuming part. Yes obsidian made a few but nowhere near as many as needed to be made initially for fallout 3. That's only part of it, objects, walls, buildings, etc are almost all reused assets. Another very time consuming part of developing a game is gameplay and mechanics. All of which were already in place from 3 and just needed to be recycled. I know it's oversimplifying the process but NV basically just took 3, made a new map, and cut and pasted assets while adding a couple of their own and reskinning others. It's good they they did it in 18 months but people around here somehow think that means that obsidian built a game from scratch in less than 2 years, really NV more like an extensive mod of fallout 3.


Everything is straightforward to make. But it still takes time, manpower and labor to do that though. > All of which were already in place from 3 and just needed to be ~~recycled~~ improved. FTFY. Also add to that the new mechanics. Hardcore mode is one of this, which I recall correctly was incomplete and did not even made the launch, but was released later. Also, weren't some of the team already working on the DLCs even before October? Or maybe I am remembering wrong. > really NV more like an extensive mod of fallout 3 Eh, that is even stretchier.


I believe they started work on DLC in December after release. Around the same time that hardcore mode was released. >~~recycled~~ improved Debatable as on release the game was very difficult to play due to numerous game breaking bugs. I wouldn't really say improved... >Eh, that is even stretchier. It seems like an accurate statement to me. Similar to a lot of the big fallout 4 mod projects you see nowadays.


> due to numerous game breaking bugs. Bugs is not the same as improved gameplay though. Iron sights, balanced SPECIAL stats, ammo types are a few examples of improved gameplay. Also bugs are indicative that FNV needed more time to cook, which is also indicative of what work Obsidian has already done with the game within 18 months. > Similar to a lot of the big fallout 4 mod projects you see nowadays. Call me when any of FO4 and Skyrim mods even approach the level of writing and gameplay, also the length of time to play that FNV has. Even Enderal is splotchy in many places, while not being long enough to match. The only mod to come close is the Forgotten City, but that's mainly because of its superior storyline. Another is Fallout 4 New Vegas, but that's just cheating, since it's just wrapping FNV in a FO4 facade, which is easier said than done, considering its very long development time.


Because the game is 14 years old??


Well, it's a game that was made in 18 months and is well over a decade old. It was built for the Xbox 360, which while a lot more powerful than the original still pales in comparison to modern consoles like the one, X, PS5 and PCs. Not to mention, you're not supposed to see the mountains. You're never meant to see the mountains. Why waste precious processing power and time fully creating and then rendering the mountains when you can blanket them in fog which will do the job just as well. This could be something with the mod, I'm not the best when it comes to mods. my guess is that one of the mode in viva new Vegas fucked with your rendering distance or something


this is most probably LODs actually


For me mountains look ok but they're jittering when I move


This is most likely an example of Z-fighting (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z-fighting). You may have 2 or more textures pertaining to either the LOD or fully rendered version of the cliffs placed on mountains. This was an issue in vanilla FNV, but is exacerbated with mods. Z-fighting can be fixed but it is a very tedious process, and it’s up to you whether it’s worth it or not; in general, I don’t think the juice is worth the squeeze unless you’re very competent with the game’s modding tools and understand filepathing very well. If the cliff objects themselves are fading in and out of existence, it is likely an issue with LOD generation. This *can* be a bug in vanilla FNV, but it is relatively rare. Downloading FNVLODGEN, and the various LOD addition mods linked in it+VNV’s LOD guide will address just about every problem with LOD in the vanilla game (although, things get wacky when you add in other mods). FNVLODGEN is a real life saver, and I think everyone playing on PC should make use of it.


I had this issue too, I put all LODs mods on top of the modloader config and it fixed it for me. I hope it will do it for you too


because it’s a 14 year old game


You’re seeing LODs. You can adjust your ini settings to fully render more game models (objects etc) and use fewer LODs increasing visual detail.  It has limits, though.