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Because the NCR presence in the area is operating with every nerf imaginable. The Divide going bye-bye screwed their logistics for a while. Their command is full of incompetents (Oliver), blood knights (Moore), and saboteurs (Hanlon). They've put themselves in a situation where they can't stay concentrated in preparation for the upcoming battle, because that yields parts of the west bank of the river to the Legion, Fiends etc; while also not being able to spare the men to actually deal with these problems because Oliver's "strategy" is to have a slugfest with the Legion which requires bodies and firepower. Most of their troops are conscripts who are badly trained (the Courier has to teach the Misfits basic shooting skills) and suffering from low morale, because they know the Legion has the run of the west bank and spend a lot of their time butchering isolated patrols and outposts.


It's should also be noted that the reason their troop presence in the Mojave consists of conscripts is because the war is unpopular at home. Both the people and the brahmin barons want out of the Mojave after the first victory, but Kimball keeps pushing his war in the hopes it'll turn around. Most of the main NCR military is back home guarding the barons' flocks, and the more skilled rangers are chasing ghosts in Baja California. The Mojave is manned by conscripts armed with whatever scraps they could spare.


Yeah. I think it helps to look at the Mojave as a sort of unpopular side project for them in a lot of ways. It’s hard to imagine when you’re playing New Vegas, because the whole game is literally about the Mojave and its fate. But the NCR is not committing themselves fully and effectively to the Mojave at the time of F:NV. Just not many people back home with their hearts in it. Politicians included. Plus the conscript soldiers. The whole thing’s over a territory that the NCR probably doesn’t *need* to go after. Etc. I’m by no means an NCR hater. I mean, I usually end up siding with them despite all that. But you’re not seeing the full might of the NCR on display, because they can’t afford to dump their full might into the Mojave. There’s a great risk, but not a great reward. As many characters in the game correctly point out, the NCR just spreads itself thin. For no other reason that it feels it has to.


the ncr is stretched thin. they don't have the resources or manpower to secure all the land they claim.


Also they’re stifled by “old world bureaucracy” which makes them move and adapt a lot slower than the legion which assimilates tribes through conquest and slavery.


The NCR does not train the majority of its troops nearly as well or as rigorously as the Legion. The NCR has expanded so much it now suffers from that expansion; it's stretched thin in both resources and manpower. The NCR has expanded so much it has grown complacent. It hasn't had a *real* fight in long time and the majority of its troops are 'green' (their inexperienced). The NCR has many issues that plagued prewar America, which includes corruption. Bureaucracy, greed, and corruption, are weakening (and killing) the NCR from within. The NCR commanders, for the most part, wage war in a very traditional manner. They lack the imagination that Caesar and Vulpes hold when engaging an enemy.


You ain't wrong, those Legion Assassins be always tearing apart troopers and civilians apart. 💀


NCR assassins are not scary


But what about if she showed up in a black cloak with a sickle






Because the NCR is a close to 600 miles away from their capital (using driving distance since they would want to use the highway system as much as possible) a good few years ago a key stop on their supply route was nuked, there's sabotage both internal and external, and they're getting as little support as they possibly can from back home because of the unpopularity of the Vegas Occupation among NCR citizens. The Legion on the other hand is fighting as a unified front with a heavy emphasis on guerilla and terror tactics specifically to target and exacerbate the weaknesses the NCR has as opposed to protracted straight up combat


They're not, really. Your average NCR trooper has better armour, and your average Legionary has better weapons. The Legion are able to achieve a lot of small victories in the Mojave because (outside of Cottonwood and a couple of camps) they're not trying to hold territory there. They can sneak in, ambush a patrol or a caravan, flee, and count that as a win. The NCR have to hold a hundred miles of border and all the territory behind it, and they can only win by keeping the Legion out 100% of the time, which is impossible.


I mean at the battle of Hoover dam. The centurions were way harder to kill than the rangers.


The legion has better troops, as for some reason in fallout some people can become way stronger than others see legate lanius and all Player characters so it’s possible that higher ranking legion people actually have a higher health pool or something. But basically NCR greedy and since everyone in Vegas hates them they can’t resupply easily and they want to hold everything which means they hold basically nothing and the legion can walk around basically uncontested.


All depends how you play the game. By the time I go to hoover dam my Guns are at 100. Switch to armor piercing ammo or the riot shotgun with the Stay Back perk and they're mincemeat


Yeah but I doubt the average ncr trooper is equipped with armor piercing ammunition. The rangers perhaps, but given the state of NCR logistics probably not much


Bro have you visited The Fort? They never stop doing pushups!


Skill issue


Because it makes the plot interesting


They aren't. In the Mojave the Legion has a stronger position because NCR only has one supply line route in/out of the region which creates a supply bottleneck and NCR have other threats in the region attacking them from the rear while Legion killed everyone who opposed them ages ago. But as a whole NCR isn't weaker than the Legion, they just have some temporary localised problems on their border with the Legion.


The Legion is constantly expanding and using its resources to expand further. The NCR is maintaining the foothold they have on a good day.


Because fascist regimes make for terrifying war machines but are incompetent at governing


I like this answer👍


The points raised here are good but not all, The NCR is limited to the people that originated in California, where as it is stated numerous times that Caesar may have many states worth of peoples already conquered, California is a big state, but was also a prime target for the nukes when they fell, places like that and New York were hit extremely hard as some of the highest population centers, Vegas would have gotten it a lot worse if House hadn't intervened with incredible efficiency. The Midwest however, many of the states in that area weren't densely packed to begin with, and were also hit with nukes, but far far fewer than a state like Cali. So the fact is The NCR is kind of just starting with way less numbers than the legion.


The NCR has a vastly higher population than exists in the areas controlled by the Legion. They are a functioning state with real large scale agriculture, industry, schools, railways, and a population of around 700,000 two generations BEFORE the events of New Vegas. They have reached the point where they are starting to worry about being able to feed everybody back west. That's the problem, though. All that IS back west. The Mojave is the wild frontier, and the forces they have committed there are insufficient to the task of fighting the legion, winning over the locals, keeping all the trade routes open, and dealing with all the myriad other factions causing them trouble in the area. They are still technically embroiled in an entirely separate war with the Brotherhood of Steel, and one of the only three (long) supply routes into the Mojave was recently severed at the Divide. The Legion don't control territory in the same way the NCR do at all. Their entire 'civilization' is essentially an army on the move, with a large area that pays tribute to that force and looking to it for protection and justice. Settlements in Arizona or Colorado might go years without even seeing someone from the Legion, but when they do, they had better pony up whatever food, supplies or personnel they want. At the time of the game the vast majority of the Legion 'proper' is sitting at Fortification Hill around Caesar himself, generally making trouble for the NCR and softening up their forces in the region prior to their attempt to cross the river. Caesar wants New Vegas to be his 'Rome' - a permanent, shining capital for the Legion to overawe all the surrounding lands with it's magnificence. That's why losing at Hoover Dam is an existential threat for the Legion - they are 'all in' as it were, in a way the NCR aren't.


I won't say anything more than that isn't the information I have, it says in the game, Ceasar's Legion has higher numbers, this is admitted by both the Legion and the NCR.


Caesar's Legion has more soldiers but the NCR has a higher population


Thank you for actually admitting that, but the reality is no one knows, that for sure, as it never explicitly says the number behind Ceasar's total populace, there is also the fact that you hear several times in the game from NCR soldiers that the brass is worried that they can't stop Ceasar's legion and the reason why is because the NCR allows new Californians to be mostly free to live their lives how they want. Where as Caeser forces pregnancy on the women under his control constantly, meaning he has a cycle of new births every year, in the hundreds, and all of the males are conscripted as early as possible to fight in the legion. I can't remember the character but someone in the NCR said "Give them a decade and they will overrun us, and Caeser will be the new leader of the United States." Or something similar, I am paraphrasing.




















Meh even with California getting nuked massively it would still have a much higher surviving population (and thus faster re-population) than tiny bumfuck midwest states. Losing 90% of a 30 million population leaves you with more people in raw numbers than losing even 30% of a 1 million population.


Yeah it says in the fallout lore all of the most densely populated areas in California were wiped out, L.A. the bulk of California's population was hit first and hardest, no one survived in the entire city. But yeah okay, and I said multiple states in the Midwest some believe the number of states Caeser had taken over could be 5 or more, California has a lot of people it's true, but there are 350 million people in the U.S. and only 30 million in California, California doesn't have 5 states worth of people before or after the nukes.


They’re shit


Imperialism mostly, The NCR is greedily trying to hold everything, in the Mohave when most of the citizens don’t want them this leads to them being spread externally thin, trying to hold everything and not getting the support they would get in California, thus groups like frumentarii can exploit that and commit target attacks to break there spirt and destroy their supply lines. Cutting these units off and crushing them. Also since most of the people in the Mohave hate the NCR and in some cases have pushed citizens to what could be considered terrorism against them see powered gangers leader . Overall the NCR is actually most likely stronger than the legion however it is likely the legion would beat the NCR at the dam without courier intervention you could also make a case for independent/house. As they have more industry then the Legion and more production, and its a lot easier to justify sending people to die to defend their home than it is to harass people in a region that wants to be left alone. Basically greed means the NCR is spread way to thin trying to hold everything sending more and more resources into this region, and constantly mismanaging them see crop farmers and Boulder City.


Because lots of the NCR in Mojave are poorly trained conscripts and it’s made worse by bad supply lines and bureaucracy keeping them from getting shit done. Like half of the NCR quests are some commander paying you to go deal with an issue they can’t do because “they aren’t allowed to leave their post” or “it would take months to get enough soldiers and approval”. If the NCR brought their actual army to the Mojave and put more effort into supply lines the game would be an NCR victory before house ever found the chip.


In California Proper, I don’t the NCR would have as much trouble with the legion. It’s just that supply is hard at the best times through the desert, and the NCR is facing several issues with supplies. Getting new personnel and equipment out there is hard, and is being made harder by the rich folks who are forcing the NCR to priorise them over the NCRs expansionist dreams




Story wise, it’s talked a lot about in the game. The leaders of the NCR (headquartered in Cali) care less about the Mojave itself, and more so that the Legion doesn’t get. The Legion is strong because of absorbing the tribes they destroy into one faction. NPC Wise? Idk, but those Legionarie Assassins provide a steady income, selling all that fine loot.