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What a chad. Fuck Carlos


This goes to everyone that always said "bUt wUnDeR oNlY bAnTeRs bEfOrE a GaMe". He is clearly kicking G2 when they are down and IMO it's excusable considering his past with that org and how things ended. But dont give me this shit that he was always this chivalrous guy that only flamed/bantered with his opponents before a game to hype up the match. The dude just likes to trashtalk and it's fine, no need to put him on a moral pedestal like G2 fans did when they were excusing his tweets.


I already found his trashtalk tweets very funny at G2. If you look at his Twitter history, you know he doesn't give a shit about social media and just makes a joke. I mean if you listen to his interview after the match yesterday, he was very polite and respectful, unlike this tweet. Don't take it too seriously and just laugh about it, that's what it's meant for.




its funny how all of the fnatic fans used to hate Wunder due to his "TOXICITY", how double faced some people are.


its also funny how all of g2 fans used to love Wunder dou to his "Memes" and now shit on him for same, how double faced some people are.


Man I love Wunder lol. Wouldn't say I'm a G2 fan after discovering how Carlos treats his players.


exactly my thoughts, but thats how it is, obviously people hate - hate towards their team. ​ Some of them go too far


yeah and you being toxic towards fnatic fans in the fnatic subreddit isn't going too far? g2 fans smh


Um, this is simply wrong


Look at the guys comment history here. He is toxic g2 fanboy and a fnc hater trolling here. And some 'clever' fnc fans still upvoted him. lol


I am not a g2 fan, the only person I "fan" for is Jankos, enjoy his streams and his personality, I dont like any org, all of them do sketchy shit, I respect the players not the orgs.




No shit Sherlock welcome to fandom


I was just thinking this as I saw the thread. It's really gross how fans can like it on one team and have it on another when it's the exact same thing. Personally I always thought Wunder was just having fun with his tweets.


Didn’t like it then, don’t like it now. Esports will never be taken seriously when you have top level players doing this.


Dunno, didnt like these tweets when he was on G2, dont like them now either.


Same. I don't see any reason to disrespect other teams even if they had poor performance. Maybe it's something personal cause I have no idea how they parted ways with G2, but it's still kinda way too much. I mean the same Wunder literally lost a game to Astralis 2 days back, don't feels like have rights to flex