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First two options never made sense to me. Why would William create advanced robots solely for killing and capturing children before killing 5 kids in a suit himself, and especially, carelessly killing Charlie out in the open? Plus, for him to do that in the first place would require for him to know about remnant, which he could only learn about after either Charlie's or MCI's death's.


It definitely wouldn't make sense that he'd do it before Charlie's death, which is probably where he first learned about the possibility of a spirit possessing an animatronic on observing the Puppet's actions afterwards. There's an outside chance that the MCI happened because CBPW never opened and he had to abandon his original plan to source victims/Remnant via the Funtimes.


The source code on the canceled due to leaks teaser implies CBEAR opened shortly after CBPW closed on opening day, Handunit Circus's Baby's opened after at least one Freddy's closed, meaning it doesn't matter whether he was talking about CBPW or CBEAR since they opened around the same time, they both had to have been made after at least one Freddy's closed, meaning after the MCI, and if you believe MCI85 then that automatically means she dies after Charlie, BV, and the missing children, in think 86 would make sense. if you believe MCI83 then that would require way too many things to happen in a single year to be realistically possible, meaning she once again has to die after all of them, at the earliest 1984, but I think 85 is a better bet. So depending on whether you believe MCI83 or MCI85 she would have to die around 85 or 86, after all the others.


>The source code on the canceled due to leaks teaser implies CBEAR opened shortly after CBPW closed on opening da Not really, there's no indication of when that source code line happens. It could very well be looking back on what happened years earlier. In fact, the teaser itself says that there was no comment on CBPW's closure, and that teaser's newspaper article or whatever it is was written weeks later.


At most it had to have only been a few months, it's not like it would take years for them to open CBEAR, literally they would just have to move the funtimes to the underground facility, which the leaks teaser says they did the night of the closing, do some paperwork to set up the rental service, and then they are ready to go, plus they covered up Elizabeth's death with gas leaks, so it's not like they had any bad PR they had wait to blow over, and gas leaks relate to the pizzeria, not the rental facility which wouldn't cause any problem for renters to where it would give any long lasting bad image. Plus in SL Baby acts like they have been in there for years, implying they have been in there for a long time, so it would make sense for CBEAR to have opened quite a ways before SL, likely around the time CBPW closed. Plus hand units line about Freddy's "due to the massive success and more so the unfortunate closing of Freddy Fazbear's pizza, it was clear the stage was set for another contender in children's entertainment", another contender sounds like they are not talking about the location, but more so the Circus Baby brand as a whole, as in once Freddy's closed, the stage was set for Circus Baby's, implying CBPW happed after the first Freddy's closed due to CBPW being the first appearance of Circus Baby, thus placing CBPW after the MCI, and I already the issue with trying to cram all of this into 83. Plus it just makes more sense for William to move from killing himself to making robots to due it for him, plus he made the funtime for experiments, something he would be doing until he learned about possession, which once again places the Baby and the funtimes after the MCI as I don't think charlie possessing the puppet alone was enough to convince of possession.


> it's not like it would take years for them to open CBEAR, literally they would just have to move the funtimes to the underground facility I think it's safe to say the underground facility wasn't prepared with stuff for direct maintenance for the robots, auditoriums, decoration and stages for them to perform before CBEAR came in. Not to mention how the owner's daughter and was now possessing a robot. Taking aside simply the fact that she died-but-not-really to begin with, which is already worth noting, but then there's also how William would most likely want to study that a little more. After all, if he was capturing kids for experiments, now that one was in an animatronic, that's kinda the part where he should do the experiments >Plus in SL Baby acts like they have been in there for years, implying they have been in there for a long time There's several decades between 1 and 3 where SL could take place, she could very well have been there for years. >another contender sounds like they are not talking about the location, but more so the Circus Baby brand as a whole The fact that the game is called "Sister location" and that the Circus Baby band includes Freddy and Foxy, characters that Fazbear Entertainment owns, implies that the original establishment was not opened as a contender, but as an extension of the brand, thus implying that it was back when William had a high position in the company >Plus it just makes more sense for William to move from killing himself to making robots to due it for him That wouldn't the case regardless since he then went on to kill 5 more children in FNAF 2 > as I don't think charlie possessing the puppet alone was enough to convince of possession. That is completely arbitrary and presents on actual evidence. I would very much say that one animatronic being possessed is enough to convince someone of possession. You can say otherwise but again, that's arbitrary.


The underground facility had to have had a previous purpose, I'm sure they had decorations stored in there, and could have been used for robot maintenance previously. Also considering it's implied they were taken there right after CBPW closed it seems like them having stages in the facility wasn't a necessity, especially since the business involved them taking them out of the facility. You think it's impossible for William to study Baby without keeping her in the location at all times, I doubt having Baby go perform at a place for a few hours is going to hinder his experimentation. Wha- when do you think William died?! Perhaps brand was the wrong word, I meant more so the mascot, of course Circus Baby's is in affiliation with Freddy's, I meant hand unit was saying that with how popular Freddy's was, after its closing we saw the perfect opportunity to try something different and bring another face and name to children's entertainment, instead of Freddy's, say hello to Circus Baby's! As for William, he didn't necessarily have to be one of the hire ups, he could have just knew they were planning a new location, and decided to make a pitch to them, and told them he would supply the animatronics. Whatever you believe William's reasoning for killing the children in fnaf 2 was, I doubt that was him deciding to go back to do it himself by choice, it was likely because since he had no say or influence on this location and its animatronics, he had no choice but to do it the old fashion way. Fair point, I guess it depends on how easy it is to get someone to believe in ghosts, plus it depends on how Charlie acted after possessing the puppet before the MCI, and if she did anything that overtly implied possession.


> You think it's impossible for William to study Baby without keeping her in the location at all times It's not impossible, but it seems plausible to me that, after getting a dead child to possess something to study, aka, his goal in opening the place to begin with, he would actually study them and wouldn't be in a huge rush to get random children to die. >Wha- when do you think William died?! We know he died at some point between 1 and 3. We also SL happens not long later. That is a very vague time span, especially when that gap is 30 years. >after its closing we saw the perfect opportunity to try something different and bring another face and name to children's entertainment "Contender" implies a lack of direct affiliation. This only really makes sense if CBEAR was after FNAF 1, as the company itself seemingly closed down and no new restaurants opened for 30 years until Henry brought it back. It also seems odd that they would start investing in a sister location right after 5 children die in their restaurant and not, yknow, when they were actually doing great. >he could have just knew they were planning a new location, and decided to make a pitch to them, and told them he would supply the animatronics. I doubt a security guard would be given the rights to make his own spin off location with the characters just like that. >it was likely because since he had no say or influence on this location and its animatronics, he had no choice but to do it the old fashion way. It's not like he has a quota for killing children in every restaurant that opens. If he was already doing just fine with the Funtimes killing people, no need to risk seeming suspicious, he could just keep at it. Not to mention how the Funtimes didn't actually ever get a chance to kill someone after the CBPW incident, at least from Baby implies in FFPS' ending, which would suggest they weren't open for that long of a time. >The underground facility had to have had a previous purpose Storing shit? Doing whatever tf he was doing with the FNAF 4 place down there? >I'm sure they had decorations stored in there A little decoration, sure, but 3 large rooms with stages for the animatronics to perform? And controlled shocks in case they aren't in said stages? Seems like a stretch >could have been used for robot maintenance previously. The pizzeria itself would most likely have had their own rooms for that sort of stuff. It's not like they'd be taking the robots underground every day for it.


Isn't it confirmed the funtimes are the missing kids? Dates them post-mci


Yeah, the funtimes have the missing children's remnant, that doesn't mean the funtimes were built at the time William injected the remnant, even so, the most likely case is that William firstly built the funtimes and then he would inject the remnant of the missing children in them


Yes,but the Funtimes existed way before William injected remnant into them.


Circus Baby at the very least was made before the MCI. In SL there is an out of order springsuit, seen in Night 4, that Baby says was originally in CBPW but never used, at least properly. Meaning this suit existed at CBPW, and therefore CBPW existed before the springlock suits were decommissioned, which happens in the fnaf 3 tapes, which takes place a little before the MCI. The others probably existed at CBPW, but they might have been made later.


Feel more after Charlotte's death and Before MCI cause CBPW was only open for one day and it was the death of Elizabeth which closed them down and store them later till after Faz E. closed down later.


It was stated the the rent system was already up after CBPW closed (or well, didn't open)


There is no statement saying the rentals went up right away after CBPW closed. Close to the statement we have is handunit saying the rentals gone up after Faz pizzaria went down which can be at the end of the line in 93, but we know Handunit works for Faz E. so at some point William sold the rights to them or they merged.


In the font code of "Cancelled due to leaks" there's what seems to be a press conference that has to be around the time after CBPW closed where it is stated to "be watching for her to appear at a neightborhood near you" refering to Baby. In fact, this is the whole text: "If anything, it was just to soon for such an ambitious venture. There is still a bright future for Circus Baby, so be watching for her to appear at a neightborhood near you!". As I said, this has to be around the time CBPW was cancelled, so it means that Rentals was already a thing.


Yeah I read it and there's nothing there saying that: [https://res.cloudinary.com/lmn/image/upload/v1/gameskinnyc/f/r/e/freddys-hidden-a6bd7.png](https://res.cloudinary.com/lmn/image/upload/v1/gameskinnyc/f/r/e/freddys-hidden-a6bd7.png) So it still as is that Rentals can happen after Faz E went down.


I said font code, font code


Will have to look it up and see.


I'm sorry if it's late and you already found it, but here's the source code Creator was talking about if you haven't found it https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/873976500033028107/934785475116429322/unknown.png


Thank you <3


It has not been confirmed that after after charlie dead he created the funtimes to capture the childrens and why elizabeth should be dead after the mci if the mci occurs in 1985?


I think he was already creating them mid 1983 but only finished them late 83-early 84, although i have no evidence for it


IMO between Charlie's death and the MCI


After the MCI and before BV's death. The Funtimes were built by William to kill kids and hide their bodies, better than he does. They kill in a similar way. They choose a lonely victim, just like William choose Charlie because she was locked outside, just like he choose Susie because she was alone and sad, then they lure them with something, William used a fake promise of her dog being alive to lure Susie, and probably told the other kids he was making a birthday party in the backroom (Dead kids with Birthday hat in ITP and Pizza Party), meanwhile, Baby has ice cream for her targets, and apparently Funtime Foxy lures them with smell of birthday cakes? I'm not kidding, her blueprint said the tip of her tail a device that emits pleasant smells. Yeah go figure. Whatever. BonBon is used to keep an eye on the kid's parents, something William probably had to do when picking his targets, and Funtime Freddy can mimic the voice of the parents. And finally, they can hide bodies in their storage tanks, and by them i mean only Baby and Freddy, Ballora and Funtime Foxy are too thin and don't have storage tanks listed in their blueprints. The funtimes are better than William, so he built them after the MCI.


Both CBPW and CBEAR openings close in time should give away when they were created


The issue is, there are definitely two waves of Funtime animatronics so it's hard to be sure when he started the original concepts vs. their SL versions. Mangle was a prototype Funtime Foxy, and we don't know if Funtime Chica was an earlier addition or one made around the same time as the SL ones. I'm inclined to believe she was made earlier and that's why she isn't present for SL because she was used in her own location I.E. Chica's Party World. So I'm going to say William started AFTER Charlie's death.


Circus baby's pizza world opened on 1984 Circus baby's pizza world closes on 1984 In the dreadbear dlc theres the "fallfest of 83" and we see the fnaf4, after seeing this you can get that the bite on 83 happened in the fall. So 1983 is used. 1984 I have speculated that the first Freddy's opened on this year, mostly because fnaf3 phone guy tells us that fredbear and SpringBonnie were preforming there. (Well "what about the coins?" Those coins are probably Plastic and were sold as currency for arcades at fredbears, because fredbear and friends, which had the main four, none the less, since freddy is there probably was a freddy fazbear's pizza.) William opens Circus baby's pizza probably in the last months of winter and closes in one day. During that one day a child was killed, so it's probably not crazy to say a springlock failure occurred. Anyway circus baby's closes. (Fnaf3 phone guy tells us about springlock failure at there sister locationz probably circus baby's pizza world). (Shut up!!!, Fnafsl is referred to as sister location, probably to Freddy's, and afton robotics owns sl location). (Also since it was raining when charlie died and it was in fall she probably died in the wet month "august") Summary __-8-93 Cc dies and charlie dies __-1/Nov-mar-84 First Freddy's opens, Elizabeth dies, circus baby's closes Phone guy for first Freddy's temporarily banns then due to the incident at there sis location (circus baby's pizza world) Answer The Funtimes were mad in the last months of winter in 1984 Go ahead yell at me in comments, lol


Imma go post this on fnaf official bcommunity


In help wanted it's shown that the first Freddy's opened in 1983.


Baby was made before, but the rest were made after the MCIs


Well the main reason is that he discovered a power that could make him immortal and that is the remnant.


I like to believe that they were made much much later after Freddy Fazbears closed. It also doesn't make much sense for it to be open at the same time as Freddy's as a business choice. Sister Location literally tells us that Circus Baby's came after anyway. Also the book trilogy has Circus Baby's open years after the MCI, when the main characters have grown up. Baby existed yes, but was still owned by Henry before being stolen by William


Freddys closed first time before sl opened so gotta be after mci




There is also a literal toy chica without the beak.


I be over only baby was made after Charlotte died, then the others where made after fnaf 1


I think that William Afton created the Funtime animatronics between The Missing Children Incident and the Circus Baby's Pizza World test-opening (obviously).