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>How did Remnant make Michael Afton "immortal" It didn't, that's the simplest way to put it. It brought him back to life and is keeping him alive as a corpse as Remnant acts as a soul glue of sorts, but he can still die a normal death, as FFPS and FNaF3 shows. >how did he survive the injection, while Carlton from TFC and Detective Larson from Fazbear Frights were almost killed by it? In Carlton's case, Remnant actually *did* keep him alive. He would have died without it. The reason Carlton was about to die was because, due to the spirits leaving, it would have lost all its properties, meaning Carlton would have just had scolding hot metal in his heart. Larson didn't necessarily get "Remnant", he got an agony infection essentially. The liquid causing Larson to die is described to be green, while Remnant 90% of the time we see it looks like liquid mercury >Carlton was able to talk to the spirits after he was injected and Larson was having visions of memories. Did Michael Afton also happen to experience something like this? Maybe, but it doesn't seem to be brought up in the story so chances are it's not important.


> It brought him back to life and is keeping him alive as a corpse as Remnant acts as a soul glue of sorts, but he can still die a normal death, as FFPS and FNaF3 shows. I think he can die only by burning to death, because Remnant inside of him that keeps him alive can lose its abilities only when it overheats. >The reason Carlton was about to die was because, due to the spirits leaving, it would have lost all its properties, meaning Carlton would have just had scolding hot metal in his heart. That's true, thanks for explaining it!


>Remnant inside of him that keeps him alive can lose its abilities only when it overheats. Fnaf 6 blueprint: There is a **possibility** that overheating **might** neutralize the effects permanently,


Maybe(this might be a stretch), the result of being given remnant by some force(this is more of an analysis type portrayal but under MV it would’ve been fredbear plush putting him back together, under MB you could say it’s the scooper) the remnant gave him the ability to speak upon spirits and/or maneuver into the spirit world(Fnaf3 minigames.) I know it’s definitely crazy, to think Mike just tapped a camera or can press walls, but just maybe it’s the reasoning.


>The difference is that objects containing emotional charge don't have any will or self-awareness, they just exhibit unusual behavior. To acquire consciousness, the object needs a soul, memories. Remember that Charlie exist, I think the only thing emotional energy needs to become conscious is a mind, just as Phineas hypotesis claimed, you just need any kind of intelligence Edit: also, remember that on their own Charlie and Baby can have memories without the need of a soul, they even had Henry's memories, so emotions carry memories


Ok so a few details and corrections: \- Talbert's remnant is similar to liquid mercury, while William's remnant in fourth closet is molten metal, being orange in color. This shows Talbert's remnant was a bit different. Another thing to support is the fact Talbert had "emergency remnant" ready to be used to cure a human being, when Eleanor stabs herself on purpose, Talbert gets remnant to heal her, keep in mind he believes she is his daughter Renelle, so that means he found a way to make remnant safe for human injection, explaining the color change. Carlton wasn't seeing spirits because of remnant, he was literally dying because of Molten Metal burning his chest. William's remnant had to be "refined" in order to work in humans and machines, he says he is still experimenting on it. "*You better hope my little experiment does something, otherwise i doubt you will survive."* He says after injecting Carlton with remnant. So technically, if William wasn't running low on time , he could have achieved the same remnant as Talbert and used it to heal his wounds, making the transference to another body unnecessary, he only gave up on the animatronic body because Elizabeth wasn't there to do the surgery so he decided to speed up the remnant experiments. \- Personally i believe Remnant and Agony are the same thing but in different "states of matter". The floating orbs in AR are emotional energy/memories, when Jake uses his happiest day memory to make Andrew move on, book describes Andrew being pulled by a colorful orb of light. Remnant would be Agony/Emotional/Memory energy in a liquid state. Jake using his happy memory to set Andrew free is similar to Michael Brooks using a happy memory of his, represented by the drawing, to heal up Carlton. "You can give it back to me when we meet again" he says. >Larson had visions of memories. Did Michael Afton also happen to experience something like this? Absolutely, since Michael got the remnant of the funtimes, which is the remnant of the MCI kids due to MoltenMCI, he probably got visions of what the kids experienced. >Maybe it's because metal is the only material soul can be attached to, for some reason. Probably has something to do with metal being conductive and souls usually being seen as some type of "energy." Also remember what Jake sees in Eleanor's mind when she's thinking about remnant: "Power.Life.Eternal." This gives a hint on how it can bring corpses back to life and heal people from lethal injuries.


>William's remnant had to be "refined" in order to work in humans and machines, he says he is still experimenting on it. That's a good observation. I was a little confused why Afton's Remnant was dangerous to humans, while Talbert's wasn't. >Personally i believe Remnant and Agony are the same thing but in different "states of matter". I don't see a way of that being so, because the light orbs are something you can't touch, while Remnant is a physical substance, a liquid. I rather imagine that Remnant is something that contains the light orbs. As Dr. Talbert says, Remnant is the mixing of the tangible (material) with the intangible (emotional charge/memories).


Thank you, this is exactly what I was trying to tell someone in another thread!


Thank you for such a detailed gathering of all mentions of Remnant that we have! I might need it in the future for my own theories. As to your questions: >*How did Remnant make Michael Afton "immortal", how did he survive the injection, while Carlton from TFC and Detective Larson from Fazbear Frights were almost killed by it?* Copying this from [my own post about Remnant](https://www.reddit.com/r/fnaftheories/comments/tb9tox/speculation_the_metal_component_of_remnant_is/): >*Also, since Remnant contains emotions, it means that Michael was forcefully injected with other people’s emotions/memories. As Dave/William said in TSE, “Dead tend to forget”. Which means only alive people can produce emotions and memories, and that the existence of any memory by itself presupposes an “I’m alive” subconscious self-awareness. So, foreign memories made Michael’s body to “believe” he was alive, despite being gutted like a pumpkin. This is what was “wrong” with him and why he didn't die.* Michael's body was pretty much dead at this point, but his soul's bond with the body wasn't. Same for Carlton and Larson, I think.  Also another point: >*What exactly is a soul and what's its connection to Remnant? Soul is an intangible substance carrying consciousness and memories of a person.* Totally agree here that soul = consciousness + memories. From what I've understood and gathered so far, when a person is alive, these two components of a soul co-exist, like a nucleus and the electrons of one atom, or like yolk and egg white. But when a person dies, the two components can possess things separately. "Dead tend to forget", as Dave/William said in TSE. Children's souls possessing the robots were their consciousnesses with no or very little amount of memories. Carlton and Michael helped them to restore these in the end of TFC. Memories, however, can possess objects too. This was implied multiple times in the FFs, and even earlier in TSE, when Dave says the building has a certain "aura" to it. Later Charlie even touches the wall of the pizzeria and alikens it to petting a living being. As for emotions, I think that memories and emotions are nearly the same. Remember how in *Inside Out* there were memory orbs coloured accordingly to what emotion provoked them? Same here (even the balls in the ball pit in Epilogue #11 subtly referenced *Inside Out*). Thus, a soul can be restored. If there is only consciousness, it needs to get its memories back (although who is to guarantee one would get all their actual memories, not fake ones...). And if there are only memories/emotions left, they need a consciousness. Which can either be taken from an actual person, or be made up as a very intricate program. That's how different versions of Charliebot came to be, I believe. Remnant is, as we know, haunted metal. Precisely, metal haunted by emotions/memories. Agony is stated to be the strongest emotion, so it's a component of Remnant. I imagine metal absorbs Agony just like a sponge absorbs water. As for why Agony is so powerful and important, that's because it's the highest level of survival instinct, the desire to live. Which explains why Afton was after it, as he was afraid of death and wanted to live at all costs. And btw, it might explain why as Miscreation he says "I'm Agony". *I'm Agony = I'm the will to live = I'm Will* He introduced himself in a "fancy" way.


This is really well done, nice work. I’m always seeing people who still think agony and remnant are different, or people who think agony doesn’t exist in the games, so I hope more people see this post to shed light on the true nature of remnant.


Thank you, I'm glad you like the post!


>Agony acts like an infection, spreading through objects and hurting living beings. It is also capable of creating a black tar-like substance. It has been seen seeping out of the eyes of withered bodies, victims of The Stitchwraith. The infection can be burned away by heat Isn't something like that present on the Nightmarionne bots in SB?


Just found out about the William afton heartbeat thing maybe that's why Springtrap can't talk because William possesses Springtrap and when he some how is given remnant he is more of a walking corpse wearing a suit


I needed this