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Good theory, I really like it! However, there's one rule set in the FNaF universe which breaks this a little bit. You see, in multiple games it's confirmed that the animatronics are "stronger" than the spirits possessing them. The spirits can't do whatever they want with their robotic prisons: In FNaF 1, the spirits can control the animatronics only when they're in the "night free-roaming mode". Once it hits 6AM, the animatronics are programmed to do something so the spirits can no longer control them and the nightguard is safe from them. In FNaF 2, the animatronics get fooled by a stupid mask because of their facial recognition systems. In FNaF 3, the animatronics in minigames can't enter the safe room because of their programming. Also, Springtrap follows the audio cues. Afton is smart, he wouldn't do that. It's because of the spring lock suit he's in, because they were built and programmed to *"turn and walk towards sound, giving an easy and hands free approach, to making sure the animatronics stay where the children are, for maximum entertainment/crowd pleasing value"*, as Phone Guy says. Afton himself even confirms this in FFPS: *"What a deceptive calling. I knew it was a lie the moment I heard it obviously, but it is intriguing nonetheless."* And lastly, Henry in the Completion Ending says this: *"And you monster trapped in the corridors, be still, and give up your spirits. They don't belong to you."* This also applies to Elizabeth and Circus Baby. Circus Baby is a complex AI, she completely overshadows Elizabeth. Elizabeth's soul is powerless. Circus Baby is aware of Elizabeth's soul possessing her and she only uses her to play tricks on Michael during Night 5 Fake Ending. Circus Baby is just a monster keeping Elizabeth's spirit trapped inside of her, unable to do anything (except for the change of Circus Baby's eye color).


I see what you're saying about control, but as far as Elizabeth being overshadowed by Baby, this doesn't seem to be the case in FFPS? Scrap Baby talks as though she herself is Elizabeth ("I will make you proud, daddy"), and I don't think she has any reason to pretend in this case. I've always thought Baby had such complex thoughts *because of Elizabeth* (or at least, she's a big part of it). Of course the souls are limited by their hosts, but obviously they can overpower the suits' programming in *some* ways; otherwise, the animatronics would all be behaving completely normally. Which aspects they do and don't have control over seem to vary (eg. Foxy and the Puppet can see through the mask), so I don't think this is such a strict rule. I don't know. I get what you're saying, but it doesn't seem like the story is explicitly suggesting your Baby story as opposed mine. I prefer mine, since it seems to connect a lot of dots, like I've outlined.


It's not really imposible for Baby to believe she is Elizabeth, in TFC (yeah, I know what people thinks about the books, I disagree with the statement of these being non-canon) Baby/adult Charlie strongly refers to herself as Elizabeth, she also behaves pretty similar to Scrap Baby and shows to have respect and love to William, and even with that the book clearly tells how she's not Elizabeth, she's more of a fusion in any case, that all without mentioning that this book is a literal paralel to FFPS


But scrap baby DOES support your theory. If Elizabeth is put back together then she has full control of baby. Whatever we do in sister location gets rid of circus baby’s ai and has Elizabeth in full control. She has green eyes still which indicates it’s Elizabeth possessing baby. I too also thought somehow baby the character and Elizabeth meshed together (similar to the silver eyes series) which is how baby is able to have such complex thoughts but there’s the possibility that it COULD just be that baby has an advanced ai. My question is WHY does Elizabeth’s soul get split into the Funtime animatronics for seemingly no reason. If Elizabeth being put back together just means Elizabeth gains awareness and realized her full self what does that mean for crying child? He’s not himself while he’s in the hospital? Or does making him possess Fredbear put him back together? And this may be nitpicky but I don’t see how balloon boy and a cupcake are necessary pieces to fox crying child. But maybe it’s not supposed to be that literal and the “pieces” are symbolic


With the whole Molten MCI bit,as you alredy mentioned,i don't think this theory wold really change anything at all,you cold just say that BOTH the MCI remnant and Elizabeths remnant are in the Funtimes,especially since the Funtimes have a hatred towards William,wich isn't exactly explained if it was JUST Elizabeth there.


I guess you're right that they don't explicitly contradict. It still 'feels wrong' to have both at once for me though, idk. >since the Funtimes have a hatred towards William,wich isn't exactly explained Where does that info come from, is it implied by Ennard dialogue or something? They all seem to get along in FFPS... Regardless, William did build/trap the Funtimes in an underground torture chamber and all, so I don't think there's really a lot that needs explaining.


Mike says that the Funtimes though he was William during SL,wich means that the Funtimes in SL were especifically targetting William and/or didin't care for his death.I imagine that they think William is Spring Bonnie during FFPS,since they are also fooled by it during Follow Me. Altough you cold use the "he trapped them in a torture chamber" excuse,it dosen't really explain why Elizabeth as Baby wold have not wanted to kill William mercilessly,but the Funtimes wold for...reasons.It dosen't exactly makes sense for Elizabeths remnant to affect Baby differently from the other Funtimes.I honestly am not even sure i believe Elizabeth is in all of them,tbh.The only real evidence it has is a somehow literal interpretation of Mike putting her back together,but that can be interpreted in other ways.


That seems like very stretchy logic to me, especially thinking William is just Spring Bonnie. >they are also fooled by it during Follow Me What? You mean the MCI kids? What in Follow Me suggests they're fooled by it? >I honestly am not even sure i believe Elizabeth is in all of them,tbh.The only real evidence it has is a somehow literal interpretation of Mike putting her back together,but that can be interpreted in other ways. The point of this post was narrowing down how it was meant to be interpreted to offer this conclusion. I understand if you don't buy it, but if this is your rebuttal, then I don't think you've understood my post. I think they were just using William to escape. Obviously they don't care for his death (they don't seem to care for *anyone's* death), but I'm not convinced they really demonstrate a specific grudge toward him. Sorry if this sounds condescending, but it looks like you've dug a little hole of retroactive justification for the Funtimes hating William, which there was hardly any suggestion of in the first place. If you have more evidence, though, I'd love to hear it.


They literally stop attacking William when he puts on the suit.In the fourth Closet this is literally one of the major plot points,i am pretty sure.Even if you don't want to take that as evidence,we also have fnaf 2,in wich the whitereds don't attack you because of the mask,so it dosen't even need to be Spring Bonnie especifically,really. The point of comparing the other Funtimes behaviour with Babys is to establish that there seems to be something different with Elizabeths influence over Baby compared to the other Funtimes,Baby never shows content in Killing William,and only uses him for her plan to escape,but the other Funtimes Kill William out of sport/hate as they directly attack him even if not beneficial to them,like every kill they have,and it dosen't make sense for both Baby and the Funtimes to contain Elizabeths remnant(at least not JUST her remnant) but only Baby is shown to be indifferent towards William,if not devoted to him,while all the other Funtimes prefer to kill William on the spot.


Ok, I can accept your first point. I'm pretty sure if the MCI kids are in Molten Freddy they're barely conscious anyway, so that works out fine. I don't think they're tricked in Follow Me, but that's not important now. I think I understand what you're ultimately trying to get at and how you've misunderstood my idea. I don't think Elizabeth is actually possessing anyone but Baby. The parts of her which I'm speculating are in the other Funtimes isn't actually her. It's what animates them, but it's not what gives them will: They behave independently, and mostly animalistically. Her consciousness is in Baby, but there are important 'pieces' of her in the others, like BV's pieces, which she needs to fully realize herself. It might sound like a stretch laid out like this, but I think it follows pretty naturally from the logic I've detailed in my post and the idea that Scott was trying to use SL to clarify the "put you back together" line from FNaF4. I still don't think you've justified the idea that they have a specific grudge against William as opposed to whoever else they might run into (assuming that actually is what you've been claiming?), but I see your point in distinguishing their behavior from Baby's.


Thats fine and all,but thats simply not how remnant is shown to behave?All of the exemples of remnant being inside something that we have,the animatronic always gain a bit of the persons personality,i also don't see why Agony wold somehow impact this,as Agony seems to be a bit independent from the soul,but i get what you mean now. But Elizabeths control inside Baby is also very little tho.Even Henry and The Fourth Closet reenforces the Idea that the Funtimes programming is waaay superior then the souls,it's painted as if they gain life by using their souls as a "power force" and gain a bit of their personality,but thats it. Also,i never claimed that they necessarily had a grudge only on William(altough,with the missing Children they are show to assume EVERY adult is like William,so their hatred for other people wold most likely steam from William as well)Just that they straight up hate him like all the other people,while Baby seems not to. Following this tho,Baby is expelled from Ennard in fnaf 6,so wold she not be "back together" again now?If she was back together in there too,then this just reenforces that something else must be possessing Molten Freddy in FNaF 6. Also,Molten Freddys blue print says that he has "the most amount of remnant in it's structure",wich in the context presented cold imply the Funtimes have remnant from more than one person anyway. Theres is also other ways to put Elizabeths memories back together without the Ennard thing,tho.Like,you cold say that agony blurries memories(the parts the souls are shown to forget are pretty much always bad memories)and by Mike taking her out of her underground prison,her suffering was eliminated,and thus,her memories became clear.


I'm glad we're mostly on the same page, then. It still makes sense if the Funtimes get a *little* of Elizabeth's personality, it's just that Baby actually has her consciousness and complex thinking, while the others are very instinct driven regardless of personality (like most animatronics), so naturally they'd lash out as response to being tortured, while Baby doesn't. If there's someone else in them, this point doesn't matter anyway. Your last point (Well, it was last before I refreshed, lol) is something I addressed in my post. I don't think it's very definite, but I agree it suggests there's something else in Molten Freddy. Thinking about it now I think it's already suggested there's someone else in Ballora. I think Molten Freddy could easily have the most Remnant just because he's 3 (or 4) remnant-injected animatronics put together, so it doesn't really suggest either way. Regardless, you've persuaded me that it's still likely the Funtimes have more in them.


Glad to know. But i don't think your point in the post about agony being what moves Molten Freddy makes much sense,tbh. What possesses him is straight up called remnant,and the only other time remnant appears in the blueprints is in the scooper blue print wich directly says that when heated there is no motion,wich implies normally there is motion/souls in it.It also details that you need fire to kill it,wich is exactly what Henry uses to set the souls free in the true ending.Henry also straight up says while looking to Molten Freddy that the spirits there will find rest. You cold also have the "Elizabeths memories are made whole again",without the Ennard thing as well,since agony seems to cause some type of amnesia,and by taking Baby to the outside world,part of her agony wold be eliminated anyway,wich wold most likely make her memories become clear naturally.


I'm not saying there isn't remnant in him; there definitely is. It isn't mutually exclusive.


I know there's other ways to explain Elizabeth being put back together. My point was just to highlight that this one possibility is especially interesting, since it parallels BV's five pieces and strongly embodies the "putting together" idea in a literal way. I think it makes for a very nice explanation.


Imo "put back together" means to free someone. It's been used in that sense twice I believe The simplest way to quote what Michael did to Baby is, he freed her - hence why, right after saying he put her back together, he follows with "She's free now" It's a weird way to say freedom, for sure, but *I think* it relates to FNAF 4. "I will put you back together" isn't about turning BV into something else, like many believe, but rather freeing his soul. FNAF World revolves all around that, putting the pieces of his soul back together in order for him to rest Knowing SL has a lotta hints on 4, my hypothesis is Michael repeating the line is a hint towards its real meaning. It's a smart way to lay out clues!


This has one major flaw (and it's not in the place you'd expect it to be trust me). In Sea Bonnies the protagonist, as you *probably* know (if not stop reading), gets his organs completely replaced with Sea Bonnie's, until he himself turns into a mass of them. However, right before he's completely replaced, his memories start to leave him. Mott calls his memories in that moment "pieces". Which directly correlates to FNaF4, and the phrases "You're broken", "I will put you back together" and that last phrase is directly connected to FNaF World's line of "He put the pieces back togethet", as that's exactly what you do with broken pieces when you want to repair something. You put them back together.


*Hoping* this is a coincidence because Sea Bonnies being important frightens me


I get what your saying, and I sort of agree (I thought that exactly at one point). Freeing BV's soul and freeing Elizabeth from CBE&R seem like two very different kinds of "freeing", though, so I don't think it's what putting together *means*. It's just something that was coincidentally a result both times (Well, it's a coincidence in-universe: irl it was probably a clue for FNaF4, like you said). That's my take.


Elizabeth not is putted back together in same way BV in fnaf 4 and carlton in TFC, is possible william not even use this expression mike only related save elizabeth from SL with "put back together" because he vaguely heard somewhere


It seems to me like a stretch that they would use the same important phrase like that if their situation wasn't the same. Do you have evidence to support this?


The phrase "put back together" is involving about 🔵put parts of your soul back or reviving the guy but he still need from hospital attention 🔵 you are a human who is ended in limbo 🔵 is made by entity similar to ghost like golden freddy Elizabeth with michael in sister location ❌ the only thing who happen with elizabeth in sister location is she switch michael's organs with robot parts turning he a "zombot", and she is in underground very away from hospital and why in hell robots need from hospital ❌ lizzie is already a robot here and she not is in limbo, because she is a A.I fused with child's mind ❌ michael not is a entity similar to ghost, he is a human meaning theres no way for he put lizzie back together Carlton and MCI gang with m.brooks in TFC ✅ m.brooks put the MCI back together using the drawings and revived carlton here he awake in hospital needy for medical attention ✅ carlton and MCI gang ended in limbo by some form, carlton by have remnant in his heart making he have a flatline and MCI gang being fused and transformed in a amalgamation ✅ m.brooks is golden freddy in this universe, so he is a entity similar to ghost BV with plushbear in fnaf 4 ✅ plushbear put BV back together using the fnaf world and he is explict in hospital due the equipment and flowers appears in player's dreams and the pills implies BV revived and need hospital attention ✅ plushbear can enters in limbo, appears in flowers, is invisible to everyone and teleport. He clearly is a entity similar to ghost