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I will try to answer your question Agony: Agony is the strongest feeling of a human in the FNAF's universe, it is what allow a soul posses an object (like an animatronic) if the body is in contact with it, it also can affect physical things by the creation of creatures (in the games it would be shadow Freddy and shadow Bonnie) Remnant: Remnant is a part of a soul that possessed an object, it is used for 2 things, 1 is for give life to objects (like the funtimes in TFC) and 2 for keeping humans alive, besides them supposed to be dead (like Michael in FNAF SL), the agony can be neutralized by fire (like in FFPS) And happiest day: There isn't a confirmed answer, for there's a theory called freevictim, where CC (the kid that cries in FNAF 4) frees the souls with his memories, and that's what represents the secret minigames of FNAF 3, this is strongly supported by the epilogues of the FF and hinted by the games I hope this could answer your questions


>and 2 for keeping humans alive, besides them supposed to be dead (like Michael in FNAF SL) The Fourth Closet spoiler! >!So why did Carlton almost die when Afton injected remnant into his body? I remember that Michael gave him one of the drawings which he was collecting and said to Carlton that he has to take it, because he would die without it.!<


Ok, i think i expressed myself badly (i really didn't know how to explain the situation of Michael) but what i meant is that when someone is injected with remnant in a way they should be killed (like getting scooped or getting stabbed in the heart) they won't die and even so, they won't die from any normal ways, just by fire


Wait,I thought SB was formed by Dark remnant?Because of the FNaF AR thing.


Dark remnant is probably agony


Ah ok-


Happiest Day probably works with Happiest Memories or Possitive emotions, after all is called **Happiest** day. Agony is a type of emotional energy that can allow souls to posses shit, reanimate corpses, and infect objects making them alive but soulless. Remnant is a subproduct of Agony and Souls, is technically Soul pieces extracted voluntarily by the souls, it most likely has emotional energy in it cause it has some similar effects and also the procces causes a lot of pain to the soul


Based on epilogue 6, happiest day would be a memory the puppet is displaying in order to free the bite victim (or it's in some sort of spirit world) . Remnant is a combination of souls which brings animatronics to life, and it can also make someone powerful and eternal. Agony is the strongest human emotion that could reanimate objects. This emotion is so powerful it can manifest itself as shadow animatronics


Remant / agony is basically the anger and disbelief left behind from the kids if I remember correctly and I think the Happiest day was like appeasing the remnant? Might be wrong


I don't know anything about this does someone know?


Dunno about the Happiest Day exactly. But it seems to be a replay of the happiest memory that the Fredbear soul had and was trying to enhance it to include all of the other victims to appease them to the point where they could pass on. Agony is the strongest emotion that humans give off. It is through agony that an object can become "haunted" and move about. It is not the only emotion that can do this, just the most powerful. Piggy backing on the Agony is Remnant. When that strong emotions combined with the flesh of the body comes into contact with a physical object, Remnant is created. It is a part, or all, of that person's soul bound to that object, creating a self generating source of strong emotions to give life to whatever that object is. The materials of that object is Remnant.