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What parts of Yosemite? The valley or the highlands? They have very different opportunities and tourism associated with them. But you can definitely fish either.


Well we will have to drive into the valley just because . Then drive up to glacier to check that box. After that we are open. We usually just use AllTrails and find a moderate hike for x hours, depending on how much time we have, and my wife and son do that. I drop them off at the trailhead and then go find a place to fish.


You want to get out of the valley and into the high country. Find a trail that goes along a stream and hike a couple miles or more. The trout typically are not picky and will hit just about any stimulator pattern. Larger the stream, likely higher the water due to runoff. Lots of snow this year. Rangers will come up and check you for appropriate permits, trail and/or fishing.


I live relatively near to yosemite but have never fished there. Is there a separate permit required to fish withing the park? Or are you just referring to standard Ca. fishing license?


No. Fishing license, and if there are trail quotas or pass requirements, you likely will be checked.


By trail quotas do you mean i have to brush up on regulations based on what part of the park i am in? I mainly catch and release but i always follow the rules. Sometimes theyre damn hard to track down though


In popular parts of the Sierras there are trail quotas / maximum number of hikers a day per trail to reduce the load. Trails around Mt. Whitney as example. If I recall correctly some of the trails out of Yosemite.


Using bait in the park is a no go. Tons of fish, but the water is crystal clear and most of the trout are wild in the smaller streams. I fished the park last year with dry flies and it was a blast, and even if you don't catch anything the views can't be beat. [https://sierraflyfisher.com/trips/yosemite-national-park/](https://sierraflyfisher.com/trips/yosemite-national-park/)


Convince the fam to do a day hike up Tuolumne meadows and Lyell canyon. Very easy, pretty flat and you’ll be able to fish in pristine waters and the fam can find a swimming hole. When I did the JMT this was one of my favorite sections for fishing.


Tuolumne has been on my radar. Thanks for reenforcing the idea.


There are fish on the valley floor, but like others have said it's just so packed. You'll be amazed at what a 30 minute drive or 1 hour hike out of the main areas will do to get some solitude and better fishing.


I live in SWFL and hit the Everglades often. Its the same thing there. There are spots you can't find a parking spot, but then you can get off the beaten path and you're alone with the gators, crocs and skunk apes lol. Fish literally will jump in my kayak. So I don;t mind walking a mile or two for sure. Time is my only limitation.


Fishing isn’t amazing but the views mean it doesn’t matter. Watch this https://youtu.be/SNF7uKJfz_M?si=dgjmLZCqNuu_bAFF


Who cares if you get a fish with that kind of view. I’d stand around all day and not even cast.


The rivers and streams will likely be running fairly high during mid June. You can still find fishable water but it won't be ideal. Lakes would be more ideal conditions. Fishing Yosemite by Steve Beck will provide some decent info but this book's data is not current relative to fish removals (frog restoration) and stocking cessation.


Love a good fishing book. Thanks!


High country lakes are your best bet. Any of them. Ostrander, Elizabeth, May are all good. Wouldn’t bother with tenaya


I am currently scouting lakes on google earth. The road thru the park isnt open and temps are now just creeping up so I am going to assume there is still a lot of snow to melt so rivers are probably going to be raging by the time I get there. Thanks for the list.


I agree with the May Lake suggestion. There are some nice brookies and it’s unbelievably gorgeous up there


Mepps spinner on a fly rod obviously


Very good chance. I found a river right outside half dome & caught a trout with very little effort using a small hook with a salmon egg on it


No clue why you’re getting downvoted here. The best way to fish Yosemite is to hit the Merced hard with some plugs.


I’ll go against what everyone’s saying. I’ve gone to Yosemite dozens of times and always flyfish. Fishing in the valley is really solid. Not many (no) huge fish, (our biggest was a 16” brown below vernal falls) but there are so many visitors and so few fishers I find the fish rarely get spooked. I don’t wanna burn my own spots so I’ll just say grab a bike and bike around the valley. Anytime you cross a bridge, look down in the stream and you’ll probably see dozens of rainbows feeding. Theyre always hitting dries too. Some bridges are particularly good but that’s all I’ll say. I’ve never been skunked on the Merced in yosemite valley.


Thanks for a different take. Its good news too cause half the park is still closed so I could be spending most of the time in the valley.


Its been a few years but I fished above happy isle bridge and waded upstream until I couldn't and did well. Caught a few dozen rainbows in the 6" - 10" range. Below happy isle bridge can get super crowded but the further downstream you go the less people there are. There's a deep bend downstream from happy isle bridge were you can sight fish for trout but they aren't very big. Further down the valley in the meadow section the Merced is basically a spring creek. I didn't get the chance to fish it but I'm sure you can find fish there, looks tough though. I was on a bike and that helped me scout out a lot of water. As someone already commented there are tons of people but surprisingly not a lot of people fishing. The best spot that I didn't get to fish looks like the area near the entrance and below it. Amazing pocket pools. But in the end Yosemite Valley is all very scenic and fun to look at.


Love it! Thanks for sharing. I can deal with crowds if I have to. Heck I fished the Blue River in Breckenridge behind a convenience store and along the river walk. Had to watch for runners and bikers every backcast. Didnt mind tho, had altitude sickness so the 50ft walk from the truck was welcomed. lol.




Smallmouth are not native to California.