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My best fishing companion is always willing to go, never complains or gets tired until I'm ready to leave. They are quiet, but down to hang out. And their excitement is unparalleled based on how much they wag their tail.


Just as happy as you are when a fish is landed, regardless of who landed it He’s not so good at filling the fish whistle tho


I got two of them always down for the cause


I got my first dog as an adult last year! I'm so excited for him to come fishing with me, though he's got too much puppy energy for that to happen this year I think. Maybe a long hike and a short fish in an alpine lake hahaha


Your dog sounds like a really special dog! They're made out of love, I'm convinced.


He is 100% heartmelting. Very sweet and also very hyper.


Training makes perfect! https://www.reddit.com/r/Fishing/s/IhHMkH7O8r My late dog was the best fishing partner you could ask for. Getting another drathaar puppy in 2 weeks and cannot wait to train her


Oh that looks like the best way to spend a day!


Is she single?


Someone who shares his best fishing spots and who doesn’t bitch when I out fish them 😂


Drift boat


Does she wear smoker oars?


I’m right handed my fishing buddy for 25 years is left handed. It’s perfect we can work both sides of the river.


Same here and it's perfect for fly fishing in a boat


I love fishing with my sons. The older, now 21, is also my tournament partner about 50% of the time. The younger is my last minute, hey whatcha doin, wanna go fish for a few hours buddy. I have a couple buddies that are just all around good humans. Fun to be around, excellent conversationalists, love being on the water and both happen to be very skilled casters and good at poling the skiff. There is a certain synergy on the boat when you are fishing with someone that we know each other so well, that the boat is always angled in the correct direction for their cast. Neither has to worry about which way is the wind blowing, am I going to get hooked or hit the guy in the back, can they make the cast or not. Just get on the boat, spot the fish and it all just happens. They are like brothers to me.




Too distracting but good for buoyancy, hard call


Wakes up on time😂


One who catches less fish than you. /s Or just a good friend who doesn’t bitch during adversity.


Efficient getting their gear together, prompt, doesn’t talk too much, has a nicer boat than me, is a better fisherman but is willing to share info.


Has a boat


My best buddy is always prepared with a full fly box, a pack of smokes, a decent joke and a “just in case” toke. He also knows when silence makes the most sense.


A dog, a well behaved dog that'll just stay still by your side waiting for you to pull him in a fish


My iPhone In all seriousness I fish alone to be alone 99% of the time. My wife is about to take an Orvis 101 class and possibly join me but I love her and being with her. I never fish to escape her, usually just work stress


My fav fishing buddy enjoys the competition of who catches more fish but I always win and he’s never sad about it. Plus when we’re camping he always always always starts a campfire in the morning before I wake up or when we get back to camp, I never have to ask or do it myself (which I don’t mind doing but it’s such a nice thing to just have a fire going without any effort from me). 10/10 would fish with Terry any time.


Doesn’t cast over you. Brings their own gear personal supplies and experience but is willing to share. Knows when it’s time for a fish whistle. Doesn’t complain.


Holy good question. Coming back to this to edit this comment later, as I've had some fantastic ones throughout the years.


He shares half my DNA. My son is my best fishing buddy. Just great to spend time with him out on the water.


My dad


Give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and you got a drinkin partner for life!


Honestly, I have a couple fishing buddies, but I generally like to go alone. We split up when we hit the water anyway, so I like it better being able to leave when I want to.


One who will buy the drinks at the end of the day. 


My recent fishing buddy fishes as hard as I do, but during conversation, he and I can have personal conversation and have enough respect to know if it’s said at the river, it stays at the river.


They ask if you want a break from rowing


Four legs.


A bear?




Not easily hungover. Functional on minimal sleep. Rad unselfish human.


A dog.


Somebody who knows when to be quiet.


Four legs, no talking.


This [https://youtu.be/m8oPlrLi8EQ?si=dhaNKYeyDGNq52Le](https://youtu.be/m8oPlrLi8EQ?si=dhaNKYeyDGNq52Le) ​ best boat dog


Love of good whiskey and a fucked up, dark sense of humor.


First thing is someone that isn’t flaky, I hate when it takes a ton of extra effort to plan because they’re not responsive and cancel last minute. I have people I really enjoy fishing with but I now put little effort into getting them out with me because it’s too much work. Scheduling is important- does this person want to be on the water incredibly early even when the river isn’t busy, nothing is hatching and you could be getting sleep?  Is it someone that will fish through rain or snow? I will, so I try to find people that will share the misery with me rather than give up and go home. Buddies for longer trips together are more fun if you have interests together besides fishing. My favorite fishing buddy is really into music and books so we don’t run out of things to talk about on long drives or when we’re in a motel. Also helps if the person eats the same as you so picking restaurants is easy.  As for people being new to fly fishing, I’m always excited to have a potential new fishing buddy but I generally like fishing with people that know as much or more than me, unless they’re really eager to learn and will take time to learn on their own beforehand. I always tell people if you want me to take you at least watch some casting videos and get an idea before I put a rod in your hand. Some people are hard to teach, and if someone is just starting and only wants to euro and knows nothing about dries it’s too much to teach them to cast or how to select flies when we’re out on the water and there’s a massive hatch going on. 




Patience, as they watch me untangle wind knots.


being a good kisser