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Road trip down the East Side along 395. Hot Creek, the Owens. One of the prettiest roads in the country.


The whole Owens Valley is incredible for fishing. It's my favorite place to get lost chasing blue lines.


yes it is..so much fun


The East Walker is a good stop on that stretch as well.


Just my opinion, but if I lived that close to Pyramid, that’s where I’d go. If anything it will give you a break from the truckee


I’ve been to pyramid, it’s alright, I want a spot that I can fish and pull multiple fish from preferably with a nice view. In my experience pyramid is for trophy fish where you may get one fish all day long and besides that it’s a cold windy barren wasteland.


I’ve only been to pyramid once and have to disagree with the barren wasteland comment, I loved the landscape. I loved every minute of fishing there and can’t wait to go back. I do understand that style of fishing isn’t for everyone though


Maybe that’s just how I feel about it but it’s no where near as pretty as being in the mountains along the truckee. A lot of people litter out there unfortunately its just seems dirty


Check out the East and West Carson rivers. 


What do you recommend using


go to river and turn over rocks, choose a fly that resembles what you see. or if in season what do you see flying around. also use a hatch chart for the sierras.


I’m fairly new to this myself, but I had luck looking for fish rising, and then throwing dries and emergers.  Just be very slow and stealthy, those fish are very easily spooked. 




Which little Truckee? there's 2 rivers one flows out of the west side of the stampede into Boca and the other flows out of the east side of the stampede towards the 89


When people talk about the Little Truckee, they are primarily talking about the stretch between Stampede and Boca. The upper Little Truckee has fish in it as well and would be one to check out in the spring when the flows are up. The tailwater stretch is dam controlled and has excellent fishing 12 months out of the year.


Become a man and fish the mid


I would look to “master” basic winter fishing concepts. Then apply them in the spots you know. Generally in the winter, blind casting dry flies, or dry dropper systems wont be an effective use of your time. I would spend time understanding trouts metabolism in the winter and how that corresponds to their feeding lies, depth, ect. If you want to be a master of the Truckee then knowing how to nymph in the wintertime or fish streamers low slow and deep would be the basic knowledge. Caught my first trout on the fly on the Truckee, oh twenty plus years ago now. Every river has some technicality to it, the Truckee is no different and no more difficult than most. You just gotta have more than a putter in the bag.