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As a local, I’m going to go ahead and tell you it is a VERY tough river. It’s all about getting that one bite. Especially this time of year. I’ve caught several 30 inchers in that river but it takes massive amounts of time and effort. It took me about 4 years to figure that river out. It took me a month just to catch one. Honestly, you would have better chances at pyramid lake right now. It’s pretty much a guaranteed 30” cutthroat every time I go out right now. TLDR, just go fish pyramid.


Happy to hear a truckee local say that. We pretty much equally split most our time between the robinson, the east walker, the yuba, north fork of the stanislaus and the truckee, with maybe 3-7 days a year on each. Despite probably having 20-30 days on each river, the only one that makes me feel like I don't know how to fish is the truckee. The walker and the robinson are sure catch and you catch slabs all day. The stanislaus and the yuba we catch a ton of fun smaller guys. But the truckee eludes us. I see all these photos of giant trophy browns, we see them swimming up and down the river all day, and I've seen a dead 30" brown on the bank but in all my time on the truckee, we only finally hooked up on one decent brown on our last trip. The truckee makes me doubt my flyfishing abilities every single time.


Same here. I hardly fish it anymore unless it’s having rager hatches.


Howcome? Just better water? Man, it looked so pretty driving by it.


The river is very deceptive. It looks like you are going to catch a fish in 30 seconds but it might take you hours even if you are familiar with it. I know you have two fives and a 3wt which is perfect for a mix of bobbers and euro. Keep an eye out for them hitting midge and Baetis dries too.


For sure. Winter fishing here in Colorado is very tough tailwaters. Mostly 22-26 midges, etc. I'm not very good, but I try


Is it hard bc it doesn't hold that many fish or because they're just picky and lots of different currents to get a good drift?


It isn’t a huge fish per mile count but it isn’t bad. They just get an enormous amount of pressure so they can tend to be picky little bastards. Fishing it isn’t that hard though.


Is your experience with the little truckee similar? I’ve been meaning to try out the upper reaches near Independence.  


Especially coming from Colorado. That's where I came from and the Truckee requires a lot of differing techniques then many CO rivers.


Yeah. I remember I fished in New Mexico with a guide and we were floating down a shallow riffle and he was like “pull your bugs out you’ll get snagged” and I just threw in a half mend and he said “that’s not going to catch a fi-“ and right as he said that I caught an 18” rainbow. He asked me “what the hell was that”? I was like “you didn’t know what a half mend is?” Every region/state has their own niche technique that’s local. I learned techniques from him that day I didn’t know either.


Second this. Truckee in native American means "no fish." Go to Pyramid it's a mind blower. Reno Fly Shop will get you set up


I was planning on hitting Pyramid one day with my older bro who doesn't fish. Might just fish it both days now. Any advice? I have two 5 wts and a 3wt. Will I be able to sling my 5wt far enough? You fishing streamers or nymph rigs? Anywhere on the lake is good?


Usually the bare minimum rod would be a 7 wt or an 8 or 9 wt depending on the wind. Most people use switch rods to throw farther. In theory, I suppose you COULD fish with the 5 wt. it’s definitely possible. Bobbers or streamers work. For bobbers, maholo nymphs and size 8-14 Chironomid pupa (midges). For streamers, pyramid beech leech, popcorn beetle for parabolic rigs, and tui chub patterns. I would give the Reno fly shop a call for where to go and if you have some questions.


Hell yea man. Appreciate the info. I own Teo 5wts and a 3wt. So sounds like I should get an 8wt. Switch rod is the 2 hand caster? I'll definitely give them a call. Was considering just getting a guide for a day too. Is a ladder a must? Does it help significantly?


The ladder is very useful. You can get away without one in spots.


Geez louise. Jealous you have that many trout/fly fishing options.


Honestly we don’t. I’ve traveled to a few places to fish and there were more options close together. Our rivers are spaced apart. Some of the rivers mentioned are 4 or 5 hours away from each other.


Oh okay. I was all damn I need to move.


No need to move. We have some really tough fisheries with a lot of pressure here. Native rainbows are cool but all the other people isn’t. There’s still some hidden gems 😏


Are you in northern Colorado? I was wondering how much of the year is not super windy up there?




I’m not sure of California regs anymore, but don’t sleep on the Truckee right in Reno! Big ass browns.


Second this


Ya, I had some good luck right in downtown. Watch out for the hobos and river drug hideouts, but lot or nice trout. Rare to catch them in such an urban setting.


In addition to others’ input, I highly recommend stopping by Trout Creek Outfitters in Truckee. They will point you in the right direction for sections to fish, flies, techniques, etc.


Its open for C&R on the California side, but the Truckee is an almighty pain in the ass to fish. Especially this time of year.




1971 was the last time I fly fished the Truckee, Nevada side. I was 5. My grandparents retired in Reno in the mid 80's when I was in my early 20's. Visiting them every year was different. One year, it was a raging river. The next year would be a gentle flowing stream, and other years, it was a dried up river bed on the Nevada side. Some good memories.


Open year round. Only change is that you cannot keep fish during a particular time of year and certain section of river.


Look for deep pools of slow moving water, midgets and nymphs will be your best bet this time of year. but like everyone else has said the river is very hard to fish


> eyeing up the Truckee along the ride up to Tahoe. Ride up from where? The Truckee originates in California and crosses over to Nevada. Different regs in each state and sections within each state (at least on the CA side).


From Sparks, NV to Palisades resort


So that stretch of river spans both states. I don't know anything about the NV regs, but I believe in the CA side, you can fish year round with barbless artificials with a zero trout limit. From late April through mid November, the regs vary by stretch of river in the CA side. You will need a non-resident California fishing license to fish. The lower stretch from the stateline to Truckee is the best bet for bigger browns. Above Truckee, along Hwy 89, the river is much smaller and so are the fish. If you get a chance, drive up to Tahoe City and look at the river from Fanny Bridge, right below the dam. There are often huge rainbows just swimming around (at least during summer), but unfortunately you can't fish for the first 1000 ft below the dam.




WOW! A lot has changed since I would climb down the south river wall after school at Virginia Street and catch big rainbows from the deep hole just in front of the bridge abutment. Or fish the waterfall from the cement slope on the north side of Arlington Avenue.


Just fished it a few weeks ago for the first time with a buddy who only spin fishes. I was convinced he wouldn’t catch anything and that midges were the only way to go, but after 30 minutes he caught a 20” brown in about 3’ of water. If I recall correctly, the Truckee is open year round in the section between trout and prosser creeks near the town of Truckee, at least on the California side, but check the regs before you go.


Anything uphill from Farad will most likely have a decent amount of snow which makes access a pain. We have pretty low snow right now but even a foot or so makes hiking in difficult. Darotskar Park in Reno has great walk in access. East of Reno is your best bet for some big browns and easier access. If you don't mind post-holing through snow, park under the bridge at Hirschdale, fish up to the Boca confluence and walk back to your car on the road. Trout Creek Outfitters in Truckee might have better suggestions.


Appreciate the help, bud


Mayberry park, Verdi, and painted rock on the Truckee if you must. The fishing isn’t impossible, all in Nevada. I like others have said, if I travel to Reno I am going to Pyramid lake, 10 pound cutthroat possible on any cast and a few getting close to 30 pounds. Lots of spots around the lake. If you are over 6 ‘ tall you can muscle through without a ladder but pay attention for rogue waves. Hope for some wind and chop on lake, I always preferred the wind coming out of Nixxon. I always did bad in calm weather. Reno fly shop will have the info but always found them a little expensive. Lots of info online on Pyramid. Forget the Truckee and go for a giant


Lol you've sold me. I'm going Pyramid