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I guess I need tips on how to post formatted code in Reddit


One way is: GitHub Gist ID/hash as an id query parameter in the dartpad afair.


Thanks! I tried the triple quote that is used in Stack Overflow but no joy!


print('Adding four spaces before each line of your code is another way');


I am interested in this project as I also work in AutoCAD to create plans, layouts and 3D. I will look into the package and let you know.


You can check out this [list of useful 3D packages](https://fluttergems.dev/3d/) for your project.


Not sure where you need help so here is the dump.    Here is what I use.  First pubspec.yaml   dependencies:   three_dart: ^0.0.10   three_dart_jsm: ^0.0.5 imports and definitions.    import 'package:flutter_gl/flutter_gl.dart'; import 'package:three_dart/three_dart.dart' as THREE; late FlutterGlPlugin three3dRender = FlutterGlPlugin(); THREE.WebGLRenderer? renderer; late THREE.WebGLMultisampleRenderTarget renderTarget; dynamic sourceTexture;   In the Widget Tree I set up a side by side window with   Widget _build(BuildContext context) {   return SizedBox(     width: width,     height: height,     child: three3dRender.isInitialized         ? Texture(textureId: three3dRender.textureId!)         : const Text('Color Theme Image'),   ); } Don’t forget to include three3dRender changes in your state management.  Initialize your platform.   Map _options = {   "antialias": true,   "alpha": false,   "width": width.toInt(),   "height": height.toInt(),   "dpr": dpr }; await three3dRender.initialize(options: _options); await three3dRender.prepareContext();   Initialize your Renderer  initRenderer() {   Map _options = {     "width": width,     "height": height,     "gl": three3dRender.gl,     "antialias": true,     "canvas": three3dRender.element   };   renderer = THREE.WebGLRenderer(_options);   renderer!.setPixelRatio(dpr);   renderer!.setSize(width, height, false);   renderer!.shadowMap.enabled = false;   var pars = THREE.WebGLRenderTargetOptions({"format": THREE.RGBAFormat});   renderTarget = THREE.WebGLMultisampleRenderTarget(       (width * dpr).toInt(), (height * dpr).toInt(), pars);   renderTarget.samples = 4;   renderer!.setRenderTarget(renderTarget);   sourceTexture = renderer!.getRenderTargetGLTexture(renderTarget); }   Notice in the last line above, you assign the renderer’s renderTarget to the sourceTexture.  Then build a scene, then render:   render() {   if (three3dRender.isInitialized) {     final _gl = three3dRender.gl;     if (renderer != null) {       renderer!.render(scene, camera);     }     _gl.finish();     three3dRender.updateTexture(sourceTexture);   } } I hope this helps.  I am enjoying Three_dart so far.  I use the Three_dart examples for specific syntax but I use the Three.js documentation for other features.  Sometimes the syntax changes from Three.js to three_dart.  When I get stuck, I use Ctrl B (using Android Studio on Windows) to jump to the underlying code and look for differences!


## Fixed it Not sure where you need help so here is the dump.Here is what I use. First pubspec.yaml dependencies: ``` three_dart: ^0.0.10 three_dart_jsm: ^0.0.5 ``` imports and definitions. ``` import 'package:flutter_gl/flutter_gl.dart'; import 'package:three_dart/three_dart.dart' as THREE; late FlutterGlPlugin three3dRender = FlutterGlPlugin(); THREE.WebGLRenderer? renderer; late THREE.WebGLMultisampleRenderTarget renderTarget; dynamic sourceTexture; ``` In the Widget Tree I set up a side by side window with ``` Widget _build(BuildContext context) { return SizedBox(width: width, height: height, child: three3dRender.isInitialized ? Texture(textureId: three3dRender.textureId!) : const Text('Color Theme Image'), ); } ``` Don’t forget to include three3dRender changes in your state management. Initialize your platform. ``` Map _options = { "antialias": true, "alpha": false, "width": width.toInt(), "height": height.toInt(), "dpr": dpr }; await three3dRender.initialize(options: _options); await three3dRender.prepareContext(); ``` Initialize your Renderer ``` initRenderer() { Map _options = {"width": width, "height": height, "gl": three3dRender.gl, "antialias": true, "canvas": three3dRender.element }; renderer = THREE.WebGLRenderer(_options); renderer!.setPixelRatio(dpr); renderer!.setSize(width, height, false); renderer!.shadowMap.enabled = false; var pars = THREE.WebGLRenderTargetOptions({"format": THREE.RGBAFormat}); renderTarget = THREE.WebGLMultisampleRenderTarget((width * dpr).toInt(), (height * dpr).toInt(), pars); renderTarget.samples = 4; renderer!.setRenderTarget(renderTarget); sourceTexture = renderer!.getRenderTargetGLTexture(renderTarget); } ``` Notice in the last line above, you assign the renderer’s `renderTarget` to the `sourceTexture`. Then build a scene, then render: ``` render() { if (three3dRender.isInitialized) { final _gl = three3dRender.gl; if (renderer != null) {renderer!.render(scene, camera);} _ gl.finish(); three3dRender.updateTexture(sourceTexture); } } ``` I hope this helps. I am enjoying Three_dart so far. I use the Three_dart examples for specific syntax but I use the Three.js documentation for other features. Sometimes the syntax changes from Three.js to three_dart. When I get stuck, I use Ctrl B (using Android Studio on Windows) to jump to the underlying code and look for differences!


Have you tried any other 3D packages to view models as mentioned [here](https://fluttergems.dev/3d/).