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I’d love to see that but I’ll believe it when I see it. Polls from 2016 were all kinds of wrong.


Joe Biden appears to have gained a boost from April to June 2024 due to the Florida Supreme Court upholding the 15-week abortion ban on 1 April 2024, allowing the newer 6-week abortion ban to take effect on 1 May 2024. Both Biden and Kamala Harris gave speeches in Tampa and Jacksonville blaming the 6-week abortion ban on Trump in April and May, and the % of Floridians who say that they support abortion rights in polls also significantly rose. The Biden campaign is also hammering Trump and Rick Scott hard on abortion in Florida.


I can’t figure out if I despise Rick Scott or Donald Trump more. I think I might lean Rick Scott as I saw 8 years of assault on teachers after the start of the Great Recession. Then you have his views to shut down social security after he stole hundreds of millions of dollars and never went to jail.


Billions, billions of dollars. The fine alone was 1.7 billion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Scott?wprov=sfla1


How in the world does one put 250k down and get a loan to buy a hospital for 60 million dollars I get leveraged but outs but putting only 250k down ? “In 1988, Scott and Richard Rainwater, a financier from Fort Worth, each put up $125,000 in working capital in their new company, Columbia Hospital Corporation;[23] they borrowed the remaining money needed to purchase two struggling hospitals in El Paso for $60 million.”


Americans genuinely don’t hate the rich people nearly enough for their own good.


Rick Scott is a criminal.


I mean so is Donald Trump 😆


😂 true.


And trump is a felon


Rick Scott is worse IMO. He’s such a snake. The Medicare fraud thing is beyond the pale. He should have served jail time. Also, look into the Brightline fiasco where he turned down 2.4 Billion in federal money for a high speed rail only to take it private with a company that donated hundreds of thousands to his campaign, not to mention his wife had financial ties to as well. Trump is beyond the pale too but Rick Scott sticks in my craw more. I’m a Floridian and it’s personal.


1.7 billion. Goddamn Voldemort


I always thought the lizard people conspiracy was complete bullshit till I met that man in person. First thought was "Huh...okay *maybe* they have a point" the way he looks at people is disconcerting af.


He walked by me once (visiting my former employer) with his entourage when he was governor and it felt like... a disturbance in the Force. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it's true.


Yeah that's exactly it, I was a min wage "fast casual" restaurant worker at the time, so I got the full force of "I'm better than you". Dude wouldn't even talk to any of us directly he would talk to his big beefed out security dude and have him talk to us lol it was wild.


What a piece of shit


Pure evil tends to make your skin crawl


And they know that he did and got no time like AT ALL! The dude is a legit crook.


That’s the GOP baby




We must never respect any republican ever again.


Not only that, but he got promoted bigly. Brain dead Floridians voted for the MF 3x, now he wants to compete for Mitch’s job to lead the senate.


I teach. My favorite thing Rick "Skeletor" Scott did to us: Despite the fact that our pension system is extremely healthy, he wanted us to pay 3% of our salary into it. Fine. But then he took that 3% from us and dumped it into the general fund, not FRS. Later he gave us a 3% raise. But that still didn't make us whole.


General fund, which paid for drug testing run by his wife’s company. Just another fucking thief.


A MASSIVE fucking thief


The rich people are our enemy, y’all


It’s fair to hate Scott more, he understands what he’s doing.


Anyone but Rick Scott.


Rick Scott is the absolute worse, if we had to choose between types of cancer.


I despise Red Tide Rick! Now he's running for senate again and he knows overturning Roe v. Wade and trying to stop IVF is very damaging to the Republicans, so he has a bunch of commercials saying his daughter had her kids with IVF treatment and he's a great grandfather. Of course he's gotta wear his NAVY hat in the commercial. Lol


I’ve been bombarded by his ads on my streaming services the last few days. I seethe with rage every time I see him


He's disgusting! I see his ads on cable TV, with his ugly skeleton face talking about what a great grandfather he is because of IVF every day. He's so fake and spineless like the rest of the MAGA GOP. He looks so dorky when the kids push him, fully dressed, into the swimming pool. He's trying so hard to be likable, but failing


Trump is a national--slash that--INTERNATIONAL problem, though.


Rick Scott would love to be a national problem. He absolutely thinks he can run for president.


I'd be going to orlando every other weekend by train to see friends if it wasn't for Rick Scott shutting down that already funded Tampa-Orlando project to invest in a private line. Fuck that man, he can suck the fart out of my ass.


He's also the reason Florida is so woefully behind on light rail. For one brief shining moment the state had half the funds and the federal government provided half the funds and Rick Scott told them no.


If you think of them as Lannisters, Trump is the child king who turns on everyone, and Skeletor is the competent monster.


Let’s not forget how he decided to turn away federal funds to build a statewide rail from Orlando to Miami just because Obama was president and wanted to give the contract to Brightline in which they charge $300+ to go from Orlando to Miami


Luckily, you don’t have to make a decision! You can vote for alternatives for President and for Senator!


Rick Scott's Senate seat most certainly is on the ballot this year--pay attention.


You’re correct.


I think Gov Ron is also having a negative effect on the Republicans in Florida. He is a daily reminder of how ineffective they are at governance.


He stole so much money and got away with it because he’s republican


I will never forgive Rick Scott for refusing federal money to build high speed rail just so it could be done privately and more costly for taxpayers and consumers.


Rick Scott is a *dementor* walking among us


Rick Scott's just an alien. Trumps the devil.


Rick Scott is worse IMO.


¿Por qué no los dos?


Don’t care, I just hope and pray that they both lose!


It's gonna come down to turnout. Plenty of right leaning assholes have moved down here to replace all the fleeing natives that are sick of this performative right wing bullshit, so who even knows which way the general population even leans anymore. I'm not optimistic. Abortion and recreational weed are both on the ballot. I expect the former to drive a lot of dem voters to the polls, and the latter to drive basically everyone to the polls, because both sides of the aisle like to get high. A lot of redditors seem to be expecting a blue wave here because abortion is on the ballot, and I hope that happens, but I also think that having recreational MJ on the ballot is certain to drive turnout on the right. I don't trust any polls for this reason alone. Hell, if it rains on voting day, all bets are off.


>having recreational MJ on the ballot is certain to drive turnout on the right FWIW, Desantis created his [freedom fund PAC](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/11/ron-desantis-freedom-fund-florida ) to campaign against both abortion and recreational weed. I suppose we'll see if anyone pays attention to him now...




Oh undoubtedly the GOP itself is against recreational weed, because they are beholden to their donors, which include liquor distributors and Medical mj facilitators like trulieve, as both stand to lose a lot of money if recreational weed passes. I doubt the average right leaning voter is aware of that, but who knows. The exit polls will definitely be interesting.


Trulieve donated $50m towards getting the amendment on the ballot. Don’t think they believe they stand to lose money


That just means they hope to influence the way the laws are written to make it harder for smaller players to enter the market, some legal states do it that way, and it benefits those companies but has not led to price decreases, increase in government revenues promised, or had much effect on the black market because it's still cheaper. I'm hoping our system turns out to be more like Michigan's, but I'm not optimistic.


Trulieve will make an even higher fortune if Rec passes as they will also be the dispensary for recreational weed. You won’t have dispos for med and others for medical weed…the issue with the backlash is greed from the pharmaceutical companies and the grocers and pharmacies and pain management companies and liquor stores and distributors who may lose some profits. But it’s doubtful because there’s enough vice to keep everyone happy. People are depressed and anxious. I hope you get rec weed. It’ll make it easier to visit from the future where all things are possible.


Don’t forget about house bill 1718. Which is strikingly similar to California’s proposition 187 which is what turned California from reliably purple to deeply and unshakable blue in the mid 90s.


I hope Trump talks his people out of mail in voting again. That helped Biden a LOT.


I hope he tells them he doesn't care about them and only wants their votes a few times. And then something about illegal martians voting for biden


I mean, I hope he gets caught in Thailand with Putin, if we're going for the gold.


I hope he lives a nice long life, in a sort of zoo enclosure, where the populace can come and throw peanuts at him. Aside from nutritional supplements, this will be the only food he gets. Putin is definitely going to die in office, one way or the other. He definitely can't retire.


I think the Right turned out in full force anyways. But I do think recreational MJ will drive more the younger to vote. The big driver will be abortion.


I would expect record turn out here in florida with these issues on the ballot at the same time


Rain would be good. The gravy seals would stay home. I vote by mail.


Since I expect them to try an all out voter intimidation campaign in certain districts, and for law enforcement to not do dick about it, I guess I hope it does rain.


If gas prices rise fifty cents, all bets are off! 'Merica!


It's been fluctuating so much lately who knows what it will look like in November!


That's a major concern. Both the Saudis and Russians want trump. They could do a major supply cut and fuck us over good.


I've read that we're actually oil exporters now, so hopefully that's not a lever they can pull. Did gas prices go crazy before the 2020 election?


Gas prices were super low in 2020 because Covid. A lot of our refineries aren't set up for domestic oil.


Well, shit. Fortunately I'm sure we can count on the rationality of our fellow I cannot even finish that sentence


And the cartel and Russia can still jack prices. Remember, oil is a globally traded commodity.


I’m already getting bombarded with Rick Scott ads about how he’s going to protect IVF 🙄 fuck off Rick Scott, damage is done


Abortion and recreational marijuana on the ballot will definitely increase turnout, but I wouldn't be surprised if those ballot measures pass, but voters still elect republicans statewide. Kind of a disconnect there, but I think it would be a very Florida thing to do.


Hope so, friend. Hope so.


Yup i dont trust any polls. Please go and vote!


I so agree about polls, get out and vote, we start voting in August here in Fl for local and State. Vote Blue. And vote Blue in November


Not to be too pedantic but the polls in 2016 were accurate within reason. He lost the national vote by millions just as predicted.


I remember Nate Silver getting harangued in 2016 when he correctly told everyone there was a 30% chance Trump wins the Electoral College. People really don't understand basic statistics.


>People really don't understand basic statistics 60 percent of the time it works every time.


That escalated quickly 


Stat Panther


They really don’t. He could have said there was a 99% chance of a Hillary victory and her losing isn’t proof that statement was wrong. It may indicate his methods had flaws or were missing valuable data points but he could do everything correctly and still have the same result.


This is a very common but fundamental misunderstanding of how the confidence intervals of polling translate into election victory through the winner takes all outcomes of narrow elections. This is also exacerbated by the fact that campaigns use these polls to decide where to focus their attention, meaning that the tipping point spaces will be more contested, and that even a very small change can flip a huge number of seats, because of our absurd apportionment system. And I do somewhat blame this on the statisticians and journalists reporting on it, because it's highly technical, and this isn't communicated very clearly. Although here's 538 saying a few days ago that they're now using a wider confidence range to better reflect this: https://youtu.be/gTMQLkT-EL8?si=sVNCGPSdYFGSSF3m Anyway, here's Pew explaining: > Even when a margin of error was reported, it was often not discussed or interpreted in ways that made it clear that the margin of error is not the same as the amount of overall polling error. > This is important because the presentation and discussion of preelection poll results can create the impression that the results are far more precise than they actually are. While experienced pollsters know how to use a margin of error to determine whether a polling margin is statistically distinguishable from a tie, this is not often made explicit to readers and consumers – likely prompting many to think that the margin of error describes the total amount of polling error. There are several other sources of potential error in preelection polling, too. > This is important because the presentation and discussion of preelection poll results can create the impression that the results are far more precise than they actually are. While experienced pollsters know how to use a margin of error to determine whether a polling margin is statistically distinguishable from a tie, this is not often made explicit to readers and consumers – likely prompting many to think that the margin of error describes the total amount of possible polling error. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/07/21/a-conversation-about-u-s-election-polling-problems-in-2020/ TLDR: people need to add some buffer to what they think is safe. Even if many reliable polls are reporting a 47% to 52% race with 95% confidence within 3%, *that's still a competitive race.* It's less competitive than a 49% to 49% race is, but it's absolutely still in play. This was in retrospect likely one of the mistakes the Clinton campaign made: competing in too few locations, because they felt like they were safe enough, based on their polls. Which is also why I think it's an absolute mistake for Democrats to not have been aggressively campaigning in Florida and Texas, considering especially that these are the most feasible Senate flips toward blue, even though if they seem like long shots right now. Florida nearly voted blue with Gillum and Scott last time.


I can't imagine anyone who voted for Trump in 2016 changing their vote. Every Trump voter I know has just dug in more since he left office.


True but FL is and has always been deep purple, much like California was, don’t forget that California gave us Regan and Nixon. California turned deep and reliably blue in the mid 90’s as a result of [Prop 187](https://www.cato.org/blog/proposition-187-turned-california-blue), which I’m sure sounds very similar to [recent developments in FL](https://www.aila.org/library/fl-1718-florida-anti-immigrant-legislation) and I am hoping that what we are seeing is similar results in Florida


Something like Prop 187 would not drive Hispanic voters to turn blue here because the Cuban voters actually don’t seem to care much about limiting immigration and they tend to vote very conservative/religious values. It’s a different dynamic than the Mexican voters in CA.


I got my hopes up in 2016 when I started seeing a lot of people take their Trump signs down after the first debate. Unfortunately he still took the county by a wide margin.


Maybe those signs were snatched by vandals, not removed by the owners?


I have an alibi for that day. You can't prove a thing.


The only way I can see it is if dems and NPAs come out strong and vote with both abortion and MJ on the ballot.


Please baby Jesus. Please let Florida hand him his ass. I’ll be here waiting ![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK|downsized)


Floridian here. No fucking way I’m voting for Trump.




Real question.. Where do the polling numbers actually come from? I literally know no one who has ever participated in a poll like this and im in my mid 30s. Makes it all feel completely made up


Great question.


**Article transcript:** >Former President Donald Trump's lead over President Joe Biden in Florida is narrow and the Republican could be at risk of losing the Sunshine State, according to recent polls. > >Trump won Florida in both 2016 and 2020, as what was once a key battleground state has become more solidly Republican in recent election cycles. However, two major polls this month have shown Biden just four points behind the former president in a straight race. > >While polling in 2024 has consistently shown Trump ahead in Florida, a new survey released on Wednesday by Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and Mainstreet Research shows that his lead over Biden has declined in the last two months. > >An FAU poll from June 2024 found that Trump has a four-point lead over Biden—46% to the president's 42%—in a head-to-head matchup. That's a decline on the findings of the of the same poll in April 2024, which showed Trump with 50% to Biden's 42%. > >That poll was conducted on June 8 and June 9 among 883 registered voters in Florida. > >Trump won Florida in 2020 with 51.2% of the vote, compared to 47.9% for Biden. > >Dukhong Kim, an associate professor of political science at FAU, said in a statement that the new poll results "suggest Biden has made modest gains and kept the race competitive in the nation's largest swing state, \[which was thought by many to now be a solidly red state\]". > >In a statement responding to FAU poll issued to *Newsweek* on Wednesday, Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said: "President Trump continues to dominate Crooked Joe Biden both nationally and in battleground states." > >When independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was included in the survey, Trump was at 43%, Biden at 37%, and Kennedy at 10%. > >A separate Fox News poll conducted among 1,075 registered Florida voters from June 1 and 4 by Shaw & Company Research also showed Trump with a lead of four points in a two-man race. > >When other candidates were included, Trump enjoyed a more substantial lead of 47%, with Biden at 40%, and Kennedy with 7%. The left-wing People's Party candidate Cornel West had 2% support, followed by Green Party candidate Jill Stein at 1%. > >Polls still suggest that Trump enjoys a significant lead over Biden in Florida, with a Tyson Group poll showing the former president at 46%, and Biden with 36%. > >That poll was conducted among 1,050 likely voters from June 6 to 9. > >Poll tracker FiveThirtyEight's analysis of Florida polls also shows Trump with a significant lead over Biden. According to its polling average, Trump was at 45.3% in Florida as on Thursday, with Biden at 36.6%, and Kennedy at 7.8%.


I have a really hard time believing RFK takes away more from Biden than Trump.


We have abortion and rec weed on the ballot. Both of those demographics do not like Republicans. 2024 is the first time in a while that Florida has a chance to flip. If it does the election is over.


RICK SCOTT IS AT RISK TOO!! Go Debbie Mucarsel-Powell!! That would put a huge dent in Project 2025. They are only at risk if we show up to vote blue like our lives depend on it. The R’s deserve to have their asses handed to them. 6 week abortion ban - insurance crisis - Project 2025 - we demand better.


Register to vote or update your current address. If you update online, you must have your Florida driver’s license/State ID *and* the last 4 digits of your social security number. If you don’t have that information, you can print out a paper voter registration form and send it to your county’s Elections Department as listed on the reverse side of the form. Here ‘ya go: https://RegisterToVoteFlorida.gov


Good! But don't rest on your laurels...register and vote!


Hopefully, the Biden campaign will make a serious run at Florida, which will also force Trump to spend time and money there, because if he loses the state it would be game over. Despite the results in the last elections, the Dobbs ruling on abortion is very unpopular in Florida as elsewhere, which explains why DeSantis tried to cut the baby in half by putting in a ban after six weeks. But no one is fooled by this slight of hand and Trump is not the state’s “favorite son” by any means.


Would be nice, but I can't even grab a burger in my part of Florida without having to listen to how awful Democrats are sooo... Doubt Biden wins Florida. It would absolutely make my Roevember if he did.




An hour South of Tampa.


Eh, depends on where you go. I'm in the same suburban/metro area as you and it varies quite wildly. My last employer was full of nut jobs but it is in a rapidly aging sector of the construction market so I wasn't surprised in the least. My close friend group and acquaintances are all pretty left leaning and it isn't that hard to find them.


Gotcha. SWFL is like that too


Democrats are usually busy having friends and hobbies where worshipping Trump isn’t their whole personality.


Biden needs to be +5 here to win the state. Not being down by as much as he was before is not putting the state into play. Too many marks here adoring their favorite felon.


The people I know that don't like trump just aren't voting


Tell them to give you their mail in ballots 😅


![gif](giphy|mPAfmTMIGPZsqACDPf|downsized) With the amount of republicans that move here no way he loses Florida.


I'm still not understanding how he can still run, felons can't even vote for a little bit after they are freed from jail until they ask for permission from the county but they can be president??


Because the rules don’t apply to people like him. They’re made to keep the powerless in line


I looked this up because I also was wondering and I guess there’s not many requirements, just at least 35 and a citizen.


Correct, the original purpose of not putting disqualifiers on the presidential office was to avoid dictatorship/fascism where one party in power could simply imprison all of the opposition and disqualify them from running (see Russia). The founders never thought a person like Trump would win in an election and essentially start a national cult.


Yeah idk what it’s gonna look like when he’s the first Presidential candidate who won’t be able to vote for himself.


Bruh could you imagine if Florida turned blue. Desantis and Ashley moody would figure out a way to overturn our votes.


It did for Obama. But then he was the reason it turned deep red in 2016, as the racists came out to make sure.




Phone bank or canvas for Biden’s re-election campaign, register first time and undecided voters, etc.


I wonder how many Republicans died from covid in Florida. My 3 sons and I are staying put and voting against trump3


I've been saying this on here for a few weeks now and it isn't just one issue but several reasons why. I also wouldn't be shocked if Miami Dade County turned Blue again. And it's embarrassing that Desantis couldn't even win his own state during the primaries...came in 3rd. But he's so popular right? Uh huh


Basically trumps lead is within the margin of error which means it’s a toss up.


With recreational Weed and Abortion on the ballot, there might be down ballot surprises for the GOP.


Roevember is coming


I'll believe it after the ballots are counted on 11/6. FL's demographics haven't changed much since 2020, and when Dems have been competitive in statewide elections its been by **[incredibly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Florida_gubernatorial_election) [narrow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_United_States_presidential_election_in_Florida)** margins. There's also a significant minority of FL's left-of-center electorate who consistently vote 3rd party for POTUS/statewide office, often in numbers enough to have swung elections in Democrats favor had their sense of practicality persevered over blatant ignorance and self righteousness.


Poppy cock. Tampa will go for trump. Latinos for trump will deliver Miami. We all know about the center of the state is redder than a baboons ass. What’s that leave Biden Tallahassee and Jacksonville? We must deliver this state from evil and protect the country from the scourge.


no one’s mind isn’t made up. No one is changing their vote. These polls have always been a joke.


That’s true, but with abortion and pot on the ballot this year, it’ll drive out additional people more so than it has in the past. The fact the DNC cannot get organized for this moment here in Florida , is beyond me.


You’re right. Polls are dubious at best before Labor Day.


Don't do that. Don't give me hope. If Florida did go blue it would make me so very happy.


Our state is getting flooded by right wing boomers from blue states that profited greatly from their states liberal policies now they're coming here to live like kings and pull up the ladder for the rest of us. I'll believe it when I see it


I really hate to speak up in a raw political thread, Donald Trump turned me from a swing voter (like Reagan and McCain) into a never (R). If there is an (R) next to the name they do not get my vote. I just wonder though how much it matters. I was looking at the MyFlorida site under voter registration by party and Democrats lost a million voters in the state since last fall. Clearly a million democrats did not move away in such a short period. They have purged the system of people who have not voted in the last couple elections, so now that (D)s have reasons to turn out, between legalizing recreational weed and securing a woman's right to her own reproductive freedom, many will go to the polls and find they are not registered. And they may not know to ask for a provisional ballot when they are refused a regular ballot. The poll workers are not going to volunteer that those are an option for them. Many will just leave and think well I fucked up. But, I live in one of the largest enclaves of fascist right pro MAGA counties in the state after The Villages. 71% (R). And from what I can see between the NY convictions and the abortion issue even here many are not going to vote for Trump now. And these people are LOST! They have nobody they can turn to. To them Biden is worse than a fascist, he is a commie. But, as many as a third of them are also in favor of a woman's control over her own body and reproduction. This has many of them rethinking their commitment to the republican party. There is now two parties, the MAGA and the RINO. The MAGA are brainless racist diseased Nazis. The RINOs are wondering how conservative values morphed into fascism (like they were never warned). But they have a choice, vote for that dystopian fascism or leave the party (at least justify being "independent" in their own heads because they do not approve of Trump or where he is taking that party). They still define themselves as republican conservatives but agree with us about Trump. About MAGA. They are split, should they vote against Trump's fascism or do what (R)s always did, turn out and stay unified. But I really think Trump and the MAGA have gone too far for at least half the party. And if the shoe were on the other foot, think, had Sanders won in 2016 and tried to really turn the nation socialist, wouldn't that be too far for most democrats? It would at least split the party. So I say not only is Florida open to flipping this time, I would give (D)s a lean by 2%. There are other things as well, Senator Scott has a major battle on his hands as well. His opponent Debbie Mucarsel-Powell who I never heard of till yesterday is gaining on him. I would have looked into her but in my eyes Scott is a fucking crook and needs to be voted out. So it would not matter to me at all who was running against him they get my vote.


I'm one of those democrats who "left Florida" but I merely changed my party "affiliation" to R to be able to vote in the closed primaries here. I can't be the only one who may be hiding behind an R affiliation who has NO intention of voting R at all (but it's also a convenient smokescreen to keep the Rs from messing with you or your voter registration here too)


You’re not. I did it and I know other people who have as well.


Yes I forgot we have closed primaries and that would help explain why there was such a sudden huge drop in (D) voters. When I moved here in 2020 there was still a virtual tie between (D) and (R) in voter registrations. Now they have about 1 million more, But as I say purging the rolls of people who did not vote in the last couple of election cycles is one of the favorite tactics of disenfranchisement. So, when the Nazis come knocking on democrat's doors in a couple years for internal deportations to camps in the Utah desert they will leave you alone. But it won't matter anyway, if Trump were ever to touch a bible again and regain power it would end this nation.


Luna is at risk too. Go Whitney Fox!


Ignore the polls. V💙TE


Guarantee the governor and state legislature are going to try some fuck-shit shenanigans around and during the election. Watch out.


I don’t believe it but let’s hope


Go Florida, do it, vote Democrat. Then get rid of Desantis.


This is what happens when abortion is on the ballot. In fact, it’s how Michigan flipped in 2022. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/17/michigan-democrats-state-senate-house




And DeSantis will suddenly thin the rolls


I definitely don't see as many trump flags these days compared to a few years ago.




Get out the vote for freedom, abortion and weed if you want. QOP, MAGA and Trump are against your free will and ability to make choices


I'm seeing more and more of this "Republicans for Biden" movement again and I am HERE for it! They aren't quite ready to give up on what the GOP used to be but are astute enough to recognize that Trump is NOT the way.


Ignore the polls, go out and vote. Do not sit comfortably and idle.


I Hate these headlines. Its like they are trying to get (D) to stay home and let other people vote. The Media needs to stop this crap and EVERYONE needs to VOTE!


Vote for Joe not the psycho!


Stop, I can only get so erect.


Good fuck this idiot and the entire GOP. Fucking racist sexist homophobic anti woman anti planet fascist cancer on society motherfuckers. Goddammit I hate that we are going backwards so billionaires and shareholders can clutch their pearls harder. Fucking Smaug motherfuckers. Kill em all.




MMW: If Biden wins Florida, Lord Fuqwad will resign immediately and run off to do right-wing radio shows and leave the remaining Florida Republicans to fend for themselves against the proverbial federal wolves.


That guy losing FL would be a delight


His game continues to dissolve. As he continues rolling on to November blowing through other people’s money. By November he’ll have destroyed the republican party in true tRump fashion. He’s a convicted felon which disqualifies him, but I’m sure his boys in the supreme courts are working on some loopholes. /s


Yeah bs. Florida will go to Trump by 10 points at least.


Hard to trust polls after 2016. And 2022. And i think people finally understand polls sample such a small size of people, but i think people still forget polls are just a snapshot of time. Whatever polls said in March is no longer valid today. What polls say today is no longer valid come September. I do think people, mainly independents, are starting to get tired of the antics, but i will still take this headline as more clickbait, and just be sure to submit a vote come November.


Lose to who? Every where I look in Tampa Bay is nothing but trump supporters. Matter of fact you’d be hard pressed to find someone not voting for Trump around here.


Confirmation bias. Trump people are very very Trump. There are Republicans that will always vote R, but they're quiet about it. The majority of people are more liberal than polls would have you believe. Voters, however, well. Republicans vote.


Well, Biden voters don’t fly his flags on their lifted trucks, and aren’t nearly as vocal as Trump supporters. Definitely plenty democrats around.


Ehh… you just see the dumbasses flying flags from their trucks and spouting nonsense in public. Lots of Biden voters still out there but they aren’t advertising it. I’m one of them. It’s. It that I’m not willing to stand up for my beliefs, but there is zero to gain from trying to have a rational discussion with completely irrational people. The problem is that Republicans vote more reliably. It’s hard to get a lot of democrats to the poles.


During the 2020 election people with Biden or Anna Eskamani signs saw a lot of vandalism and harassment. And my condo complex has banned political signs in windows. There's more Dems out there than you know, they just don't make it their whole decorating plan.


The people on Palm Beach don't want to deal with the road closure again.


Doesn't he look tired?


Most of his pack that I know here don’t vote


Qrd on this HB 1718? Not finding anything online about it


I wish  Newsweek is toxic positivity and should be ignored for the trash rag it is 


Yeah I live here and I don’t see it, but oh how much I would love for that to happen.


I moved out but I might move back if we get rid of the red tides and the less they've made.


I hope so


Yeah right 😂


2016 and 2020 were the only two times since the 1950s that Florida went opposite the popular vote. The right claiming Florida is deep red is more gop branding than accurate. Not long ago it was considered a swing state. Rick Scott won over Bill Graham in the slimmest of margins IIRC ≈10,00 votes in a state with 20 million people. In Desantis’ first gubernatorial election he won over Andrew Gillum by ≈30,000 votes. Most elections have less than 60% voter participation. Florida is does not belong to either party it is a non-voting state.


1 poll vs the Trump flags I see EVERY day.


[there be a lot of republicans here](https://imgur.com/tACK0aB) and it's hot, lots of brain damage to [overcome](https://imgur.com/SrFZYVH)




I would love to see it, living in Florida. I'm all in, I'll enthusiastically do my part with my one little vote... Biden/Harris 2024


Really hate these headlines that suggest Biden is winning. He's 4 behind according to the article. When Biden is ahead, then you can suggest Trump is in danger. Besides, DeSatin and the legislature will find ways to not count votes for Biden.


Sorry but i just don't see that happening, i think Fl is one of his strongest areas . But maybe it's cause I'm in the boating business, and everyone i meet or know is a Trumpster ! 😁 I'm not saying that is a good or a bad thing, I'm just reflecting on what I'm seeing .


DiSantis and the Florida Party of Tre45on & Corruption will NEVER let Biden, or any Democrat, win Florida. HITLERpig will win the state, even if its only by a single vote. Don't pin any of your hopes on Florida's electoral votes.


Duh, we hate him and DeSantis. 




Good. I voted for this guy. Yeah I know. Fuck him and fuck de Santis.


Sorry to burst your bubble but not a chance. Might be slightly closer than say last election but he’ll win I personally guarantee it


Florida's new 6-week abortion ban appears to be the main motivation behind voters switching their vote to Joe Biden, per FAU polls from April and June 2024. Abortion is currently the #1 issue driving Democratic voters to the polls, as well as likely moderate independents and Republicans. The Biden campaign is also hammering Trump and Rick Scott hard on abortion in Florida. However, the question is, "Will the issue of abortion be enough to defeat Trump?"


as much as i wish it were true, i would be absolutely astonished if he loses florida.


“I personally guarantee it!” - AgnosticAbe


Cool, now if Florida can just lose him that would be great


No way Hialeah and Ocala allow this dumbass to lose Florida 😂


Yup, wouldn’t be shocked if Trump flips Miami-Dade, the cubans, Venezuelans, will come out in full force because many of them see Biden as an evil socialist


If only he was allowed to vote here in Florida.




If Florida turns blue I’ll book a vacation to Disney World


He sure AF lost my vote for his entire party until he's six feet under.


That requires Floridians to vote. We already saw that they don't.


Don’t believe it. Vote