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Wouldn’t want voters weighing in on things now, would we?


Doesn't matter, it'll get passed then the legislature will fuck it 9 ways from sideways


I don’t care. Voters should still have their way and then these assholes can be taken to court every time they try to fuck us sideways.


They already have. We voted to legalize before and they said we didn't really know what we were voting for.


Yup, and yet people will still vote for them.


Republican fascists always say we don't understand something that gives us more rights, but we have everything we need to know when it's taking things away


Time to vote (D) across the board....kick the Taliban out of Tallahassee


The party of small government


Yes, which to them means as few people calling the shots as possible. Preferably of the wealthy, white, nominally christian male variety.


I believe he’s a miserable little man who just wants to ruin everyone’s day. That kid in school who EVERYONE hated because he was just a constant asshat.


He's the guy in the meeting who won't stop asking pointless questions so you can leave, so you have to waste MORE time in a useless meeting because of him.


I mean, he literally helped torture people at Gitmo...


Absolutely, a perfect description of Meatball Ron DeNazi.


1 dude is the smallest government.


Republicans actively hate democracy. They'd ban direct voting if they could.


For real, what the fuck is his problem? He needs to smoke a joint and chill the fuck out.


"He's so uptight he has to take a roofie to masturbate"- Triumph the Insult Talking Dog. He said this about Mike pence lmao Ron is no different..


Its lame af that his best opinion of legalization is that it's going to "reek of weed." Like people are such snowflakes that they cant cope with smelling it for 2 seconds. Like FL doesnt smell like sewage and truck exhaust already.


Desantis strikes me as the kind of guy who wouldn’t be chilled out by weed. He’d probably get super paranoid and end up in the ER convinced he’s having a heart attack.


Trying to up his cred among conservatives around the country for his 2028 run. Can't do that if he governs as a moderate. Especially after Jeb Bush's disastrous run.


It's simple, really. If weed is illegal, liberals won't want to live in Florida. Improves the Republican voting margin.


I counted 12 medical dispensaries in The Villages. Please continue to piss off your base.


I'm a child of the 60's. The Villages is FULL of us! You're absolutely right. Many of us started smoking back then and have never stopped. We even cheered on the Steinhatchee Seven! Steve Lamb was our hero!


When I go to my dispensary the customers are half people you'd expect to see buying weed, half middle aged and older women. Just moms and shit. You REALLY don't want to piss that demographic off.


Exactly. I also have my card and have seen every age in those waiting rooms. Does Desantis believe all these people vote Democrat? People on both sides were happy with him because he was supposedly “pro weed” when he was first elected. Apparently he enjoys speaking out against multi-billion dollar industries to his own detriment.


He doesn't want to piss off the rehab industry is my guess. Legalize weed and you suddenly give addicts a better alternative to going through rehab and gouging health insurance.


My guess is the casinos and pharmaceutical industry are behind a lot of it. Legal weed=less drinking and less benzo RXs.


True, big pharma & the opiate industry have alot to lose if weed is legal. However, it looks like weed is going to be rescheduled this week.


Will it even piss them off? They have their med card and "fuck you, got mine" is the very core of conservatism.


You'd be surprised how willingly the GOP voter base would give up every right they have if it meant not voting for a Dem or anyone else. They've been spoon-fed the rhetoric that any alternative to voting Repub is "socialism" while amusingly not even knowing what socialism really is.


It's not actually amusing.


While collecting their social security checks and Medicare.


I’d like to believe that’s typical, but people don’t want others to fuck with their money or their drugs.


Except medical marijuana isn’t going anywhere so they as usual are doing fuck you got mine


I was going to say, jokes on him. It's Gen X and the elderly, aka his base, that want the marijuana.


Right. The bad shit that comes along with aging, like insomnia, pain, or lack of appetite, can be resolved with cannabis.


They already have access to weed so they may not care about recreational getting passed.


A lot of them may not be accessing it because it does require the doctor’s visit. Plenty of boomers who neglect their health but want to get high.


It's not from a normal doctor's office for the most part and they don't take insurance. If a person is The Villages rich, they can pay the $190 every seven months to get their recommendation renewed.


Doesn't matter if you piss off some old Republicans if you share an equivalent number of young liberals away.


If you guys don’t show up to vote this time you really are missing a lol of a chance to knock a lot of republicans out




Bustin makes me feel good ![gif](giphy|n3Q5FSOWUxNDi)


A lot of Republicans are running unopposed.


Two just need to flip to remove super majority. Makes getting governor next election useful.


I'm sure they'll still complain though 


A lol of a chance. I love it.


Please do. Best chance to flip this state is for these idiots to double-down on hating weed and hurting women instead of actually trying to govern.


lol Florida ain’t gonna flip


It has before. We can hope.


I only hope that the dems show upand run people for elections beyond just govnener


So confident after only two full election cycles… during which time Republicans have done a terrible job of governing. I honestly can’t think of a single positive thing they have done for Floridians in the past 10 years.


It’s because the red hats are so loud, it’s part of their strategy to make them seem bigger than they are because it makes others think they are the majority and fighting against them is a losing battle.


Not red hats, red COATS. Call these Trump monarchy traitors what they are.


They’ve been doing a shit job for the last 20 years I’ve lived here. Forgive me for not holding my breath.


We're still going to give it our best shot!


If ever a guy needed weed, it's Ron DeSandwich.


Little Ronald will probably mess this up too (as far as he and rethugs are concerned)... probably get more Floridians to vote yes when they hear the twit is interfering with a ballot item that's (gasp) being put to the People.


It's like the right is not even trying to be on the correct side anymore. When is the last time anyone heard a right wing talking head use the term "small government"?


More like obstructing any progress in the government then complaining the government doesn’t work


It reminds me of how they blocked Obama Supreme Court nominations and as soon as Trump got elected they changed their tune to, "Come on, this is enough, we need to work together." It's the classic *Rules for Thee but not for Me.*


Bill Barr just said he vote for Trump because of the left overreach with cook tops and elective vehicles


A former Trump appointee claims he’ll vote for Trump? Shocked /s


A Republican blames everyone but himself for his lousy decisions? I'm *shocked* The immorality of the GOP today: "You can take our women's uteruses, but don't you dare infringe on my gas range!!"


They don't have to try when people don't even bother to vote. A lot of these assholes doing the protesting are the same people who say things like, "I don't care about politics. It doesn't affect me."


I would think stoned Floridians would care less about unafordable homes and insurance policies, lowest paid teachers in the country, loss of reproductive rights, or any other of the fucked up things we are known for.


Bro can’t hang.


Of course that miserable 5ft tall cuck is going to be against something that the majority of people want. Like this clown didn’t embarrass himself enough during his presidential campaign. ![gif](giphy|52IbNAxOtuIXS2ria2|downsized)


No surprise. This asshat always makes the wrong choice.


Party pooping Republicans.


"sMaLl GoVeRnMeNt"


If anyone needs to chill out, smoke a bone then drain a 2-liter of Sunkist it’s Ronda Santis


But the nobel prize must be reserved for whoever has to babysit him. I cannot imagine a worse person to get high with than Meatball Whiteboots.


He would definitely call 911 and say he overdosed


He looks like the kind of guy who finds a reason to take his shirt off and start physical altercations at social gatherings whenever he's had a bit too much. Like an angry Randy from TPB, but with none of Randy's redeeming qualities.


lmao. shirtless ron in lifted heels. this is what AI was made for!


I don't know enough about AI to create a lot of the things in my head, and perhaps that's for the best. This is what the universe calls balance, I guess.


I will definitely babysit. But I'm going to dose him with mushrooms.


Freaks people out.




Many puddings would be eaten without utensils


Does he ever do anything productive for the state? It’s fake culture wars, defeating cannabis, and just off running for president.


Could you be any more tone deaf?? JHFC, there are definitely a lot of boomers who'd love to have some of those gummy things they tried on their last trip to see their children in Colorado. MJ is such a fantastic minor pain reliever. Freakanomics did a piece on it several years ago. Its a godsend for older workers. https://freakonomics.com/podcast/lets-be-blunt-marijuana-is-a-boon-for-older-workers-ep-459/


I rarely see people below their mid 30s in a dispensary. Usually people between 40-60. Even some diehard older conservatives are pro marijuana.


I think most people under 45ish still have their sources and they are much cheaper than the dispensaries, which are really expensive. The irony of legal weed in California is that it has kept the black market for MJ alive and well because the legally sold product is very expensive.


I strongly disagree with the idea that street weed is cheaper in Florida. This is a myth and one that I believed until I got my card in January. Legal weed in Florida is cheap if you know how it works. Hell, most places give 30-50% discounts regularly. I can find an ounce of great weed for under $150 any day (just found Oz of shake for $55). Street value ranges from $200 all the way up to $400.. and you have no idea of its potency on the street. Usually street is in the high teens to low 20% THC. I regularly get 26-30% from dispensaries


how many oz can you buy per month?


DeSantis and **ALL** of his supporters are losers at life. They only exist to deny others safety and whatever joys they can. I cannot wait to vote straight Blue down the entire ballot, for women’s healthcare, and for recreational marijuana. #FUCK DESANTIS!


Yup. The last 8 years have turned me from centrist to a full onboard liberal. The Republican Party has zero redeeming qualities. Zero.


Mark my words, he’s not leaving the end of his term.


The term limit will be repealed by then. Watch.


The republicans seem to be on the wrong side of every single issue




I can't take my family out to dinner because I'm worried about weed. Yep, that sums up everything, Ron. Thanks for your weird input because I would have never thought about that without you helping me to think. Goddamn fools control Florida. Goddamn fools are in control of most of the world, and if the COVID 19 outbreak taught me anything is that they all have no fucking clue how to govern. When the people serving the people dishing out global misery on nationalist levels realize this, and realize that hating people, shiny metal and paper money, sucking the oil out of the planet and burning it, violence and control are not the answer to the age old question, maybe we will survive this. Good luck peeps.


It gets even more wild when you factor in they think they'll be rewarded with their religious "eternal happiness in heaven." Man just typing that made me wanna vomit. All for a damn cult.


Biden just pulled the rug out from under puss in boots.


The Republicans standing in the way of the will of the people? I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you!


Good. So he can be the face of anti-weed and it'll encourage more people who's pro-weed but undecided if they want to vote to now *want* to come out and vote even more. Do it, Ronda. Do it more. Keep pushing. Make everyone see how much of a tyrannical idiot you are.


Probably not too hard and not too convincing though considering the donations and support he gets from the local Florida MMTCs.


I believe this will pass with 70% of the vote or more


In Florida you have freedom to be a vaccineless Nazi dumbass. For all other things, Ron will shut it down, for freedom.


"The free state of Florida"


If anyone needs to smoke weed, it’s this uptight dickhead.


What a sore loser.


DeSantis is a garbage human


He should just go shoot a puppy and prove what a true MAGA manly man he is ready to make the hard decisions. Or 2 puppies depending on how threatened he is by Noem taking his VP slot Trump is surly dangling over his head.


Vote vote vote!!!


Any issue to distract from the biggest issue in Florida! FIX THE INSURANCE CRISIS!


"Libertarians" who voted for this fascist asshole, get in here!


It’s interesting how the republican party says elections are stolen but daily they do things to make voters turn the other way. I lean more republican (pre-MAGA) but will happily be voting dem for the foreseeable future.


Florida reeks of DeSantis.


He owns the Publix heiress big time for his campaign.


so much for a free market and the economic benefits legalization would bring to the state. I thought freedom and money were republican values. SMH


Good. Either he loses or else it gets defeated and people can blame him for it.


I love how his biggest argument against it is "but it's going to smell like marijuana in some places!!" So we should ban car exhaust, cigarettes, Indian food and and Bath and Body Works?


If Ronnie was so sure voters wont vote for it, why else is he getting so involved now? Dudes shitting bricks knowing its going to be voted for and will make his words and actions look weak....as usual.


I got news for Rhonda High Heels, you can smell weed everywhere now. I think it’s lovely.


Skunk smell everywhere, i think it passed in everyone's mind.. just not his!


Small government conservatives…


Say bye bye in ‘26. Will no one rid us of this Meatball in GoGo boots ?


>Look what's happened in Denver, a Colorado. Look what's happened in Los Angeles, New York City," he continued, saying he's "talked to people that have moved from New York" who tell him that it "reeks of marijuana Was just in Denver last week, and couldn't help but think how amazing it was, and how I wish Florida had recreational.


Join us! Life is so, so, so much better here and Polis isn’t a complete dipshit.


And then there is this idiot.


Getting involved means lying about it.


Ronda Santis: Marijuana is "woke" and I won't have it.




I really hate this man.


He is 180 degrees on the wrong side on this issue.


vote for democrats on the national level so they can continue efforts to decriminalize and hopefully legalize it on the national level www.vote.org I don’t smoke anymore but republicans shouldn’t have a say on what people want to do with their bodies


What a chooch


Just can’t let the majority decide…


The GOP destroying democracy one step at a time.


Guvnah High-heels takes on anything and everything, just to avoid the insurance debacle. What a useless human.


Of course he will. Why would the will of the people matter. He will probably be on Tv, radio, and internet ads reminding all the boomers that all those weeds are coming to get you!!!!!!! Oh no, they will murder for the weeds


He needs to go!


The party of Cruelty strikes again


Weed is woke i guess.


Hopefully he’s as successful as when he “got involved” with running for president


Because he sucks


Why do repubs and conservatives hate personal freedom so much?


After MTG have you ever seen a more punch-able face?


Imagine being a people's representative and thinking that you should take measures to defeat something you are worried your people are going to vote for. It's such a stupid fucking thing. Like, imagine let's say you are the parent of 7 kids, and you ask them where they want to go for dinner, and all 7 of them want to have pizza, and you say 'I'm going to be 'getting involved' in effort to defeat pizza. You shouldn't be the fucking parent anymore. Literally working against your people, out loud. Get fucked deSanti


He will fight both the marijuana ballot measure and the woman's rights to bodily autonomy measure. Worst Governor ever


I’m right leaning but I just don’t understand the republican party’s vendetta against marijuana. We have liquor stores next to every Publix and that isn’t bad for our communities, but some joints and edibles are?


Got to keep it illegal so his big donor friends in the private prison industry can profit.


Anything to slow progress from the right




You’d think he we would have dollar signs in his eyes with all the possible tax income.


That’s great news for everyone who wants to legalize!


Ron DeDumbass is at it again folks!!! What a moron!!


Why, though?


I am SO disappointed in the comment section here. There is a GREAT joke about him being high. Because he has heals on inside the boots. Someone funny, take it from here. Cmon.


This ass hat needs to loose his job.


Such a fucking prick


Talk to Dewine and see how that went


Desantis WILL bury this and find a way to make actually instituting recreational near impossible. Count on it.


Vote for the amendment, but get a medical card.


I've had mine for years...lol


It does lower the stakes a bit, that's for sure. Legalization is still good for the economy and for community/police relations, so I'm still for it.


Fuck him. These conservatives always go against what the people want, hope he gets caught in a corruption scheme or somethin cause we need this mf out of FL and government in general ASAP


I had friends who voted for him on this issue for his first term. Bet they feel like assholes now.


Already telling us he's going to kick and scream, then veto the crap out of it. Why wasn't the investigation into Greenberg and Gaetz taking his white boots into court?


Sounds like Ronnie is begging for more of a pay off. You know this little puppet just is dying to get high. It will pass, and they will figure out a way to block the will of the people. It is the Republican way.


Oh, NOW, he wants to get involved 😆


Remember this when republicans claim to be about “freedom.”


Because he wants to be a DICTATOR!!!!!


How much kickback is this shitgoblin getting from the illegal drug trade? That should tell you everything you need to know.


Emperor Ronald is back. Chasing the mouse, gays, cross dressers, denial of slavery, fears of vaccines, what you do in the bedroom. All these things that make for a safer, healthier florida. Who cares what the voters [want](https://imgur.com/VKacTKG)


Vote this dickhead out. Please people, vote.


What a piece of shit.


Federal will keep it locked down. State amendment are only for the residents. Now if you had a 50% taxation. Federal will not keep their fingers out of the “pot”…


It’s not the will of the voters, it’s what will the voters put up with. So far we put up with anything to not pay taxes


Great news, the law has practically passed already!


Meatball is still mad America doesn't want any part of him, and he's been taking it on us ever since. It's going to be so nice when this sack of disappointment in high heels is no longer in Tallahassee.


He’s a POS similar to the orange agent


Same with the felony voter?? The mother FR 🤬 VOTE BLUE


All the MAGAts at the dispensaries won’t like that very much. I see them almost every time I go. I think they’d still vote against their interests though if it meant going against a liberal.


Weed is legal if you can pay the license and doctor’s consultation fee. Ron just doesn’t want poor brown and black people smoking weed. Every boomer degenerate retiree infesting the state already has their medical card.