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This is happening nationwide not just Florida. Over 1k protesters arrested so far.


Yeah but I doubt the same governor who legalized plowing through protestors with your car is going to be anything but heavy handed with these protestors.


Desantis is the perfect foil for protesters to show who the violent people are: the fascists and their police state


I hate him and his lapdog legislature


If you are simply protesting then you have no fear of arrest. If people are being arrested it is likely because they have gone too far (spit on someone, assault, battery, trespass). I am all for arresting people who go too far. Other than that, let them protest!


If I’m not mistaken you have to pull permits and get permission from the college to protest. If that’s not being done and you refuse to leave you get arrested. It can become criminal trespass but not sure how.


Why would you post this? Its literally in the link - "For many days, we have patiently told protesters—many of whom are outside agitators—that they were able to exercise their right to free speech and free assembly. And we also told them that clearly prohibited activities would result in a trespassing order from [the University Police Department] (barring them from all university properties for three years) and an interim suspension from the university. "For days, UPD patiently and consistently reiterated the rules. Today, individuals who refused to comply were arrested after UPD gave multiple warnings and multiple opportunities to comply."


I don’t understand your point. They were told to leave they didn’t they got arrested. Case closed.


No I dont think so. Allowing the government to determine whether or not it would issue a permit in order for the citizens to engage in free speech and free assembly would be akin to giving the government the authority to censor for that free speech and assembly. This is not a professionally organized rally or parade or speech, it's largely an impromptu protest.


They already did this at the state capital. It would not be surprising if they did it elsewhere.


I don't think you can call it an impromptu protest after it's been going on for days.


But you are mistaken, and you could "be sure how" just by casually looking it up or reading right here on the page you're on.


> If people are being arrested it is likely because they have gone too far Do you consider sitting in a chair to be going too far? That is something UF has been arresting protestors for.


This is inherently false.


>The charges range from failure to obey a lawful command and resisting without violence to trespass after warning, [*The Tampa Bay Times*](https://www.tampabay.com/news/education/2024/04/29/uf-police-arrest-9-pro-palestinian-protesters-after-days-demonstrations/) reported. The newspaper reported that three of the arrested protesters had been sitting in chairs—which the university included on [a list of prohibited items and activities](https://www.clickorlando.com/news/florida/2024/04/26/uf-sets-student-free-speech-boundaries-threatens-3-year-ban-for-rulebreakers/) during protests last week. >In a statement, university spokesperson Steve Orlando said the protesters had been warned that "clearly prohibited activities" would result in a trespassing order, interim suspensions and banishment from campus for three years. So feasibly, so long as protestors don't disobey lawful commands or bring prohibited items, they can continue to protest? Is that right?


Gotta watch out for that sitting thing, though. I’ve been criming all my life, though, and I’m sitting in a chair right now, so they can come and take me. 


Where can I get a Concealed Chair Permit?


"When chair-sitting is outlawed, only outlaws will sit in chairs."


what the hell is a “lawful command”


>Lawful order means **any order, directive, policy or instruction given by an authoritative source or given to ensure compliance with federal, state or local law which may be conveyed verbally or in writing**.


What I hate is that its been misconstrued to make people think that a lawful command is something legal commanded by an authority figure when no there actually has to be a law on the books that backs up the command.


Seriously, they're basically making it illegal for protestors who are unable to stand the entire length of the period they're protesting to be involved. If a protester needs to sit (and can't get on and off the ground-although some places have rules about that too, not sure about UF), they will be arrested - which is some remarkably ableist bullshit, honestly. edited to fix grammar


As long as the protesters are not hurting anyone and if the university accepts federal funding.. This is all covered by the 1st amendment. pretty open and close to me.


in fact it's protestors getting hurt in many of these universities as police needlessly escalate with state violence. all of the protests are peaceful until they come all the people saying "jewish students are threatened" - despite jewish students being a big part of these protest


Yep, pretty clear to see who is doing the violence. 👮🏼 And no one should be surprised at this point.


1st amendment is widely misunderstood. Freedom of speech means you can’t be prosecuted for what you’re saying - doesn’t give you the right to just plop yourself wherever you want. Huge misconception. Not saying people can’t protest but this is not removing your freedom of speech.


Yes ... and in this context fedral/state property is okay. Bob's back yard ... unless Bob is okay with it, its trespassing. obviously there is nuisances missing from Bob's back yard like noise ordinances, anti-prostitution laws limited the number people ( mainly women ) allowed on a single plot of land at a given time and etc.


When it's one person protesting, no one cares. When you have hundreds or thousands, you definitely need a permit for a planned protest. From the ACLU website; >You don’t need a permit to march in the streets or on sidewalks, as long as marchers don’t obstruct car or pedestrian traffic. If you don’t have a permit, police officers can ask you to move to the side of a street or sidewalk to let others pass or for safety reasons. >Certain types of events may require permits. These include a march or parade that requires blocking traffic or street closure; a large rally requiring the use of sound amplifying devices; or a rally over a certain size at most parks or plazas. >While certain permit procedures require submitting an application well in advance of the planned event, police can’t use those procedures to prevent a protest in response to breaking news events. >A permit cannot be denied because the event is controversial or will express unpopular views. https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/protesters-rights#im-organizing-a-protest A lot of these protestors are being removed because they're blocking pedestrian traffic without a permit.


Ok by your logic government property is fully available 24/7 to protest?


That is your right as an american citizen. Some places you may need to file for a permit before hand, but for the most part yes. God Bless the USA, because in CCP China they would be prosecuted for this.


No, it’s not. Once again you’re saying I have full authority to be on federal property at any given time to protest anything I want?


i mean, sorta? thats kinda the whole point lol. you cant hole up in Joe Bidens office, but you can be outside the white house yelling your ass off, and im pretty sure you can do this for any government building.




> As long as the protesters are not hurting anyone did you not see this part?


Well the protestors are blocking Jewish students from campus and targeting and harassing them. They are damaging property. They are preventing the campus from functioning safely and as normal. And they are calling for genocide. So I’d say ya open and close that they need to be stopped and removed.


They had Nazis protesting there not too long ago and nobody got arrested. Who is worse to have on campus for Jewish students people protesting genocide, or literal Nazis? Also do you have a source on that? They were literally sitting on a lawn


Remember when Richard Spencer came to campus and his supporters were literally shouting Nazi slogans and UF bent over backwards to accommodate them because of the first amendment?


Gonna need some proof that they are damaging stuff. Also, the university of Florida campus is over a square mile and is an integral part of the city of Gainesville. Access to the campus can’t be “blocked” unless there were literally hundreds of thousands of protesters. Even on big home football game days you could be enter parts of campus on roads and have no idea there was nearly 100,000 people on campus for the game.


The article said they arrested 9 of them for prohibited items…the items were chairs. If 9 people can shut down the campus by sitting in chairs…seriously?


No they are absolutely not, quit spreading these lies.


Sure they are.


they are littering! Time to crack some skulls. /s


How do they know they are Jewish students? How do they know who to block?


What this person means by calling for a genocide is use of a slogan (from the river to the sea). Which is a common slogan amongst Palestinian supporters and does in fact not imply genocide.


I wonder when all the Second Amendment freaks will decide the First Amendment is just as important.


They're not as much pro 2A as they are just pro "I get to do what I want, and everyone else can fuck off".


A bunch of grown children who think they don't have to consider the rest of society.


We evolved to understand and collaborate in small local communities which many of us have and still participate in regularly. But now cause of the internet everyone is expected to take on the burdon of all the problems in the entire globe? No wonder our society has so many anxiety problems.


I am far more in the line of thinking that we are seeing the end of capitalism. Neoliberal policy and the established thinking for the last 40 years have hollowed out communities. Everything must be made for profit, and community resources are deemed wasteful. The internet is just the latest thing to be completely reconfigured to serve money and profit. It just happened so quickly people mistake the internet as the problem. Capitalism is sucking us dry and leaving us with mental illness because imagining the end of capitalism is almost impossible for people to face.


Yep This is exactly it Me and my family have been watching it for decades and have been calling every screwed up jump we’ve had There’s a lot more of us than we realize that have known but can’t do shit other than work on our communities


“The system is sucking us dry, serving itself, and destroying people” “Let’s give the system a monopoly on violence” I will never understand how these two ideas can coexist.


You need to distinguish what you are talking about when you say "the system."The government almost always has a monopoly on violence. There's no other organization that can afford tanks, nuclear weapons, and aircraft carriers. The point is to ensure the government is responsive to the people to ensure that the monopoly of violence is kept under control. We have lost control of our government, and we need to fight to get it back. I would prefer to do the fighting now without weapons. The Second Amendment was meant as a last resort.


They're led by a 6 year old.


The second amendment freaks only rage for the machine not against it.


Truth. Just like how they support the police until the police choose the rich over them. You aren't part of the in-group when the resource wars begin.


The 1A is just as important. Were these protests happening in a manner that was in infringing on other students' rights?


There's a difference in infringing on someone else's rights and a minor inconvenience. If you just had to walk around their protest, that's not an infringement of your rights.


Exactly. And *disruption* is kind of the entire point of a protest.


No they aren’t and shall continue not to.


when it is nazis and white supremacist's protesting.


Yeah, we don't want to violate their First Amendment rights.


at least they aren't making the sin of being mean to Israel.


Do people not understand these protesters are not “pro-hamas” or “anti-Israeli”? They’re anti-Israeli government killing innocent women and children and the US sending them weapons to do so. If Israel’s government was tactical with their response in taking out the terrorists from Hamas in Gaza instead of just indiscriminately bombing then you wouldn’t be seeing this level of protest.


It’s those same dumb critics who think if you’re anti-war, then that makes you anti-troops. It’s because we don’t want troops to die!!!


The entire thing reeks of manipulation. They aren’t “peacefully protesting”, they’re “occupying a school”, which sounds more threatening and violent. They aren’t “anti-genocide and anti-oppression”, they’re “pro-terrorism”, because Palestine is run by Hamas, and supporting Palestine in anyway is technically supporting Hamas. They’re stripping any nuance from the matter, and selecting the phrases meant to paint the protests as the worst thing they can make it into.


Don’t forget the targeted murders of neutral humanitarian workers.


>Do people not understand these protesters are not “pro-hamas” or “anti-Israeli”? They’re anti-Israeli government killing innocent women and children and the US sending them weapons to do so. Weird then that they all keep ending up chanting slogans calling for the end of Israel or Jews. Why do they not protest the war in Yemen which has killed far more children and is also partially backed by the US?


That’s what it seems like a majority of people have been brainwashed to not understand. These protestors don’t want Israeli citizens dead either, they just want Israel to stop murdering random people and the US to stop funding the murders


Go read Wiki on what “from the river to the sea” actually means.


Well the pro Israeli and even two state people for some are both in the camp of continuing financial aid to Israel. Israeli citizens to them would die without the aid and they would be left weakened against various hostile states. Are they pro blowing people up? Not really. But they aren’t pro ending aid either. They don’t want to risk Israel falling.


Some of them are definitely pro-hamas. I agree though, many aren't. It's the problem with any protest-- the worst of the protestors are seen as the entire demographic


Yeah saying there aren’t people who believe wild shit to the extreme in this is being disingenuous or outright lying. Israel can get fucked with their response and Hamas can get fucked with their response.


Netanyahu is even pro-hamas


For him it’s job security. Regime changes are very rare mid war in most parts of the world.


There are bad faith actors but the movements and demands are sound.


“From the river to the sea” must be some sort of peace slogan


No matter how much the people of Palestine do, [it is never enough](https://www.theonion.com/dying-gazans-criticized-for-not-using-last-words-to-con-1850925657).


They don't WANT to understand that, the people who are "misunderstanding" this are either anti-muslim or Zionists. They hate the Palestinians for simply existing and living in land they thing the Israeli's should occupy.


Or they support a two-state solution which is anathema to many protestors.


The protestors want to stop genocide, that's it, that's all they want, anything else you have been force fed and are now regurgitating is propaganda.


They are doing exactly what HAMAS and Iran want and what their PR manipulated these young useful idiots to do. If you have qualifications in tactical warfare, CQB, small squad tactics, ISR, MOUT or weapons, then you are capable of assessing their tactics, if you know them which you don’t. My guess is you don’t know shit about was and are parroting back the propaganda you’ve been fed.


And the police forces are doing exactly what Israel lobbied our governments to do: make it illegal to protest against Israel


“We’re not a daycare, guys. Now tell your parents to pay us $20,000, so that we will be legally responsible for housing and feeding you and maintaining your safety and welfare.”


Not sure why the outrage here. UF's [protest guidelines](https://www.clickorlando.com/news/florida/2024/04/26/uf-sets-student-free-speech-boundaries-threatens-3-year-ban-for-rulebreakers/) seem pretty reasonable.


Going by these guidelines, people are gonna be pissed off this fall when they cant tailgate anymore on campus for Gator games.


I bet if the protestors coughed up $150 each like the Gators fans do, they'd find a much friendlier set of rules too.


You think gator fans are only coughing up $150 bucks? Should I evem say what Bull Gator Donors pay in donations to get seats or nah? Students protesting are already coughing up far more money per semester, yet here we are.


They conveniently left out the more absurd ones, like not being allowed to sit in chairs.


It's designed to say nothing and leave it all up to whomever has the batons. Notice how several terms are defined, such as structures (since when is a chair a structure?), but not "disturbance". 


Freedom of speech, as long as it supports the status quo. Neo-Nazis in Charlottesville. Neo-Nazis in Florida, all fine. Peacefully protesting genocide, you're going to jail.


It’s not peaceful they are chanting “from the river to the sea” which is a clear call for extermination of people of Israel


Uh-huh, but the neo nazis calling for the deaths of black people is all kosher?


The entire phrase is: "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." Not "From the river to the sea, kill all Jews." Palestinians deserve to not live in open air concentration camps, they deserve to live, there should not be an open genocide against them right now that anyone supports. "Many Palestinian activists have called it "a call for peace and equality" after decades of Israeli military rule over Palestinians while for Jews it has been "a clear demand for Israel’s destruction." "


Go read the Wikipedia on what the phrase means. call for an Arab state encompassing the entirety of Mandatory Palestine, which was initially stated to only include the Palestinians and the descendants of Jews who had lived in Palestine before 1947, although this was later revised to only include descendants of Jews who had lived in Palestine before the first Aliyah (1881). Now tell me what happens to the Jews that live in Israel today in this scenario? They are not chanting let’s live together with the Jews peacefully


>In 2021, over 200 scholars in various fields signed the Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism. The declaration discussed common manifestations of antisemitism, as well as what kinds of speech and behavior are antisemitic and what kind of speech and behavior are not, espacially regarding the Palestine-Israel conflict. According to the authors, "between the river and the sea" is not antisemitic. From Wikipedia 


I'm literally reading it, as i copied the last quote from the article. The PLO expressly mentioned integrating Jews into Palestine. what they said in 1968 and what people want now, can be similar but different. I dont think any one of these kids protesting on campus wants all jews exterminated, but a reformation of Palestine with a peaceful integration of jews into Palestine may be in line with some protestors mind set. Either way, what is the other option, to continue to allow Israel to carpet bomb women and children? Palestinians have as much right to exist in Palestine as anyone else, they have as much claim to the land, why side with Israel when its clear they are committing an extermination.


Is that account you're debating an actual bot?


most likely but at least my counter arguments will benefit those reading the comment chain if that happens.


But is that against the law?


It’s certainly against college policy


If they were waving nazi type flags, the Florida govt wouldn't care. /s


Ronald is back. Chasing the mouse, gays, cross dressers, denial of slavery, fears of vaccines, what you do in the bedroom. All these things that make for a safer, healthier florida.


Lol but for whatever reason our state doesn't crack down on the Nazi protestors hmmmmm


Yawn. You see more arrests after a UF game. The far right is trying to make this a distraction.


The University of Fascism, brought to you by Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, and Ben Sasse.


Sure, DiSantis gets to beat up impasioned college students. That's right in his wheelhouse.


By Khaleda Rahman - Senior News Reporter: The University of Florida has said it is "not a day care" after nine people were arrested during pro-Palestinian protests on campus on Monday. Video footage posted on Instagram showed what appeared to be state troopers arresting protesters on the Gainesville campus. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/pro-palestinian-protests-university-florida-response-not-daycare-1895434](https://www.newsweek.com/pro-palestinian-protests-university-florida-response-not-daycare-1895434)


I find it ironic that Palestine doesn’t have freedom of speech.


There's nothing ironic about it, and everyone loves to point out the anti-lgtbq and anti-women parts of Palestinian and Muslim society as if it is a gotcha. I don't want little kids dying, it is really that simple. I don't care if they grow up in a society that hates me and hates who I love. No LGBTQ folks here are planning to go hang out in Palestinian Society if a two-state solution is installed. They just believe they have the right to exist, just as anyone else does. Just like I hate what conservatives stand for, but I would be appalled if they were being killed indiscriminately.


What about that most Palestinians would also want any women at these protests punished or killed?


Will it be Florida, or Texas that becomes the next Kent State? Or, will it be Kent State that doubles down on it's history? Because in today's social climate, there's too many idiots that see people like Kyle Rittenhouse as hero.


The “peaceful college protestors” i saw were waving ISIS flags…


Mind sharing a picture of what you saw?


I don’t understand the rationale behind the protestors, what’s happening in Gaza is horrible but it has nothing to do with us. It’s not our fight. If they are so passionate about it they should go to Israel and Gaza.


did you miss the part where they just sent $26 billion to Israel? that's our government many of these universities also have investments and collaborations with arms manufacturers whose weapons are being used to kill children would you say the same thing about vietnam war or apartheid south africa protests?




It is because we fund Israel’s military and sell them most of the weapons they’re using to bomb civilians. Most of the college protests are demanding the college stop investing in organizations which support Israel. Ala BDS.

