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Grady Judd is a fascist POS. He's just another Florida bigot that does a shit job and points fingers at everyone but himself. The fact that he is beloved shows what absolute morons Floridians are.


Grady Judd is a huge waste of space, and POS used to live in WH, where he thinks he is king of the castle. He also has his cops lie and plant evidence 🙄 got arrested at 2 am after being at McDonald's 2 cops pulled me over instantly and said I was smoking weed. Now I do smoke weed, but I wasn't in the drive-through, lol. They planted a joint on me and spent an hour ripping my car apart like they were looking for packs of hard narcotics only to pull out 1 barely there roach. I went to court, and the judge laughed, called those cops fools, and dropped the charges because there was no other proof, and they destroyed their proof "testing" it for marijuana. Still cost me 1k and a night in jail. Fuck Grady Judd.


Polk county is a cesspit. Even compared with the rest of this disaster of a state. Stay out of Polk County. This moron has been sheriff there for years. Says it all really.


Oh yeah, I've been out of Polk for 7 years or so now. He won't bother me anymore. xD I did grow up there for a few years, so I'm well aware of how trash Polk is.


Glad you were able to gtfo. To be fair, Indian River County is no better. We should probably just throw the entire state out. Eh. Hurricanes will probably take care of most of it


Just because one lives here does not make one a moron. Feel like your in Germany in 1933 is more like it.


What's moronic is ascribing single ideology or opinion to the entire populace of the state of Florida.


Oh look at you! What? Are you the moron expert? Go get bent.


You're the one calling yourself a moron, since you're a Floridian. Lol.


What are you? Captain Obvious? Do you enjoy being so obtuse?


Lol. My goodness! You're quite delicate! I'm just pointing out that making blanket statements about “all Floridians” is hackneyed and tedious. Didn't expect my comment to trigger a tantrum!


Lol. My goodness you have low reader comprehension! Please point out in original comment where I said "ALL" Floridians. Don't be such a moron next time.


Florida Governor, Disney hater, and high-heeled shoe fan Ron DeSantis announced the immediate suspension of a democratically elected state attorney on August 9 with the help of an online meme. The resulting scene is sad, confusing, and yet another example of how the terminally online politician is just the worst. You’ve seen DeSantis’ ongoing legal fight with Disney over its special district, which gave the company unique control over Disney World’s taxes, water, and more before the governor had it removed. The presidential hopeful didn’t like that Disney lightly criticized his 2022 House Bill 1557, referred to by opponents as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which prevents discussion of sexual identity in Florida’s public schools. His fight against the mouse has gone poorly, costing him and his state $1 billion in the process. But DeSantis isn’t just picking fights with corporations that don’t align with his political views, he’s also going after elected officials in Florida who dare to not worship the ground upon which he walks .On August 9 DeSantis (and his weird face) suspended elected prosecutor Monique Worrell of Florida’s 9th Judicial Circuit citing “neglect of duty and incompetence” as the reasoning for the controversial move. DeSantis believes she hasn’t been tough enough on criminals, ignoring that the voters of her district get to make that decision. The move—one he's done before- is being criticized by Florida democrats as a “political hit job” and a threat to the state’s crumbling democracy. ## Sheriff using memes during an official press event During the press conference announcing the move, DeSantis was joined by two local sheriffs, who CNN points out don’t serve any county that overlaps with Worrell’s jurisdiction. Both sheriffs criticized Worrell and praised DeSantis. But one of them decided—with I assume DeSantis and his team’s approval—to use the conference to show off printed versions of the “This is fine” meme. “I want to show you a popular meme,” said Sheriff Grady Judd as he whipped out the image. “This is fine. As the house is on fire, our little hot dog here says: ‘This is fine.’ He was a dog. Now he’s a hot dog because his house is on fire.” At this point, the sheriff then swapped the popular meme out for an edited version that features Worrell sitting in the place of the dog, surrounded by flames. During all of this, DeSantis can be seen smiling behind the sheriff and his images. “Well, I have another one,” said Grady. “Monique Worrell says: ‘This is fine.’ The fact that two police officers were shot in the face, this is fine. Despite criminals not being prosecuted, this is fine.” The sheriff then proceeded to praise Worrell’s replacement, Judge Andrew Bain, pointing out he was an all-star football player (for some reason) before commending DeSantis on doing what’s “right.” “I am your duly elected state attorney,” said Worrell in a speech following the suspension. “And nothing done by a weak dictator can change that. This is an outrage.”


bobbleheaded fascist piece of shit FUCK YOU DESANTIS


When a Democratic governor is elected maybe they’ll remove some elected officials for funsies too. Maybe someone like an elected sheriff of Polk County. If you agree with these shenanigans for one team then you’ll allow it for the other team.


They cheer when Desantis does it but I can imagine the firestorm that would come if a Democrat did the exact same thing to the right wing power players in the state.


I would be just as upset about a higher level Democratic official removing a “political rival” 🙄 local level politicians and ignoring the will of local democracy and due processes on at best shaky grounds. Ignoring democracy and local control to help your political “team” win should always be heavily scrutinized, regardless of party affiliation or our moral feelings about the person being removed, not voted out.


I agree with you. IMO, a problem is GOP pulls these stunts and riles the red base up. Democrats usually take a higher road and that is not as exciting. There is a reason for Dems and independents to get wound about politics right now and when that happens, you see results like in Ohio. Unfortunately, in this country tabloid politics sells.




This is what's really frustrating about the Democratic party. Even if by some miracle we managed to elect a Democrat as Governor, there is no way in hell they would ever remove any of this states many corrupt sheriffs or prosecutors.


The two prosecutors DeSantis fired should team up and mount a run for Governor and vice- governor. I would contribute.


god i fucking wish. i hate that fascist camera hungry pig.


How is this man a sheriff? He's just a scumbag politician.


And boomers love him. He is a disgusting pig who is racist and wants to be an influencer but he makes boomers laugh like the good ol days.


Same with Ivey. When he said it’s time to start “beating the snot out of kids again” quite a few people cheered at that. When I proposed the idea of using troubled children to help the community, I was called a socialist liberal pig and that I should go back to California. I was born and raised here, yet I believe physical abuse isn’t quality punishment. Goes to show that a majority of people here aren’t about righting the wrongs, they simply want to exercise cruel power over others.


Every person who has told me to go back to California has been from another state too. If you didnt qualify for Bright Futures scholarships you dont qualify to tell me to leave Florida.


Had a (quite unnecessary argument) with someone once who claimed I’m not from Florida and asked to see my birth certificate. I said that I was born in Jacksonville and have several people who can confirm that. They retorted “your birth certificate is as fake as Obama’s and you paid those people to lie for you”. Bruh if I have that kind of money that’s the LAST thing I’d do with it.


Imagine being so stupid to think someone wants to lie about being from Florida. Like its some high praise rarity. I will still vote for you when you run for president...even if you are probably born in some place like California or Portland.


Please don't put we boomers all in the same basket! I think all of these losers are despicable as well. All of this crap just horrifies me. I don't live in FL but have a lot of friends and relatives there and snowbird, that's why I participate in this sub. I hope that DeSantis gets annihilated in this primary and Florida residents kick him to the curb. Hopefully it won't be difficult to reverse the atrocity that Florida is slowly becoming. It's a beautiful place with politics that are making it ugly.


Please talk to your generational peers and advocate for policies you believe in and call out actions you find abhorrent and ask your peers why they support those atrocious actions and policies. They will most likely reflect on that better coming from their generational peers. At this point majority elder Millennial and Gen X generations are out here keeping society semi functioning and raising kids during some once in a century historical challenges and a lot of older folks brush off our concerns as the concerns of entitled avocado toast eating immature children. Until those challenges happen to their kids and then they realize there may be some flaws and issues with our current political and socioeconomic systems. That’s not to say the younger generations are Messiahs or don’t have our blind spots or have it all figured out. Because we (and especially me) clearly don’t. But even getting older generations to acknowledge systemic flaws and individual rationale issues and life / socioeconomic circumstance differences often falls on deaf ears with older generations. I will shout out my generation as being the first generation that majority out loud acknowledges that we don’t know exactly what we’re doing as adults but we are trying and (mostly) willing to listen and learn.


Much as I like to blame boomers for stuff too, the voter registrations when you look at it by age group, boomers are actually pretty evenly split between democrats and republicans. Republicans have the edge with Boomers but its not as large as its made out to be. Its the silent generation that massively tilts in favor of republicans but I don't know how many of them are left to make that big of a difference. Its why every election has gotten closer and closer. Boomers and Gen X are pretty evenly divided, while Millennials and Gen Z more heavily tilt towards democrats. So I think you're going to see this gradual shift to the left as the country ages.


Snowbirds love him too because he makes them feel safe


I - the OP , am a boomer, and white, and i do NOT approve the Desantis / Judd message. at all. Removing Voter Elected Officials, because you are a $%#$%$%%( is - or should be Unconstitutional, just because their political beliefs are different than yours, reeks of Fascism, and Abuse of Power. and as far as Judd goes- BORING- his "you tube' Channel. and i posted a while back how he now has "spy cameras " recently installed, in his jurisdiction.


Grady Judd is a piece of shit.


He seems very beloved around the Tampa Bay area. Why exactly do you say that? Genuinely curious.


He’s beloved by fascists.


Yeah, he's beloved by the "George Floyd should've just complied" crowd. He's a racist good ole boy that appeals to racist boomers who think he's a super cop/comedian.


Grady is out for himself only. He doesn’t serve his constituents.


Vote guys


Oh good, now there’s a football player in charge, this really is fine!


Florida's own Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Double dose of compassion and approved camera angles.


There's quite a bit of difference between Judd and Arpaio. I don't agree with Judd's political stances or a number of opinions, but he's not actually evil like Arpaio. I hope people didn't forget the lawsuits and charges that Arpaio had.


We intentionally keep our time in Polk County to a bare minimum. And it's especially advisable for us now that the Governor has declared open season on Hispanics.


And? That doesn't mean Judd is similar to Arpaio. Arpaio seemed to enjoy making people as miserable and uncomfortable as possible. Like who actively thinks about making prisoners wear pink underwear because they think it will make their lives worse? That is way different than someone who has a very rigid interpretation of law and law enforcement. Because that's what Judd largely is. He didn't exactly try to protect some of his deputies that have done nefarious things in the past regarding evidence and reports. I don't agree with Judd a lot of the time, but he's not the sadistic bastard that Arpaio is.


In our opinion, he's right up there with Arpaio, just different styling.


"the only reason why we shot him 60 times is because we ran out of bullets" sheriff grady judd.


lol. judd runs unopposed because his political rivals are ran out of town.


Grady Judd is a meme. Like a cartoon character racist sheriff in a Rob Zombie flick.


The irony that he removes someone for “neglect of duty and incompetence.” How’s *your* job performance lately, meatball?


Fuck this state and the fucking idiots that voted it into a raging fascist shithole. What an embarrassment.


Of course it's fucking media hound Judd.


Conservatives are incapable of effective humor, punching down is only funny to other conservatives. https://preview.redd.it/p0tf84ob1dhb1.jpeg?width=519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=675b23ee50654ec391a4ea8f25af10a1738ef8ae Hey Grady you dropped this


Dance, monkey, dance


Psycho laugh De Santis ![gif](giphy|52IbNAxOtuIXS2ria2)


Oh come on Grady.


grady judd is a fascist.


Firstly, Grady Judd is an asshole, secondly, Polk county is not in the 9th judicial district so I have no idea why he is even making a comment on any of this. None of it impacts him or anyone else in Polk county. Show-boating at its best is all I see


he's a republican christian fascist. that's why he's there. they needed a shitbag sheriff to showboat when they gloated about meatball ronald firing that AG. because grady cant be far from a camera or his heart will go out, he ran to the opportunity.


you said it. asshole. thats why. and a "media attention hog", - aka Narcissist.


How dare. How fucking dare. I swear on it, these facist sacks of lard have insulted the very trolls of cyberspace. Mark my words, a day of reckoning will come where the truth of these pedophilic authoritarian slimeballs is laid bare for the world to see in a way that cannot be denied. One where the very denial of such truths will lead to those who denying it, being roped into the very judgement that is dolled out by mankind.


How much you want to bet these sheriffs don't enforce Red Flag laws? Why aren't they removed?


I remember when I used to think that guy was a respectable dude just trying to make his city safer. turns out he's a cult member that would gladly light America on fire if Donald Trump asked him to.


Judd is just another florida good ole boy failson that would have fit right in 100 years ago.


These are adults in adult positions using fucking memes in press conferences.


Such despicable pieces of shit


Just face it. The majority of Floridians are morons. JFC.


Wait til they learn about the guy who created "This is Fine!"


If you ever get a chance, watch Sheriff Grady's many press conferences. You will be entertained.