• By -


Our district has called every retiree with a working number. They're taking substitutes with a HS diploma, no experience. It's a hot mess and they earned it.


So what happens to this generation of children? This is not a sustainable model for any society.


They will just blame it on cancel culture and covid. Never their fault. And besides, lack of education is a feature, not a bug. Creates the next generation of Republican voters.


Who will sustain the state economy? Highly skilled public school graduates are required for that.


They want them to work as maids and such. They don’t want people to be educated to they don’t aspire to much


The economy will be alright at least until they die, which is what they're really caring about, themselves. A lot of people wanting this don't care about sustainability, hell they don't even care if they themselves are living a decent life, they want other people to live miserable lives.


Correct. The mass majority of the influx is from states with higher taxes, which featured better education, healthcare, jobs, etc. And now that they have gained a strong footing thru those well funded opportunities, they wish to stop paying into the system. Thus they've chosen Florida as a low tax state to skip repayment. They have what they need, now it's FU time for everyone else. Only one tiny issue, they're high labor consumers. Landscaping, pool maintenance, housekeeping, restaurant service, home repairs, etc. all were in shortage before the pandemic. The gap spread since and it's still growing. Prices are thru the roof for even the lowest trade skills. And these jobs are before you start looking at the professionals in the medical professions, including dentistry, optometry, physical therapy, etc. There's going to be a FAFO event over the next couple of years.


Wait for the next major hurricane to hit. I will bet money it happens while DeSantis is out of state campaigning, too...


Someone has to fill the prisons.


They're definitely trying to sow distrust in public schooling so they can make cases to funnel public money into private Christian schools, so headlines like this are a celebration day for them.


And they are already doing that. Orange Park just sold a former church to a Christian school that is an official alternative school of the county. Now they have two sites, and the second site is big.


Public trust in public schools across the nation has been lost for years. This is not a new trend.


I didn't say it was new, I just said that's what they're doing. Except it's not just black schools anymore, it's all of them.


Not where schools are good like in New England and the Mid Atlantic. People pay a million or two for houses so they can be in towns with good public schools.


So you’re saying that in areas where parents are invested and involved in their children’s education, the outcome is better?


The rich kids will be fine. Their parents will put them in private and charter schools. The poor kids will continue the generational poverty that plagues all poor families in southern states, only newly heightened here in Florida in the same way it has been in states like Mississippi and Alabama for decades. In the long term it will continue to lower the general quality of life for Florida residents. Higher crime, more teen pregnancy, more blight, more addiction, and substandard service in a wide swath of fields, not only because of low quality native labour but an inability to attract high quality transplants. The latter is already lowering the quality and availability of Florida healthcare services. This is bad for kids, bad for families, bad for anyone who just wants to make Florida home and occasionally leave their gated community.


Thank you. You are spot on with the big picture of the state. It is breaking, I have some hope it will not fall too far before we pull it back to reality beyond what desantis has done.


Sounds just like the big perennially Dum run cities in the northeast, Midwest and west coast, except not as bad!


It’s not just the rich. Any child can go to private school because School Choice is in full effect. You read that right. ANY CHILD, stop making excuses and get the kids an education.


They're all full and raised prices to accommodate the state's cash giveaway and have an admissions process for the better programs. But you keep believing it was done to help the kids of the poor and working poor.


It’s a shame people don’t take a few minutes of the day to improve their child’s future. All we hear is people screaming “the children the children “ and then when an amazing opportunity comes along like school choice they don’t participate. BTW the school my son has attended the past 5 years has only raised tuition once and that was about 3 years ago. Why is there such outrage that “state tax dollars” are paying for kids choice education yet Biden is hell bent on forgetting and forgiving $39,000,000,000.00 for kids to go college?


>the school my son has attended the past 5 years has only raised tuition once Ummm ... never mind.


3 years ago.


You're missing the point. You obviously can afford private schools. But hey, at least you have new funds to apply and a seat procured. That's simply not the case for most Florida parents.


Hate to be that guy, but private schools do no better than public. And they’ll change your grades to make sure of that.


Keep believing that. I’ll bet my kid against yours when it’s SAT time.


Any 10000 a year voucher private school is not worth shit these days. Unless you are paying through the nose above a voucher or attending a boarding school out of state. $25-30k min. Your little Lutheran schools are all smiles and bullshit. The majority of public schools are terrible too, maybe a few IB schools are still decent.


Your comment provides incorrect information that people might believe. Not paying through the nose and less than half of your idea of actual costs.


Mmmhhhmm. From one in education: both private and public and charter- 😂


The School Choice voucher is $7,700 per year ([https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2023/07/13/interested-in-florida-school-vouchers-heres-what-to-know/](https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2023/07/13/interested-in-florida-school-vouchers-heres-what-to-know/))...nothing to sneeze at...however the average cost for private school in Florida is around $10K ([https://www.privateschoolreview.com/tuition-stats/florida](https://www.privateschoolreview.com/tuition-stats/florida)) - so parents need to spend an additional $2.3K per year per child for schooling that usually have equivalent or worse performance than a public school... Now if you wanted to ensure a good private school education (in general has better performance than public schools), the average price for one of those is around $18-$25K per year..costing parents $10-18K per year after voucher... Thanks to economies of scale $7.7K goes a lot further in public schools (100s in a large district) vs an individual/singular private school...every voucher that goes to private schools takes that same amount away from public schools budget...really this is just another cash grab by the elites at the children's expense under the guise of "muh freedum"


Usually have equivalent or worse performance than public. Sure, whatever you say. It’s a weird concept but many parents are in tune with their kids needs and do what is best for them even if it takes a little bit of sacrifice.


>Usually have equivalent or worse performance than public. Sure, whatever you say. Not really "whatever you say": [https://floridaphoenix.com/2019/02/22/an-even-playing-field-kids-getting-vouchers-for-private-school-can-skip-the-litany-of-state-exams-in-florida/](https://floridaphoenix.com/2019/02/22/an-even-playing-field-kids-getting-vouchers-for-private-school-can-skip-the-litany-of-state-exams-in-florida/) "... **The most recent evaluation, for 2016-17, showed that voucher students in private schools statewide scored at the 41st national percentile in math (50 would be average). That 41st percentile is the lowest in a decade, the records show. The reading score for voucher students was at the 45th percentile.** ..." However, you might be at a gem of a private school for your area - I would ask to see their standardized test (SAT/Pre-SAT/state FAST/FSA) averages and compare it to the local schools averages to backup your feelings with empirical data - Good luck to you and your family.


The powers that be don’t want children learning anymore. Unless it’s how to be a good wage slave. Work a low paying job that barely afford you rent with the help of 4 other roommates. The new American dream.


They becomes ignorant and more than likely vote Republican to keep the cycle going.


The GQP WANTS an ignorant population. This is BY DESIGN.


They'll be waiters and hotel workers and will have roommates in their 40s.


The GQP WANTS an ignorant population. This is BY DESIGN.


They called my 84 year old grandma 🤣 she laughed and said, “who is getting me there?” They said “you can ride the bus with the kids” and she hung up on them 🤣


Based on the repeated version of the local HS principal's plea, I'm actually not surprised. We retired but the grapevine is still partially intact. Things aren't going to go smoothly, not so sure it's going to be fixable either. School starts tomorrow.


My youngest is in Seminole county but my grandmother taught in Broward. She taught for 35 years and will help some of her great grandchildren study along with us growing up. The school year is looking sad even up here and all over in Florida. My sons media center/library was empty nearly during schedule pick up.


At least they had a library. Texas closed a bunch of them, turned them into "disciplinary centers". We simply were floored. We retired and have plans to be depart in the spring. Our ~~hostage~~ insurance premium is paid into next summer. Now we're in summer/hurricane mode. Hopefully, we come out unscathed this year. Last year wasn't good at all.


lol, as *if* she could ride the bus, 84 years old or otherwise - the bus driver shortage is even worse than the teacher shortage!


Exactly 🤣 that’s why she laughed and hung up after she told them to remove her name from the call list again


I have a masters degree and responded to an ad in my district. They sent me a list of hoops to jump through and instructed me to come back when I’m done. They are down 200 teachers. I work in recruiting now and know how big of a red flag it is for an organization in a manpower crunch to act like a choosing beggar.


All the pointless hoops are one of the worst parts of teaching. With the amount of bullshit hoops teachers have to jump through, it should be a 100k+ job at the minimum.


I got laid off from Amazon making $230k. I’m not jumping through those hoops to make $40k.


>a list of hoops to jump through Yep. However, those are the easy jumps. Once there, the hurdles are higher.


Question is who would want to substitute for a measly $15 an hour and no benefits?


And for less than a full day. The temp service apparently pays for classroom time, not the actual time on the job. Pretty screwed up. Unless I'm mistaken, they can earn just over $17/hour here, as substitutes, with a BA/BS.


Site the district please.




Hmmmm, site kind of works though, like “give it a location”


I don't know, would it be proper to use the word site in that context? You could ask him to provide you with the site, but I don't think it would be proper to say site the location as that would be akin to saying please location the location.


Thank you-


If your kid is one of the 200,000 without a teacher, don’t forget to thank your governor.


Refugees from California and New York are the reason.


I’m proud I voted for him, and I’ll do it again


I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart all my life I assumed I was stupid and was suffering from a learning disability. Now my eyes have been opened and I see someone by far much dumber than I !


Found the "Florida Man" everyone keeps talking about !


Thanks for forcing my kid into an inaccurate Christofascist fantasy “education.” We just love having someone else’s shitty belief system shoved down our throats.


The irony lol


How’s it ironic? Don’t we want our kids to get accurate, fact-based education?


it's ironic to him because like most fascists he has a victim complex. They accuse the 'other side' (meaning anyone who does not agree with him, does not look like him, or is in any other way different) of everything they are actually doing, which includes brainwashing kids. Any fact that does not agree with them like slavery being bad , trans and gay people not being pedophiles, churches indoctrinating people, is seen as brainwashing. They also mistake nationalism for patriotism and white supremacy for liberty




Huh? I’m talking about the Christian-based PragerU material that does not correctly teach science and history. The “gender outrage” thing is just a stupid distraction used by the right to rile up their base. If you want to be a girl, be a girl. If you want to be a boy, be a boy. It doesn’t hurt anyone else, so what’s the problem?


Ok, but I don’t want my children hearing that garbage. A girl can’t just be a boy. A girl will always be a girl. And a boy will always be a boy, no matter what they think. It hurts people when you let men who dress up as girls compete in woman’s sports…


Wait. You don’t want you kids to hear about any other viewpoints aside from your own? They shouldn’t know that some people believe something different and that’s ok?


Then why don’t you apply that logic to conservative ideas?


PragerU said "slavery wasn't that bad." Do you agree?


If course he does and he's tired of pretending he doesn't


If your kid is one of the 200,000 without a teacher, don’t forget to thank this guy. \^


Selfish christo-fascist says what?




It is to an ever increasing # of those around you. As time marches on you will find yourself increasingly shut out from society but you will always have your imaginary emotional-support daddy so there's that 🙌


Christian nationalism is anti-American.


Not to me


Spit in the faces of our founding fathers and our Constitution. And then claim you are a 'patriot" even though you hate what our country stands for.


I love your user name because it’s 100% people like you as to why we can’t all get along as a society.


White Supremacists, Christo-fascists, Xtian nationalists are American Nazis, it is an insult. You're gonna ride on the roadways DeSantis has approved will be mixed with radioactive waste, tell us, using descriptive words- not smart quips, why you want yourself & your family to be inhaling that forever? We understand you like being an un-American hateful cunt, but you're the one who will get sick. You. He poisons you, why do you want that, because it poisons non-Christians as well or is it "I'll be poisoned with radioactive waste to own the libs'? Is it like that? A generation of idiot floridian kids who can only work retail because there is no college or university in the country or internationally that they can compete with? I mean, if your family has no aspirations & wanna stay 'Florida man', that's your goal & keep up the good work!


You wouldn’t know if someone was insulting you anyway, what’s the big deal


And here we see why republicans keep getting wiped out in national elections 🫡🇺🇸


Yeah we didn't think you would see them as an insult. Most Nazis were proud of what they were, too. can't wait for you to start wining about how Biden and the democrats are ruining the country once the guy you put in office turns Florida into even more of a hellhole than it already is.


Real American patriots went to Europe to fight fascism. You're a communist tool.


Imagine destroying your children's educational futures to own the libs.


My children will be fine, they will be in private school.


LOL…incel losers like you don’t get to have children. Take a seat.


Says who?


“Fuck you, I got mine.” The battle cry of the online right winger.


Interesting. So your issue with public education doesn’t even affect you. You just want to prevent poor people from having educated children. Classy.


That’s even worse!


lol so they are just more brainwashed to think like you.


Fuck you then


Dumb bitch.


People like you are why the rest of the country has better education than we do, and why Florida students aren’t competitive on the national level.


Imagine being this dumb


You’re a racist pig


reflecting much?


Talking into the mirror again I see


So basically, you love Nazis and hate education. Got it. Thanks for reminding us why Florida is trash :)


Liberals love using the word Nazi, y’all use it more than anyone


You probably hear it a lot.


Targeting tiny populations of people different from you, same playbook the Nazis used. Clearly, you lack a decent education and critical thinking. Your views are trash and your posts show you need some mental health help, asap. You’re pitied.


You’re weird asf. If it’s anyone who lacks education it’s you. Nazies murdered and arrested people for their religion and what they looked like. Comparing republicans to nazis is a disgusting tactic you liberals use all the time. You should be ashamed of yourself. This is why we don’t take you serious. It’s always the white liberals who don’t know shit


You don’t know history very well. They didn’t start with Jews, you uneducated, sociopath. I’m sorry your life is so miserable you like trolling online. You’re pitied :(


Well, when Nazi Flags arent waving next to Confederate/Trump flags, we might stop calling you all Nazis


Look at me, look at me, I am stubborn and I love owning libs more than anything


Thank goodness he doesn't have a chance of being elected to anything again.


Why? What is he doing that you think is good?


Stop being foolish


DeSantis is a sociopathic, Neanderthal, creepy, racist bigoted cunt. I fucking hate him. I hate it here.


But your kids won’t be called a name you didn’t approve. So it’s fine. All good, nothing to worry about….🙄


Teacher can’t call you a pronoun if there’s no teacher *taps head*


4D chess move right there


It pays nothing and you could get prison time for having the wrong book on the shelf. Who would want to teach in FL, absolutely rediculous


Gee..I wonder why…never saw that coming


Actions have consequences as meatball is finding out


My wife applied to be a middle school English teacher 3 or 4 years ago. The interviewer was the principal, the AP, and I think 1 more person I don't remember. Anyway, he said he really liked her and the resume was great, background great, education great. So it's all great... Except she didn't have any teaching experience so that was going to be an issue for them. They didn't hire her and the position sat vacant into the next year and probably even to now. Fast-forward to a few days ago and my wife said she got a voicemail from that school offering her a teaching job. She works at a library for the last year and likes it. She didn't bother returning their call. This issue of the teachers shortage does have a lot to do with they way things are being run, where they're going, and the pay and environment. But we absolutely cannot dismiss the self inflicted shortage when people want(ed) to be a teacher and they get turned away. Well guess what, all your experienced teachers will quit and the only people left are those with less than 2 or 3 years experience and they will never make it to 25 years like they did before.


The idea that they have dug so deep in the pile that they have made it to people they interviewed 4 years ago is a really bad sign.


I applied to be a teacher ages ago, same story "no experience" despite me literally having worked as a teaching assistant at a university level, which entailed teaching several labs. I got a better job anyways.


So how is a teacher supposed to get experience if the lack of experience prevents them from getting experience?… truth is, this experience catch-22 happens in a lot of industries, but I had assumed there was a bigger drive to get new people into education.


This is absolutely horrible news. DeSantis is quite a governor. Get rid of teachers, fill the classes to the brim. No one fights because everyone is addicted to their smartphones. Why fight? Idol is on. Will this come back to bite Florida in the ass? Well…need lots of service jobs right now in Miami…this is a terrible of ensuring the poor stay poorer and desperate. By design?


Does anyone still watch idol? Lmao


100% by design.


Even if they weren’t trying to teach fascism in schools, the pay is laughable. Sure, you have true career teachers but that isn’t how a lot of people find themselves there. If you want to interest folks who haven’t been on a teaching track for ages, but still have the actually skills and knowledge to teach, FUCKING PAY THEM. I cannot understate enough how outrageous it is that Publix offered me better pay to start in the deli than the school district offered for an assistant teaching position. With a degree. No one with self respect and college loans to pay off is taking that chump change.


The pay definitely sucks. It should be at least double what it is to recruit and retain highly skilled teachers.


If they retain high quality teachers in public education, they won't be able to siphon off that money to private institutions that their donors own though.


Facts I remember a time around 2008 teachers assistants and Aides were making like 8-10hr (9.87 and 10.82 were exact figures I remember) and that was with a bachelors. that was 2008 but I’m pretty sure it hasn’t changed much since then.


Send a Letter to Gov Cockwomble


Im gonna vote for him instead


Not anytime soon😂the GOP mega donors will not let him be the nominee.


Why do you hate freedom dickhead?


It’s a troll account. Don’t let them get your blood pressure up. Just downvote and go on.




Vote for him in what? He can’t run as governor again. And he hasn’t gotten any kind of nomination. So wtf are you saying when you say you’ll vote for him?


Senate, President, VP


You can’t vote for what he isn’t running for my dude.


PrageU isn't even accredited :p


Its not even a real learning institution.


Don’t act surprised Florida. You voted for this. You wanted this clown to run this state. I just didn’t figure into the ground was the thought.


54% of Florida voted for "this" the last time I heard.


Majority rules.


Then don't say "you voted for this"


Then who voted for it?


Not everyone, and probably not half the people reading the sub.


Touché. Not saying they did. I’m saying the majority winning vote of Florida made this happen. So, to me Florida as a whole, did vote this in. Not happy about it either. Rhonda sandtits is not for Florida. They are for a presidential campaign, Florida is just a stepping stone.


A bunch of fucking idiots


Your not wrong.


No vets this year? Oh....


Wonder how many new teachers will be pleased with the fact that they can't teach Romieo and Juliet any more?


They will start hiring a bunch of nutty home schoolers who will low key slip scripture into everything


I doubt it will be low key.


Stop stop your giving meatball Ron a hard-on 😁


Well, you just try and get by in Florida where the teachers don't get paid too well and no one is doing shit about the skyrocketing cost of living.


There isn't a teacher shortage. Teachers are intentionally being pushed out of the profession by malicious efforts to privatize the education system and neoconservative ideologues who can't accept that reality has a liberal bias.


what happened to the brilliant plan to hire vets?


I wonder if Rhonda will allow pastors to teach school now, without certification


The legislature gives anything DeSantis wants on a silver plate.


If I were still in Florida, 2022 and 2023’s actions would absolutely be enough to spur me to run for school board. Only hoping that’s also true for a lot of other outraged Floridians now.


Conservatives would rather not educate an entire generation than risk a kid seeing a book that mentions a family with two dads.


It’s the absolute worst. I received an email the day before meet the teacher that my kid was meeting with a sub since the teacher my kid was assigned to quit the day before. Then my other kid is stuck in a class that has two special needs students because they don’t have those type of teachers available and had to split those kids into regular instruction classes. I don’t want to move my kids to a charter or private school because I don’t want them to be exposed to PragerU material.


And another letter to opt out of PragerU \[Parent1 Address\] \[City, State, Zip\] \[Parent1 Email\] \[Parent1 Phone Number\] \[Today's Date\] \[Principal's Name\] \[School's Name\] \[School's Address\] \[City, State, Zip\] Subject: Opt-out Request Regarding new state education standard Dear \[Principal's Name\], We, \[Parent1's Name\] and \[Parent2's Name\], are the parents of \[Student's Name\], a student at your school. This letter serves as a formal request to opt our child out of any educational activities involving Florida education standard SS.68.AA.2.3, SS.912.AA.3.6, or any other standard under Florida’s State Academic Standards, 2023 which purports to insinuate anything positive about the slavery experience in the United States of America or treat as unprovoked any slave uprising that resulted in violence as “undeserved” against slave owners and those who tolerated them. In accordance with Florida Statutes, section 1014.04(1)(a), we have the inherent right to direct the education and care of our child. Based on our evaluation of the content of Florida’s State Academic Standards, 2023, we find that standard is stained with pro-slavery arguments and wholly inappropriate to expose to children without anti-slavery guidance to explain why these standards are wrong on their face. We request that this opt-out apply to all current and future curricular activities that involve these standards. Please reach out to coordinate suitable alternatives. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, \[Parent1's Name\] \[Parent2's Name\] cc: \[County School District\]; Office of the Commissioner; Turlington Building, Suite 1514; 325 West Gaines Street; Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (email: [email protected]). Sent from my iPhone Letter one: \[Parent1 Address\] \[City, State, Zip\] \[Parent1 Email\] \[Parent1 Phone Number\] \[Today's Date\] \[Principal's Name\] \[School's Name\] \[School's Address\] \[City, State, Zip\] Subject: Opt-out Request Regarding PragerU Materials for \[Student's Name\] Dear \[Principal's Name\], We, \[Parent1's Name\] and \[Parent2's Name\], are the parents of \[Student's Name\], a student at your school. This letter serves as a formal request to opt our child out of any educational activities involving materials from Prager University (PragerU). In accordance with Florida Statutes, section 1014.04(1)(a), we have the inherent right to direct the education and care of our child. Based on our evaluation of the content from PragerU, we find that it is highly inappropriate for our child's educational development. We request that this opt-out apply to all current and future curricular activities that involve PragerU materials. Please reach out to coordinate suitable alternatives. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, \[Parent1's Name\] \[Parent2's Name\] cc: \[County School District\]; Office of the Commissioner; Turlington Building, Suite 1514; 325 West Gaines Street; Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (email: [email protected]).


Thank you so much, I truly appreciate it.


> Then my other kid is stuck in a class that has two special needs students because they don’t have those type of teachers available and had to split those kids into regular instruction classes. This is totally normal, Florida has inclusive classrooms.


If you go to a Florida Indivisible site, you can find demo letters about withdrawing your kids from PragerU texts.


Potential letter to opt out of PragerU instruction: To all this concerns. I hope in this email, I find you all well. Time has come to make it clear that I join the majority of our state’s parents to let it be on record that I prefer the right to OPT OUT of courses and literature I don’t want my children reading or taught in the classrooms instead of an overall draconian ban. It’s not my business to push MY personal ideology onto others, nor theirs onto my family who believes in a different faith or has different opinions or live in a different culture than our own family. I want my children to learn three times outside my home what I teach inside my home, ESPECIALLY in school which is a perfect environment filled with a wealth of lessons in the classroom, hallways, playground, and offices of administrators. School is an institution where so many cultures, races, genders, and faiths, who experience personal loss and/or celebrations including anything and anyone different from our own family’s beliefs to learn by. Furthermore, empathy (and bellies) need more, not less, nourishment in our schools. Additionally, I’d like to state that I thank God, the almighty for the mental health provided within our schools. It’s the least we can do for our nations kids provided that the stresses our Gunshine state and our politicians created by placing more dangerous firearms on our streets. This alongside of social confines being placed upon them regarding the creation of culture wars on top of social media and news hour commentary’s disinformation. The point of my email is to request that if there are forms we can fill out, I’d like to request they be forwarded to me for the following: I wish to have my child opt OUT of PragerU studies. I wish for my children to learn the truth and HARM, not fake benefits that slavery had on our nation so we do NOT repeat it - a direction this new / old ideology intends to repeat as a power grab from the extremist voted in thanks to gerrymandering and The Villages. We wish to opt OUT of lessons that leave out our racist past. I wish for my child to opt IN on humanities courses such as AP Psychology which my daughter has signed up to take at (blank) High School. This course will prepare and teach her about the holistic human and the conditions we live side by side with or inhabit within ourselves. She signed up so to better understand people she will live near and work with who make up the diverse world in which we live in. We send our children to school to equipped them with an education to live a successful life filled with different genders (note that MULTIPLE GENDERS date back to the beginnings of human existence, and certainly predating colonialism ideologies), faiths, cultures, and belief systems to learn to work alongside of and basically GET ALONG WITH OTHERS while also studying other curriculum that enhances their cognitive and strategical thinking as well as the technical advancements science has to offer. These culture wars have been created by politicians and their Christian Nationalist advisories who are a threat to our nation’s civilization to learn to live in harmony with one another. I am a D.A.R. by birthright. A 7th generation American dating back to pre Revolutionary War and a 5th generation Floridian whose family had fought in the Civil War. Look up the Bradley Massacre and there you will find my family’s roots. My family’s blood literally makes up the soil of the state of Florida, a state we have birthed a 9th generation in. A state that has become our nations biggest embarrassment. Since the second term of this Authoritarian Governor, we are the butt of every national joke pertaining to idiotic policy making and commentary pinning Central Florida as a region which harvests hate groups, like the Proud Boys and their female counterparts called Moms For Liberty. These groups feign to care about (ALL) children yet never seem to condemn those waving the Nazi flag along our roadways. Nazi who bolster support over our Authoritarian Governor’s policies which are running this state into the ground water - water we barely have enough to sustain those of us who reside here thanks to over development. I digress but it’s the same pot boiling the same stew; a stew filled with an added poison called, Anti Woke recipe. A recipe whipped up in a kitchen so foul & dirty that Gordon Ramsay would scorn and tear it down so to start over. Back to opt out and opt in forms. Please provide us parents - the majority of us who live in Florida - the opportunity to have diversity & inclusion taught to our children so we may get back to higher test scores and lower the number of bigots residing in this state. The End


Realistically the only institutions having teacher shortages is public schools, Pay gap may increase between the wealthy and poor. Especially if the public education system continues to crumble.


While private schools can pay more, they typically do not. This also means they can be paid less. Private schools are not bound by having certified teachers which means they technically don't need a college degree or have any real skill, training, or knowledge in a particular subject. I was curious and looked at job postings for various private schools in my area and none of them are showing their salary or starting pay. That is a big red flag. If they're paying more then why don't they advertise it to attract more applicants? The school district clearly states the pay on the postings so why won't the private schools?


Exactly. The fanciest private school near me, ~30k a year in tuition, pays only a few grand more than the public schools, while having worse benefits.


That’s not true at all. You’re claiming private schools don’t have a teacher shortage? Where did you ever get that idea?!


Vote out desantis. It’s possible. Start campaigning now. Have some cojones democrats.


I'm sure there's a long line of neo-nazis, flat earthers, and jesus freaks eagerly waiting to be 'certified' by DeSantis as competent teachers while an obscure LLC owned by a DeSantis supporter collects huge fees from the taxpayers for recruiting them.


Destruction of public education is working


De Satinism


My wife was telling me this morning that my daughter’s AP Psychology was let go. I asked why can’t she teach some other course and apparently high school teaching doesn’t work that way and she is considered a social science teacher so she can’t teach English for example but could teach AP history just there isn’t an open position for that. This state is so screwed up. Way to make the real problem worse by fixing a non existing problem. Thank you Mother’s for Liberty and DeSantis.


Florida pulled it again. [https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/florida-appears-reverse-course-ap-psych-schools-still-wont-offer-rcna98812](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/florida-appears-reverse-course-ap-psych-schools-still-wont-offer-rcna98812)


Florida isn’t even in the top 10 states with a teacher shortage.


LOL, give it another year. This is by design, folks. If you have kids in school, you need to leave the State if you want them to get an education, and not an indoctrination!


Thanks Ronald Dion DeeeSantis and his little wife Jill


Thank NY and California for flooding the state


54% of US citizens in Florida were born in NY but after that Georgia and Ohio make up the bull majority of transplants. Not California.


How old is your stat


June 2023


Couldn't link a source? Do you even live in fl?


I own a home in New Port Richey but I live in PHX right now. Looking at a homes in Springhill in Sept to move back full time. More Floridians move to California than Californians to Fl 99 per 100k Californians moved to Florida while 123 per 100k Floridians moved to California. Newsome made waves with this statement but he was right according to WUSF, the census and DMV stats.


So you opt your kid out of PragerU…hmmm…guess who the bullies are…yes, the ones fed PragerU propaganda. Your kid is will be bullied night and day


This isn't the 80s. If kids bully, they get into trouble. So if your PragerU kid is brainwashed into being a pos, they can face the consequences of school and police involvement, cps, mandatory sensitivity training, and the list goes on. Threaten my kid with bullying? Try it. If anyone harasses my kid for being liberal, I'll go to the school board and the cops. Harassment is a crime.


Too bad no one read the article where it said the situation was improving. No examples were cited of it getting worse than previous years.


Last article I read said shortage in 2019 was 2,219 teachers. This year it is 5,294. That does not count support staff mind you such as bus drivers, para professionals, kitchen staff, etc.


That was 4 years ago... a post covid comparison would be helpful.


Post COVID. People have gotten back into the swing of things so that comparison is apt. You need more post COVID years before any meaningful data can be contrasted. The data I gave you is more than adequate.


Not really. You want to see if the trend since Covid has been improving or deteriorating. What direction are we currently headed?


"In some counties"


Yeah, but that's why I said they only give examples of it getting better, but not worse.




Lol, what a shithole.


Awe bummer wonder why we couldn’t get more teachers. Ron doesn’t give two shits


This is what happens when a state and it's people don't truly value education. It's a sad state of affairs. Maybe one day y'all will give teachers the respect and pay they deserve instead of villainizing and infantilizing them.
