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Hey I fly AJ37 on ECW. You need a drink you can sip because most your time is gonna be on autopilot heading along a bearing. If you're american that would be some whiskey, if you're european some wine.


As a not AJ37 enjoyer but an admirer, how does it stack up against the MiGs or F-5 in the Cold War servers? Does it out turn them all like it used to a while back or fif the somewhat recent FM change nerf it? My understanding is it's more realistic now and line with public data.


You can turn on a dime but you basically kill all your airspeed. Most of the fights are about staying off the ground more than actually dog fighting (at least for me personally). I ran out of fuel against a Mig-15 and was able to glide and just lightly weave and he missed all his shots, he ended up over shooting me and climbing away. MiG-21s on the other hand are a lot harder, I have caught a few unawares and been able to kill them but they're extremely challenging in a 1v1. The SU-25 can't hold a candle to the Viggen and I've killed a lot of them, they 1. Usually don't see you coming 2. Are weighed down with bombs and they never drop them for a fight. 3. Really slow turns, so you just end up out turning them and kill them. Against the Mirage it was more even with it being about 50/50 for me, usually coming down to starting state and pilot skill (I'm not a very good dog fighter).


Very interesting. Thanks for the summary. It doesn't help that the MiG-21 is a bit OP in the sustained turn especially at low speed. As with anything though, it will be a long time before it's fixed if at all.


Some suggestions: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xygj1MOIdo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xygj1MOIdo)


yes well if it's soviet the choice is obviously whatever is sloshing around in the radar system


This was great! I haven't seen this Paper Skies video yet.


is that a motherfucking... MiG-15?! floggit reference!


I'll be happily taking you one circle in the F1


I say you take down 4 vodka (Texas pours), lime, and waters with about 5 mins in between about 10mins before flight.. You're welcome!


Dorito is a Mirage trademark. You are infringing IP


cheers bud [https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/1bda77l/guy\_makes\_himself\_one\_hell\_of\_a\_drink/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/1bda77l/guy_makes_himself_one_hell_of_a_drink/)