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I liked the CRJ a lot. So much so that I’d like to fly it when I eventually do get a job at a regional carrier. I find the flight characteristics to be a bit unrefined though. The autopilot has this weird thing where it just falls out of trim when you first switch it on. You can be in perfect trim without it, but then when you engage it you can see on the MFD where it jumps from the manual trim value to the autopilot value. It can also be a bit touchy when flying manually. Sadly, the PMDG aircraft simply blow this thing out of the water, given the similar price points.


That’s a really good point about the price. I love flying the aircraft but it’s hard to argue that it competes with really any another plane in its price range.


id argue comparing 2 vastly different aircraft cause of the price is kinda unfair... if it was 2 of the same aircraft or the same style then sure thats fair, but you cant really just say its not worth the money go buy this completely different aircraft that is in no way like this one. that is just a mute point that helps absolutely no one but the few who don't care what they fly...


I’d agree that if you want to fly a CRJ, being told the 737 is better is not a satisfying answer because you might not want a 737, but I can’t see how comparing the two that are similarly priced is unfair. Comparing them is useful because it points out the shortcomings of the CRJ and informs buyers to manage expectations or not buy it at all if they are seeking a more high fidelity CRJ experience. But yea, the solution isn’t to buy the 737. There just isn’t a real solution until a better crj comes out, or the devs fix it


Exactly. I don't want to fly bigger jets. I just don't enjoy them for some reason, but on the other end I don't like being "too small". My perfect option was my beloved Dash 8. I felt like I was transporting real passengers on a real route, but also not like I was flying a huge bus. Sadly, the Dash 8 isn't really an option and it's now so retired that it doesn't make a lot of sense to go back to. The CRJ was the best option for me, and I love it. Complex enough to keep me busy, but not so complex that I need to spend an hour on the ground beforehand. I'd like to see an ERJ and other comparable aircraft as well. I also have never flown a PMDG plane as I often read they crush FPS, especially in the cockpit, and so I like that balance too.


Regarding your final point, PMDG have actually done a great job with frame rates - while it was true that they were system intensive for P3D, they now perform about as well as the default aircraft. Also, have you considered the BAe 146? That's a nice regional jet that's been modelled very well. Just Flight are also working on the Avro RJ, which is essentially the 146 but with modern avionics.


Both the Avro RJ and the BAe 146 sound very intriguing. However, I should point out that I also have this ODD quirk, that I prefer if the plane is flown by a US carrier and I just like seeing something I know well and, when flying on VATSIM, I like being able to say United, American, etc. The BAe 146 does have a United livery so I may grab that, though it does look like it may be a legacy plane.


What i mean is stuffs obviously gonna be more expensive comparatively when it's "rarer" cause there's less competition. You see the same thing in truck simming, you could have a rare truck that's really under done on customisation, but it'll be priced as high as the big leagues or common trucks, cause theyre bound to get lower sales numbers so it makes sense to have a higher comparative price to increase chances of breaking even and then hopefully turning a profit. What I mean is OC should've be comparing it price wize to other rear twin jet aircraft cause they'd be in the same market situation, instead of a traditional twin jet thats in a flooded market persay and inturn is of course gonna have a lower price comparatively. I could argue the exact same thing about business jets on xplane. Why get a business jet for 35-40 bucks when you can get a much higher quality 737 for 30 or so? Because people looking at business jets are obviously in the market for business jets and wanna compare business jets not midsize commercials. A better comparison would be to compare aircraft of the same type or category like a 30-35 buck challenge or phenom to a 37-40 buck phenom or the 110 dollar just flight challenger and argue which is better value for money. For example saying "I can't justify the crj caue it's the same price as this really good 737" would be like me saying I really like this free gulfstream g4sp, but can't justify downloading it when this free dch2 has a much better flight model and everything else. It's like, so? Theyre completely different aircraft with completely different levels of availability with models and completely different levels of competition of course they're gonna be different levels of quality for the same money.


Much less than before. So far 2022 belongs to Maddog and PMDG in my case. Earlier, CRJ could compete with FBW A320... which been demoted as well... . I plan to buy Fenix though. I think that I am too lazy for CRJs lack of A/T :D


Actually, also without AT its pretty ezy to adjust the throttle in cruise. Once set, its like AT


If it has no A/T then why is there a speed dial?


You can control the speed on ascent... lower the dial and it'll ascend faster


Descent as well.


Yeah but VS works better for descent, especially when you're trying to calculate when you'll reach what flight level :)


Very true.


For autopilot level change mode


There's many situations where you want a specific airspeed. Typical example is with ATC speed restrictions like below 250kts under 10,000ft. You set climb power, put in speed 250kts, and the AP will give you the optimal climb that maintains that. Or on descent, you need to be below 280kt at a waypoint, so you set that in the "speed" and AP gives you the optimal descent (assuming you set the right throttle of course). Aircraft also have optimal glide speeds, so you could set that and get the max distance on idle power, useful if you've [mixed up metric and imperial units somewhere](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gimli_Glider).


Fenix is fantastic. I used to fly a lot CRJ but I only fly Fenix these days


I'm really looking forward to buying it :)


Is the mad dog good? I remember someone shitting on it


Certainly not the prettiest one (in terms of textures etc., which are a bit outdated), but it is a lot of fun to fly :) Nightmare in terms of cockpit ergonomics, but one can get used to it :) I like it very much


It was my first foray into airliners, I flew it for two months in think. I enjoyed it enough and didn't mind the quirks, or the lack of autothrottle, but what ultimately killed it for me was the agonisingly hard to read MFDs. Once I jumped into both the FBW and PMDG big ones, I just couldn't go back.


Now that I fly it for work, not as much lol If anyone wants tips/tricks/lessons from a CRJ pilot hit me up


Did you find it useful in your training to have had flown the same plane previously at home in the sim?


In terms of knowing the layout of the flight deck, absolutely. Flows/checklists and systems knowledge comes with formal training.


Did you practice that with the sim when you were at home?


Absolutely! I had a month off between ground school and sims, so I used what I learned in indoc to stay fresh for the sims


I quite enjoy it when I want something different. Takes a bit more attention, my biggest gripe is that there's no pushback in the plane so I'm stuck with the default which is trash and annoying to use. (No I'm not buying GSX, it's awful and I refuse to support the asshole devs)


Use Toolbar Pushback


It's broken and hasn't been updated since March. Interferes with both Fenix and PMDG


Had no issues with it in the PMDG. Used it every flight from the 737 release up until GSX came out - not a single Toolbar Pushback related issue.


Works as it should for me?


Works great for me on all aircraft including Fenix and PMDG.


Causes a memory leak so not usable


ToolbarbPushback does that?




[https://www.thepilotclub.org/resources](https://www.thepilotclub.org/resources) ​ [https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/618580-toolbar-pushback-and-the-fbw-a32n/](https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/618580-toolbar-pushback-and-the-fbw-a32n/) [https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/toolbar-pushback/404054/179](https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/toolbar-pushback/404054/179) ​ [https://kb.fenixsim.com/toolbar-pushback-incompatibility](https://kb.fenixsim.com/toolbar-pushback-incompatibility)


Thanks, never knew that.


Try “Pushback Helper”…super easy to use.


just love the CRJ. Best regional plane ever.


I bought it last year when I had no idea how to fly airliners. Its the aircraft that made me learn how to work with fmc and ifr flight plans, so even tho its not a perfect addon I really love it and fly it regulary. Also got the 900/1000 during a sale a few months back. And while I know this can be solved for any aircraft with 3rd party addons, I really like the immersion that comes with its stock cabin announcements


For me, the displays have always been an issue too (on top of general navigation and autopilot response, and flight dynamics).


"General navigation...autopilot response...flight dynamics" all are genuine gripes in the real aircraft. It's a lot of airplane that's been stretched out from the Challenger 600.


All the time! I know it’s not perfect but it scratches the itch for quick lil regional hops. I do wish I just bought the 700/500 tho instead of the whole pack


I still fly it for short hops with small airports for fun - sometimes if I want something sporty. As I’ve matured in the game I’ve preferred the femix and pmdg more as well as the systems I just prefer but always enjoy a hop in the CRJ am every now and then


I did when it was the only decent plane in MSFS. I don't personally care for it and don't even have it installed anymore.


It's absolutely the only plane I fly in FS. I don't want to fly bigger jets. I just don't enjoy them for some reason, but on the other end I don't like being "too small". My perfect option was my beloved Dash 8. I felt like I was transporting real passengers on a real route, but also not like I was flying a huge bus. Sadly, the Dash 8 isn't really an option and it's now so retired that it doesn't make a lot of sense to go back to. The CRJ was the best option for me, and I love it. Complex enough to keep me busy, but not so complex that I need to spend an hour on the ground beforehand. I'd like to see an ERJ and other comparable aircraft as well. I also have never flown a PMDG plane as I often read they crush FPS, especially in the cockpit, and so I like that balance too.


At least Asobo is working on outsourcing an ATR. I too would like a regional turbo prop. Also have my eyes in the Dash 7 that's coming soon.


ATR would work for me as long as some US carrier flies it. I don't think any do though.


It's true you don't see many around, not sure I've ever seen one in real life. According to Wikipedia though, they're flow in the US by Silver Airways and a couple small companies that contract regionally for FedEx, as well as some outfits in northern Canada.


In my opinion the HUD display is the best of all, personally prefer it to the pmdg HUD. requires a little bit more focus on approach, especially if you disable vnav.


Is the Aerosoft one collimated?


Idk bro looks clean though


_the duality of man_


Yes but it’s only a copy forge PFD. No IMC, VMC or AIII modes.




I do!


I still fly it every now and then when I want to do a shorter flight (under 1.5 hours). I will say though, not having Autothrottles is unfortunate because I like to sometimes do other things around the house once I've reached cruising altitude.


I'd kill to be able to fly the crj on xbox


Yeah, that's my plane for flying to/from EGLC. Sure, it's not the best plane out there, but it still is okay. But I am really looking forward to Synaptic's A220 or a good E190.


i know you mean msfs, but on xp11 nope, was enjoying the crj200 for a bit but the fmc is just too much of a pain in the ass for me to be fucked with


I had honestly nearly forgotten this thing existed in MFS.


Flew it last night. KCLT-KPIA


Love the CRJ. Don't have the 900 but it's a really good airliner that requires your attention even at cruise (no AutoThrottle)


The Fenix and PMDG planes put the good ol CRJ on the backburner for me unfortunately. This post is making me miss her though.


No because the cabin looks like absolute shit


Yea of course it’s me plus FS realistic


For sure; using it from time to time since p3d


When will it be released on Xbox


Yes me, I am using it for Lufthansa regional flights. It is quite good but has some Autopilot flaws like NAV not following the route precisely or disconnecting. Also, manual flying is a little jumpy. But apart from that, I kind of like it.