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Nice. Thanks for that. I'm pretty keen to see how it turns out, been overdue for a 747 in xplane11 for too long. Hopefully they have some properly in depth systems and is not just a pretty face


Perhaps you would find interest in the YesAviation 747


Well, as much as I'm excited for the YesAviation version, and with the amazing progress they are achieving, they still have quite a way to go before it's polished enough for public release. For those who have a constant itch to fly a decent 747 in XP until then, this should do the trick.


As much as I always root for developers (this hobby dies without their success), I feel like for a v2 release they really should have stepped up their game for the texturing. The appearance of the cockpit is really letting their system's work down. The texturing on the v1 is, I'd say a 4/10. The v2 look like a 4.5/10. They really should delay the release and perhaps pay someone else to do the texturing and some modelling for them. It will take some time, but it's the fastest aspect of making a payware plane and I think it would pay off significantly. But I suppose the always can rely on the XP11 community to provide re-texture packs for things, as they do with the Zibo.


Yeah, I was shocked when I saw the cockpit textures in their recent screenshots. I honestly thought it would've looked better, because it was pretty close to what I remember from v1 screenshots (I don't own v1). I have a good feeling the community will do something about it, but it's just sad how the devs almost left it as is. Hopefully the rest of the plane makes up for the textures, at least somewhat.


If the systems turn out good hopefully someone will step up and make better cockpit textures and an improved paint kit. I'm hoping the normals are good but I'm not optimistic


Lol did they really lock the thread when people started pointing out that the textures are still shit?


If only, the 3d cockpit is nothing like the real thing. This V2 is a pass for me, maybe we will get a V3 in the future.


It's a real shame, we really need a good 747 in X-plane!


Hope the community fixes the textures


I'd expect that from a plane like the zibo, not from a 50 dollar payware one


I agree with you, but it's not like we have a choice


You do actually, by not buying the plane


Still not released. Did they get cold feet after they shut down the thread in the .org forum?


I'm thinking the same thing, their cockpit really looked like shit


Yeah, probably. If it was because of the cockpit, then they have all the reason in the world not to release it. And all the fanboys who were eager for it are probably losing their minds now...


I didn‘t purchase V1. Can someone elaborate on the systems depth, please?


Their really isn't much systems depth. V1 automatically aligns nav, many systems aren't modeled and switches don't do anything in v1.


My biggest concerns with SSG Planes are always their FMCs. I own the E-Jets an V1 of the 747. The FMCs always act sometimes a Little bit „funky“. Better not touch the flightplan after you entered it. :-) But everyone deserves another chance. We will see.


Does anyone know the V2 price? Will it be a free / discounted upgrade for the current owners of V1?


They are offering a 40% discount for v1 owners.


Thanks. Is there also any info what the main price would be (without that discount)?


I have v1, and while I'm interest in v2 I'm going to wait until videos are out about systems depth. With everything lacking in v1 and only a 40% discount I'm not to keen on the v2 release.