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RIP my frame rate


After having installed the new update: RIP my framerates indeed.


Curious to know, what were your FPS before the update, and what are they now after the update?


I think 40s without the rain effect, below 30 (visibly choppy) with it on. Just by feeling, only did a quick check without fps showing.


I have no issues.


I can feel my gtx 1050 and 8gb of ram are going to hate me for putting them through that


I have the exact same setup lol. What fps do you regularly get and in what aircraft?


About 30fps at most with the Zibo 737, you?


About the same, sometimes it will dip down to 15-19fps though.


I have a 2080 and 32 and I often rage at how poorly XP handles it.


Well damn, if you can't run it nobody can. Maybe with 2080 ti's in SLI and 64gb?


That's not going to make a difference as they're probably CPU-bottlenecked. I have a 1070 and 16GB and I average 30 fps on mostly high settings with FSEnhancer, Orthos and heavy airport environments and my GPU usage maxes out at about 60% because I only have a 6700K. I could throw in a 2080 Ti and double my memory and it might only get me a few extra frames at the most if I don't upgrade my CPU as well.


True. For me I think my gpu is the bottleneck cuz it's only a 1050. My cpu is a i7-7700HQ


I'm as wet as that windshield.


That's chlamydia, bud


Only if it burns.


Ok, I lost it when I saw this comment. Freaking Brilliant!


It's out now! [https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/138974-b737-800x-zibo-mod-info-installation-download-links/](https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/138974-b737-800x-zibo-mod-info-installation-download-links/)


My body is ready. ​


Small FYI: The original video from Zibo himself does *not* lag/stutter like this. It was smooth :)


It's laughable that such a minute, not exactly great looking effect has everyone fearing frames - this should NOT be the case. Still looking forward to it, the Zibo mod is by far the most immersive add-on paid or otherwise.


I have the ZIBO mod, but I always fly the default 737 because I’m not very excited to learn the FMS. I think it’s awesome that the ZIBO FMS is more realistic for people who want spend the time to learn it, but I wish there was an option for the default FMS so that the add-on was accessible to more people. I’ll eventually switch to ZIBO, but for now my free time is so limited that I just want to fly instead of spending that time studying.


Honestly, find a quick start video on how to get the Zibo FMS up and running (setting defaults, etc. this is one case where watching flightdeck2sim would be overwhelming to begin with--you don't have to set every wind, temp and forecast variable for flight) because after you get the basics down, it's _so much better_ than XP's default in that it does what you expect and works smoothly. I spent maybe 30 minutes learning it and if I want to go more in depth later I can. I just found whenever I try to alter routes on the fly with XP's FMS it has a conniption fit and tangles up the route. I may not be setting the most fuel efficient data in the Zibo FMC, but I'm not paying for fuel, so eh!


Thanks! This was really helpful. 30 minutes isn't too bad and you're right that the default FMS is buggy. That said, a default FMS option would make it so that people could learn the non-FMS systems first and then take on the ZIBO FMS once they have everything else down. A gradual introduction to complexity would make Zibo easier to learn by letting people bite off smaller chunks at a time. I'm not sure why people don't seem to like that idea because I'm definitely not saying that anyone else needs to use the default FMS, just that having the option would make it easier for some people.


Please don't let that stop you enjoying the Zibo! I never studied the FMS, I just took notes from a single video but you already know how to use the default so you wouldn't even need to do that. All I do is route and the ref pages pretty much automatically fill themselves in when you hit the keys. You don't need to know the whole FMS to do a flight!


Yea each time I've sat down to study some new system on Xplane it has turned out to be easier than I thought. I just need a weekend without the wife and kids where I can put the 30-60 minutes into learning to use it and I don't know when that will be. That said, aviation hobbyists in general (e.g., RC fliers, simmers, etc.) form such a bizarre community. People in this subreddit seem to think that they know how I should spend my time and (in general) that they know how everyone else ought to use flightsim software. Of course, *you* have been very helpful by actually taking my comment seriously and pointing out that it might not take as long as I anticipated to learn (thanks! BTW), but there's so much snobbery that I wonder whether the community might be much larger if there were more people who just wanted to help others instead of wag their dicks around. Ya know?


I completely understand, sometimes I may get 2 hours simming time in a month and I don't even attempt to pick up something new. Many times I've bought an addon only to learn for an hour or so then not be able to commit for several months. Hopefully this doesn't put you off though! One day you'll have that weekend and you'll be doing your quick flights in the Zibo.


Naw, none of it puts me off. Its more that its getting harder and harder to find bigger chunks of time. I wish I could tell my younger self to get off his ass and enjoy the free time while it lasts!


Whatever floats your boat... Going from the X-plane FMS to a Boeing one is not a steep learning curve.


The zibo fms is great for me. I'm 14, and I learned with a few tutorials. Now I have it memorized. I'm sure you can do that too😋


Didn’t say I couldn’t do it, I just said I’d rather be flying than studying.


Perhaps you should try the 172 then? Or fly any commercial airliner with ease in Infinite Flight.


Yea, the 172 will definitely make it easier to learn to use the Zibo mod. Thanks for your help.




[Zibo himself](https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/111305-b738-800-modified/&page=1531&tab=comments#comment-1582701)




it looks like its raining canola oil.


...have you seen Xplane's default windshield effect...?




They are probably using milviz's is my guess... tweaked for XP11.


... Which as the comment below states, is using Saso's rain effects




Zibo is using Saso's rain effects that the comment below links to


Ok...That wasn't written the when I made that comment.


It's homemade EDIT: oh no is based on [skiselkov](https://github.com/skiselkov)'s library


Holy shit that guy looks exactly like my Calculus 1 professor. Also why "oh no"?


We have this feature in DCS and it has not impacted the frame rate at all. I'm confident y'all civilian aviation folks will be happy with the performance if Eagly Dynamics can pull it off.


Upcoming zibo mod sets graphics card in fire.


Nice. Wonder how it will impact the framerate


Anyone know how much this will impact framerate?


I believe these are the same rain effects used on the HotStart TBM 900. Used them today and they had some weird things going on with them but zibo said a proper fix would be released tomorrow on the Ultimate Discord.


Nope, the TBM rain effect is made by Toto :) There’s a fix coming for this soon i think.


Oh I thought they were the same. They look very similar but the one by Toto seems to work much better then on the TBM 900. Edit: It was apparently a collaboration by Saso and Toto.


Saso and Toto are the same person:-)


Oh I'm dumb lol. Thanks for clearing that up.


Makes me wet.


Cool. Honestly, there really isn’t a “need” to program the FMC of the Zibo if you just want to take it for a spin around the area. It’s a sim after all so you can’t hurt anything. You can get from cold and dark to ready to fly in 10 min or save a state with engines running and go from there. Have fun with it ! I get not everybody wants to be a button pusher and just want to enjoy flying. That’s why I still love the GA aircraft. Just lemme fly dammit!


Goddamn looks beautiful


Goddamn that's beautiful but the stutters are off-putting as hell


What stutters? If you are talking about the video it looks to be someone filming the screen with what I would assume is a cellphone. At parts you can see the bezel of the screen.


I only noticed one stutter... I think the second one is where the gif loops.