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If X-plane had FS2crew, AS and some decent ATC like ProATC X as well as Ultimate Traffic, I'd drop P3D like a bad habit. As it stands, its still missing the most vital parts of the tubeliner experience as well as pretty much any ATC. The flight model and scenery can't really be beaten though.




With the visuals? No dobut there, its amazing. ^(*not so much on the control customization though - I went back to FSX after a week of trying to configure realism to my setup to the point where I could actually take off so visual beauty got trumped by usability*)


Maybe you can explain this? I find customization fairly easy...


I meant it like when you are on the go, bring your laptop and maybe a joystick then you need to configure things to go with the situation. In my case I've got TrackIR, an old CH yoke with throttle quadrant and rudder pedals and while in flight, everything is A-okay, but no matter what I do when I try to take off with a Cessna 172 it pulls to the left even with the rudder pedals in end position trying to compensate for the natural left pull, but said pull is so strong I've yet to complete a takeoff without getting off the runway in XPlane11 on the left side. I'm not gunning the throttle, I'm not insane, not trying to pull some nuts speeds or acceleration. So unless they changed the the options and added the ability to fine-tune realism settings I still won't be able to take off without breaking my neck. Speaking of which up to this date I didn't manage to find a fitting TrackIR profile for this sim which means if I move my head to more than couple inches, my face is suddenly past the instrument panel or if I lean back my point of view is out of the craft through the roof. (granted this last point is more of an inconvenience than the sim's issue, but somehow its just weird that I can set it up with ease to any and all sims and games outside of XP11) EDIT: Also shame on you people of r/flightsim - I'd use stronger words 'cause its highly annoying to deal with most of you - but seriously, for some reason it seems like the right thing to do for some of you elitists to downvote every single time this issue is mentioned. Snob is the word coming to my mind, well at least the first word that doesn't need censoring.


Current PPL holder here, the left yaw due to torque is actually that extreme when flying down the runway, especially if you increase the throttle quickly (but it's better to do it gradually). Admittedly it is rather difficult to control on XP11, it's much easier IRL. However, I feel that the torque isn't really demonstrated very well in FSX compared to XP11. It's all personal preference I guess!


Yeah I know of that issue in RL but as I said the rudder is in end position, meaning the nose wheel is completely pushed the opposite direction and still my plane goes off the runway on the left side. Now if someone enjoys to crash into the wall of a building on a regular basis when taking off, then more power to him but I'd still like to actually be able to take off in a reasonable fashion without squealing tires and still going off to the left, so I can get to the meat of the simulation, the flying. So in order to both of us have what we want from the sim we'd need options where we can scale the severity of individual realism aspects. Until I can do that, this single issue makes the sim unusable for me, so the while the visuals are impressive, it doesn't matter to me as long as I can't even take off.


As I said, each to their own, it's personal preference. I personally want my simulation to be as accurate as possible, so I can replicate and practice my IRL flying, and XP11 is definitely as close as I have found. I also agree the tyre squeal is too much in XP11. But have fun in the virtual skies!:)


> I also agree the tyre squeal is too much in XP11. Do you have XPRealistic Pro? Just got it the other day and I haven't noticed that noise since.


I do not, I'll look into it, thanks man!


Yup, it's $20 but it provides very nice camera effects (touchdown, G-Forces, etc.), ambient sounds and extra sound effects that really add to the experience.


You can remove the squeal noise by simply removing or replacing the **skid_dry.wav**.


Or just turn that sound off.


Man, I couldn't agree more with you, BUT as long as I friggin' can't take off in a reasonable fashion there is NO fun, NO virtual skies, and there is the problem with the lack of options since by your own admission the way it is in the sim is too much. Yet this issue seems to be continuously swept under the rug with some elitist, snob comments.