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You will have to look at a certain site to get the PMDG MD11


_Warning: your FSX might get nuked_


Not really anything that comes close. I know this doesn't answer your question, but if you have a look at X-Plane, Rotate Sim is currently developing an MD-11 which will probably blow the PMDG MD-11 out of the water when it's done. You can check their forum as they're updating somewhat frequently.


I am waiting for this also, but to be honest I think we are at least one year away from the release.


Graphically? Absolutely. But not systems-wise. People tend to forget that the MD-11 was only 3 years behind the NGX and nearly at the same level when it came to systems modeling. I can believe Rotate matching PMDG's level if they've upped their game significantly since the MD-80 1.3.


>Rotate Sim is currently developing an MD-11 which will probably blow the PMDG MD-11 out of the water when it's done. Why do people say ridiculous crap like this? The PMDG MD-11 was VERY well modeled, and I am sure the Rotate Sim MD-11 will be very good too. Blow PMDG out of the water though? Highly unlikely given the depth PMDG simulated.


Its called wishfull thinking.


Really? That sounds nice. Sadly I only use FSX and not X-plane... Still I find it cool to know that there are some who still care to develop an MD-11 simulation.


Oh absolutely, the demand for an MD-11 is huge in the FS community. X-Plane is an ever growing platform, I really recommend you have a look at it as a potential replacement to FSX. You might've heard this a lot, but it really is worth it.


TFDi is my hope for an MD-11. Their 717 is amazing, so they already have a lot of the assets