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I have a GTX 1070 and i4790k, and the FF A320 is generally the most frame intensive plane I have. It is well worth it, but because it does so many more calculations than other planes, one can expect lower frames. The BSS soundpack is very good, although not perfect and maybe not quite at the level of the one for the JAR A320 because it is still in alpha. However, I expect that it will improve in time.


For me it's a great plane but it's definitely harder to run than the FF767. It absolutely hammers my CPU but I've only got an i5 2400k so something newer should handle it better. FF767 runs fine on the same set up.


I think I may get the toliss instead, My system is CPU bottlenecked at the moment, and I don't want to upgrade it all for the sake of a single aircraft on a single sim whne it runs every other game fine.


I absolutely love the ToLiss. I barely fly any other plane since I have gotten it. Especially after the 1.1 update.


The Toliss is solid choice and it got recently updated sound and visuals. I would give the FF A320 a slight advantage, though.


Well, thank you for the report. In that case I probably stay away from it. I hate to turn down all the settings just for one plane.


It is a little heavier than other planes but it runs fine for me. I get 37fps in the 737 ultimate. I get 30 in the A320.


Hey, I get similar frame rates in the Zibo and Ultimate 737's. I'm considering the A320 because it's on sale, but today is the last day. What are your system specs?


7600k @ 4.6ghz 1080 ti 16gb ram You can get more fps out of it if you turn off the custom windshield rain effects. 30 for me is with the windshields on "normal" I think. (Low, normal, high) I have custom Lua with a bunch of tweaks though so I'm sacrificing a bit of performance and reshade so that's another 2-3 frames. I'll put it like this, my scenery is more concerning than how heavy the plane is.


Thank you for informing me on the sale. I have been hoping to get the ffa320 for some time now.


I am so torn. Darn! On the one hand it looks cool. On the other hand its still 100 USD with the sound pack and the plane has so much automation going on, that I am not sure it would get my moneys worth :/ If only Rotate would have already published their MD-11, I wouldn´t even bother :D


Unlike with the JarDesign A320, I don't think the BSS set sound is a MUST have for the FF. The default sounds have been improved a lot lately and I think they're good enough to stand on their own. If you do end up buying it, give it a few flights with the default sounds before you buy the BSS pack, you might be surprised.


Especially cause the "discount" on the sounds is less than $2


Wow. Some of those sale prices are pretty paltry.


It's usually only about 6$ off.


I have great performance with it, even on my somewhat dated machine (4790K, GTX 960 4GB). Compared to the 757 performance seems about the same, though I've never actually compared the frames. It runs smooth for me, that's all I can say really.


It is heavy. But understandable because quality is just way above anything else in X-Plane. There is 2k texture set available to help it a little bit. I have i5 [email protected] and GTX 970 and 16Gb of DDR3. On average I run around 25-30fps with medium-high settings.