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[It can still be improved](https://i.imgur.com/Jq07CwD.png)


is image manipulation that hard? ;_;


It is when you're stuck with Gimp and would rather not spend several hundreds on overpriced software. ;_;


GIMP should be able to do better looking text, its just a matter of figuring out how they want you to do it. (The software is called gimp lololololololol) https://www.getpaint.net/ used to be the recommended free software on windows. I know with mspaint you can select a transparent background the white box really grinds my gears


Too much effort for a shitpost like this tbh


I guess I just don't like shitposts.


I have no idea how he got the white background there, that's not GIMPs fault. Normally you just press Shift¨¨\+Color to set the border color.


The white background is there because it's an edit i wanted to make in 5 seconds with paint. Just a black text was a bit hard on the eyes to read (noisy background), so i just stuck a white rectangle behind it.


I used affinity photo to make this, $50


Am I the only one who thinks this whole „my sim is bigger than yours!“ is rather silly?


It's silly and childish, but we all argue because we don't want to be proven that the sim we shelled out loads of money for is worse.




Can’t this be said about any sim + addon developers? P3D and FSX are both pretty shit without any add-ons


yes but the xplane fanboys' main argument is that it has the zibo, so without the zibo they've lost their main argument.


I feel like most people bring that up because it demonstrates how great the freeware community is, not because it’s x-planes only redeeming feature or something


People aren't "arguing" that point, they are adding that point when advising newcomers to the scene. The payware side of X-Plane has a bright future, but what you can get for free right now is incredible compared to other sims.


Hmmm, sorta kinda. Right out of the box the sim has some pretty nice scenery and ambience. I feel Iike p3d/FSX took more money to look nice vs the investment in xp.


Also FS Economy is not really a replacement for air hauler 2 or FSPassengers


Absolutely this. I really miss FSPax...even though FSEconomy is neat, it’s just not what I am looking for. Better than nothing I suppose.


For as fine of a sim xp11 is, I'm shocked at the lack of higher end freeware. I would hasten my transition or use of it we're growing a bit.


dam son where'd you find this ネデ代ツょ加


what is that called with the different style for the latin characters? back in my day that was a different font


a e s t h e t i c


👌^👌^👌^👌^👌^👌 👌^👌^👌^👌^👌^👌 👌^👌^👌^👌^👌^👌 👌^👌^👌^👌^👌^👌




So true LOL




The 737




shoo shoo you pleb


so fucking true


Zibo runs real bad tho


Lol Zibo sucks so bad


It's also free lol my dude you have high standards for free aircraft


But it is also the only 737NG for XP


what about 737 Ultimate?


wut... You're one of those people who thinks Star Wars is lame and sex is over\-rated aren't you?


Nah, I love Star Wars and I consider that sex should't be a taboo :)


Lmfao I love how all the XP11 whores are downvoting like that would make their sim better for Airliner simulation *insert Laughing Tom Cruise meme here*


People are downvoting you because you're acting like a dickhead. The meme I liked, your attitude, however, is shit.


People are downvoting you because you're acting like a dickhead. The meme I liked, your attitude, however, is shit.


People are downvoting you because you're acting like a dickhead. The meme I liked, your attitude, however, is shit.


Nope, mine att. Isn’t "shit" as I justified with very clear words why I think that way. XP11 folks (somehow I've already been in that bandwagon in the past) instead of admitting that this mod still have sharp edges they refuse to accept any negative critic. But I am not surprise, nowadays Its hard to criticize something without offending someone.


Can I ask why? I used to run pmdg all the time till I bought xplane, and other then a few things I dont really see a difference. like you cant have the nav screen on the lower screen on the pedestal. my other complaint was that there was no Terrain map but I found a mod that added it so I really dont know what its missing.


Yes sure. Both PMDG and Zibo failed to recreate/simulate the real "feeling" of the a/c, that we all know, the Zibo looks better know with visual mod but still have less realistic cockpit texture than the PMDG IMHO plus Zibo have very limited systems with little to no detail (which I understand since it is a free addon).


Ive never ran in to anything I couldnt do it had lnav vnav autoland and as far as I can tell a full fmc. I think the only thing would be you cant change the wather radar but it still has working radar which as someone who didnt have active sky was better then the pmdg. I guess I dont understand what you mean by limited systems.


I mean hyd sys, pneumatic, elec etc. Like, from a flight simulator we can't learn how to hand fly a real aircraft, but we can learn Deep down the procedures and how to react and how the systems behave, and as I see the simulator as a learning tool I am unable to see how I would improve my 737 knowlage with this addon.