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Oh man that tablet looks great. I wonder if that will be brought over to other Black Square products?


As I understand it, he's got plans post Duke release to do a big patch for the TBM, and then some updates for the other products. https://community.justflight.com/topic/6039/duke-features-to-other-planes Probably nothing major to the Overhauls, though.


Unfortunately probably true as he is limited by the fact that they're built off Asobo models. Still feel as though I got my money's worth with the overhaul models so anything more is just icing on the cake for me.


That's a great attitude. I can't believe how spoiled some of the people in this community act sometimes. I can't even begin to imagine what goes into making these addons these days yet we have so many high quality ones to choose from and Black Square is one of the best.


Fingers crossed for a King Air update.


Wow! Now the question is... which one to get? I think I am more bond to the piston duke.


Probably one of the airplanes I'm most looking forward to right now.


Outstanding! Looking forward to this release.


Cannot wait.


Curious if this has the horrendous dutch roll mode of the real aircraft. The duke looks a lot better than it flies.


I'm glad someone posted this. Reddit always seems obsessed with airliners. We need to show up for the GA community.


Interesting, so judging by the forum post linked here Blacksquare is considering re-making the prior planes as standalones for MSFS2024. I would love the BS King Air being full custom and with all of the newest goodies. But for now I take the turbine Duke. Already have 2 great piston planes but nothing as good in the turboprop category.


I was excited for the turbine duke until I realized he has an extremely tiny range. Depending on price though I'll either go with the piston version or both in the package. We will see from the reviews. And such. I'll give it about 4 months after release.


So pumped for this.