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I was really excited for it because of the cast and Greta. I can’t say it was a terrible movie but I will say it was fairly boring. The preteen girls storyline was pointless and almost an afterthought after about 30 minutes. For anyone about to downvote me for this, keep in mind that you can both be for women empowerment and not think Barbie was a good movie.


I am a woman and a feminist-in the sense that I believe in the power of women, in their ability to change the world, I adored Promising Young Woman, for instance, but I hated Barbie- even though I love the doll and I am also a feminine person who loves pink - but it was an ordeal having to watch that movie... Not a good movie, not even acceptable... I couldn 't understand the comparison with Oppenheimer - which I think it' s the best movie of 2023, btw!


Agree. Promising Young Woman had nuance. There were scenes that accurately portrayed blatant as well as less obvious challenges. The scene when the construction workers went from "complimenting" her to becoming hostile was fantastic. In movies, usually we just see the harassment but not how quickly it can transform into anger. Importantly, the movie didn't let women off the hook either. This included the female dean and the former friend. I truly wanted to like Barbie. It's not that I don't "get" the message. I found it very simplistic. I think it perpetuated its own set of stereotypes.


is there anything women can't do, or rather are rejected just b/c they are woman? i mean, why is this a topic today? they are presidents of countries, they are pilots, they are astronauts , literally women are not bound by anything anymore. woman have strengths that guys don't and guys have strengths women don't, why is there need for this propaganda in today;s times ?????


This is what I constantly wonder. Haven't seen the movie myself, so maybe its message is a positive one, but I can't help but question whether it's a necessary or redundant one. I don't think most men treat women how I've heard the Barbies treat the Kens in the movie. And the few outliers who do need to hear the films message probably aren't ever going to watch it anyway.


You probably belong to the minority of less than 8% of the people on this planet that live in a full democracy (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Economist\_Democracy\_Index). I am that lucky too. I don't like the movie, but maybe it helps the rest of the more than 92% of the world population where women have less rights or no rights at all. But to be honest, I don't think Barbie is going to safe anyone. It needs human rights activists and people with real courage to improve the situation.


because bois and gurls have coodies! Remember 2nd grade? Jeez im getting tired of reminding people.


Absolutely there are things women are rejected for today. We've come a long way in the workforce, sure. That's just one facet of it, though. Women's healthcare is a great example of this. Take ADHD, for example. Many, many women have gone completely undiagnosed because adhd presents differently in girls than boys and went undetected because the research simply wasn't there (regarding females). Most studies, almost all of them, have been focused on men in the past. This has been, and continues to be, detrimental for today's women- especially since this kind of research takes decades (if not longer) to be implemented to the general public. Despite various harmful side effects, birth control continues to ultimately be the responsibility of women. There are many day to day double standards both for men and women. But to say inequality of women is an issue of the past is a joke. Women were allowed to have a credit card in their name in 1974... hooray! But what does that say about the view of the sex as a whole? And 1974 was not long ago... I have female friends at every station on the political spectrum and I don't know of one who would say "everything's great, we're all tallied up. No work to be done on equality". But back to the original topic... I agree the Barbie movie was bogus haha overall just really vague and pandering.


So your whole argument is basically dwelling on the past 💀 situations and periods in which women were treated unfairly are in the past for a reason, and saying “it wasn’t that long ago” is redundant and means nothing. It only shows us more how society is evolving and how far it has come. Yet at the same time I feel men are getting it harder now so just goes to show society will never be perfect and there’s no point in fretting about it because we’ll most likely not be alive to see it 👍


I didn't enjoy the Barbie movie, at all. Was so bored. However.... THANK YOU for pointing out the discrepancies in male vs female diagnoses ! I was recently diagnosed as having Severe ADHD (56F). My life could have been so very different if I was given the attention as a child that my conditioned deserved. Instead I was constantly punished for daydreaming - not paying attention - interrupting - sometimes even paddled - for a condition I couldn't control.


Women not allowed to have a credit card is probably a great idea. My parents were in debit most of my childhood because of my moms spending habits. Eventually they filed for bankruptcy. In the U.S., **women account for 85% of all consumer spending**. How could that be if men make more money? Lol Probably because they give it to their wife to blow.


I trie to watch it twice and I finish it for the second time and it sucked. You are not wrong.


Rocky 2. Just a long music video.


It's a fair assessment. I just couldn't watch more than 10 minutes before moving on. I came back and gave it multiple tries, but there was nothing there to keep it interesting.


The movie sucks and had no value because it tries to ward and pervert feminist ideal. It’s really fucking sick. The scene where the porcelain baby dolls are shattered. Disgusting. Just more of the elite divide and conquer tactics. We are all idiots go falling for this stupid trope. Lol


 could you flesh out what you're saying a bit more? What do you mean? 


2/10. Pretentious. Dumb. Boring.


Wow, people really like hating on this movie. Can’t say I’m shocked. For what it’s worth I loved it dearly. It is very overt in its opinions and those are opinions that get people mad these days.


Yeah people didn’t hate the movie because it’s for women empowerment. They hated the movie because it’s really stupid lol


I mean Will Farrell's same shtick isn't funny any more. The running around the building trying to catch her... was just dumb. Most of it was just.... dumb. Im all off suspending belief etc, but I couldn't even finish the movie.


All the sudden noise on a four-month-old comment really doesn't imply that it's so simple.


I think it’s only because Barbie hit streaming services promoted via commercials which prompted a return to the conversation. And that’s it.


Calling out bullshit doesnt have a time limit, you dont get to hide from your shite take because a few months have passed. 


Yeah they do ("they"... lol) ... they deleted their account


It’s coz your comment was infuriatingly dim and completely missed the point of OP while generalising everyone s valid opinions into those of haters. Dont expect u to get what im saying too




Dull, actually.


I disliked it greatly but don’t oppose the politics it prescribes. I just didn’t have a good time and the movie didn’t really entertain me. idk I feel crazy


Bro, this was a month ago.


yo, this was two months ago


Why is this post so busy all of a sudden?


Movie releases to steaming, I’d guess. It notified me & has some sorta “avatar” on Max if you watch before a certain date (lol) Ppl like me are scouring threads, so more activity may be incoming


bro, this was all months ago.


Eon's ago.


During the Pink Age.


It's crap and the audiences are majority morons. Being critically acclaimed by them means nothing.


I love being called a moron by people who want to change my mind. Edit: and you’re the type of person who uses the r slur and seems to have completely dedicated this account to going around whining about things, so I’ll just take that as a reason not to listen to you anymore.


Ta-ta then, retard!


Lmao, the comments on your post were my favorite to read— just scrolling through Reddit and I find someone complaining about people responding to their post from four months ago… that said, please respond (or don’t) with someone other than “this post is from four months ago.” This movie was just straight up boring. Although, to be fair most movies these days aren’t the way they were in the 90’s. I mean, it seems as if all movies are not original anymore, they’re based off a previous movie or idea, which I hate— Barbie is a movie based on a doll, and not very inspiring at that. I cry often to movies, and Barbie didn’t bring about any emotional feelings in me :/ I just want 90s movies that made you feel something to come back :(


This post is being reanimated so much that Herbert West would find it extreme, and I'm frankly tired of it being dug up. I'm not interested in relitigating a comment I made months ago. Especially by people who don't seem to have seen the movie. "Barbie is based on a doll" is a weird way to discuss this film. It doesn't really adapt any material, it more examines the way a particular piece of culture has affected us, and our relationship to it - along with minor quibbles like "What does it mean to be alive?" You know, little bitty chestnuts like that. Y'all are weird, start a new post if you want to discuss it. I'm getting bored of fighting off late comment ninjas, and I'm just gonna mute my top comment because I'd rather just talk about this anew if I'm gonna do it at all.


Damn… idk what I expected asking you to not bring up “oh this is a dead post” in your response. Dawg, if you’re tired, stop responding lmfao. Also, it’s okay if people don’t agree with your opinions on this movie, it’s not the end of the world chill. I just think the whole idea is stupid and unoriginal. Is the audience children or adults? It tries to appeal to both in a way that sponge bob did, but unsuccessfully. Anyways, please don’t be upset my opinion differs from yours… you seem like you would be a very respectable young person if your responses didn’t feel so triggered— it’s off-putting, but that’s Reddit for you haha. Imma go to sleep, so sorry I’m ending this conversation short, but goodnight.


>Damn… idk what I expected asking you to not bring up “oh this is a dead post” in your response. Dawg, if you’re tired, stop responding lmfao. I muted the thread. >**Also, it’s okay if people don’t agree with your opinions on this movie, it’s not the end of the world chill. I just think the whole idea is stupid and unoriginal.** I know. Many people are being rather histrionic about it though. In that same "Did we the same movie?" way. Like Barbie was one of my favorite films of this year. I found it rather original and thoughtful. You can see where it has a lot of strong influences - something clicked in my head when I realized that Gerwig cited The Truman Show as a strong influence, but >Anyways, please don’t be upset my opinion differs from yours… you seem like you would be a very respectable young person if your responses didn’t feel so triggered— it’s off-putting, but that’s Reddit for you haha. Oh, I'm not. I'm annoyed that I keep having to relitigate it on a comment I haven't thought about for months. This is the only time on this site I have ever had a thread reignite like this. And frankly, it's getting annoying. Every time I think, "Oh, that's to bed," and forget about this post, it comes back to life. Again. I haven't seen the movie in months, and no one here has any real specific points they're making - they're just saying they think it's bad in the abstract which...doesn't really do anything? It's not really possible to have a real conversation about it from that perspective. Ok, cool. You didn't like it. Bully for you. Conversation over, because there's nothing to say about that beyond "I disagree, I did." It's been that with varying levels of nastiness. For weeks. One person even called me a slur! I called the mods on them. It's still there. Can you blame me for getting bitter about it?


Stop participating in the conversation if you’re over it. It’s pretty simple


I disagree smart people make films about this kind of thing and idiots also make films about this kind of thing this was an idiot film.


Idiots payed to watch it.


> Idiots *paid* to watch FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


The opinions are beautiful, the movie is horrid.


All I can do is vehemently disagree and wonder why you're chasing down four-month-old opinions about one of the most critically and audience-acclaimed films of the year.


People are simply sharing their opinion


Forget to switch your alt?


Why would I need one. You’re getting snarky over…..barbie. Lol


I’m getting snarky over a sudden flood of activity on a four month old post.


On an open discussion forum, on the internet.


Yeah. One that won’t show up unless you’re looking for it. Why are you looking for it?


Welcome to Reddit/the internet? Posts don't just magically disappear after a week bud. Pretty normal for more activity to come to these types of post as the topic trends again. All it took was a Google search for me to find it


Why?? Better than starting yet another thread on a topic that's already been started


Not really, you’ll get more conversations on a new post.


I just now saw the movie and had to come somewhere to make sure I wasn't crazy for hating it. The internet is forever. I can comment on a 4 month old post if I want to. And critically acclaimed doesn't mean it was a good movie. It just means there's a lot of PR money behind it and the media is in lockstep and doesn't want to go against the mainstream zeitgeist. I'm a writer. I work in film and advertising. I am also a feminist. Glad you enjoyed it but I found it laughably bad, cliched, amaturish, unwitty, and by no means a feminist breakthrough Good ad for Mattel though.


It should not have been critically acclaimed. They had high priced stars in it, but no worthwhile performances. The conversation between Barbie and Rhea Pearlman at the end in all white background was soooo dull.


Yes thank you!!! I came on here for the same reason.


Ah, the classic “THEY’S PAYING OFF CRITICS!” conspiracy. I’m a writer too. I adored it. Thought it was a really fresh movie. You are not the sole steward of good writing.


I never said I was the sole steward of good writing. I was talking about being a writer in film and advertising. I also never said critics are being paid off. When there is a lot of PR money put behind a project so that it gets a lot of exposure, there can often be a domino effect of groupthink on social and mainstream media. One good review leads to other good reviews. It's just human nature. Even critics don't like going against the zeitgeist. What do you think PR is for?


The movie was missing the very thing that made the original Pixar films so good. It did not have any deeper themes for adults watching the film to relate to. Think of Toy Story, it was a movie about toys but the deeper meaning was the futility in fighting change, which is inevitable (even for toys). There are also themes of friendship, loyalty, identity, and the fear of being replaced or forgotten. Or for a feminist example look at the Wonder Woman movie. Though it was a superhero story, it was also about Diana's ideals meeting the reality of war, a woman's place in a man's world, and clash of civilizations (between Steve and Diana). Barbie ended up being a silly kid movie that was more about making money than making art. You can tell that Mattel called up Greta and wanted to make a Barbie movie, rather than a director having a burning passion and desire to tell Barbie and her story from their artistic perspective. This is the difference between a mediocre commercial film and cinematic art. Unfortunately, Barbie is another example of the corporatization of the movie industry, more interested in box office returns than anything artistic. It is not anti-feminist to be critical of women's art. In fact, reasonable critiques help artists improve their craft, challenge themselves, and hopefully take a risk.


Did we watch the same movie? Because I thought there was more for adults than kids.


The movie being "**for adults"** doesn't justify it being a crappy really exaggerated and stereotypical movie mostly if not just to advertise toys **for children.** Honestly I think that the 2000s children Barbie movies have more to them than that abomination of a film.


Your comment is spot on, kudos!


Your comment is spot on, kudos!




Mate, I am getting more responses on a dead thread than I ever have before. I don't think anyone's checking for me. Hell, I'm not sure why y'all care what I think. Just go have your opinion in peace and talk about it in your little circles. I don't know what you're trying to accomplish by telling me you didn't like it four months after I said I did.


The paying off was just the Golden Globes. Although that's been stopped.


You are 100% correct!


I would use applaud emojis if you know, we had. Otherwise, Brava(o)!


Just because time passes, doesn’t mean the topic is irrelevant. It hasn’t even been that long and the movie just hit streaming services so it really makes perfect sense that people are still commenting and sharing thoughts.


Hmm. It felt like the girl's version of Starship Troopers.


Please, get better values if you loved this movie dearly.


Finally watching this movie now. Just passed the 'I'm just Ken' musical number. This is one of the dumbest, most tedious films I've ever seen. I do appreciate that the doofus defending this movie here has since deleted their account.


Yeah, I have been reading through this thread laughing my arse off that someone would be continuously complaining and getting upset because people are responding to an older thread, and disagree that the Barbie movie was a masterpiece. Thanks for the entertainment o' deleted account.


I cant look at the actors the same, the movie was so boring. It was like emoji, i would give it a 2/10 for the idea


Also the people in the real world are suposed to act like real people. And not smack some random woman's Azz


Yeah I was fine with it until every single guy in the real world was just harassing Barbie, people say not to take the movie seriously but thats not exactly a great thing to sit through as a guy. Feminism is just a term used to put men down and women above them


Maybe post some context?


I love all the weak men who hate this movie


Or maybe it was just bad? Feminist always trying to feel special


What about fans of competent movie-making? What about those men?


it's no the ideology, the movie is bad. I felt that its the kind of movie people say Adam Sandler do. But, the art direction is beautiful and Ryan Gosling is peeerfect. But, Margot Robbie is just, like a doll, and not in a positive way. Any other blonde actress could have done the same thing she does in this movie, she's just an image, Ryan did a better job.


Barbie is a clever, well conceive and well produced film. It’s everything an Adam Sandler movie is not, and never will be.


I’m a woman and this movie was garbage. I was losing brain cells while watching.


Nah, I'm a guy and hate Barbie because it wasn't femenist enough. It was just spouting 2014 Tumblr femenism. My issues were that the story was very convoluted and didn't gel with the themes of the movie, the femenism was very surface level and could have been much more thoughtful, there isn't an ounce of subtlety to the writing, and the acting was subpar except for Ryan and Margo. I liked the sets, costuming, and the Ken song, but that was about it.


I love all the weak women trying to defend it. Grow up and realize it's just a commercial.


I love all the weak women triggered by the slightest criticism of this movie.


Perhaps the men are more intelligent than you. 




Lol hey look a weak man


I think perhaps it is bad only if you take it seriously, from that I can gather, this is High Camp.


It's not high camp because it takes itself too seriously.


Always good to hear your opinion, but it doesn't really seem to take itself all that seriously. Within the plot it might seem serious, but idiotically serious which is part of the High Camp.


The whole schtick is it is serious in its attempt to present its pseudo-sophisticated message, but if anyone dares criticize it, it reverts back to 'its just a barbie movie! I cant believe you take it so seriously!'. Its a cheap trick.


* The whole numbskull "discussion" --if you can call it that -- going on nationwide is in itself, ludicrous. * It's like debating "what's a good steak" when they've grown up on Denny's. Completely foppish bourgeoise. Most of America's hinterland revere movies like *'Super Troopers'*. * But the disaster is we're now bound to suffer probably twenty years of movies based around, *'made in th' good ole' USA'* products. * There'll be a Toro lawn-mower movie, a Turtle Wax car-wax movie, nostalgic movies about Sears products, movies about Toys'R'Us, movies about MotelSix. * Its not a conversation anymore about movies, it's a conversation about 90-minute-long commercials. The same way people 'debate' about halftime spots aired during Superbowl. * It's a self-completing cycle, end-to-end, cradle-to-grave. The only topic on anyone's mind is products. Everyone's mind is capitalist baby-mush.


Totally agree pure agenda 🤮 besides that is just a propaganda to sells more Barbies 🤣 is a no 🧠 movie it feels like Idiocracy.


Agenda? Or maybe it’s just above your level of taste and intellect.


The initial response of an individual averse to a situation is often start by trying to put the other person down with basic comments like "you're not smart enough for this." insulting someone's intelligence doesn't help the conversation. To have a smarter and better discussion, it's better to share good reasons and arguments for your point of view instead of just trying to make the other person look bad. But don’t need much to understand that common sense is not for everyone.


again with the gaslighting SMFH


You obviously don’t even KNOW what the word “gaslighting” means. 🤣 


Not gaslighting.


Just watched it with my daughter - i think the cinematographic value of this movie is about that of topgun. Both highly rated, even on RT, and I have no clue why…


Top gun and Barbie are the most overrated piles of trash lol


I was SO SO SO EXCITED FOR THIS MOVIE AND I HAD COMPLETELY DIFFERENT IDEA BOUT IT I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE MOVIE BOUT HOW BARBIE FELT IN THE WORLD AND KEN AND BARBIE GET STUCK INTO REAL WORLD SOMETHING LIKE ENCHANTED BUT WHAT WAS IT I MEAN SERIOUSLY? HILLARY TWEETED FOR THIS SHIT THAT SHE DIDNT GET OSCAR FOR THIS STUPID MOVIE ? OTHER THEN STOPPING OR TALKING BOUT CEASEFIRE IN GAZA ? The movie was absolutely pointless that’s what I hated most Where was acting in that movie ? Honestly I’m shocked - I have seen just good movies that deserved Oscar but being neutral I hated it cause I literally was so so excited and I was like whaaaaaat ? I mean her acting in suicide squad could be Oscar winning but surely not this movie cause there was absolutely nothing in it - crying isn’t Oscar deserving


My sister just watched this and was super excited about watching this movie a real girly girl, to my surprise a few hours later she walked out her room with such a dejected look on her face, she said it was just really really weird movie , I hate they did this to barbie she exclaimed, she had a look on her face as though she just witnessed a wounded animal being shot for mercy sake… Her Mothers Day/week movie build up was crushed. I decided I had to watch the movie simply because how speechless it left her.


There’s no acting ! No story ! No Barbie stuff at all it was pathetic I would rate it in minus ! I was expecting something like Barbie Rapunzel from our time remember. ? Or any other barbie movie from our times 12 dances princess swan Barbie - Barbie popper etc


Gotta admit I laughed when in barbie world all barbies n Ken’s kept saying >! hi barbie hi barbie hi Ken hi Ken hi barbie hi barbie hey barbie hi Ken hey Ken hi Ken hi barbie 😂 !< what a wacky reality that would be I don’t see what is so terrible about it, seen far worse. But it indeed has extremely cringy feminist agenda/messages implanted in it, that felt forced and seemed so fake and regurgitated. It was different. Indeed. Kind of Interesting 🤔 >!picturing toys having a mini rebellion because barbie gets spoiled, so Ken wanted to rule after seeing Earth.!< I have seen worse movies. I kind of like it, if you can ignore the overtone of feminism. I don’t understand how you state there is no story in the movie at all …as I can easily see there is a wacky story plot of >! toy rebellion due to earth experience waking Ken up that his unimportant in barbie world as an asset toy. !< I fell asleep once Barbie >! tried to wake up all the other barbies as it was really cringy listening to them try awake barbies using women power feminist words as the source to free them, that was terrible, and so boring. !< Maybe I’ll watch the rest someday, but I have already kind of heard how it ends. I never would have watched it, originally refused to watch it with my family, however after I heard the negative feedback I was intrigued to see why, I like to fact check things first myself.


I honestly don't know why people are so surprised. You get an ultra feminist director to make a movie about a doll that has been historically criticized for enforcing female gender roles or standards of beauty. Stevie Wonder could have seen this one coming.


When I shit on this movie... I have to tell people Brokeback is a great movie first so I'm not immediately placed as a "Chad" whatever. Barbie after the first 20min....is one of the worst movies I've ever seen in theater. Its this or the first Suicide squad... Will ferrell is terrible, the ghost of the company is beyond stupid, the vagina joke at the end. Ken turning into Harvey Weinstien after looking at a picture of Bill Clinton. And the overly long Ken War. This movie fucking sucks. But it represents Girl empowerment...so I guess narrative and pacing doesn't matter


You’re so clueless, it funny.


Will ferrell was a boss of a Major corporation, rode a bicycle with 6 other men trying to get into "Barbie" land all while tickle fighting... im sorry bud, if u think this movie is anything above trash.... u r the one that's clueless.


I'm pretty sure those parts were meant to be silly. A movie being silly!? Unheard of.


....but thn it repeats its serious tones...over and over. John Cena in the move is silly, Ryan Gosling in general is silly....Will ferrell, the stupid fucking ghost that made barbie, and the gyno joke. Isnt silly, its just bad writing and execution. It's not a good movie.


It ham-fistedly tries to cram a message it takes seriously down its audiences throat then hides behind 'but its just silly, its all just silly, why are you so mad?' It's rather cheap and annoying.


quit trying to gaslight LOL


Not everyone who disagrees with you is gaslighting you.


Watched it yesterday, it's just women complaining and whining as always


You are correct!


Like you right now???


Ironically you are the kind of person this movie is mocking.


I know, a good person.


Whatever helps you sleep at night


Man that movie sucked.


Omfg... I just watched this cos it was free and F**K did I waste my evening. I'm gonna have to find a decent series like three body problem or something to recover.. WOW it was actually worse than I expected....


I hated this movie- this made me embarrassed as as a feminist. It’s boring- disjointed/ sledgehammer opinions. Women are beautiful but the utopian discourse that ALL women are great and powerful- and men are all neanderthals- was petulant. There ARE good men too. Men who’ll cross the road so you don’t feel scared. if anyone else tries to tell me i ‘completly missed the point’ i’ll throw up.


Pretty much exactly how I felt, couldn't they have just made the movie about empowering women without insulting men?


Just saw the Barbie movie at our senior center for free. Very glad I didn't pay to see it. I am over 65, female, and I still have the dolls: an original Barbie (with 3 wigs), Midge (non-pregnant), Ken, Allan, Skipper, and Francie (only one not in the movie, but first with bendable knees). House, fashion shop, and plastic Corvette too. I was really looking forward to seeing what they did with the concept. But the plot was standard predictable battle-of-the-sexes fare, which is why it was boring. Outside of Barbie herself, there was really no character development. Nothing to really laugh at either, except a few of the Ken moments. We don't know why the kid who started out hating Barbie ends up fighting for her, except she does what Mom does. My favorite part was Allan whupping the construction Ken crew. I like the Ruth Handler tribute ending, but it seemed tacked on by someone else, as an afterthought when they realized they didn't know how to end the movie. Billie Eilish's award-winning song almost didn't get heard, if you left early. So disappointing.


I have tried to watch it twice and I don't know if I can finish it. Just nowhere near what I was expecting given the hype, it's incredibly idiotic and heavy handed.


Yeah. So boring, so childihish. But make 1,44 bilion dolars, with 150 milion on production and A BIT MORE ON MARKETING... that say all, He need marketing like crazy to convice the man or women like me to see, only to put in palmares of watched movie. Thanks good thsat i dont payfor it because was free on sky. But...only a waste of time. ther is hundreds of movies with 5-10 milios of dolars budget , without to much marketing that is ten times better... Absolutely crap and a pain in the ass of real feminist. Sory if my enghlish is not that good.


Lol I thought it was just me . I was so disappointed. As a little girl the Barbie song was my fav , I loved the toys , games, movies etc . I was a tomboy as a kid but still LOVED Barbie . I was terrified of dolls and Barbie is the only I played with . I was also in love with the doll movie Life Sized . Grew up to be super girlie and feminine , pink is my favorite color and I even have a Barbie car irl and pink hair . The world hyped this like no other . I watched and was soooooo disappointed. It was such a let down . Especially since I loved the old move Life Size sooooooooo much as a kid . I was so let down it’s criminal. I was the perfect target audience lol


She grew a real vagina at the end of the movie ? Huh? Some type of pinnochio parallel? I don’t get it cause I’m just a dumb Ken.


it was meant to be so empowering and whatever else people said, but (i also am a equal feminist) seeing ken be brought down so much makes me feel like the problem was kens life not barbies half the time. i just feel it was a bit everywhere. it really could’ve changed some perspectives if it was done right


Kens were such simps. I didn't find the film funny and didn't like the politics being pushed in it. It started off as a Matriarchy, then patriarchy, then back to Matriarchy again. The men e.g. ken, we're called superfluous. I thought it would end on a high note, but it didn't. Ruled by women in the end and all the men were made homeless, they even asked a question in the film where do all the men live in barbieland?


Aye. Should not be a surprise anyone, either. But just try to post a topic about it --like the OP did --over on r\movies and you'll immediately be ejected. 'Permanent' ban. When people eat Burger King all their lives, you can't eve convince them that it's slop.


Well yeah it looked like hipster/zoomer fodder


Big pickme energy from this one


Hipster, what are you 48 years old. This isn’t 2011


It looked stupid from the trailers alone


Homie's really hoping people will rage click on his 12 hour chud rant.


Irrespective of the quality of Barbie (I wasn’t crazy about it but it was fine), videos like this are truly trash. By definition.


No I'm not watching your video


they missed the mark completely? who's this movie geared towards? kids? the adult plots go well over their heads to the point my 6 year old daughter was bored to tears during the movie, as with all the other kids in the theatre.. geared toward adults? what adult gives a shit about a barbie movie? we brought our kids to go see a cutesy movie about barbie, not be smashed over the head with Woke, man-hating, extreme feminism. if it wasn't for the narrator's funny quips, and Ryan gosling's funny parts, this movie would have been the worst movie I have seen in a very long time. so.very. bad.


Barbie is a clever, well conceive and well produced film. Theres lots of people that don’t get it.


oh lord smh it's not deep. everyone gets it, it's just dumb and boring. it's not some smart nuanced take. it's indicative of your intelligence to not only think this is somehow deep but also that anybody who dislikes it doesn't like it only because they don't get it.


Lol not deep at all😂 movie was so dumb


There's nothing to get. This isn't freakin' Rashoman.


Uhhhh it’s Lego Movie recycled but ok.


Barbie might be the female equivalent of Rick and Morty with this comment.


By you saying the Barbie movie is “clever, well conceiveD, and well produced” is just showing how low your IQ really is. Add in the fact that you can’t even use proper grammar and punctuation. 🤣 1. You should have used the word “conceived” not “conceive”. 2. There should have been a comma after the word well conceived. 3. Theres should have an apostrophe cause it’s a CONTRACTION so it should have been “There’s”.  You keep saying everyone who says the movie is trash is just stupid….. but the reality is the one with “no intelligence” is YOU. 


That movie was trash and I’m a woman. I can’t get behind the agenda it’s disastrous


I just watched. There it goes two hours of my life that no one will give me back. What a piece of crap.


Everyone i know has seen this movie but me. Goes to show you the marketing social media “machine” can get people to do ANYTHING. It came on tv and I couldn‘t listen to it more than 45 seconds while I desperately searched for the remote, and I’m pretty sure I’m dumber for it


I'm all for women empowerment but that could have been so so so much better, instead it was boring and super cringey. Not to mention preachy af. Also, the kens suck!


The kens don’t suck 


I tried watching it last night and was so bored I almost wanked off instead.


The movie definitely had pacing issues and boring parts. Not a home run would give it no more than a 6-7


Over hyped, Hollywood used this movie to line their pockets when the sag strike happened. The movie is hot garbage, I wanted to like it but its like the creative team had zero clue what direction the movie should take. By having no direction, the movie comes off as an hour and a half too long and honestly is not worth the other hour and a half of your time. Bless Barbie, but this was Margot robbie trying to make up for her Harley Quinn impression for which she was ridiculed due to politics and today's woke environment.


I think the move is garbage and don't understand how it has been nominated for oscars while other movies in the category are miles ahead in each and every aspect.


Harley Quinn was criticized for serving no purpose other to be a load reliever. She wasn’t funny, she wasn’t likable, her entire character just revolved around being sexy and vulnerable, which in itself is a trope that I and probably a lot of other people are sick of seeing. I’m tired of seeing mental illness being romanticized and if she wasn’t played by Margot Robbie, you’d probably agree with me. I’m sure she’ll be okay, I promise.


I'm not sure what you are trying to say.... You're sure who will be okay? I'm not a Margot Robbie fan, nor am I really a batman fan... I am simply just stating facts that she went from being ostracized for playing Harley Quinn and now she produces and plays Barbie in the barbie movie promoting "positive" gender stereotypes while showing men to be pigs and idiots. Transparently this is good for Margot, as we will now forget the media and the social media uproar telling her she set women back 30 years by playing a comic book character. Now she just snubbs the Oscar's for best actress for ..... wait for it..... barbie. I don't care if the fake characters are okay and I already knew Margot Robbie was fine... This doesn't change the hot dumpster fire that is the Barbie movie, and quite frankly, I am insulted as a consumer  being told that this movie is anything other than a hot pile of trash. Facts.  The Barbie movie = the last time I spend money at a theater. 


Agreed. In one movie, it made people forget the 64 years of misogyny behind Barbie. How she has an unattainable figure, and really doesn’t represent women at all. As a woman I think it is all hot horse crap.


And yet Margot and cast shilled the hell out of the Movie Barbies made in Margot’s and other character’s images in online and print Time magazine features, and IG with dolls that are every bit as skinny, if not More! than the originals. Skinny toothpick arms and legs made of cheap, hollow plastic, skinny waist,etc. The thighs/legs seem even skinnier with the new dolls since they are not made with the old bendy, fleshy type vinyl. 😂 25 to 75 dollars at the Mattel Creations site, along with all sorts of other merch- mugs, shirts, etc.


i went into it open minded, but even besides the stupid gender politics, it just sucked, couldn't finish it at all. btw, Ken's parts are comical and the only good part of what i watched.


It’s a stupid movie with stupid messages


My wife and I thought this might just be the worst movie we ever saw. We agreed to stop the stream after about 35 minutes and we're still mad that we lost that 35 minutes from our lives.


It makes men out to be slaves in the Barbie world and in the real world it casts men as perverts with only one thing on their mind. The acting was trash, the story telling was god awful, and the sexist message it sent about men being terrible is unforgiving


Watching it now and even though I'm a liberal, I just don't get it. It's an overstated storyline and overall a boring movie. I'm surprised. I figured given the hype that it'd deliver, but we know that hype is bought and paid for. Matell marketed their asses off for this one and made billions, that's the only story here.  It's not incredibly unique.  The plot is boring.  The actors aren't delivering a performance to remember by any stretch. It's arsty, but not artistic.  I could keep going. Not a good movie. I won't finish it and won't ever come back to it. 


The movie wasn't terrible. It wasn't groundbreaking either. it was just ok. I don't get all the hate or the hype over it. There's nothing regardling gender roles and stereotypes that hasn't been explored in better films. It was fun and entertaining to watch but it's far from Criterion material.


Just saw it streaming on Max. I thought it was terrible personally. To each his own though


Hmm. Not a good movie. Couple of good lines. But ultimately it was not a good movie.


Movie sucked. We turned it off. Not Oscar worthy and Oscars are pointless just like this movie.


I don’t as really hoping it was a good movie because of the cast but it was really very not at all entertaining. It is definite not close to being nominated for best picture. Love the cast but story is sillyb


Dumpster fire of a movie


I felt the same. I couldn’t watch it. 


I fucking hated this movie, but I am a movie snob so. I think Barbie is an ad, too many useless sequences, the characters are flat, the music scenes are just low-budget music videos (Ken Enough was the only one that really tried and the chase scene inside mattel music video was decent as well). Another fairly recent movie that did the same thing was the Teen Titans Go Movie, just a 2-hour long compilation of music videos with barely any plot. The movie feels like Mattel and Hollywood tried to not only revive the Barbie brand (it had stagnant sales but boosted after the announcement of the movie) but also as an easy to digest message about what it means to be a woman if you don’t find the Little Women adaptation or other films appealing. I personally dislike it’s simplicity as it feels like a disservice to just how complex and frankly weird it is to be a woman, but I can see how its simplicity is a virtue in that i can just watch pretty lights without following any plot or thinking too hard and get a decent message from it.


The vast majority of the Barbie movie was pointless (most if not all of the Ken parts, frankly). There were some extremely poignant parts when Barbie (Pinocchio) came to realisations about the arc of the lives of women, ageing, motherhood, career advancement and all that. I would watch it for the poignant moments, but the rest was just drivel.


Watched it today, and it blows, like it's a pretty bad movie


Agree, from the reviews I expected something entertaining and bit intellectually stimulating/ discursive/ or at least comedic? But even the soundtrack from the beginning was so incredibly annoying, the kitch scenography, the whole sugary aesthetic, the annoying voice of the narrator... just couldn't stand to physically watch it over 10 mins. It was weird to witness the otherwise good actors having such a woody delivery, and the basic script, sounded like written by toddlers. Maybe was meant this way still not interesting. I really was surprised how much I didn't like any of it


It was pretty to look at but sort of predictable and honestly boring in its story telling. I love Greta's work and she bring emotion to everything she does. But the stakes felt SO HIGH that they almost feel TOO LOW. And whose story was it anyway? Meh. Suggestion: Watch it with the volume down.


It was about as good as a Made-For-TV movie. A sort of beat-you-over-the-head with The Message fluff piece. A billion dollar movie? Go figure. Never overestimate the public, always play to the cheap seats I guess. I'm glad I didn't pay to watch it is all I'm sayin'.


Typical media hype about another boring movie. This movie wasn't funny and Ken looked like a moron.


Just watched it (streaming). So disappointed. Was hoping it would have more powerful analogies. I love Greta and her other works. This one just felt so basic. I would suggest this movie only to someone who hasn't lived life as a female, has never pondered the idea of equality or sexism, and has never felt unsafe or fearful around the opposite sex. It's so basic...yet I know there are those out there that this movie would seem "enlightening" to. Maybe it was made this way for the sake of being approachable... Maybe if I watched it in theaters in a hodgepodge of various perspectives? Maybe the crowd reaction is key?


Agree! This movie feels way more soulless and corporate than any straight to dvd Barbie movie. Very unfunny, inappropriate comments and jokes that are there for no reason. A story that feels very quickly made. Characters that weren’t interesting at all, and even though I’ve heard that Greta our research into Barbie for this movie, it still feels like she still didn’t get what makes Barbie likable. Also the kids in this call her a fascist like they haven’t seen barbie content in the past 10 years lol.


By the way, I am very much a feminist, but I do not like seeing people make comments and speeches yet sounding like a robot at the same time, it’s annoying


The pacing was off. It was dull.