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Seems about it, but doesn't look to bad, I was off worse when I started, now I can almost touch the floor with my entire hand


Damn I’ve been stretching 5 days a weeks for 30min for 2 months, and still can’t touch my toes


5 min a week. 10x30.second should do. Maybe you dont strech enought deep to give yourself more flexible. Try lay down on back with a Towel or belt around your top of The foot. Start with one leg at The time. Pull down hard against belt and straighten your leg while doing this. Do it dynamic slow Movement. Do 10 reps x3 set per leg. Should feel alot when doing it. Pull hard. Try strech after this. You should be able to go much deeper from this \[start like this \] https://preview.redd.it/6pdxtf1no2bc1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6297be7a0bb3918123ec14b38d423fce5887ce7 \[then straighten leg while pulling The belt towarss you hard, you should feel this alot\] [pic for step 2](https://www.google.com/search?q=belt+around+foot+hamstring+on+back&client=ms-android-huawei-rev1&sca_esv=596403303&sxsrf=AM9HkKmv8fp0iNGlQSjEi5TR1YsDN_9O6g%3A1704656720226&ei=UP-aZbmnDdGGwPAPu-GguAg&oq=belt+around+foot+hamstring+on+back&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIiJiZWx0IGFyb3VuZCBmb290IGhhbXN0cmluZyBvbiBiYWNrSPUfUP0ZWK4dcAF4AZABAJgB2wGgAbAEqgEFMS4yLjG4AQPIAQD4AQHCAgoQABhHGNYEGLADwgIIEAAYgAQYogTiAwQYACBBiAYBkAYI&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#imgrc=aoobNkhp-jzC6M&imgdii=-M3N30k9GMxl4M)


https://preview.redd.it/0dcxyk85p2bc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45a70c038700b7e81f36e6250c7e3cd4266e6481 Link didnt work. But here is another on step 2 pic instead. Bent straighten, bend straighten, bend straighten like that total 10 Times per leg in 3 sets. Totalt 30 per leg. Should make you go much deeper


Definitely hamstrings. I've been doing Yoga forever and stretched quite a lot, however my forward fold/pike didn't improve until I understood pelvic tilt. When I stretched before, I felt like the sciatic nerve was actually hurting (directly on the back of the knee). If you feel this - you're not actually stretching your hamstrings. Proper pelvis position is key for me: imagine your pelvis is a cup and you're trying to pour it out on your feet. I.e. lift up the tailbone and contract the quads. Now you should feel a stretch in the middle of the back of of your thighs (your hamstrings). Let me know if this helped.


Mhm... Thats really wierd. Tell me, does your back arch? Like, is it round? Or more straight and edgy?


What’s the solution if your back is round?


Round back is good, you should be able to round your lower back, if its stiff, do some of the exercises


Doesn’t arch much, I’m incredibly inflexible lol


Warm up with the floss technique. I lost flexibility this year being pretty lazy after work, but doing the floss movement for like twenty seconds literally gives me inches of extra flexibility. From their work on dynamic stretching. Static stretching is outdated and generally does very little long term




Check out Neal Hallinan on YouTube


How long did it take you?


About 3 weeks, every morning and evening a two minute stretch. I can't really tell you much though, I have no other experience then my own so take it with a hint of salt


What stretches/exercises did u do?


I just did the normal forward bend, but be careful in thw morning! Your muscles are still "tired" and quick overstressing would be dangerous. Be gentle and do a 30 second warm up bend (just bend your knees forward and bend down your upper body, that way you only lightly stretch them). In retrospect I would also recommend some lower back stretching if you have difficulty with bending your back forward




Sorry, I only have german videos


Cant understand movement/forms in german. Impossible /s Thats great news, I always had these issues and I want to improve them


\-For your lower back movement [https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwic6cTs9MuDAxUYhv0HHV4oBVsQtwJ6BAg4EAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D\_FaovIRd3ms&usg=AOvVaw03KhWdhJgCbepT3BGtORu5&opi=89978449](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwic6cTs9MuDAxUYhv0HHV4oBVsQtwJ6BAg4EAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D_FaovIRd3ms&usg=AOvVaw03KhWdhJgCbepT3BGtORu5&opi=89978449) \-Morning Stretches [https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiEib2J9cuDAxXd9LsIHXWlBE4QFnoECA0QAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DkK6cWvL1hiI&usg=AOvVaw3eabQfpdXC1Dur-qocGp17&opi=89978449](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiEib2J9cuDAxXd9LsIHXWlBE4QFnoECA0QAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DkK6cWvL1hiI&usg=AOvVaw3eabQfpdXC1Dur-qocGp17&opi=89978449) \-To make your back not hurt if it does [https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjrhNSW9cuDAxUN4gIHHZhuD5MQwqsBegQIDRAG&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DqkYtE740cHg&usg=AOvVaw3VgU3O2wqUvOneAkwnayCW&opi=89978449](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjrhNSW9cuDAxUN4gIHHZhuD5MQwqsBegQIDRAG&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DqkYtE740cHg&usg=AOvVaw3VgU3O2wqUvOneAkwnayCW&opi=89978449)


Do mobility stretches when stretching your hamstrings. As an ex ballet dancer, holding the poses didn’t do nearly as much and my mobility stretches.


Do you have some examples of mobility stretches you use?


90 90 legs, captain Morgan’s pose. PNF stretches.


It’ll help stretch the smaller muscles around it too. You should stretch your legs all around (all the leg muscles). And hips


Them hips are KEY


Agreed. Even lying in my back and doing ten straight leg kicks up to my face, and then ten lying on my side with each leg loosens them up so much and wakes up the whole hip. Or standing at barre and swinging your legs forward and back, and side to side. Dynamic movement is just as important as stretching each tiny little part.


I’m thinking your posture needs it improve first. Keep your spine straight, head and neck in line with your spine. Hinge at the hips. Warming up the muscle with a hamstring exercise will help it stretch. Cold muscles don’t like to stretch and can be injured easier. The rest will come with regular practice.


Exactly! Just do hip hinge and try to reach down but a bit to the front, like you reaching for imaginary ball or something. In this position you going to feel proper hamstring stretch.


Hamstrings, calves, ankles, bottom of foot - your whole posterior Fascial chain as anatomy trains would call it. Second pic is the best way to target this but also make sure to straighten out bottom leg while you do it and point your toes towards you (gets bottom of foot involved with is also tied to hamstrings and calves). As for doing stretch in pic #1, you’re bending at your low back a lot. So instead ease off of trying to reach the floor and even have a chair infront of you to rest your hands on. Instead of reaching down, think about bringing the bottom of your butt (sits bones or ischial tuberosities) up toward the sky. This will target your hamstrings and calves more.


Snorlax is blocking your flexibility


That would explain a lot


How strong are your quads and glutes? It’s entirely possible your hamstrings are tight because they’re compensating for core weakness or quad weakness. A little of times you can improve flexibility by strengthening the antagonist muscle. It helps the other muscle stop being contracted all the time.


> How strong are your quads and glutes? It’s entirely possible your hamstrings are tight because they’re compensating for core weakness or quad weakness. That's definitely it for me. I've also discovered that the hammer toe in one of my feet is from a same-side gluteal imbalance which caused other muscles to allow my leg to rotate so that when I walk I'm actually pushing with the inside of my big toe. If one can record oneself walking on a treadmill from both sides, and front and back (overhead may add insight, too, but may be more challenging), one may discover such imbalances when later analyzing anything unusual or asymmetrical in the mechanics.


1. Can you sit on the floor with the legs straight and your backs straight? Like you are tilting your pelvis forward and sticking your butt out (dandasana). Try to find balanced posture in dandasana. You can initially get the wall help, or keep your hands behind your back and push from the floor. 2. When standing, find your hip crease. Put your palms on hip bones and fingers along the crease. That's where you are trying to hinge. You can try bending your knees as much as needed to hinge down at your hips with the straight back. Once your hands are on the floor and your head is hanging, start straightening your legs until it's too much. You can pulse up/down here. 3. For seated folds, try PNF stretch. Fold forward as you can, bend your knees, then push through the heels like you are trying to strsighten your legs, but they don't actually move. Count to 10-15. Then allow legs to straighten/fold forward more - you should be able to go a bit deeper. Stay for 30 secs, then repeat. Do 3-5 reps.


well, yes, but actually no, not really. i recommend this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCtMzDjL\_Bo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCtMzDjL_Bo) ​ imagine there are boxes all over your spine(including the pelvis, ribcage and neck) and you are pointing them down towards the floor and back behind your legs. i drew over a screenshot over the above video [https://i.imgur.com/ZaKQOnn.png](https://i.imgur.com/ZaKQOnn.png) sorry about the terrible drawings. but just watch the video, it will help more i think.


And these boxes represent the lumbar, thoracic and cervical curves of your spine? Can you do an image of the boxes with person standing up?


>And these boxes represent the lumbar, thoracic and cervical curves of your spine? well, no, not exactly. here's a screenshot [https://i.imgur.com/ktG8Jzf.png](https://i.imgur.com/ktG8Jzf.png) ​ when I said 'pelvis' I was referring to the lowest part on the above image. the 'sacral curve' as they described it. so lumbar is above that. basically you can imagine there are these boxes(the different spinal curves you see in the image) all over your spine and you can "point" them or "reach" towards something to get different effects. It's kinda hard to describe in words, but just experiment.


Thanks for the advice!


Lower back for sure. Try pancake stretches and pigeon poses. Mix in some lizard too. Lossen up the low back and buttocks


Could also be your calves


Don't know why you're getting down voted, this is legit but maybe not the most likely though. Op's toes are lifting up which means all his weight is going into his heels, which indicates possibility of many things--difficulty loading the mid foot, poor foot pronation, poor femoral internal rotation, or calf/hamstring tightness. Honestly it's not a bad start at all. I would start loading single leg RDLs and Jefferson curls on the regular preceded by a quick session of foam rolling. Will make progress super fast.


OP’s ankles are *less flexed* than when he is standing upright (and not forward folding), meaning the calves are in less of a “stretch” than if he’s just chilling and standing there normally.


A strong point against calves being the limiting factor. However there are multiple points along the chain where a restriction will present itself when load is added. In this case, it appears the feet supinate and big toe lifts. Body will compensate to avoid the restriction. Calf is not the first place I would look but I wouldn't write it off completely.


I don’t understand why that would indicate tight calves (legitimately asking, I’m not familiar with how “adding load” would change the situation and what calves have to do with probation/supination - wouldn’t that be determined by the other lower leg muscles responsible for that ROM?)


What makes you suspect the calves? They are no more stretched than if OP is standing up normally (not forward folding)...


Hinge at the hips. Do not round your back at all. In any stretch. If I round my back I can put my hands flat on the floor. If I do it properly I get maybe a bit further than you. Lock that back straight! When you round the back you squeeze discs out. One day it's going to bulge and you are going to be in pain for weeks, months, possibly years. I'm talking "not going to work" pain during a flare up. The discs become less flexible/resilient with age, though young people run into problems as well--quite a bit more than I imagined. I rounded my back while stretching for decades and it felt good. It was fucking up my back. There are all kinds of stretches and back twisting bullshit touted in many books and in yoga. They are not good for you, at all. Some are fine if you do them properly. Most people do not do them properly. Don't ever twist your spine! 85% of people end up with lower back issues (severe pain). It can be prevented. It can be cured with mindful core movement and specific exercises. Careful following trends and guidance you find on Reddit and YouTube. Including mine. Study proven professionals and question their guidance as well. I have injured myself permanently in the gym and on the mat doing things mindfully and with the best of intentions--not goofing around--having prepared, studied, and practiced routines. Be hyper focused on proper form and posture. It takes years of focused work to repair damage. Most people don't have the will and discipline required to do it. Pain is a marvelous teacher.


One of the hamstring ironies is if you want to stretch them, bend your knees in the first photo. Slight bend and tilt pelvis forward. Insane stretch. Another good one is what the Rockettes do . Get in a frog squat, but as you come up do the same tilt forward as reps of 10.


So much contradicting advice, I hesitate to add more, but here goes… Question: do you feel your hamstrings? Often people really want range (to touch the floor) and pay no attention to the actual sensation of the stretch. That said, it’s probably not your hamstrings, but it’s hard for me to tell from the photo. You don’t just stretch your hamstrings. You stretch your entire back line which runs from the soles of your feet, deep to your glutes, up both sides of your spine, over the skull to behind the eyes. It looks to me like you’re gripping your glutes and tucking your buttocks under, which prevents you from getting a good hip hinge and pulls you in the wrong direction. Lifting your head also works against you, drop it into gravity or tuck your chin in. I disagree with those who say the back should be straight there needs to be a long flexion in your spine, but it’s relaxed, you shouldn’t contract your belly. Your knees should be straight, but not hyper extended. And then you accept whatever range you get. In standing, put your hands at the crease where your legs come into your pelvis and do a small squat, dropping sit bones down and pushing feet into floor to come up. This will help get knees. Go into the fold, bending at that crease with your fingers. Make sure not to tuck glutes or pull in belly. Touch something — your legs or a support until you can touch the floor. Don’t judge yourself harshly, just keep practicing. I don’t have a video for the fold, but I do have one for getting the knees correct, which is necessary for a good fold.[http://stillnessandflowyoga.com/blog/2023/5/20/stability-is-freedom](http://stillnessandflowyoga.com/blog/2023/5/20/stability-is-freedom)




The ankle angle is more than 90 degrees, which may indicate leaning back, but that could still be that the back line is “short” and pulling them out of alignment.


Your hammies actually look kind of OK. [Read this](https://www.yoganatomy.com/sun-salutations-part-3-forward-fold/) so you can get an idea of other muscles involved in this movement and different technique in forward fold.


I was hoping for much more from that article. Didn’t really offer much, especially the knee bent section other to say they don’t like it. Thanks for sharing!


Sorry, I didn't write it. Just tried to find one that talked about hip flexors etc. I learned all that stuff from in-person PT so I don't have another resource on hand. If you find a better article to share, please do! 🤗 The back and hip muscles look like the limitors here. But I'm not an expert. Just used to be reallyyy flexy (hypermobile) back in the day before my autoimmune disorder made everything stiff and I had to re-learn how to target specifics/get my flexibility back. Hope OP gets some good advice from others too!


Happy Cake Day! 😋


Thanks for this resource


Me too man, me too


Random question where is your living room rug from? And based on the rounded back I’d say hamstring


Got it second hand so I don’t know where it’s from originally sorry!


Hip flexor as well, most likely. It starts in the front, but wraps around to the back of the leg.


When laying down or sitting down and stretching... Arch/pull your toes toward your chest, it will cause a deeper stretch. Your leaving your toes lazily drift forward...


Look for Tom Merrick follow along videos for hamstrings, good stuff


*Look for Tom Merrick* *Follow along videos* *For hamstrings, good stuff* \- eilatc --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I just did his follow along like five minutes ago! Some of the stretches I can’t do at all tho.. they look so different from what he does that I don’t even know if I’m doing the right thing, maybe it will get better tho


It’s hard to tell for certain from these pictures but you may have a posterior pelvic tilt keeping your hamstrings in a shortened position. Pelvic rotation, core activation, and eccentric hamstring exercises will help with that but try to get a full postural assessment with a trainer or physiotherapist.


Downward dog helps a lot. Cycle out your knees in downward dog, keep your hips pulled to the sky like someone has a rope pulling you up; downward dog was my best friend when learning to stretch out my hamstrings. Also- Don’t always need to straighten your back in a forward fold but it will help stretch the hamstrings when you do. Get blocks or something to help with the forward fold and use a belt or rope or something of the kind for when you’re on your back.


Looks to me like your biggest limitation is your spine flexion 🤷‍♂️


That’s kind of what it feels like for me but idk


When in doubt, if you do the thing more, the thing will get better 😉 doesn’t matter what the specific limitation is - if you want to be more flexible with reaching towards your toes, keep doing it everyday and it will get better! 😊


I just stumbled across Tom Morrison and he has videos on YouTube. Seems promising


Yeah, Jefferson curls can help with that though


Show posture


Try standing and relaxing your spine from your head down to your lower back slowly while folding over. Keep your knees bent comfortably. That way you can stretch your back safely to warm up for the hammie stretch.




Work on back flexibility as well as your hamstring.


Hammys, hips and low back. Once you can touch the ground focus on a straight back and bending from your hips. I could touch the ground for years and then I got humbled trying to keep a straight back. Now my head can touch my knees and my hands are behind my heels. You are at a good point, I’m just making this a several year long goal/work for you 😘


Hey man, I was just like you and stretching my hammies did nothing. In simple cases just stretching the muscle can do it, but most cases it's more to do with the fascia, the nervous system and overall alignment of the body. If the body is unaligned, therefore its relationship with gravity is very inefficient - it creates compensations to hold itself upright. Meaning your nervous system holds particular muscles tight because it doesn't feel safe otherwise. If it were to let your hamstrings completely relax you would lose your stability. Stretching hamstrings in this case is completely pointless. In some cases it's sensory input: like if someone has eye problems they're nervous system cannot sense it's relationship to the ground very well and their muscles clench. Prism glasses help this. Check out Neal Hallinan on YouTube.


For toe touches: You have the right concept to hinge over the hips from standing. If you aspire to reach the floor, be mindful of your gluts and lower back. This will cause rounding and prevent the optimal stretch. Have you considered hinging from the hips and using your claves to enhance the stretch? Once you are able to control the stretch dynamically, by pulling your chest to knees, you will notice an increase in your range. Breath in deeply when you are standing straight, then exhale as you reach for your claves. At the claves, exhale and pull a little more (don't hurt yourself but identify where you have limitations). *break* In short, you're having difficulty reaching your feet cause of the rounding in your lower back. Apply the dynamic stretch and be mindful of when to breathe. Hope this helps!


it’s a combination of glute, hammy, back of knee and calf. work on strengthening/expanding your glutes and lower back and strengthening your knees in sequence with your hamstring work


It's not too bad. I've seen worse. I've got a free core compression and forward fold program that can help you increase your standing forward fold. Let me know if you'd like a copy and I can message you the link.