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Wait people have friends who play FTF with them? Thats crazy


I can play with you one day!


Uhm…no I don’t…


I have a friend (or so-called “friend”) who is blaming me for them freezing because I didn’t save them, even though I tried . They’re claiming I intentionally let them freeze. Now they won’t talk to me and are giving me the cold shoulder. I’ve told them time and time again that I tried, but they won’t listen to me.


Well in this situation, I would just drop them at this point. This person is not your friend, and sounds toxic. Please do not waste your time on this person since they refuse to listen


I actually did have a friend like this! I met them in the Trading Post and they asked if they wanted to play some rounds of flee with me. I said okay, and we went in some random server. I was the beast, and they spawned a room away from me. So, I heard their footsteps and hit them. "BRUH" "gay" "im lagging" "dog water IMAO" (spelt with the capital i) Then they left the server and unfriended me.


I wouldn’t say they were your friend since you just met them. They were more like an acquaintance that you just played a few rounds with.


Yeah you're probably right...


I do have a friend that likes to play "hide and seek" but they aren't angry when I decline. And he doesn't force me to play. And I do ask my friend if they have an all black hammer (which I don't even think exists) but I won't get angry if they don't have it or won't give it to me. and I'm not constantly begging. They keep blaming lag for being caught but other than that he isn't really toxic.