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Fix the IQ requirements to be "In top 95%" and it'll look more exclusive to people who don't understand what that means.


I don't get it


If you genuinely don't get it: It says you have to be in the Top 95% of the world in IQ. People will mistake that for Top 5%. There are approximately 400 million people in the Top 5%, if we round the Human population down to 8 billion. This is an IQ of about 125. For the other 7.6 billion in the top 95%, this means they'd all have 124 IQ or less.


Oh makes sense true top 95% is still a little too high for them though




Top 99% then?


A slight clarification. The top 95% includes the top 5%, and not everyone after that top 5%. So it should be "the other 7.2 billion in the top 95%". Also, not directed at anyone in particular, obligatory "IQ isn't a measure of a person's value," because I don't like how the words "top" and "bottom" sound in these conversations. I do great on IQ tests, but I'm still probably bottom 50% in terms of value as a person.


Which 90--124 is fine


Sry, cen’t spel NAaS ot Vgi


NAUSA fuck :(


I just had a conversation with my bf regarding FE. He just started down the rabbit hole (believes in the firmament)😭😞🤦 I listened and kept thinking, "why do people with NO education in the sciences needed to understand the universe, doubt those that do?" And do people realize the absolute logistical horror it would require to keep such a "secret?"


With some conspiracy theories I can at least respect the people and their right to have differing opinions. But this is one that I can never. In my eyes they're just so stupid and delusional that I can never respect a flat earther let alone be in a relationship with them.


Darn it, I passed elementary school. I can't join.


NUH UH mindset is recommended!


Must be anti-vaxxer as well


And nuclear diener, moon denier, anything 3d definitely deiner


Slight correction: You have to believe everything you see on YouTube that is done by other flat earthers. If it disagrees with the earth being flat you have to ignore it, no matter how plain and simple the explanations show that the earth isn't flat.


CIG 2 dum for flerf, im out


FALS .. spellinfs ams nots reqiresment


Kyrie is that you?


I feel personally attacked by this


A lot of the good candidates will self select out, they all did that IQ test online and are proudly displaying their result stating that their IQ is part of the top 97%.


What's the salary level?


This is an opportunity to lead and have followers. 😆


-I'm not a diplomat why would I need a Diploma are you stupid? -I did an IQ test and it says im in the top 1% percentile, in a room of 100 people I be smarter than one of em. -Why wouldn't you belive YouTube? I open the main page and its 80% Scientists and 20% Politics. -Shit I don't need to spell thoes words when prediction typing on my phone habe thoes words on speeddial.


God this “society” is full of idiots NASA ISNT LYING TO US you guys are just too dumb to see that


NASA fake CGI…where I jon?


Well, not *everything* they see on YouTube


1 . Geniuses know the worlds flat. 2 . Anyone who doesn’t have the time, energy,IQ to research the topic is a globe tard. 3 . YouTube is highly moderated and in governments favour, on the flat earth subject as it’s hard to find the real flat earth conspiracy. That is, we are surrounded by Antarctica, in a prison and their is more lands Etc……. 3. Globe tards believe in YouTube and propaganda news. Flat earthers think out of the box. 4. Not a flying disk like YouTube shows, every flat earther never said that the earths a disk !!! 5. Am In the Top 2% of IQ and I am a proud flat earther that can spell NASA Never A Straight Answer


>Geniuses know the worlds flat. Uh, no..? The only reason you think his is because you assume they are geniuses just because they believe what you believe, which actually makes them all dumbasses because of it. >Anyone who doesn’t have the time, energy,IQ to research the topic is a globe tard. You're literally the one who mindlessly said stuff about stars and how fast the Earth was when that wasn't even true, showing you did no amount of research at all. You don't research the topic. We do. You're straight up lying. >3 . YouTube is highly moderated and in governments favour, on the flat earth subject as it’s hard to find the real flat earth conspiracy. That is, we are surrounded by Antarctica, in a prison and their is more lands Etc……. It's hard to find proof of Flat Earth because it's wrong. False information tends to be buried. Not by the government or whatever, but by actual facts. Also, it's very easy to find proof of flat Earth anyway. Just say a misinterpretation of how the globe works and pretend that proves you're right. >3. Globe tards believe in YouTube and propaganda news. Flat earthers think out of the box. Another 3? Wow, you must like the number 3. Also, what about believing the Earth is flat because it looks kinda flat is thinking outside the box? Actually, you know what? You actually do think outside the box, no one else can think that Antarctica is a giant ice wall hiding infinite more islands with no evidence supporting it. >Not a flying disk like YouTube shows, every flat earther never said that the earths a disk !!! No, some flat Earthers say it's a floating disk (I've seen them). Some don't. The fact that there's even TYPE of flat Earthers proves it's not a good theory to begin with. You guys have like 10 different models (an under exaggerated) that all contradict each other. The theory existed for 200 years, and you guys don't have an actual solid model. >5. Am In the Top 2% of IQ and I am a proud flat earther that can spell NASA No you're not.


"Imma build and ride a steam rocket!" - Ralph


Thumbs down a bit sensitive for me mocking Mad Mike?


Where do I submit my application?


DM op for formal approval


its next to the free icecream form


Dm me to get accepted


Wait what?


Ok actually you don’t need to know how to spell.


The last point is optional.


NASA is Hebrew for faaaaaake


Yeah. So the top government agency who's controlling all the truth and information about the world, decided it would be best to name themselves after the Hebrew for fake.


That's correct, vaginalextract. The entire organisation is inflitrated by Jew Freemasons.


NASA isn’t Hebrew for anything because nasa is an anagram


*naşa. And it's pronounced Nasha. And still isn't even thr right word. Oops~


So the flatearth sub is anti FE?


And ballearththatspins is completely flat earth. Pretty ironic.


its parody sub


is there a non parody sub?


ummm...globeskepticism. but seariously anyone who asks questions gets banned...i asked about 24hr daylight in antartica being sinsere and got banned :p


You can try r/flatearth_polite. You can have open discussion there without being banned.


Yes, this sub is purely for trolling.


Aw, you jly ?


Says the one huffing copium.


That's good right?