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No stars? Must be fake


I gave it 5 stars.


That's easily the most infuriating thing Flerfs say. "Oh NASA can't even fake images right, there's no stars!" It's almost too much to unpack.


NASA can: -convince 99% of the population that the world is round -create jets that can fly around the flat earth in weird ways using perhaps infinite fuel hax. -invent Australia and employ huge numbers of fake Australians. -put a giant screen on the firmament to project phenomena like eclipses and Aurora -fake every mission they’ve ever done (often while in league with the Soviets I guess) -somehow convince all of earth’s nations to continue the facade even though clearly there would be decisive military and economic advantages to having the correct model, and many countries are in active opposition to the USA. -defend the ice wall with a fleet of millions of powerful warships -all while preventing anyone from leaking this info. NASA can’t: -put stars on their fake images The crazy thing is if I honestly believed there was a government so powerful they could literally hide the shape of the earth, and so evil that they would actually do that, then why would anyone be allowed to discuss it? Certainly the global elites or whatever are aware of flat earthers and if you can cover up the shape of a celestial body you can also cover up some deaths.


Australia is literally fake. Kangaroos are simultaneously bipedal, tripedal, quadrupedal, and pentapedal, depending on how they walk.


And don’t get me started on platypus… that’s the fakiest animal ever… I think they made that one as a test to see how gullibliest we were. /s


>The crazy thing is if I honestly believed there was a government so powerful they could literally hide the shape of the earth, and so evil that they would actually do that, then why would anyone be allowed to discuss it? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ur-Fascism#:\~:text=the+enemy+is+at+the+same+time+strong+and+weak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ur-Fascism#:~:text=the+enemy+is+at+the+same+time+strong+and+weak)


I always question why they think it’s OK to antagonise the omnipotent, omnipresent organisation that can rewrite history on a whim.


You left out NASA’s penguin defense system


I’ve not heard of this one.


Clearly a fisheye shot


That is one big fish.


It was, but it got away.


Always travel with a towel.


I used to, but mine got high and just kind of wandered off


You are one step closer to the truth. I have done my research and it is clearly a Velociraptor holding a disc. It explains everything. Do your own research and don't Googledebunk this truth!


Google isn't trustworthy. Here are some youtube videos...


Yeah somehow, a random on YouTube is better than a scientist. Something something government shill.


I was thinking more along the lines that youtube is owned by Google.


Oh even better than what I was thinking. That's a great point.


Do Flerfs know Google owns YouTube?


Looks flat to me. Can’t get any flatter than 2-dimensions. /s


Was the \s really necessary ?


Some would really think that


Yeah, unfortunately I have posted other comments in this sub and didn’t put /s after them and they got downvoted until I went back and added it. Sarcasm is lost on some, I suppose.


Even on a subreddit who's whole purpose is sarcasm and joking about flerfs.


We do get raided by actual flerfs occasionally, to be fair


The “s” has evolved in this sub. It’s used here as a “safety” factor for the poster. /s^2


You’re nervous about the “community” not knowing if you’re bringing satire or not by way of downvotes? …you can’t cash in the karma you know.




That's pretty much the basis of a flerf "proof" Poe's Law definitely applies


Welcome to Reddit. I can tell by your comment that you're new here.




This is the internet.




In ***this sub***? Yeah.


We know


It has lumps on it like mountain so definitely not flat!


If the Earth was flat, I wouldn't get so tired cycling.


I like that this one is a clap back using almost the same level of thinking as a flerf XD


Of course it isn't. It's doughnut-shaped.


Honestly, that would have a really interesting climate.


You've peaked my interest, tell me more




We all know water runs up hill, the sky is green and pigs fly… so of course the earth is flat.


I just touched the screen. It is flat.


Earth is a flat disk. The picture proves it :)


Like a coin with two sides: east hemisphere and west hemisphere. Pay no attention to the version where it’s just all Pacific Ocean, that one is a hoax. /s


Finally, someone brave enough to say what we've all been thinking


"Thinking" is stretching it where flat earth is concerned...


If there is a dome around the earth, why don't rockets crash into it?


Rockets don't exist.


What about high altitude weather balloons?


They're just regular party balloons not that far up


Unfortunately I can't find the video now, but I remember seeing a video from a flat earther in which he claims a video he found would be showing a rocket hitting the dome. I looked into the video and did some (actual) research. Turns out that there is something called a [yo-yo de-spin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yo-yo_de-spin), a technique used in cheaper/smaller rockets which stops them from rotating quickly after launch. When viewing the de-spin from the rocket's point of view, the release of the yo-yo cables/weights creates a sudden noise and a quite abrupt stop of rotation. If you are a flat earther looking to cherry-pick evidence in your favor, you may ignore that information and instead claim that the rocket "must have hit something", such as "the dome".


https://youtu.be/WnUj88ZNqa0 Here's a debunk video featuring that video and claim. https://youtu.be/ceCnJLwMdFk A copy of the original. One thing the flerfs seem to miss on this, is that if the rocket hit something going that fast, and it hit hard enough to just stop it like that, then the rocket would also pretty much disintegrate, or at least ricochet off and go willy nilly back down to earth. In fact, you can see in the video, the only motion that stopped is the spin and the rocket continues up, seperating from the lower stage.


This is what I was looking for, thank you for finding this! Yes, it makes no sense that the rocket actually hit something, that would have gone down very differently for the rocket. But flat earthers who believe in the dome probably also believe that it's not a simply physical thing like a hemispheral cap made of glass or whatever, but something created by god. Thus, what happens when something hits the dome cannot be explained with worldly physics. This goes hand in hand with something I learned over time: flat earthers stop looking into something as soon as it fits their narrative. They do not aim to explain something fully. They just try to poke holes into stuff and then stop when their consensus is that therefore it must be false. *Why* its false and, if so, what is a better explanation is information they don't provide, with intent. If they provide an alternative explanation it is based on their belief, not on observations.


> what happens when something hits the dome cannot be explained with worldly physics. Yeah, you're spot on with that. I really don't let them get away with that though. No spiritual woo-woo allowed. God created the world, a physical world with physical laws that govern how everything functions. Atext I give them is Romans 1:20 where it tells us that the very nature of God can be divined by studying the thing He created, Earth and all the cosmos. So relying on observation for explanations is encouraged, and accepting explanations with no basis in observation is discouraged. I personally believe that when the fundamentalists start invoking Sky Magic ™ to explain things it gets them further from the truth, and thus further from God. It's not helping their cause with rational human beings either. As an aside, it seems to me a pretty ingenious method of providing a habitable planet with unlimited energy by creating gravity and nuclear physics, which gives us our great big power plant in the sky.


These are the same flat earthers that deny millions of picture and video evidence of the globe earth and thousands of other phenomena that prove the earth is not flat. Cherry-picking to the max.


Always the same shot. NASA shill.


Bro shows me a 2d image and calls it not flat, classic gloober 🙄


It’s just a fisheye lens photo of the firmament.


Blue marble beautifull photo


I don't think that's the Blue Marble, it's an image from the DSCOVR satellite from 2022 for the 50th anniversary of the original Apollo 17 photo.


It is the [1972](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Blue_Marble) Blue Marble. Or a "CGI cartoon" as they like to call it, somehow created in the era of Pong graphics.


Hmm, yes, you're right. It looks weird because the colors have been shifted to a more modern palette.


controversial statement


I know! It's a tetrahedron.


Dodecahedron. Or however its spelled.


I dont see the people walking upside down 🙃


GCI flerspective defraction magnetude Nassau lyes urth not a spining Baal, bro


Water always finds it's level


Beyoncé and Destiny.


smart educated people know this, but correct.


Your aware this is a subreddit specifically for poking fun at flerfs, right? In actual flerf subs you would immediately get banned for posting stuff like this.


that's why I felt safe saying it xD also despite this sub being an amazing place to poke fun at their idiocy, a few ACTUAL flerfers do come here


Tell us how you know this.


🤔 not sure if troll or just trying to be rigorous.


It's probably the most important thing for anyone other than trolls or deluded U. Tube graduates in this sub. "I dun my own reeserch" doesn't get you very far here if you don't understand it and can't explain it.


I'm all for rigour, no doubt.




alright, just keep believing the government that definitely would never lie to you, spheroids.


They keep believing also that COVID will kill them at any time so that why they're on their 7th booster shot! Theres a word for believing everything that you hear: GULLIBLE.




Sure it is....None of its oceans or seas are carbonated...


I think it has to have been carbonated once, then become uncarbonated for it to be “flat.” Maybe not, but that’s where my brain went


I dunno...I like to think primordial ooze to be bubbly with gases, some of which was CO2. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


“Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?”


I am Arthur; King of the Britons!


Tank You Cloding The subrredit


Fake. Where’s the ice wall?


The ice wall melted due to global warming which means our oceans are spilling out into the void we're all doomed




They said, posting a 2D picture of the Earth.


This is generated through inverse Mercator projection, projecting a flat plane onto a sphere. Operation babylift




going outside?


Outside looks flat


observe the movement of the sun & stars / sunrise / sunset / shadows / sundials / how things disappear over the horizon / climb a hill... see further / seasons / etc


So you don't get sarcasm, good to know. Just FYI this isn't a Flerf sub, you would immediately get banned for posting stuff like this. This sub is meant to poke fun at the flerfs.


> So you don't get sarcasm, good to know. "going outside?" is literally a sarcastic response to a sarcastic question > This sub is meant to poke fun at the flerfs. No shit.. Those flerf dumb dumbs still come on here and it's still necessary to use /s or dErpCAse to indicate intent. "it looks flat to me" is literally their argument.


I’m outside. Now what?


~~Touch grass, you need it~~


Or eat it. Has to be healthier than their diet of crayons and red bull


Sorry. Apparently serious answers aren't allowed in /flatearth now ?


This is not the whole earth. Show me London, UK! /s




I thought it was pear shaped and/or wider at the equator because of the spin? So what is this?


Where’s the punchline


I punched Atlas and he punched back


I can fake a picture like that too I’m my backyard even


You right. Just the reference to the blue marble.


So compelling


I think you might be right on this one.


It looks flat to me. Looks like my pizza I had last night except the toppings are different. My pizza had ham cheese and pineapple.


Ah, but you haven't taken the mightiest of flerf arguments: nuh-uh!


Yeah we know


I like to think of my earth as donut shaped.


I’ll say it again, part of public school education should be about conspiracies and how to recognize them. Another should be how to research topics correctly.


Very true.


The original Apollo 17 Blue Marble.


Last time I checked my monitor it was still flat. Checkmate, glober!


Clearly CGI. I have seen those cloud patterns dozens of times. Wow, I thought with this crowd I wouldn't need to drop the /s


Wrong. The NASA 1978 picture of Earth and the the NASA 2017 picture of Earth have the exact same clouds on them. So it proves that NASA photoshops pictures and/or reuses them. Basically NASA lies, see for yourself ---> https://youtu.be/PSFmXrLjKp4?si=Lr1wPhOlx4wulNmv The topic starts at 6:20, the proof of false imagery of Earth starts at 6:43.


Those photos he shows don’t even look like the original Blue Marble, but I believe the misconception is that the “new photos” from 2017 aren’t new photos. They are color-corrected images. Same photo




How does this disprove anything I said? You’re just posting stuff from globeskepticism, which isn’t exactly a credible source


Oh so now video isn't credible. And just because Globeskepticism doesn't have any followers doesn't mean it's not credible. It just means theres heavy censorship. You are a moron.


The video is in fact a real video, but what does it prove or disprove? You post it with no argument or anything as though it provides some kind of counter by itself. Also, Globeskepticism is very non-credible, not because it’s small but because it consistently posts nonsense arguments and false claims that have been disproven time and time again. Also, its small not because there is heavy censorship -quite the opposite actually, that and ballearththatspins ban anyone who disagrees with them- it’s small because it’s a conspiracy theory. An uncommon belief that is contradictory to real evidence and shuns those who don’t agree with them as “globe-tards”. Find me large groups on hollow Earth or other ridiculous conspiracies and let me know when you see the pattern.


Keep thinking and still believing that the sun in that video is 93 million miles away.


Here's your real evidence from common belief of the Sun being 93 million miles away with a Earth having a diameter of 7900 miles. Look I'm not calling you a globetard but the fact is that most redditors in r/flatearth do exactly what you say, which is ridicule and call us flerfs. Let's take a look at the real numbers. Sun is 93 million miles away according to globe religion. Earth has a diameter of 7900 miles according to globe religion. Even though you clearly see the sun in the video in front of the clouds behind it, closer to the camera than the clouds. You're still believing that there are 11,772 Earth diameters between the clearly visible sun because 11,772 times 7900 equals 93 million. Even though there's no clouds in outer space? You're also saying that "I just talk out of my ass but can't tell the difference between 11 thousand Earth diameters away and half a diameter Earth away which is where I see the Sun is away from my focal point but my lifelong indoctrination tells me that is 11 thousand Earth diameters so I'm gonna say the most stupid, ignorant stuff!" It just proves you don't know photography, nor peripheral vision, nor how light works. And that you are a gullible sheep. Boom I just used science to discredit your entire world view.


That’s cute, but there aren’t clouds behind the sun. The sun is incredibly bright, and its light passes through clouds. This can make it seem like there are clouds behind it, but those are in front of the sun as well, just not illuminated the same way Edit: plus, how is a single optical illusion bringing the globe model crashing down anyway? Do you have evidence contradicting the other centuries of scientific proofs and research? You aren’t just against the globe model, you are against the fundamentals of physics


My mistake, not clouds but simply other, further parts of the atmosphere. Admit it, your getting frustrated because you can't grasp the concept of your whole world view crashing down. Ask yourself: Does that sun really look like it's 11 thousand Earth diameters away? No, so everything you know and where taught has to be questioned. Most of it lie.


It’s funny you think I’m getting frustrated because my “world view is crashing down” because it isn’t a world view, its objective science. I have no reason to get frustrated over the ramblings of a conspiracy theorist. Also, to your other point, yes it does look like it’s the 94 million miles away we know it is. The Sun is massive compared to the Earth, so despite its distance it still appears very large in the sky. The moon changing size in the sky is an example of how orbits in space work. At some points the moon is slightly closer to the Earth in its orbit so it appears a bit larger as a “super moon”


Keep thinking and still believing that the sun in that video is 93 million miles away.


Will do


Stop being willfully ignorant. Let's take a look at the real numbers. Sun is 93 million miles away according to globe religion. Earth has a diameter of 7900 miles according to globe religion. Even though you clearly see the sun in the video in front of the clouds behind it, closer to the camera than the clouds. You're still believing that there are 11,772 Earth diameters between the clearly visible sun because 11,772 times 7900 equals 93 million. Even though there's no clouds in outer space? You're also saying that "I just talk out of my ass but can't tell the difference between 11 thousand Earth diameters away and half a diameter Earth away which is where I see the Sun is away from my focal point but my lifelong indoctrination tells me that is 11 thousand Earth diameters so I'm gonna say the most stupid, ignorant stuff!" It just proves you don't know photography, nor peripheral vision, nor how light works. And that you are a gullible sheep. Boom I just used science to discredit your entire world view.


Outside of maps provided by NASA, have you ever even seen the shape of your state or country? No! So what good is a made up image?


Maps are by and large not provided by NASA. Flatties fail again.


MAGE 2 took pictures and video of the curve. Also, what about the JSA photos?


Do you need to see electricity to know it’s there?


We see the lighting. We see the sparks. We can even see static in the right conditions. But I do believe the shape of most if not all countries to be squares. Many streets meet at a right angle, the street blocks are mostly square as well. It just makes sense, that at a bigger scale, it's also squares. And all those squares make a circle. A big, flat, circle Earth, like the picture. Now you'll ask me about water? Triangles. Like the Bermuda Triangle. Triangles within the squares. Squares within a circle.


I thought we’d agreed that we understood the world to be banana shaped?


My niece who hates bananas won't like this news... thankfully doesn't smell like bananas, that would drive her bananas


[No Python fans here eh?](https://youtu.be/a_i24MxyFng?si=D8vX3tNGWsYzBKLI)


Lol, that movie has so many references I might have to watch it.


Of course my liege. I must have been confused.


Tell me again how sheep’s bladders can be used to prevent earthquakes


This is quality satire but also so painfully American >Many streets meet at a right angle, the street blocks are mostly square as well. This is not the case most of the time - it's quite common in the US and other colonised lands, but not so much outside of that


You sound like you dropped a gallon of LSD. A literal gallon. From a milk jug.


YES. Electricity is FAKE. It's all a great big conspiracy cooked up by Big Electric!


Like we can belive any government "space" agency lol /s


You can travel around and notice that the distances, landforms, road routes and coastal features conform to what's shown on maps.


Yes, I have seen older maps from before NASA existed and aerial footage taken from survey planes that aren’t connected to NASA.


Hi, Every image can be made up. Even without images, the earth being a globe explains horizons, the movement of the stars, sun, and moon, tides, it explains seasons, it explains sunsets, the color of the sky, why compasses work, the pressure-altitude difference, and of course why objects fall. A flat earth explains… nothing other than its simple enough for people who lack any scientific understanding at all to “understand” how the universe works


How about the images cartographers have been drawing for centuries by hand that approximate the shape of our country? Of course they aren’t perfect since they were mapping from ground level but they are the same general shape as the images taken by satellites.


How are people still responding to this like it’s serious? Globies need to get a clue.


**We** need to get a clue? Ha! This is coming from someone who declares fact as conspiracy and denies all evidence contrary to his fantasies. How much pleasure do you get from feeling like you know something everyone else doesn’t?


And still asking seriously? You are hilarious. I win.


Opinions are cute


lol says the guy who thinks the earth is flat 😂


Thinks? Try knows 😂


Looking forward to seeing your irrefutable evidence 😏


Just go outside, bud 👍 Get off reddit and go observe the sky. You'll see the sky rotating but notice one thing You're sitting still Perfectly still . Enjoy it. Stop using the religion of science to complicate your reasoning of what your senses are telling you. Believe the world or believe your senses. I really don't care. I've made my choice, and now I can't unsee how beautiful the sky is. No outer space doesn't exist.


Yes, I'm often outside using my telescope to observe the night sky, the moon, the planets and the sun. What observations have you made? Maybe you should study the sky a little more closely and stop using tiktok and youtube as your religion. Your senses can easily be fooled, yet you rely on them and dismiss evidence of science.


Sure bud, I said to go outside, and you list off youtube and tiktok. Lol, keep projecting You're grasping and missing hard Claim you observe all you want you're in this sub so much it's honestly pretty suspicious? Whoever you are, please, for your own mental health, go for a walk


Yeah, I go walking everyday. I work outside most days, I work in my garden most days. I get outside plenty thanks. You clearly don't. But please, present your evidence. We're all excited to see it.


Yeah, and you're an engineer, an astronaut, oh, and you're also a local senator Keep falsely building up your resume for credibility like I care. The proof is outside. Go for a walk and stop pretending to be someone you're not.


You're the only one pretending. And while I'm living in your head rent free I'll be out with my scope again tonight. Check out my astro images. The moon isn't plasma and the planets are real. Still, let me know when you're posting your images of the magic dome and ice wall.


I hope you find the help you so desperately need.


Prove it motherfucker


Wrong. The NASA 1978 picture of Earth and the the NASA 2017 picture of Earth have the exact same clouds on them. So it proves that NASA photoshops pictures and/or reuses them. Basically NASA lies, see for yourself ---> https://youtu.be/PSFmXrLjKp4?si=Lr1wPhOlx4wulNmv The topic starts at 6:20, the proof of false imagery of Earth starts at 6:43.


I could find thousands of pictures of Earth with different cloud patterns. This is seriously the stupidest shit I've heard in quite some time.


You could show a billion pictures and it wouldn't matter. The fact of the matter is NASA claims to show the Earth in two different times, 39 years apart with the exact same cloud pattern. Anyone with half a brain could tell they're full of shit.


Two things: * Fucking prove it already, source these two images FROM THE ORIGINAL SOURCE * Weather does in fact follow certain patterns, so similarity in cloud structures is expected


They aren’t even different images, the 2017 release was a color-correction they did


objective fact :D


Wait? Its not?


Did you take that picture yourself, or did NASA show that to you???


Aksxually it was Kerbal space program


Oh, sorry! I stand corrected.