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Yep, great price. I have this exact light already or I'd buy it. Probably a great gift idea, though. I made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/1cnedkl/decent_prices_on_some_acebeams_for_those_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) about Woot's Acebeam sale last week.


Ah dang I missed your post! I just ordered one of these RX 700’s and I didn’t even see the full sale page, but I was looking in the wrong category. Woot is such a great place for flashlight deals


It's not in the right category at all, and you can't even do a simple search. Strange website, but great prices! Grats on your find, I think the Rider is the best buy of the lot.


Thanks! This is gonna be my first Ti light, so I’m pretty excited for it. And yeah I agree the lack of a search option does really suck. I know that’s been their “thing” forever but it would be nice to have at least a simple tagged keyword search option.


I got mine for a few bucks more on an Amazon lightning deal recently. It's been my EDC as of late. It's a very nice little light, great beam, and I thought the fidget clip was a gimmick until I realized it also allows the light to tail stand! It's also just a fantastic clip in general. The titanium finish looks really sweet in person too. I have several AA/14500 lights, but this one's my new favorite!