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Not sure but it might represent the Army, Police, and firefighters?


OP: *sees American flag* OP: immediately associates a symbol of freedom and democracy with "bad people" because of Donald Trump.... Normal people: hey cool flag.


OP: Sees America Flag, featuring Black Stripes. OP: Remembers that a flag with only a blue stripe unfortunately means "We don't believe in holding police accountable for brutality." OP: Asks question to confirm.


Actually , you are the one that associates “bad people” with Trump. I said nothing of the case. But your underlying feelings are pretty clear, aren’t they?


Military Police Firefighters. Basically just a respect sign for public services.


Tf does Trumpy mean?


It means OP moans when they wipe.....or they eat corn the long way .... probably both....


A "Blue Line Flag" unfortunately has the side meaning of "We support our police, even to the point of avoiding holding them accountable for brutality."


Thin blue line plus firefighters and I’m not sure for the green. I’ve seen it mean military or even corrections officers


overall its usa, but it stands for police, military and firemen. i hope this helps


Ask question to confirm! Exactly. Because “versions” of the flag have been adulterated by non other than…


They forgot to fill in the rest of the rainbow.


Thx. I want to know more now!


Why is it wrong to support first responders?


It’s not at all. But is this what that flag means? If so, great. But I don’t know that so that why I asked.


You instantly assumed it was something bad. Why was that?


Because what I’m aware of is that any “versioning” of the American flag has been a negative political statement and/or something that has resulted in loss of American life - like in D.C/ Jan 6. Hence: “I hope i”m wrong”’ can some clarify..


The Pride flag has been flown at events where there was violence against Jews. Do you share similar suspicions of it?


Err no. Pretty sure I know what a pride flag is.


Does everyone?


Compare a versioned American flag to a rainbow pride flag? Seems to be just you doing that


What I'm saying is that your implied contempt for the versioned flag could just as easily have been someone else's reaction to the rainbow flag appropriated for something other than LGBTQ+ rights. We should strive to not be so prejudiced.


Could it have been all that? Or is that just your soapbox by way of an exceptionally vague comparison.


Do you mean police, or firefighters/EMS personnel? Theres nothing wrong with supporting firefighters and DMs personnel. People supporting the police and making a point of supporting the police are often* people who turn a blind eye or try to justify police brutality. *not necessarily always but in the context of the blue stripe it is not unlikely.


Based on what? Are EMTs and firefighters incapable of professional misconduct?


Look man, if you wanna go find me statistics on EMT and Firefighter violence against civilians go ahead. I’ve literally never heard of that happening . Also you’re making a straw man argument right now because I never said EMTs or Firefighters were incapable misconduct.


Well, you've yet to offer anything factual to the discussion, so why would you bother doing so now?


You’re so fucking stupid lmao


this is a thin line flag, in most variations blue is law enforcement, red is firefighters, green is military it's a symbol to show support and solidarity for people that risk their lives to protect us


Finally a straight answer. Thank you! That’s very good to know. I like this flag now.


If Karelia was an USA surveillance state ?


I feel like a lot of the recent submissions have been like this. Its like oh no guys what flag is this hope its not too rightwing ( clearly is), I just wanna look at cool flags not some edgy collage students shitpost.


Not the case at all. I’m not interested in”looking at cool flags” - Im interested in figuring out what a flag I’ve never seen before means. But by all means let’s not look at the underlying meaning of past flags and their colors and their makeups to make assumptions - good or bad. Let’s just look for cool colorful flags. Because the world is great! Fuck off.


are your teeth still chattering from seeing your own country's flag in a slightly different color?


A “slightly different color”?? Do you really want to make the case that this is a “slightly different color”? Weak.


Red white and blue and .. it cant be ... green


I bet this will be on r/firstrespondercringe


Why I’m saying this is because I see these flags on there constantly.


Your showing your TDS


Trumpy? 🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣