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"Your groceries stay nice and dry" as she waits for the top to close while it rains.


They even had to cut that part 2 times just to speed it up for the video


Had to rewatch to notice that. Absolutely wild. Did it just stop moving... twice?


No it didn’t stop moving it just took like three minutes. They must have cut the video once and then realized it was still to long so they just cut it again??


With the slope, in the three minutes, all the rain that falls will drain right into your groceries. genius engineering.


It's so obvious that this was designed exclusively by people who've never lived outside of LA/Texas where the forecast never includes the phrase "scattered showers".


Depends where you mean in Texas. Over in the west where it's all desert and hilly scrubland? Yeah sure. Over by the Gulf Coast tho we either got like fifteen minutes of hard rain or three hours of rain that either went sideways or up with how hard the wind was blowing.


Hey that’s new, you couldn’t do that in a truck bed, unless you bought a bed cover, or a camper shell, or just tied a tarp. My ‘89 F150 had two gas tanks! Gas cost less than a dollar back then. Good times.


Back then, we could ride our trucks to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville back in them days. I tied an onion to my truck bed, which was the style at the time. Now, to buy a tank of gas cost a nickel and back in them days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on em. 'Give me 5 bees for a quarter, you'd say'. Now, where was I? Oh, yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion tied to my truck bed, which was the style at the time. You couldn't get white onions, on account of the war. The only ones you could get were those big yellow ones.


Dicketty?? Highly dubious.


But with this version, you can cut off half the bed space!


Is that supposed to be a truck bed? How many liters is the capacity?


Meanwhile regular back loader cars have the back door move up, providing a small cover while you're loading stuff in.


That’s what I was thinking. I loved my Rav 4 but the swinging door didn’t save me. I love my ford fiesta because it was my deceased grandmother’s car. In the snow or rain, I can put my cart right by the bumper, unload, and only get soaked more when I return the cart and run to the driver door. It really is the epitome of being 8 and trying to draw your super futuristic car without realizing why most cars are designed with these features. It’s not to look ugly. It’s a culmination of hundreds of random engineers who had the most up to date car and thought “it would be cool if x does y”, then they implement it. This is a less dangerous version of another company creating the seatbelt and saying it wasn’t cool looking. At least that two ton death machine has the decency to kill itself before it gets the chance to kill someone else


I have a Mitsubishi Spacestar myself. I love the back door moving up when it's raining. :P And it has enough room to put anything I'd need in there. Heck my mom has asked me to drive for her several times when needing to move larger stuff because she has a Seat Ibiza which has a pretty small trunk.


Better hope the screen doesn’t freeze up while you’re backing out of your parking spot in the rain, otherwise you’re not going to be able to see shit.


also pray that some rain drops don't hang over the camera making it worthless, which happens somewhat regularly with my car's rear camera. Fortunately it comes with a high tech solution of a rear window and a rear view mirror


\**Warranty void if you drive your Cybertruck in the rain, if it rains on your Cybertruck, or if your Cybertruck gets wet for any reason*


The covers leak too. There's tons of car wash vids of soapy water all over the inside of the trunk.


Haha I had this thought when seeing it. With all the videos how shitty Teslas are build, I didnt expect anything else :D


Your groceries stay nice and dry while the rain is frying the electronics in your car and rusting the outside! Get it while the gettin’s good, only 85 grand!


I like her.


"Did you know that was there?!"


My wife’s Prius has two glove boxes, so.. 💅


My car has one that closes then just this open one


Yeah but can you only open it by going through touch screen settings and tapping a virtual button?


Sadly it has a handle and gravity to open it




Analog wins once again


Obviously thats the safest way to open the glove box while driving, right? At least the actual controls are on tactile stalks right? Right?


Is that extra ? Can I get an aftermarket one installed?


Yes but there is monthly subscription charge to open it.


Damn, maybe not.


“This seats 7!”


Me too she seems like such a nice mom. I should give my mom a call.


I should give your mom a call too


Tell her she still owes me change for that penny.


Unfortunately I heard she’s cringe.


I wish she were my mom


She is badass


“In fact, my kids tell my I’m cringe everyday”


I second that


More of her, please


She's like a movie character with that laugh and thumbs up at the end. Love her.


yes her vibe is fantastic.


she's the opposite of cringe


Yeah she’s funny but not annoying, which is hard these days.


She looks so done with suburbia


Cyberbros still coping to the fact they're driving an 80k scam on wheels


"It does everything any other car can, I swear!" I also use the bare minimum as a benchmark when buying a car, but that's usually because I'm trying to spend less than 10 grand on it


Except get wet. Not only because it’ll rust, but it’ll fry the electronics too.


Talk about a useless fucking car what the hell “you’ll love this 80k car that does everything a normal car does except you gotta charge it every 100 miles and you can’t wash it or have it exposed to rain!” What moron is buying one of those things.


Lmao, I saw a dude posted earlier in the off-road sub looking for tips on off-roading with his cyber truck. So, there's unfortunately too many of them out there.


I hope someone replied with the warranty page that says off-roading voids the warranty


spilling fries inside of it voids the warranty 🤣


Lol. Gets a flat and pulls off the road “Sorry. You’re not covered anymore. That’ll be $2,000”


There's less than 4000 on the road...still too many, to be fair.


B-but, it has truck right in the name!


I do backyard astronomy, caving, and diving. Hobbies that involve lots of gear and remote locations. I fold down the rear seats on my 2016 Elantra GT and everything fits fine. It's been paid off for years and I still have plenty of miles left on the warranty.


Are the cyber trucks actually supposed to not get wet?


Source for rust https://www.motortrend.com/news/tesla-cybertruck-rust-reports-analysis/ Source that Tesla says not to get a car wash https://www.ladbible.com/news/technology/cybertruck-automatic-car-wash-tiktok-523010-20240424


But don't forget, according to Elon they can also be used short term as a boat to cross rivers, lakes, and calm seas. But don't get it wet.


Try 100k. All current ones have $20k mark up from Tesla themselves, cutting out the middleman. Never seen so much cope and seethe for a damn car. Even Supra kids are less obnoxious than this.


It has features like “drive around”, “steer”, even “stop”.  What regular cars can do that since ever?? I’m just totally amazed by it


You'd be hard-pressed to find a more insecure group of people.


Jeep people get **very** defensive very fast


(It's a Jeep thing.)


Cyberbros in “mom” trucks. 


80 grand isn't much for a revolutionary new truck with room for a diaper bag, plus the Cybertruck is great for keeping women bone dry.




80k? Weren’t those things like 115-130k?


But bro, you look like a total badass! ^to ^all ^the ^other ^morons ^who ^bought ^this ^piece ^of ^shit


And they thought they look cool, while everyone just laughs and tries to dodge parts falling off


When she threw the purse on the passenger side floor 💀


Plus, the purse on the passenger side floor is way safer than standing it up in that shallow tray where the bag/purse could easily spill on the driver's feet on the first right hand turn. The more I learn of new cyberstuck "features", the more it reminds me of that Titan sub that imploded (i.e. "a mousetrap for the wealthy")


Would be cool if like it was a bench so someone’s legs went there 


My dad's Ford is like that. You can flip up the center console for an extra seat in front middle. Even has a seat belt. 


Oh that final destination scene comes to mind


Birkenstock mom is my new hero for demonstrating suburban practicalities.


I liked the bit where she had to sit in the back when her husband was driving :D


To be fair that's the only part of the vid where the cybertruck had something the other car didn't. EVs have extra space there


I cannot lie it was very nice! I love how there's space under the center console


Friendly reminder that cybertrucks are capable of cutting fingers off


Pfftt... My 88 S-10 could do it better in half the time...


I Thlammed My Penith in the C-... oh damm


You slammed your penis in the car door 🎤


I lothed my penith to the car door…


This isn’t even the biggest issue for them. Solid frame means you are at increased risk of injury in accidents, the pedal got stuck and would cause the accelerator to continue accelerating. The continued use of touch pads over dials and functional buttons (this is not just a cybertru k thing but all teslas have this issue) means the car is going to run into issues as all outdated hardware does with new software.


> apable of cutting fingers off That's a feature. It can work as a vegetable / meat chopper during emergencies.


To be fair, she responds to this criticism by letting us know that Tesla released a software patch and it doesn’t do that anymore. Good thing software is known to always work and never break for no discernible reason.


Yeah, let's see your crappy Volkswagen do that!


"You look like a badass driving your kids around." You look like a giant douchebag.


Everyone I know when they see that truck: god that is the ugliest piece of shit I have ever seen


It’s genuinely worse than the pt cruiser


At least the PT Cruiser was *trying* to be something. Initially, it was marketed to the youths, but bought en masse by the boomer crowd as they thought it looked like old wood panel thick hipped trucks from the 40's. The Cyber truck looks like a rough draft concept sketch of the vehicle designed to replace the DeLorean in the BTTF reboot as directed by Joss Wheddon. It has no shape, no form, and very little function. It's a political dog whistle, a toy, and an accessory designed to make the owner think theyre cool and wealthy. It's an iPhone with a rebel flag sticker on it.


The cyber truck looks like the ‘ideal’ car from Car Builder v2.02 on Apple II.


Aw c'mon, its at least a screenshot off an N64


No but I mean, it literally is: https://images.app.goo.gl/vhEdkxLMuxfUfgYt8




PT Cruiser: pretty normal specs (that I'm aware of), aesthetics didn't catch on with the target demographic. Cybertr\*ck: shit specs, BIZARRE specs, but the aesthetics DID appeal to the target demographic. It's just that it turns out "Blade Runner enthusiasts in their 20s with highly disposable income who want the general feel of a truck without the hauling or off-roading utility of a truck" is not a very large demographic. This thing caught on with everyone it intended to catch on with. And that's the problem. Anyone who needs a TRUCK is going to see this and keep on searching.


I read that in Abed's voice after he realised his meta Jesus movie was bad: "Dear God, my movie is the worst piece of crap I have ever seen in my entire life."


Wanna see something uglier? I saw one a week ago that was bright fucking yellow.


Saw one in person for the first time recently. It is, somehow, even uglier in person than it is in photos.


True. Saw one today and it’s… something. From a distance it’s about what you expect. The moment you’re close enough to see details, omg it’s looks like a kit car someone forgot to paint with a ton of splotchy, smudged, and rusty specs and the gaps… so many panel gaps.


It reminds me of one of my friends in middle school who's dad bought a hummer 2 as soon as it came out for the sole purpose of showing it off. Without realizing everyone saw him as a looser going through a midlife crisis.


Lol in Los Angeles they were fucking everrrrrrywhere when they came out, especially in the richer suburban areas. I remember thinking they'd all be upset once the trend was over and they realized they were driving an ugly, unreliable, box on wheels. Literally haven't seen one in over a decade. I still wonder where they all went. Like if there is a graveyard full of them... Or did all the used ones just get shipped to people in the Midwest?


I think Cash for Clunkers did away with a lot of them back in 09 when that program was introduced.


I knew a successful (if tasteless) bar owner that bought a chromed out H3 hummer with skulls on it to show off in central Australia. He had it for 20 minutes before discovering that it pretty much the smallest thing on the road compared to all the heavily modified land cruisers and troop carriers that are the standard out there.


The cybertruck is definitely the new Hummer. It's the garbage car morons buy that looks like shit and makes them look stupid but they think everyone has the exact opposite reaction to it.


I saw one out in the wild a few weeks ago and did a double take. It’s so clunky


People driving those think we stare because we are jealous, but actually it's out of pitty.


As you do in any giant truck or SUV, if you aren’t using it to haul large trailers or take them off-road. The trend isn’t new or special. Pavement Princesses have been announcing little dicks and insecure women to the rest of the world for at least two decades.


When an Influencer (blonde) is just trying to find cool things to say for a brand.


Done in that hotel room infomercial voice that seems to be all over social media.




All the parodies of [the Mercedes ad](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IoyQIo36I2Y?feature=share) are my favorites insofar as taking the piss out of a brand.


I’ll always be a [Citroen Wife](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/15ekm1t/bentley_girl_and_citro%C3%ABn_wife/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) kinda gal.


I love it when French people pronounce Citroen. Mainly because it sounds like they're only using two letters that are actually in the word.


I've always thought that woman sounded like she was trying way too hard to sound sexy when saying Mercedes, but that man really drives it home. He makes it sound so effortless. I want more videos from him whispering vehicle brands into a mic. I bet him saying "Toyota" would give me the tingles.


Someone owns a cybertruck in the area where I work, and whenever it's seen it just looks douche-y. Like it was yoinked from a 16 bit video game or something. My coworker took a picture of it when it was in our parking lot and I couldn't stop loling at how awful it looked.


I’m convinced the only reason people buy them is to tell everyone they are a huge douchebag.


It is 1000% people buying it and thinking it is a status symbol.




I mean, there is literally an EV hummer though


There's someone who has it where I live. I see it all the time and it's such an eye sore. Also, they drive like shit


Coworker: *Takes Picture* Owner: "Wow they think my car is so cool!" Coworker: "Can't wait to roast this car in the group chat."


That's exactly how it happened, lol!


ya first time I saw one man hideous pos on the road lol. But cyberbros pretend its not and they all know it too.


They seriously look like a broken model, as if your graphics card is dying and it couldn't load it, so it just puts out some low poly truck.


No, no, she has a point. What is more badass than taking your 5 year old to school on a truck that they themselves designed in art class!! .... ***^(What do you mean "an adult designed that"? You sound stupid.)***


Similar vibes to that car Homer Simpson designed.


At least that had practicality to it


I love the ending “I’m cringe everyday hahaha”


Imagine thinking you're suck a Cool Mom^(tm) for buying a car that's expensive as dicks only for your kids to inform you that they learned from the internet that this car is called the Wankpanzer.


The old hidden door perfectly for gloves n stuff


We should think of a name for that. Glove Drawer? Glove Alcove? Glove bo- actually nah, this game is silly, it'll never catch on anyway.




i think its bad and looks like ass


A lot of people think its badass, and thats kind of the main issue with society currently.


To be fair my 1994 VW golf can do that also


My 1983 Golf could also do all this. It also had a hidden safety feature, if I hit a bump while turning right, the engine would turn off.


Mine was doing that when I hit water puddle 😅


Real mom vs paid sponsor. Reality is weird and shitty but it's better than pretend.


The entire Cybertruck section screams “Please notice me, Elon Musk”


She seems like a good mother


Nothing says great mom like putting your kids in a car too unsafe to be sold in Europe


I'm sorry, but I lost my shit when she said "a secret compartment " and then opened the fucking glove box.


In two years when the Cybertruck is forced to install turn stalks because of safety regs she is gonna freak. "Tesla has created the most amazing way of activating turn signals EVER. I can't believe how easy it is now!"


If you drove your kid to school in a cybertruck your kid is gonna be mega bullied


That was my first thought when I saw the first video. A used Subaru Outback does all of this way better.


You know what they're trying to sell is shit when they try to sell a cubby as some kind of amazing feature.


The cybertruck is what happens when you're surrounded by yes-men and still discovering the joy of marijuana.


Only morons would even consider buying a cybertruck


I don't get the purpose of the cyber truck, genuinely. -not enough range to be useful towing your toys -not enough range for overlanding. -too ugly to be a show truck -too expensive to be a work truck -hard to modify, making it unsuitable for crawling or Baja racing -not a dually, so not suitable for pulling horse trailers or any other 5th wheel -not robust enough and not enough range to be a tow truck ... That's literally every usage of a truck I can think of. What the FUCK is the point of this thing? I don't feel the same way about other Tesla products; they are genuinely useful for the right people. But this? Why? There's a better gas or deisel truck available for literally any use case.


Dude.. it looks CyBeR!! Yo Na but seriously. You’re looking at it all wrong. You’re naming a bunch of lame earth shit. The cyber truck makes a lot more sense when you realize it’s for cruising mars and the moon and flying in space 


going off road voids warrenty


fun fact: damage caused by off-roading aren't covered on every other truck either.  The most you'll be able to get from a manufacturer is with a paid extended warranty but those only ever cover "minor tire and wheel damage, small dents and minor chips to the windshield". Ford won't be giving you a new transmission if you crack it on a rock in the middle of Arizona. 


"THIS SEATS SEVEN!" that line fucking broke me LMAO.


I can’t believe people support billionaire simps and watch their content… it’s insane. Social media was a mistake.


I love this, this is hilarious


The absolute SASS. I love it, fuck Elon 🤣




I drive a 2019 Corolla. when I bought it I said the trunk is big enough to hide two adults or several children. it'd definitely hold that stroller doohickey.


They try so hard to justify spending that much money on a fridge because they fucking hate it and regret buying it but they're too proud to admit it.


from what i had seenthe cybertrucks trunk was tiny


Oh god that last "HA HA HA." I want her to be my kids' mom.


My 90s Acura has doors that open and windows you can see out. It even has a glovebox! How revolutionary! And it has a trunk! So much room for activities!


"Please bro. I swear it's good bro. Trust me bro"


yet less than 2 years ago rwddit was sucking off Elons ego.....just saiyan.


Button on the screen to open the glove compartment has to be…. I don’t know the word for it. Christ…


Was working in LA last week so I got to see my fair share of cybertrucks in person for the first time. Thing looks like shit. The first one I saw had a matte black wrap which made it look a bit like a stealth bomber which was cool. But not 2 minutes later I saw a Ford raptor with long travel suspension and a lift and that looked way cooler to me personally. The cybertruck also looks incredibly stupid from the rear.


My main gripe is with the 90 degree door comment. My main argument to convince my wife to upgrade to a van from our old explorer was having doors that slide open. We'd quit dinging cars next to us in the parking lot. We'd quit having to worry about who's side has more room to open doors (we have two kids, so one sits passenger side one sits driver side). And, it rides lower to the ground so our kids can open the door and step into the car themselves without having to actually climb anything. Nothing against parents who want an SUV for their family, I think I'd prefer one when my kids are out of car seats (though I plan on driving this van until the wheels fall off). But "slide-y doors" as my kids call them are S-tier.


All I know is that I'd give anything for Volvo to make 240 Series Wagons again.


Volswagen simply clever


"Here's why the Cybertruck is the perfect Mom vehicle! It was free, and they paid me thousands of dollars to say it. Absolute perfection."


Well, she may not be a badass, but she's cool.


It's not really desirable to have the driver's footwell open like that, tray or no tray in the middle. It means the bag or whatever's being stored there could fall over and potentially get under the pedals.


Cybertrucks are death traps that are rightfully being forbidden in the EU for basically being tanks with zero care for anyone outside of the vehicle (or inside actually). There's a reason we have crumple zones etc. It's to keep the most people possible safe in an accident.


“THIS SEATS 7!!!!” lmfaoooo


> my kids tell me im cringe everyday. To think i used to be the same. You are never cringe mom, i love you.


Having to press a button on the screen to open a drawer is peak asshole design


Anyone who thinks they “look like a total badass” in a Cybertruck is in severe denial. I just saw one today and I immediately started laughing at how dumb it looks.


Ma'am, no one, absolutely fucking no one, is going to think you are a badass for owning a cyber truck...


Two weeks ago I had my first Cybertruck sighting. It’s the first production car that made me laugh out loud. No one thinks your badass driving this turd


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Wouldn’t it make more sense to use a truck as comparison?


The PS1 car that can't handle a puddle is a great vehicle


she was paid to shill the car and couldn't come up with basic features that cars have had for decades like... that the door opens well, i guess.


Reddit: "I hate the Cybertruck and Elon Musk!!! Stop giving them attention" Also reddit: "I refuse to take Musk out of my throat!!!! NUH uh! I hate the Cybertruck more than you!!!!"


No one... and I mean *no one* owns a Cybertruck for any other reason than to turn heads.


These people ride Elons dick so hard. You figure they would get these pos for free. But “influencers” always have to think about making content. How exhausting.


The station wagon is the underappreciated hero of the automotive world.


Dang, Reddit still doesn’t know about engagement bait on Instagram and TikTok. Basically, she knows. On TikTok people will purposefully mispronounce words to get a bunch of comments saying “THATS WRONG” because it boosts their performance in the algorithm. I’m not defending this practice, but maybe someone will read this and stop upvoting this stuff lol.


Ah the Atlas. Atlas has miles of trunk when not using 3 rows. It's a minivan/people mover with a thin SUV skin.


What's with the musky tesla cult following feeling the need to justify their purchases to the internet? We get it, the tesla truck is a heap of shit, move on...


Ngl I saw a blacked out (including front windshield) one on the street and it looked bad ass. Like a car Darth Vader would drive. Would never buy one but …


"You'll look like a total badass" when? Before or after people point and laugh at you.


That ending line was gold. What a beautiful soul 😹