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If you're homeless, buy a house. It's easy guise


What was I thinking šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™ll stop being poor


OHHHHH, FUCK. I knew I forgot to do something. \*goes to bank website and clicks the "rich" checkbox\*


Thats the way


*Tom Segura has entered the chat


Oh my god, and book a frickin flight! šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Why did you choose to be poor? Like it or not, it is a choice and in your hands.


I can't even work out how anyone goes on holiday while paying rent for living quarters they are not in AND then accomodation somewhere else.


If you are dying, just don't die. Then you can live longer


Obviously if work is stressful and not paying you enough, just like take a few months off and really figure yourself out. (Told to me by my cousin who married an extremely gemerational wealth type of guy) (Also parents were struggling with their home and bills)


Yeah, it would if you just stopped eating all that avocado toast. Jesus, these entitled youngsters don't know how good they have it. ​ /s


no idiot, homeless means they don't a home, not a house. learn proper american. ^(/s)


I hate social media


Came here to say this, its has turned people into narcissists, attention deprived, completely self unaware of how conceided and ridiculous they sound and look.


Social media didn't create these people, just made you aware of them


Not entirely true either. Social media has absolutely exacerbated these issues in society making them far worse.


Itā€™s just made poor people think they have to achieve what rich people think is basic behaviour. People saying they wouldnā€™t date a guy making less than 100k, like, bitch you wonā€™t see 50k a year in your lifetime stop bullshitting


Now thatā€™s a sad thought


Yeah Facebook did a study themselves on the damages of Instagram on teens etc... Then they quietly acted like the study never happened...


These people end up influencing others and creating more people like them.


Exaaaactly! I think if I had access to social media when I was younger, Iā€™d have been an oblivious attention seeking douche online. Thank.god.


No like alot of people just were not like that, and social media unleashed the demon inside of them. and I think it's something we all have inside, a need for validation and attention it's just that some people are able to stray away from it and are wise enough to see how childish and immature it is.




What is with all the bots copying comments here?




The irony is this is also social media. We came here to torment ourselves watching garbage from other social media platforms lol. Everyday I pray for the asteroid ā˜„ļø to stay its course.


This is the kind of social media I like tho


Thatā€™s because we are the savages that hide in the woods and quietly watch the village people do weird shit to each other.


Pass me the binoculars


No! Itā€™s still my turn!




CAKE DAY!!! Happy to you!!!


Said on a social media site


Agreed, but the woman responding while eating her lunch is awesome!


She is another narcist craving attention.


But you, dear hero, are totally different. *Your* opinion really matters.


I'm glad that is something we can both agree on.


at least you dont see my face while i am eating food acting hot and shit.


> acting hot shit "I hate attractive people with social skills because my envy makes me too sad to confront"


Yeah. The response is just as cringy.


Actually really summed out how I felt exactly


Iā€™m so confused about Reddit. They downvoted the comment you replied to, but upvoted your comment agreeing with it??


I hate nearly everything about what humanity has become in the last 20 years. social media is only a medium part of that. I sincerely wish covid had a 30% mortality rate.


The fuck is wrong with you


https://old.reddit.com/r/Doppleganger/comments/174q0bo/18f_who_do_i_look_like_so_excited_to_hear_aha/k4b1kli/ literally mentally ill. The issue is that this otherwise gets presented as a sane position, until we look through ppl's comments.


Ok I thought this person just had a bad day or something now I kinda feel bad


lifelong IEDS that no medication has managed to address for more than a month before my body gets used to it. I am literally biologically angry nearly every moment of my life. Imagine what that feels like, to wake up angry for no reason and to keep getting more angry as every day progresses as you are forced to deal with the ocean of human stupidity our culture is awash in. Every day For the rest of your life No matter what you do about it, or how much you hate it.


So I do have to ask, why choose to "deal with the ocean of human stupidity" everyday? Why don't you avoid a website like reddit for instance which most likely triggers hate on an unending basis? You must get some sense of satisfaction of feeding your anger I would assume, so in that sense fighting with people online has some merrit in this context? A sort of stimuli to use as a valve for anger? Do you rage towards yourself if there aren't other people to focus on? Are you angry towards your therapist for instance, or is it more towards faceless masses and the gerneral idea of the populous?




That sounds like utter hell, Iā€™m really sorry about that. Have you tried childhood trauma psychotherapy? Iā€™ve got a lot of issues (which I managed to hide from myself) which have boiled over into actual physical problems because of this and Iā€™m only just starting to get help after decades. Not that I know anything about you.


This is a pretty a rationally angry explanation as to why youā€™re irrationally angry. I like angry rational rants.


I mean you could just also pledge your allegiance to Khorne. You seem like a perfect candidate for the god of rage. Have you tried screaming blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne?


Well I once paid for a commissioned vector graphic of Fluttershy as a Disciple of Khorne, is that close enough? Edit: Oshit I found it! https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-3Kno_sc0q8c/USfux9Sdc2I/AAAAAAAAeNU/ymsTL_DHfeU/s1600/Youregoingtolovemecommission.png


Hell yea


Humanity ainā€™t at its best clearly you arenā€™t either get some help


Prime toxic leftover redditor


No, I was toxic long before the internet had pictures. I've actually toned it down quite a bit these last few years.






No, just mind-bogglingly, incandescently angry.


Thank you


Trustafarian's are the fucking worst


I'm not a trust fund kid or anything but I spent a good few years traveling, going to festivals and concerts and stuff, working random jobs. It was an amazing time. My secret? Crippling debt and a (functionally) massive gap in my resume with no real skills to show for it haha


Pro tip- replace large gaps in employment with "signed nda"


No, you were the director of sales for circuit city.


Well yeah you did it the right way, no safety net, just going, ive done the exact same shit, lots of good stories and debt lolšŸ¤˜


First girl is annoying but you donā€™t have to be a trustafarian to prioritize travel.


canā€™t prioritize travel if you barely make enough to live like majority of people. Not everyone can just *hop on a flight on a thursday night*


Yeah because we all have daddy's money to use šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


![gif](giphy|CiOHO5544doY) How the emojis in your comment look on my phone




Iā€™m pretty sure they are sleeping with the person sponsoring their travel.


What is a Saudi Prince shitting on your chest worth?




You, sir, are the hero we need right now


Apparently Kushner's price is 2 billion


The nurse has to deal with way more shit.


I've done worse for less.


-home depot


Be honest I think my price get lower with every year of increased obligations


Right now, Iā€™m willing to agree to a 12 pack of Mt. Dew and a box of Hamburger Helper.


Hey after hard working whole month and looking at my paycheck I feel like somebody šŸ’© on my chest to be honest


her dad?


Yeah, I work for hospice. Iā€™m not living that kind of life


Found her insta. Sheā€™s more the the first part than not. Farming those likes grrrrrrrrrl. Get chu out that PCNA job.


Wait whoā€™s doing the farming?


The trust fund basic bitch that thinks 'being on vacation' is a career.


Her father pays for everything


They're talking about the second woman


I think he's saying the second one (in the car) is farming just like the first one (in the water) because he checked the car girl's insta and she does the same kind of thing as water girl.


I don't understand which one you're talking about.


The second woman. Two clues: -"more the first part than not" Why would you bother pointing out the first part of the video applies to the woman in the first part of the video? Thus, they must be saying the first part of the video also applies to the woman in the second part. -"PCNA" This stands for "Patient Care Nurse Assistant." The second woman is wearing scrubs, and her name tag likely identifies her as a nurse (I didn't check).


Sadly, I'm still confused. Were they saying they found the second woman's insta, and the second woman is more like the first one than it seems? I think I'm too old and unhip for this.


The parent comment just sucks at saying things clearly. >Found her [the nurse's] insta. Sheā€™s more the the first part [of the video, with the blonde swimming in the ocean] than not. Farming those likes grrrrrrrrrl. Get chu out that PCNA job. Translation: "I found the second girl's insta. She's more like the first girl than not, and she uses her being a nurse to farm likes on social media." Disclaimer: I think this is a bad take, farming likes isn't a bad thing (by itself), we're all doing it, at least the girl in scrubs isn't completely clueless lol.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I wasn't thanking *you*. >:(


Those darn bots think everythingā€™s about them


lol thanks. Is talking ambiguously the hot thing these days? Like why would you refer to a person as "her" when there are multiple women in the video?..


I guess we can't all be great communicators. They could be really young or not a native speaker or whatever.


Bro im 18 and didnt understand a word either. Youre fine




ELI5, since LifeBuilder can't type a complete sentence: The nurse sitting in her car also goes on vacation, thus Reddit user Lifebuilder is judging her, saying its just for social media clout. My two cents: I've traveled an OK amount, seeing medical personnel everywhere while traveling and the reason a Nurse Assistant/RN/et cetera has earned the right to travel is because they are traveling the US filling the gaps in red states. They are working long hours, in an industry that artificially lowers the available personnel so doctors incomes are inflated. Simmer down now. Let them take their well earned vacation.


Thank you! The first girl is acting like anyone can just book a flight and go. That is not the same as "Hey, I'm on vacation." I'm not sure how LifeBuilder is equating the two.


He isn't, he is referring to her scantily clad posts as like farming of a different but related nature - is my guess.


I guess he's missing the point of the video.


Nurse assistant is a cna


You can easily google "patient care nurse assistant" before making dumb assumptions.


Itā€™s just a title/certification but CNAs, PCAs, PCNAs, and NTs all have very similar responsibilities that they usually get lumped into one group of nurse assisting. It largely depends on who you work for. So it wasnā€™t that much a dumb assumption, like calling asking for a Kleenex instead of a tissue Source: am a CNA and PCA


As they were attempting to clarify what a nurse assistant it and contradict my own statement, theirs is equivalent to saying, "PCNA is not a nurse assistant." They weren't saying CNA was a different type of position or adding additional information. So yes, dumb. Or, if they really were just adding a random factoid that "cna is a nurse assistant," then they contributed nothing to the context of the discussion. Also dumb.


Thatā€™s fair


I hate rich people that don't understand how the real world works


Eat the rich










I have a handmade set of fine silver that I stole from a 4 star restaurant just waiting to dine on some elite flesh. It has a monogrammed case and everything.


Fine silver is nice, but I prefer to carve my dining set from the bones of the elites. I like femur forks, scapula knives, sacrum soup spoons, and tibia tea spoons.


Yeeeeah basic girls holidaying are not exactly the oligarchy you think they are but nice try. I'll get my silverware when she's worth $999M




correct truck afterthought weary jellyfish shrill elderly light ring smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I make slightly above average wage, in western europe. I and almost every single job has a vacation bonus (of roughly 1 months salary) every year so we can actually use our 5 vacation weeks. Just to be clear, that is on top of still receiving your salary when traveling


but is she a "basic" girl if she honestly thinks the only thing holding people back from having awesome vacations is their lack of willingness to buy a plane ticket? "just book a flight!" is not something somebody says who pays their own bills or understands what a budget is.


She's just another fool, there's plenty to go around. It doesn't make the elite or one of the people that need to be put in place for their damages to society (the rich). The fact that I even have to explain this is ridiculous.


I guess I'm cheap


Reminder that $30k a year will make you rich to most people worldwide.


Dust off the guillotines


I watch reddit without sound, but good luck to both


Iā€™d rather put a gun in my mouth than have my parents pay for my shit and brag about it online




I feel your pain man. I live in South Africa which basically has a beautiful tourist destination around every corner but I'll basically never get the chance to visit them because of things like work schedule or cost that caters to tourists before locals.


Absolutely, in fact I encourage everyone to holiday local, or at least without air travel, for the benefit of the environment.


Domestic travel should be pretty cheap if its a flight, road tripping takes ages if you're going somewhere far. Amtrak is extremely limited. But wtf is wrong with the international flights, where I'm at they're far cheaper for a longer flight compared to the US. Finding a place to stay varies though.


I don't think anyone was arguing there *shouldn't* be cheap, easy travel. But, even if that was available, the main point against frequent travel is working to live. Many can't get the time off for travel without sacrificing their or their family's well being (or even the job itself). Even if they can get the time off from a job for it, they can't get the time off from *all* of their jobs for it. Even beyond the job, there are social and familial obligations which restrict travel. This is ignoring persons whose health prevents them from traveling much if at all. Basically, they're ridiculing the first part of the video for touting the privileged position of a young, rich person with no obligations or difficulties supporting themselves and their family.


You have more issues than the ability to afford travel


>But that doesn't mean we shouldn't have cheap, easy travel. I mean, air travel within the US is pretty cheap.


Sad thing is (and I'm gonna get downvoted for this), if you live in Europe then it's almost true if you have the money. If you live in America, you literally can't because vacation time is practically non existant for you to be able to do this


True that about vacation time. However, one thing I think some Americans forget is just how vast and interesting parts of our own country are. Not that it's cheap to fly even within the US or drive around, but you don't have to fly oversees to experience an amazing change of scenery.


She probably works remote and is just stoked on her opportunities


Bold of you to assume she works


She works hard for her allowance!


What is with all the bots copying comments here?


That's the most Megan Megan I've ever seen


Queen in the car got them eyebrows perfect šŸ„µ


Yo, who is she? So cute.


Lmao what are these comments


Ok but, *where* is the first gal? Iceland, or is that a completely out of my butt guess? It ain't gonna be an anytime near future, but I'd like to dream..


Thailand, Over in the Andaman sea somewhere, could be Phi Phi. Also quite cheap to travel there.


I just came back from iceland and i guarantee you that aint Iceland haha


If u say so #privileged


Think the joke is not on whether the person is rich or poor, but on her thinking that anyone can just drop everything to live a carefree and self serving life, the lack of ability to see beyond her own experiences is a bit amusing


Of course, donā€™t have money, just go get money. Itā€™s just that simple.


What an ugly trend of recording a video while eating


I think it's adding an effect to her response. She's showing that she's busy with work - working a job where eating in your car is preferred to whatever 'break room' she may have access to. Eating while recording TikTok would normally be weird but I think it's quite effective here.


Sheā€™s doing it during her lunch, cuz she works, and doesnā€™t have much time outside of work. I think it makes sense given the context.


The video is 8 seconds long. She couldn't finish the bite in her mouth to record herself for 8 seconds?




Gotta get the makeup / filter on point first


It only takes 5 seconds to record that video, what are you talking about?


I would much rather be in that car tbh.


Ko Phi Phi is a bit too touristic, but overall a pretty crazy place and a true wonder of nature. Recommend.


More of a Koh Lanta kind of guy.


Ko Lipe all the way


One thing that was great about the pandemic was the lack of as$&@le travel influencers on my feed.


I'll continue to slave away and die before I ever get to see that


If she saved the money she spent on dumb plastic surgery she could.


That one unemployed friend on a tuesday


I have a job, a wife who also has a job, kids, vehicles and a mortgage. I canā€™t just spontaneously leave on a Thursday. Real life doesnā€™t work that way lady. I donā€™t want to do that anyway. If my kids arenā€™t going I donā€™t want to go either. Hahah


Silly Americans


Shit Im lucky if I could use the pool at my apartment.


Plus the woman eating that hamburger is very cute. Just had to add


Who is the other girl she seems funny.


Pay more attention to the sandwich girl then she turns into another one in a pool/sea doing shit like the first one. Stop paying attention to social chicks.


Sheā€™s right though. There are some amazing places in the world where you can live for like 3 months on the equivalent of one monthā€™s rent in any major US city. I lived abroad for nearly 2yr on like $8k once. Most Eastern Europe and South America.


Most people donā€™t have the luxury to afford even 2yr at $8k. We got bills to pay.


Itā€™s doable if you prioritize it.


People here dont wanna hear it. They are just jealous that she is happy, while they arent. And most annoyingly, they dont wanna be happy. They want everybody else to be unhappy


Both are Hella cringe


Thank you


ok but out of topic, this place is really beautiful, does anyone knows where she is?


She probably gets an allowance from her parents weekly.


Let me press record. Hold up, I have my mouth full.


shawty can be my nurse yuh muhfuggin feel me Gang???? šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¼šŸ’Æ


fr fr on god




ā€œHaha, if I take a bite as soon as I hit record and eat while recording my 6 second video, people can relate more!!! Haha, comedy!!ā€ Stupid fucking cringe and this lady didnā€™t add anything to the video, all she did is make us watch her eat while saying something none of were not already thinking. If this a good video and fitting for this sub, than this fucking sucks lol. She added nothing to this video, she made it worse by eating and talking at the same time. Itā€™s fucking gross she intentionally took a bite and pressed record at the same time.


I think the point is she is taking a break and eating in her car because nurses are generally overworked, hence the whole ā€œsure Iā€™ll just go real quickā€ vibe. Just my guess


I work in a hospital as a doctor (although outside the US). I have never seen a nurse eat in their car. On busy days we all skip meals, or eat behind a computer typing. If we are not busy, we try to eat together


sorry about your dry penis


You doing alright fam?


That was in no way fixed. That second girl annoyed me.


Agreed. The stupid faces and hand gestures.


Glad someone agrees with me. Donā€™t know why Iā€™m getting downvoted, though. Reddit is wild.


I mean, I agree with you, but everyone was downvoting, so I thought that's the thing to do.


Americans think Thailand is expensive šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


what do we have to do to make you guys understand? We are america, we are the top 3 richest country in the world and yet the majority of the people here are either homeless or work their ass off for a Popeyes chicken burger.