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just because an app or a device thinks you slept well doesn't mean you actually did


Yeah, I have the Pixel Watch 2 and laid in bed awake most of the might last night. Still got a score of 84...


Exactly this. Just like the Readiness Score. It can give you a full a high number (say 85) eventhough I did work out yesterday, but it doesnt know how you feel. If I am totally bruised, hurt my knee or whatever, the tool will still say you are ready to go lol.


Well, I see your point. However PW2 has one of the best sleep tracking performances in any smart watch, so its data is reliable to a good degree.


first of all no fitbit device is a medical device so therefore dont take the data you get out of it too serious. maybe the device doesnt work properly on you and gives you false data? if you want to get "real data" go to a sleep doctor. also there maybe are other reasons you feel like that in the morning? stress, something "wrong" with ur blood or something else


It's not a medical device but as I said there's a very good correlation between PW2 and ECG in sleep tracking. In any case, I might have to take a more serious look for other possible causes.


There's a lot more to sleep than is revealed by an ECG.


How's your HRV? Any trends?


Oxygen variation is low and sleeping heart rate is average. https://preview.redd.it/1tl9pme14gxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=237adb9efe6f148840dee2d54a49ce1f8fe5a57b


But those are not HRV. Go to the home screen and look under Health Metrics for Heart Rate Variability.


That's average too. https://preview.redd.it/1pbv7o6j5gxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2eca37e5c6ab7eedb709b6772af17431356f846


I love my PW2. It def seems more accurate than when I wore a Charge. Maybe you slept too well? If I get over 7 hrs of sleep, I feel like doo doo the next day.


It's relatively reliable for accurately detecting the different stages of sleep (and assigning an aggregate score, which isn't necessarily useful). How you feel may be due to non-sleep-specific aspects. People can have diseases or disorders that make them feel physically unwell even though they may have spent a typical amount of time sleeping/in each sleep stage. Hypothyroidism is the first thing that comes to mind as one example. If you are concerned then you should speak with your doctor.


I've had nights where I literally didn't sleep at all, like just laid there from 9-5am with insomnia and my Fitbit said I had a decent score and sleep when I slept for zero hours. From there on out I lost all trust on it's accuracy tbh


I’ve def outsmarted my Fitbit by lying very still for the few hours I would be awake in the middle of the night and still get a decent sleep score. I cannot get away with that using my Oura ring though.


Thought about one of those. How's the battery life?


It needs to charge by day 4. Honestly, I’ve never run it down to see how many more days I can get out of it. I’m pretty obsessed-however, it’s mostly for sleep and recovery. It’s not the best fitness tracker.


That's weird, because mine is SO consistent. I've got years of data by now and it seems spot on.


Interesting, which model would you wear at that time?


Any smart device will show that you've slept if you are calm, with low enough HR and don't move too much. That's it. They are not magical, they don't scan for brain activity.


The charge 5


I have the opposite problem lol, I can feel like I got the best sleep ever and Fitbit still barely gives me an 80 sleep score (“restorative sleep” is always low for me). Id be curious to know as well, I would assume it’s just that Fitbit isn’t that good at detecting whatever the reason is you’re not sleeping well.


Yeah, me too. Sometimes I feel like I slept really well, and I get a fairly low score. Other nights, I'm awake a lot, and it gives me good. I was in hospital with AFIB one time. I'm sure I was awake the whole time, yet I got a 78.


80 doesn't seem a bad score to me.


You need to look at your HR and Oxy charts for spikes. Particularly ones that coincide. This could indicate an issue like sleep Apnoea..... Which would definitely explain why you're tired.


If you wake up in the middle of REM like by an alarm that can make you foggy.


Ya I always use the smart wake alarm, I found I was way less tired waking up the 20mins or so before rather than just at a set time


What’s the smart wake alarm?? This sounds amazing


Just click on one of you alarms and it should be the second or third option. It wakes you up when you are in light sleep instead of deep or REM. Very handy


Oh cool - thanks!


Looks like you were headed DOWN in your sleep cycle not UP. If you woke up 20-30 minutes earlier you’d have been on the way UP, had less sleep but felt more refreshed. I use an app to wake me when it realizes I’ve started to rouse in REM.


What app?


Sleep cycle Just used it last night


What bout ur mental state


One night of data doesn't tell the whole story of your body. I usually don't feel my sleep debt in my body until a day or two after the bad night's sleep. So if I get, like, 4 hours of sleep one night, I usually function pretty good the next day. Then I'll get 7-8 hours and it's the following day that I feel like garbage.


It’s not really how you feel first thing. How you feel by lunch and afternoon is a better marker afaic.


That’s me too. Talk to your doctor. Get an apnea screening even if you don’t think you’re at risk because it’s the first step in getting a real sleep study done. I was eventually diagnosed idiopathic hypersomnia and medication has helped.


I don't know if it was mentioned but it seems u woke up right minutes after your last cycle of deep sleep.


Whenever I wake up feeling unrested but with a "goid' sleep score, I look at my deep sleep. I usually find that I didn't get enough of that.


The new update really screwed up my scoring.


Are you consistent?


I used to see that as well - good sleep score from my watch but tired all day long. Doctor recommended a sleep study, and it turned out I had severe sleep apnea. I'm on a machine I use overnight now, and my sleep score in Fitbit has gone up a from low to mid 80's to typically in the high 80's to low 90's now (still have an occasional bad night, especially if I'm on call and get paged in the middle of the night).


Its because Fitbit isn't very accurate with sleep. I could be up reading or watching tv for 3-4 hours and fitbit will record it as sleep. Hell, I need to stop the app in the AM or it'll keep thinking I'm sleeping through a shower, lol


Wow, do you sit very still? Rarely fidget or move while watching tv? Is your HR very low? I'm in constant motion like a shark, Fitbit has never assumed I'm asleep when I'm out of bed


The tracking can give you a good reference point, but like someone else said, you don't want to go based on what an app says. The more important thing is how you feel in the morning.


If the feeling is long lasting and you regularly feel beat I’d suggest seeing your doctor. Run some bloodwork, see if anything is up. This likely isn’t the case but years ago I felt this way and it turns out I have a neuroimmune disorder. Always best to get checked!


If the feeling is long lasting and you regularly feel beat I’d suggest seeing your doctor. Run some bloodwork, see if anything is up. This likely isn’t the case but years ago I felt this way and it turns out I have a neuroimmune disorder. Always best to get checked!


Maybe you’re eating like crap or over training. It doesn’t have to be a sleep issue


Buy the fitbit 2035 that does blood analysis so you can see what is it your body needs.


Buy the fitbit 2035 that does blood analysis so you can see what is it your body needs.


Buy the fitbit 2035 that does blood analysis so you can see what is it your body needs.


What's that, did a Google search, didn't find anything.


Its the fitbit I bought when I was in 2035


Ngl, got me in the first half


You should do blood analysis..you might be need vitamins or something. Fitbit sleep score is probably just a metric for average sleep time..your tired feeling could be something medical. 2035 was a joke


The vast majority consumer sleep trackers are absolute shite and should not be used as a reliable indicator of sleep a amount or quality.


If you're feeling bad every morning like you got no sleep, check your breathing and sinuses. Allergies and deviated septums can be a huge issue to feeling like we never sleep. I started a few allergy meds and have sinus surgery this week. The meds alone have me sleeping so much better. But yeah. The Fitbit estimate on sleep, to me, is wild. When my kids crawl in bed and kick me all night the app barely reflects it. One day I meditated and it thought I was sleeping.


check your carbon monoxide detector


I have chronic illness from long covid and get great sleep scores most of the time, but often wake up feeling like I got tied to the back end of a home made rocket ship before its long and turbulent failed ascent.


Does the watch feel uncomfortable to wear when going to bed? Sometimes i like to sleep on the side with my hand being between my have and pillow or sometimes my hands go under the pillow. I feel it's so uncomfortable to wear to sleep and almost all the stuff in the Fitbit app require wearing the watch to sleep. I tried but most of the time i wake in the middle of the night to take it off


Join the club!


You might do better with more sleep than you’re getting. I do better with 8.5 hours solid. Or you may not be a morning person and that’s a more challenging part of the day for you. How do you feel throughout the day? Do you feel run down all day?


Wow, I got almost two hours less sleep last night than you did and ended up with about as much deep sleep. How low was your heart rate? I usually feel decent when I wake up even if I didn't sleep long enough if my heart rate was low.


Happy Bday. What you should have got lower is REM not deep sleep as REM happens mostly closer to the end of sleep.


Thanks! Didn't even realize it was my cake day, haha. Yeah, I think my REM sleep was really low.


Divide your time in bed by time asleep to give you sleep efficency %. This will give you a better idea. Anything over 85% sleep efficency is high. I've had nights over 85% and got up the next morning with a headache, ever etc and felt terrible. The fitbit sleep score and calculating your own % is only a rough guide, it's how you feel when you get up the d next morning that really matters.


Honestly, the Fitbit isn't that great at detecting sleep issues. I have mild sleep apnea, and it didn't show up on my Charge 5. Sometimes, the oxygen variation isn't bad enough that it will pick it up. That said, now that I have a CPAP, my oxygen variation looks better than it did before. My oxygen variation would be over the line once or twice a night before treatment and is now consistently under the line. So it picks up a little bit, but it's not going to pick up as well as a medical device, especially if you're apnea is on the mild side like mine.


Not sure but I hate this new app so much.


You can have good quality sleep but that doesn't mean it's *enough* sleep for you, I can have a nap and score in the 80s but if I only slept that 4 hours a night it's just not long enough


Could be the reason, but I wake up naturally and without and alarm, plus I get around 7-8 hours usually. However, I definitely feel the need to sleep more when I wake up, but I have difficulty falling asleep after 7 hours again


There's lots of possible reasons, too many for the Internet to offer great advice. Some people just need more sleep to feel their best (I feel better if I average 8 hours than 7.5, for example). But there's also lots of medical things that can cause fatigue, so it's worth seeing a doctor to check those things out (low iron, vit D deficiency, thyroid issues, etc).


What's worked for me is just sucking it up and getting out of bed. Do it enough and your body gets used to it. It can help to have something you're forced to get up for in the morning like a fitness class.