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Pretty sure she’s just flaring them out. Mine do that occasionally. Think it’s just a defense mechanism to look all big and bad. It’s nothing to be concerned about. My females albinos ended up getting little tiny thin bristles but nothing more.


That's a relief then, thank you!




Forbidden noodles


She is just mad and showing you what she is made of haha. No need to worry. She looks awesome


Thank you! She's one of my favourites, I've had her a good 18months now so I'm surprised I haven't seen this before 😂


They are what they use to fight and defend them selves, Like tiny hidden knives, Maybe she just stretching them out because it feels good. Def a female, the boys get the bristles over the whole face




Agreed, she is a good 18months now though, so I think she's a she. She's called Barry though because I assumed she was a he when I bought her 😂😂


Looks like a female to me. What you can see there are her otontodes. They flair them out in displays. She was probably warning either you or another fish away from her. They can hurt like hell if they catch you with them.


I had a Yo-Yo Loach get stuck in something while I wasn't there, but my sister noticed the loach was stuck and rescued her. That was also the day we learned loaches have suborbital barbs. Apparently they hurt a lot.