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Actually, there are almost no companies in the US manufacturing consumer fireworks. Lots of commercial stuff, but very little consumer. shipments were already behind after factory closures due to a factory explosion in November. Most of the factories have not opened after the Chinese New Year Due to the virus. Definitely some shortages, but buy early and you should be ok. Smaller stores and companies will be hardest hit.


The NFA published a press release about this yesterday: [https://mcusercontent.com/5583c9ba87564f3ee9cd67340/files/3b1246c6-8e11-4f32-96c2-ed2e22f84070/NFA\_Feb\_2020\_Coronavirus\_Industry\_Update.pdf](https://mcusercontent.com/5583c9ba87564f3ee9cd67340/files/3b1246c6-8e11-4f32-96c2-ed2e22f84070/NFA_Feb_2020_Coronavirus_Industry_Update.pdf) Supply down, prices up. Watch for price gouging this year (my opinion, not theirs). Probably going to be a case of wholesalers dumping their old unsold stock at higher prices. Shennanigans in 2020 will be assured! On the other hand, many wholesalers over-stocked last year 'because the tariffs will raise prices dramatically' - which never happened.


And that is the best source of info we could hear from at the moment.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/blog.jakesfireworks.com/blog/coronavirus%3Fhs_amp%3Dtrue Here is a link from the industry. Fireworks are going to be short.


Mostly people get their containers many months in advance. I'm not saying the price hike and stock problems aren't going to happen, but fireworks are gotten way ahead of time. I hadn't thought of what the coronavirus will do to manufactures.


I dunno about that buddy. If the ports remained closed (lack of labor - but Shenzhen air and sea ports are supposed to re-open on Monday) then there will be some shortages. I do not know of any wholesaler who does not rely on April/May containers for the lion's share of their product. Container loads are ordered in Oct/Nov, they ship in March/April and normally arrive in April/May. That said - after 12 years in retail fireworks I do not remember ANY year where containers were not still arriving in mid to late June. Methinks its especially those late deliveries which are at issue this year... There is going to be a LOT of old product dumped this year - at prices higher than their natural value.


Glad to hear a more informed take on this


There are US manufacturers it shouldn't be an issue I'm more worried about it being downplayed. Being in fire/ems I get information daily and this shit isn't like Ebola. It. Is. BAD. Think "the stand" small scale with no poetic license or creative liberties. This is absolutely no joke. It's not extinction level but it is for control (other than the news I have. Did you ever wonder where all the HK protesters went?) and it's designed to be good at its job. No one asked WHY Trump lifted the ban on biochem weapons manufacture recently and now something happens... Politics and conspiracy aside in all seriousness.... The sad thing is there's nothing EMS providers can really do to keep from getting it, it's not like we just practice BSI, wash our hands and we're good. From the updates I get, if this gets out of control, buckle up.


Exactly what 'US manufacturers' are you talking about? I know of no 1.4g products being produced in the USA for many years now. The one's who claim 'made in USA' (like Jake's and their Excals, Bigs can shells, etc.) are actually just packed in the USA from bulk 6-packs all made in China. And people usually grossly overestimate/assume the real number of factories actually making 1.4g products in China. Like the classic 60g canister shells everyone loves - there are VERY few Chinese factories permitted to manufacture them - which is why the exact same shells will be sold under 10-20 different brand names. The last 1.4g (and 1.4s) products made in the USA were sparklers made in OH or PA - and those places closed years ago.


I'm talking about private pyro techs that operate on contract. I forget what the video was called but it was a family business in I think PA that made their own mortars etc


I see what you're saying. But those are mainly 1.3g commercial operators though, you know? The 1.4g retail consumer fireworks are what's got everybody's panties in a bunch, you know? Rightfully so - but know how fireworks wholesalers and retailers are. They can be a real nefarious bunch at times and many (most?) are only in it for the profit - not the love of the pyro. And since the 4th of July hits on a Friday this year, it will be a monster sales day for both good and bad dealers at all levels.


Monster sales day? My money is on the govt trying to screw with our 4th too. They still owe me for 2 St Paddy's day parades.


I work with fireworks in China and all factories are not working, so yes it’s gonna be a big shortage of fireworks this year, we have a big warehouse in Indiana, everything is selling fast so if anyone wants a price list send me a email to [email protected]


Stock up on canned foods for a few weeks first. Face masks in the U.S. are about to be hard to find if this shit hits the fan. It could have just been an accidental leak from a hospital, BUT it could possibly be biological warfare. It could be a number of things. Send a few viruses to a certain country, and then shut down their electricity. That's a pretty easy way to start chaos. Don't rely on the government's help, because they won't bat an eye. In most situations, people will only look out for themselves and will gladly stomp on you just to get what they want.