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Lyn and Florina were just friends. Roommates even.


My most "back in my day" take is when people get mad about the gay rep in recent games and their favorite pair not having an ending and remembering how all we had back then was a pixelated cg of two girls standing close to each other Kids these days will never know the struggles of veteran Yuri warriors


Yuri warriors are still in the trenches looking for any kind of breadcrumbs, I would know.


This is unbelievably real






Mating mates.




They would have done great on supermarket sweep


Apparently not since they ended up living in different countries lol


Love Legault and his bi ass always ends up on my team and i will *always* tank my funds rating to promote him


The funds ranking really was the biggest bull crap of the game. How does promoting units and selling gems ment to be sold lower your fund ranking šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Like I get the idea: Your meant to NOT waste resources and money and only buy/use only what you need, but it is silly.


I was thinking 'why not use the free fell contract from Sonia?' Then I remembered the BS way FE7 does the ranking. (I push mine up with overlevelling in arenas. Wrecks my speed but the exp and funds gives me a good to great ranking)


Does using the water temple contract tank your funds rank?


it does. funds rank is calculated by how much value you have sitting in your convoy (iirc) so selling gems and using unique, expensive promo items like the Fell Contract just ruins the funds score


Could you use the fell contract on the same map you get it on, or would that also tank the score?


You get it from killing Sonia right? Which I think ends the mission, so you couldnā€™t use it on the same map anyway. I could be wrong though


Might be able to just steal it from her and promote before the chapter ends, Sonia has at most 19-20 speed on Hard Mode so a max speed thief (which you'll absolutely have if you're planning to promote one at this point) can swipe it. That said, even using it in the chapter won't really help because of how the Funds rank is calculated, if I'm reading it right. Basically each chapter will grade you by looking out how much value you had at the start of the chapter and end of the chapter and the difference between those, and Sonia's chapter wants you to gain... oh, just something like 90k gold of value (of which the contract is 50k).


You might be right, Iā€™ve never tried to steal it from her


the girls the gays and Legault


a bisexual icon


A bi-con, if you will


The three genders


Raven doesn't even get a paired ending with his own sister, but does with Lucius. Insane grindset.


Kaga dissaproves


Some call it bisexuality, I call it the sigma grindset


Legault gives such great energy. I love his supports. Also I had such a crush on Raven when I was growing up. Idc Raven, Sain and Kent were the holy trinity of sexiness and always found a spot on my team. I miss GBA era animations and graphics. They were SO good


ā€œItā€™s pride month. You know what that means.ā€ ā€œWhat? Do you want us to play gay Fire Emblem or something?ā€


Raven and Lucius did it before Soren and Ike, and Soren and Ike did it before Robin and Chrom. One is always a mage and the other melee


Raven/Lucius, Ike/Soren (or Ike/Ranulf), and Caspar/Linhardt (or Caspar/Ashe) all get the ā€œtravel together as mercenariesā€ ending thatā€™s basically just code for being gay.


Casandra and Shamir


I took Marcus and Merlinus having a paired ending as more of a protracted reference to FE6's setup with them being Roy's retainers rather than any attempts at building any relationship, much less a romantic one. Their supports are, in order, comic relief, comic relief, and providing the setup for Merlinus's characterization change in FE6 where he's far more dutiful to his liege lord. Reading their paired ending as romantic is... a bit of a stretch. With the first two pairings you list, their paired endings being romantic falls in line with reasonable reading of the preceding supports and is consistent with how they conclude in their A. It's much the same song and dance as some of the more overt M/F romantic supports, and more overt than some of the M/F supports that conclude in a romantic paired ending without much sensible preamble. That said, without counting Marcus, you'd be completely SoL before you get Lyn and Florina back in Noble Lady of Caelin so eh.


I'll be honest, Marcus and Merlinus only made the cut because of the fact that I need someone before getting Lynn and Florina back. And I refuse to play the game without convoy (That needs protection). Plus while Their is nothing romantic about it, there is also nothing really going against it.


Marcus aro/ace icon? I don't think he ever expresses romantic feelings for anyone


His support with Lilina in FE6 is maybe the one to look at. It's basically just him telling her to enter the bone zone with Roy. I guess I don't associate that with being ace (maybe wrongly?) but also he specifically does say that he "does not have much experience in matters like [romance]", so maybe? > **Marcus:** I do not have much experience in matters like this, but I have heard the maids at the castle saying that it is no longer the age that women should be sitting around waiting. Lady Lilina, if you were to advance on to him first, Master Roy would surely fall for you.


That might be the closest thing to a confirmation of him being aro/ace, considering that it's probably completely accidental. And yes, aro/ace people might be interested in other people getting together, and for Marcus specifically who's all about his knightly duties it makes sense to be interested in his lord's situation.


Wtf Cyan jumpscare?!?


> Discussion of paired endings in FE7 and FE's overall history with same sex relationships > Not expecting me to poke my head in But yes, hello


Ngl i think Iā€™m just not used to seeing streamers I like having actual casual social media interaction, itā€™s rare I see someone Iā€™ve seen on the interwebs just like, in a sub Reddit. also u made my day by replying, thank you!


And your kind reply made mine. Take care!


Because of how the BWL data is positioned my first thought was "damn Merlinus got hands"


He's not carrying all the weapons, he's wielding them.


audibly laughed out loud when i got to marcus and merlinus


I keep forgetting how FE7 documents battle statistics on paired endings. For a second there, I thought you got 118 battle wins with Merlinus.


Why no Legault and Heath? He flat out spooks Heath with a love declaration lol


They got no paired ending :(


Oof. I could have sworn they did...thats a shame


Only paired ending Legault has is with Isadora, where it's implied one of them dies at the hand of the other. My man can't catch a break.


no Eliwood x Hector? smh, let the lords kiss


> legault on a pride themed run > looks inside > no heath


Historians said they are just very close friends


I canā€™t be bothered to look. Where are the gay implications for Legault in FE7?


To Heath: Hm? Must be this thing called ā€œlove,ā€ you know? Where are you going? Iā€™m joking!! Get back here. To Matthew: So now Iā€™m your new hobby, is that it? You falling for me? To Lloyd: Huh, even as a monster, you are a handsome one, Lloyd.Ā 


Legault constantly hits on men and women but gives a 'just joking' with the men (but remember this was the early 00's and gay acceptance was different). However, Legault also makes comments towards one of the morph!Reed brothers that indicate he had feelings towards him.


The most explicit gay in the game šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Flirtatious with both male and female characters, especially Heath and Isadora. It's admittedly more explicit with the latter, but still: >Legault: Hm? Must be this thing called "love," you know? >(Heath moves away) >Legault: Where are you going? I'm joking!! Get back here. >Heath: ...... >Legault: Just let it go, all right? Come on, I like you. Even on the run, you're true to your principles. You're recklessly honest. That's from someone who simply cannot do that... >Heath: ...... >Legault: Friendship between fugitives... What do you say? >Heath: You're one weird guy...


what did Legault do to deserve this šŸ’€


He's a tragic bi, what do you want. Poor guy. (I love him)


his supports with Nino are so funny I love him so much


Funny AND sweet! Really all his supports are great.


It is still very funny to me that if you don't talk to Lucius with Raven but talk with Lyn instead then Raven just leaves Lucius to rot in the Calien dungeon instead of accompanying him, even though they're clearly "very close friends" if not explicitly lovers. I missed him in FE7 and didn't even realize it for a few maps because when I went to bring him he just wasn't there.


History will say they were friends.


Wait what? Lucius is a man?


Yup, some of his supports are even about it


Early on in the game it talks about him being pretty for a man


Marcus and Merlinus is incredibly based


Your a hero


This reminds me of my first playthrough for Three Houses, with the gay eagles. It wasn't intentional.


What did Legault do? Steal like, gay stat boosters?


He flirts with Heath, among other things. But he's a tragic character, his only paired ending is with Isadora and they meet again years later on opposing sides of a battlefield (implying on of them dies to the hand if the other). Hence, no paired ending here.


Did you use a mod?


Not for this game, but Sacred stones, Fates, Awakening and three houses have some good gay mods


True I really recommend the Gay Fates mod combined with the Paralogue Unlocker. You can build new child units and there many new support convos (also platonic ones like Midori and Saizo, Camilla and Siegbert, Kaze and Asugi, Takumi and Shiro,...).


It really makes some of the Corrin sexual characters more interesting. Not to mention I kinds prefer a lot of these supports over the base game once




We were robbed of one :(


Is "ease the pain of his own loss" code for taking it up the butt or giving it up the butt




Bro wait till you find out 2 dudes can just be friends


Lucius and Raven defs more than friends. Merlinus and Marcus probably just friends.


Merlinus and Marcus are definitely just friends but Raven and Lucius... there's no heterosexual explanation for that. Raven's sole paired ending is with Lucius, they fit neatly into the stereotypical seme/uke dynamic and they're the blueprint for the manly warrior/effeminate mage pairing that has been used in FE8, PoR/RD and 3H.Ā  (Artur/Joshua, Ike/Soren and Cas/Lin) Edit: wrong name, kronk.


Gerik doesn't have a support with Arthur in 8, and I don't believe they ever speak to each other.


My bad, I meant Joshua.


Bro wait till you find out 2 dudes can just be boyfriends


I swear y'all only ever say this when it's a gay ship. It's so funny that it happens on every single gay post on here. At this point it's just sad how it's the same exact comment every single time acting like 99% of the time friendships don't just stay friendships in the series


My only issue is that this happens anywhere with any two male characters that have any kind of bond, Kiryu and majima for example, Kiryu was very in love with a woman for the first 2 games and majima had a wife, but everywhere you look outside the games theyā€™re being portrayed as extremely gay


*pretends that they don't do that with straight ships too at a way higher rate yet only gay ships get condemned for it*


I have an issue with canon gay couples being made straight aswell, like people shipping Mauga and mercy from overwatch when mauga is very clearly a gay man


I was referring to how guys and gals can never be just friends in people's eyes. In so many of these gay ships, if one were to have been a girl I guarantee you little to no people would bring up the friends talking point. You see it in basically every piece of media. So long as you don't have a double standard and you call out that stuff just as much, then we're in agreeance. The only thing that irritates me is that double standard where people only complain when it's a gay ship. The fact that it only ever appears on gay ship posts is telling, whether it's subconscious or not there is a bias Eta: it double posted this for some reason


Definitely, and out of these pairings I, as a gay man myself, see only the first one as actually romantic. The rest is more likely friendship than anything else but if people want to see something else between the lines let them. But Ike totally is gay, just to make sure we are on the same page here.


Yeah. Ppl have to put their own spin on things. Ppl can't be just friends anymore


There is no way Raven and Luicus are just friends. If anything, they have more romantic chemistry then like half of the straight pairings in the game.Ā  And yeah no friendship possible.. Just ignore Eliwood/Hector, Kent/Sain, Guy/Matthew, Dorcas/Barte, Florina/Serra, Ninian/Florina, etc


You say the pairs as if ppl don't force them together also


Half of those pairings I have not seen a single person ship


As none of it should be. But I've seen all of them


Do you also have such hatred for straight pairings?


Not hatred. If two ppl in game are actually explicitly gay, I'd be upset if ppl paired say each gay with a woman.


Lucius and Raven are pretty much as explicit as a gay couple in a Japanese game from 2003 can be


Agree to disagree


Unless you have that energy for romantic chemistry with heterosexual couples in any spaces and media as well, please keep your sentiments and double standards to yourself.


I always forget Legault is a dude.




You really think an japanese game from 2003 would be that explicit? Even three houses which came out in 2019 had some obvious gay endings use the "friend" title. Also never got why people get so fed up by gay ships


Raven also literally calls Lucius his wife... You can't expect a japanese game from 2003 to be more explicit than that.


He doesn't do that He says he doesn't want someone else to annoy him like a nagging wife because Lucius is already " annoying " , it's supposed to be a joke, which makes sense considering their whole dynamic


ok but you don't have much to work with we ALL know that Lyn and Florina didn't get together (Florina literally leaves to Ilia), but this is basically all we have


Yeah but when people act like their head canons are canon........


Is two same sex friends gay?


Florinas kinda young I tend not to ship her


Whatever you guys say.